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Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the words at the end of the lines

1. This coffee is too _____ to drink. (HEAT)
2. I really don’t think he has the _____ to do this job. (ABLE)
3. The professor explained his ideas with great _____. (CLEAR)
4. Do you know what the _____ of the river is? (DEEP)
5. He is a very _____ carpenter. (SKILL)
6. He used all his _____ to force the door open. (STRONG)
7. He was too _____ to tell his teacher about the stupid mistake. (SHAME)
8. The police are interested in the sudden _____ of the valuable painting. (APPEAR)
9. I believe you because I know you are _____. (TRUTH)
10. I feel so _____ that I’m going to bed. (SLEEP)

1. Recently healthy food have increased in _____. (POPULAR)
2. The old lady hid all her _____ under the floor. (SAVE)
3. The gas from the chemical factory was extremely _____. (HARM)
4. The restaurant is now under new _____. (MANAGE)
5. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete _____.
6. The government has promised to deal with the problem of _____ among young people.
7. Oscar had eaten so much that he had to _____ his belt. (LOOSE)
8. The dictionaries are with the other _____ books. (REFER)
9. He said “Good morning” in a most _____ way. (FRIEND)
10. My teacher _____ me to take this examination. (COURAGE)
1. I had to check the wages in _____ to my normal work. (ADD)
2. During his _____ the family lived in Cornwall. (CHILD)
3. This matter is very _____. Don’t discuss it outside the office. (CONFIDENCE)
4. Those berries are _____. Don’t eat them! (POISON)
5. He was very _____ of the work he had done. (PRIDE)
6. All the newspapers praised the _____ of the firemen. (BRAVE)
7. Saucepans are sold in the _____ goods department. (HOUSE)
8. The group called “Friends of the Earth” is concerned about the _____ of the natural
environment. (CONSERVE)
9. The thief replaced the diamond with a _____ stone. (WORTH)
10. _____ about the company’s future meant that few people wanted to invest money in it.
1. He cycled _____ and had an accident. (CARE)
2. Could you _____ the picture over the sofa? (STRAIGHT)
3. It’s hard to buy meat on the island but fish is _____. (PLENTY)
4. My car is much too _____ to take on a long journey. (RELY)

5. In _____, I’d like to thank many people who have helped me while I have been working
here. (CONCLUDE)
6. Sally came in so _____ that she woke up everyone. (NOISE)
7. Martin was very _____ of what he had done. (SHAME)
8. The museum does not charge for _____ on Sundays. (ADMIT)
9. Our _____ from London to Sydney took 24 hours. (FLY)
10. The secretary was very busy all day dealing with _____. (ENQUIRE)
1. The country is very _____ so travelling by road is difficult. (MOUNTAIN)
2. The teacher stressed the need for regular _____. (ATTEND)
3. Sarah _____ opened the door of the cellar, wondering what she might find.
4. There were over fifty _____ in the orchestra. (MUSIC)
5. Jim always does what he says; he’s a very _____ person. (RELY)
6. Alexander knows which mushrooms are _____, so ask him before you pick them. (POISON)
7. The company is very efficient and gives a _____ service. (SPEED)
8. The _____ of the fire was very welcome after our long walk. (WARM)
9. They have agreed to _____ the road because of the amount of heavy traffic now using it.
10. John’s _____ improved at his new school. (BEHAVE)
1. No one with a recent _____ record will be considered for this job. (CRIME)
2. We have decided to interview only the best six _____ for the job. (APPLY)
3. David’s _____ at winning the competition was clear to everyone. (ASTONISH)
4. That large dog is perfectly _____ and has never been known to attack anyone. (HARM)
5. Work is going on to _____ the bridge, which carries a great deal of traffic.
6. The crowd showed its _____ by shouting insults at the president. (APPROVE)
7. Dozens of _____ are injured on the city’s roads each year. (CYCLE)
8. The company is not talking on any new _____ this year. (EMPLOY)
9. Carl is studying to become a _____. (LAW)
10. Motor-racing is an extremely _____ sport. (RISK)
1. We always have a bed ready in the spare room in case visitors arrive _____. (EXPECT)
2. The book does not say much about prices, but is very _____ about everything else. (INFORM)
3. The government is expected to take _____ against the level of unemployment. (ACT)
4. They have added three new songs to the show, which _____ it by about fifteen minutes.
5. I am looking for a _____ gift for an old lady. (SUIT)
6. I am not saying he is _____, but he’s not very good with money. (HONEST)

7. It was quite _____ to order so much food. (NECESSARY)
8. You’re taking complete _____. (SENSE)
9. He seemed to be quite _____ about the future. (HOPEFUL)
10. The ending of the detective novel seemed highly _____. (PROBABLE)

1. We had a very _____ evening in London last week. (ENJOY)
2. He fell off his motor-bike, but his _____ were not serious. (INJURE)
3. The family managed to get out of the burning house, but they lost nearly all their
_____. (POSSESS)
4. He has worked well and has produced some _____ essays. (INTEREST)
5. He says he has no _____ of resigning. (INTEND)
6. Would passengers on Flight BA 372 please go to the _____ lounge. (DEPART)
7. This organization is very concerned about the _____ of the rain forests.
8. Jeremy Hopkins’ performance in King Lear was most _____. (IMPRESS)
9. Television is one of the cheapest forms of _____. (ENTERTAIN)
10. I was annoyed at his _____ to cooperate. (REFUSE)
1. The rabbit _____ out its burrow. (CREEP)
2. When asked whether he was going to participate in the competition, the tennis star replied in
the _____. (AFFIRM)
3. The plans for the _____ were approved by the committee. (CELEBRATE)
4. News of the _____ of the famous movie star was reported all around the world. (KIDNAP)
5. The insurance agent was very _____ and managed to convince Mr. Chen to buy a policy.
6. The popular doctor was asked to be the _____ of the medical association.
7. She was shocked at how she looked when she saw her _____ in the mirror.
8. That was a dinner fit for _____. (ROYAL)
9. There is a _____ of food and water in that refugee camp. (SHORT)
10. His teacher remarked that he was very _____ in class. (TALK)
1. The teacher asked Fuchen to explain his _____ from school. (ABSENT)
2. The ballet dancer moved _____ across the stage. (GRACE)
3. The hotel advised all its clients to store their _____ in the safe-deposit box. (JEWEL)
4. The referee awarded a _____ to the Singapore team after one of its players was fouled.
5. All the workers wear a special suit to protect themselves from _____. (REDIATE)
6. Guoming said that he was _____ to the Mathematics teacher. (RELATE)
7. Xiaofeng was awarded a _____ to study English at the local university.

8. The trader promised to inform me as soon as his next _____ of computer games arrived.
9. Modern _____ enables us to communicate with people all around the world.
10. He spent many sleepless nights _____ over the decision. (AGONY)

1. Zhiming is his uncle’s _____ nephew. (FAVOUR)
2. One of the most convenient forms of _____ is the telephone. (COMMUNICATE)
3. I have to see the principal _____. (URGE)
4. He was badly _____ by the terrifying experience. (SHAKE)
5. He did not get any _____ to his advertisement. (RESPOND)
6. Mother Teresa gained the _____ of people all over the world for her peaceful
endeavours. (ADMIRE)
7. He has worked for me before and I have found him to be very _____. (RELY)
8. He went to the _____ to make a pair of spectacles. (OPTIC)
9. The secretary telephoned several hotels to book _____ for the manager.
10. The couple invited all their relatives to their _____ dinner. (WED)
1. Could I borrow you _____? (CALCULATE)
2. He stepped on the _____ and sped off. (ACCELERATE)
3. Mingzhe performed an act of _____ when he dived into the pool to save the drowning
child. (HERO)
4. The _____ old man told Lijuan that there was treasure buried in that field.
5. The _____ told the story in a very interesting manner. (NARRATE)
6. The two friends had an _____ over a small matter. (ARGUE)
7. The police officer demanded to see some form of _____. (INDENTITY)
8. Her ambition in life is to be a _____. (JOURNAL)
9. A committee was set up in January to look into ways to improve the _____ of the company.
10. After examining the evidence, the court found the _____ guilty. (DEFEND)
1. He made a _____ to an article published by the World Health Organization. (REFER)
2. An _____ was made over the public address system regarding a lost child.
3. The police _____ told the detective that the gangsters were planning to rob a goldsmith
shop. (INFORM)
4. Chlorine is a _____ gas. (POISON)
5. The special effects used in that movie were very bl. (REAL)
6. It has always been his ambition to be a _____. (SCIENCE)
7. The young boy was put up for _____ after his parents were killed in a car accident. (ADOPT)
8. I _____ with you over the loss of your favourite puppy. (SYMPATHY)

9. That _____ necklace was given to me by my mother. (VALUE)
10. The contract is _____ on an annual basis. (RENEW)
1. You should cover up that open wound or it might get _____. (INFECT)
2. The contract was _____ to all parties involved. (AGREE)
3. He warned the boastful athlete that _____ comes before a fall. (PROUD)
4. The teacher told the students to _____ the passage. (MEMORY)
5. He denied the _____ that he had stolen money from the company. (ALLEGE)
6. The melting of ice is a physical _____. (REACT)
7. These questions are designed to test a person’s _____. (INTELLIGENT)
8. The _____ for sending the parcel to England is fifty dollars. (POST)
9. The _____ of medical costs was a welcome relief to many poor families.
10. The young man _____ to avenge his father’s murder. (SWEAR)

1. There should be no _____ in examination questions. (AMBIGUOUS)
2. My neighbours are currently _____ their house. (RENOVATE)
3. That drug is a very _____ painkiller. (EFFECT)
4. The detective said, “I’ve had my _____ all along that he was guilty.”
5. The first three runners to complete the race were Siva, Tom and Peter _____.
6. The mimosa plant is very _____ to the touch. (SENSE)
7. All parents are encouraged to have their children _____ against hepatitis B.
8. The company submitted a _____ to the building authorities to put up a shopping complex.
9. That singer has a _____ for being very secretive about his personal life. (REPUTE)
10. The manager conducted interviews to find out who was the most _____ person for the job.
1. Thomas _____ broke the expensive vase. (ACCIDENT)
2. The beggar looked very _____. (PITY)
3. It is advisable to bring along some insect _____ when you go camping. (REPEL)
4. The _____ at the airport was increased after the hijacking. (SECURE)
5. The president ordered the army to crush the _____. (REBEL)
6. The cyclist set off in _____ of the leader of the race. (PURSUE)
7. The instructor told all his trainees to march _____. (SMART)
8. He telephoned the restaurant to make a _____ for lunch. (RESERVE)
9. Mosquitoes breed in _____ water. (STAGNATE)
10. It is very bl to climb up and down three flights of stairs every day. (TIRE)
1. Newspapers should not resort to _____ to increase sales. (SENSATION)
2. Maixin gave a _____ of the works of a famous composer. (RECITE)

3. She used her _____ to finance her studies abroad. (INHERIT)
4. He did exercises daily in order to _____ his arm muscles. (STRONG)
5. He was delighted when he heard about his _____. (PROMOTE)
6. I bought a vacuum cleaner from that shop at a _____ price. (REASON)
7. All applicants for the post have to go through a _____ process. (SELECT)
8. He had a quick _____ from his illness. (RECOVER)
9. He used a penknife to _____ his pencil. (SHARP)
10. That man is a _____ in heart surgery. (SPECIAL)
1. You must always tell the _____. Lies will always be discovered in the end. (TRUE)
2. Zhijian _____ broke the flower vase while playing in the house. (ACCIDENT)
3. Mary is not stupid. She just refuses to use her _____. (INTELLIGENT)
4. Please meet us at the _____ lounge of the airport at eight o’clock in the morning. (DEPART)
5. If you want our skin to clear up quiackly, you have to apply this cream _____.
6. I hope you have not much _____ in finding this place. (DIFFICULT)
7. She spent _____ nights worrying about her brother. (SLEEP)
8. The little boy lost his father in the _____ during the fire. (CONFUSE)
9. The deaf musician could not hear the thunderous _____ of the audience for his brilliant
performance. (APPLAUD)
10. It _____ me to see you so upset. (SAD)
1. Samuel is really a very _____ boy although he may be hot-tempered at times. (PLEASE)
2. One of his faults is that he cannot accept any _____ of his work. (CRITICIZE)
3. Gopal was _____ enough to believe the man who told him that he could turn rocks into gold.
4. Please give a brief _____ of what you have just read. (SUMMARIZE)
5. Orchard Road is an ideal _____ for a boutique. (LOCATE)
6. The elderly tourists do not find the thought of climbing the hill _____. (APPEAL)
7. The principal’s long _____ made some of the students yawn. (SPEAK)
8. You need your parents’ _____ before you can go on this school trip. (PERMIT)
9. As a result of exceptionally good weather, we have a _____ harvest this year.
10. “Such _____ cannot go unnoticed”, said Mr. Song when he heard that Hashim had given his
week’s pocket allowance to charity. (GENEROUS)
1. Some people believe that Thai boxing is a _____ sport and shuld be banned.
2. Checking the stock is Sanjay’s _____. Should any item be missing, he will have to account for
3. “What kind of job _____ do you have?” the manager asked the applicant.
4. The students were asked to list three _____ between the whale and the shark.

5. The school canteen has not reveived any _____ about the food. (COMPLAIN)
6. It is indeed _____ that Kelvin has achieved so much despite his physical disability.
7. _____ is important in any team game. (UNITE)
8. “This bowl of prawn noodles that your mother made is really _____.” Bliza said. (TASTE)
9. Reading the newspapers is a good way of increasing your general _____. (KNOW)
10. Her _____, especially among the young, has steadily increased over the years.
1. Conservationists believe that we should preserve the _____ rainforests in the world.
2. What kind of _____ have been made for the Queen’s arrival? (ARRANGE)
3. “We should all strive for _____ in everything that we do” said Mrs. Nathan, our principal.
4. This International Dragon Boat Race is very _____. Teams from all over the world participate
in it every year. (PRESTIGE)
5. After months of _____, the police finally managed to solve the murder case.
6. The people in the neighbouring states did not pay their tributes to the king _____.
7. This school does not have any proper sports _____. (EQUIP)
8. How could there possibly be any _____ between these two separate incidents?
9. Kumar is a very _____ young man. He has been talking continously since he entered the
room. (TALK)
10. Zhiming has a _____ to exaggerate the truth. Do not believe everything he says. (TEND)
1. As he could not finish the project on time, he asked his supervisor for a _____ of the
deadline. (POSTPONE)
2. The _____ of an adult in the secret upset the children very much. (INCLUDE)
3. He should not have stolen money to donate to the poor; the means does not _____
the ends. (JUST)
4. The community club visits a home for the aged _____. (WEEK)
5. The boys will receive a monthly _____ during the training period. (ALLOW)
6. Ahmad must be very _____ to have made all these delicate figures by himself. (SKILL)
7. We had a lively _____ on the novel “ANIMAL FARM” in class today. (DISCUSS)
8. “You are very licky to have such _____ parents, Xiaomin”, her teacher said.
9. Noiselessly, Henry stole back to the house under the cover of _____. (DARK)
10. “Your answers are _____ to Huiping’s. You must have copied each other’s work”, Mrs. Xu
said angrily. (IDENTIFY)

1. That is a _____ to all students: Do not forget to bring your Geography books tomorrow.
2. It is impossible to reach an _____ on this controversial issue. (AGREE)
3. Devi writes interesting science fiction stories. She must have a vivid _____. (IMAGINE)
4. Jerry’s _____ act won him an award for bravery. (COURAGE)
5. There are no more _____ in this kindergarten. Mrs. Chen will have to put her son in another
kindergarten. (VACANT)
6. Nathan’s _____ to attend the graduation ceremony took us all by surprise. (REFUSE)
7. You will need a lot of _____ to lift this heavy cupboard by yourself. (STRONG)
8. Charlie’s _____ has made him very unpopular among his friends. (SELFISH)
9. Linchong is very _____ irritated by loud noises. (EASY)
10. The _____ for next year’s new committee will be held tomorrow. (ELECT)
1. Jumei owes her academic success to Dr. Gopals _____ while she was in the university.
2. “If you keep walking in that _____, you will arrive at a small village” the old sailor said. (DIRECT)
3. Some people say that life in Singapore is very _____. (COMPETE)
4. There is a _____ that the cure for cancer may be found by the year 2000. (POSSIBLE)
5. Rachel is the _____ Gymnastics Champion. (REIGN)
6. An old saying goes like this: _____ speaks louder than words. (ACT)
7. After much _____ from her family and friends, Elaine finally managed to complete the marathon.
8. “Well, I hope all of you will find this demonstration on the use of the computer
_____”, said Mrs. Fang. (INSTRUCT)
9. The _____ of this project is scheduled for the end of next month. (COMPLETE)
10. Salt is a _____ commonly found in most foods. (PRESERVE)
1. Although abdul is not badly hurt in the accident, he is in the hospital under _____. (OBSERVE)
2. We should help each other with this science project. It will be _____ to both you and me.
3. The food catered for the barbecue is in _____. Let’s take some of the food home. (EXCEED)
4. Our presentation was _____: some of our charts were missing and our group leader forgot his speech.
5. The proud mother _____ her daughter in a pretty party dress. (CLOTH)
6. Mount Kinabalu is noted for its _____. (BEAUTIFUL)
7. “I hope that this arrangement is _____ to you”, said Xianyan. (AGREE)
8. The _____ of the new parking coupons will mean great convenience for motorists who wish to park
for short periods. (IMPLEMENT)
9. A fire extinguisher is a _____ for every home. (NECESSARY)
10. Julie has been feeling a sense of _____ ever since her mother died last month. (LONELY)

1. hot 2. ability 3. clearness 4. depth 5. skillful
6. strength 7. ashamed 8. disappearance 9. truthful 10. sleepy
1. popularity 2. savings 3. harmful 4. management 5. satisfaction
6. unemployment 7. loosen 8. reference 9. friendly 10. encouraged
1. addition 2. childhood 3. confidential 4. poisonous 5. proud
6. bravery 7. household 8. conservation 9. worthless 10. uncertainly
1. carelessly 2. straighten 3. plentiful 4. unreliable 5. conclusion
6. noisily 7. ashamed 8. admission 9. flight 10. enquiries
1. mountainous 2. attendance 3. cautiously 4. musicians 5. reliable
6. poisonous 7. speedy 8. warmth 9. widen 10. behaviour
1. criminal 2. applicants 3. astonishment 4. harmless 5. strengthen
6. disapproval 7. cyclists 8. employees 9. lawyer 10. risky
1. unexpectedly 2. informative 3. action 4. lengthened 5. suitable
6. dishonest 7. unnecessary 8. nonsense 9. unhopeful 10. improbable
1. enjoyable 2. injuries 3. possessions 4. interesting 5. intention
6. departure 7. destruction 8. impressive 9. entertainment 10. refusal
1. crept 2. affirmative 3. celebration 4. kidnapping 5. persuasive
6. president 7. reflection 8. royalty 9. shortage 10. talkative
1. absence 2. gracefully 3. jewellery 4. penalty 5. radiation
6. related 7. scholarship 8. shipment 9. technology 10. agonizing

1. favourite 2. communication 3. urgently 4. shaken 5. response
6. admiration 7. reliable 8. optician 9. accommodation 10. wedding
1. calculator 2. accelerator 3. heroism 4. mysterious 5. narrator
6. argument 7. indentification 8. jounalist 9. productivity 10. defendant
2. announcement 3.
1. reference informant 4. poisonous 5. realistic
6. scientist 7. adoption 8. sympathize 9. valuable 10. renewable
1. infected 2. agreeable 3. pride 4. memorize 5. allegation
6. reaction 7. intelligence 8. postage 9. reduction 10. swore
1. ambiguity 2. renovating 3. effective 4. suspicion 5. respectively
6. sensitive 7. vaccinated 8. proposal 9. reputation 10. suitable
1. accidentally 2. pitiful 3. repellent 4. security 5. rebellion
6. pursuit 7. smartly 8. reservation 9. stagnant 10. tiring
1. sensationalism 2. recital 3. inheritance 4. strengthen 5. promotion
6. reasonable 7. selection 8. recovery 9. sharpen 10. specialist
1. truth 2. accidentally 3. intelligence 4. departure 5. frequently
6. difficulty 7. sleepless 8. confusion 9. applause 10. saddens
1. pleasant 2. criticism 3. foolish 4. summary 5. location
6. appealing 7. speech 8. permission 9. bountiful 10. generosity
2. responsibility 3. qualifications 4.
1. dangerous similarities 5. complaints
6. admirable 7. Unity 8. tasty 9. knowledge 10. popularity
1. tropical 2. arrangements 3. perfection 4. prestigious 5. investigation
6. voluntarily 7. equipment 8. relationship 9. talkative 10. tendency

1. postponement 2. inclusion 3. justify 4. weekly 5. allowance
6. skillful 7. discussion 8. supportive 9. darkness 10. identical
1. reminder 2. agreement 3. imagination 4. courageous 5. vacancies
6. refusal 7. strength 8. selfishness 9. easily 10. election
1. guidance 2. direction 3. competitive 4. possibility 5. reigning
6. Action 7. encouragement 8. instructive 9. completion 10. preservative
1. observation 2. beneficial 3. excess 4. disastrous 5. clothed
6. beauty 7. agreeable 8. implementation 9. necessity 10. loneliness


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