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6/26/23, 3:32 PM What Is House Calculation in Astrology?

Houses Explained

What Is House Calculation in Astrology?

Houses Explained
Co-authored by Angel Eyedealism and Dan Hickey
Last Updated: June 20, 2022

The houses of your birth chart provide lots of information about your life and personality,
but did you know they might be in different places depending on who you ask? Many
house calculation methods have been created over the centuries to determine exactly
where the boundaries between each house are. If you’ve ever wondered how astrologers
calculate these angles and what the implications are for your birth chart, this is the article
for you! Read on to learn more about the houses, popular calculation methods, and how
they influence your chart.

Section 1 of 6:
What are houses?
Houses are sections of the sky determined by your birth time and
There are 12 houses in most calculations, each corresponding to a different
aspect of your life. The sun, moon, and planets are located within the houses
(their exact placement is determined by where they were at your moment of birth).
Their interactions with the houses has a great impact on the events of your life.[1]
On a birth chart (also called a natal chart), the 12 houses are arranged in a
counterclockwise ring according to your perspective view of the sky at the
precise time and location you were born.
The circular house chart is not the same as a zodiac wheel, which is based on
the sun’s observable path around the earth. Houses are determined by the
Earth’s own 24-hour rotation.

Section 2 of 6:
The 12 Houses in Astrology 1/7
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1. The 1st House:

This house is always found on the eastern horizon and contains your Ascendant
(the sign that was on the Eastern horizon when you were born). This house
governs your identity—what it feels like to be you, how you express yourself, even
your appearance and wellness.
This house is embodied by the energy of Aries and its ruling planet, Mars.
Your Ascendant sign is very important. It’s your personality and persona, your
social standing, and the way you look at things. It also determines your
Descendant (the sign on the Western horizon when you were born, 180
degrees away from the Ascendant), which determines who you’re attracted to
and get along with.
2. The 2nd House:
The next house governs your relationship with income. That can refer to actual
money and possessions, or in a more philosophical sense, the things that feed
you (like fulfilling relationships or a cause you care about). It also affects your
sense of security and is representative of your self-worth.
This house is embodied by the energy of Taurus and its ruling planet, Venus.
3. The 3rd House:
This house is all about your communication style. It determines how you talk, use
social media, and communicate with friends and family. Everything to do with your
3rd house feels familiar and energetic.
This house is embodied by the energy of Gemini and its ruling planet,
4. The 4th House:
Located at the bottom of the sky (the place where the sun goes at midnight), this
house is all about home and family. It determines how you create your safe space
and your feelings toward relatives, ancestry, and lineage. Your roots are located in
this house.
This house is embodied by the energy of Cancer and its ruling planet, the
5. The 5th house:
This house governs pleasure in the romantic, sexual, and creative sense. This is
where you feel good, and good things come to pass for you. People with strong
5th house placements often live lives full of fun and joy.
This house is embodied by the energy of Leo and its ruling planet, the Sun.
6. The 6th House: 2/7
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Your sense of maintenance and routine are rooted in this house. Your daily chores
and work habits stem from here, as well as your relationships with coworkers and
employees. This is also where you manage illness, injury, and fitness.
This house is embodied by the energy of Virgo and its ruling planet, Mercury.
7. The 7th House:
This house is your Descendant, located opposite your Ascendant. It has the most
sway over your relationships—friends, families, partners, and enemies—and is
where you find love. It is also associated with death, since this is where the sun
sets in the western sky.
This house is embodied by the energy of Libra and its ruling planet, Venus.
8. The 8th House:
Known as the house of debt, this is the place where you deal with generosity and
loss. You face unavoidable events in this house, like death or taxes, and are often
dealt the question “Is this worth it?” when weighing a decision that might put you
in debt.
This house is embodied by the energy of Scorpio and its ruling planet, Pluto.
9. The 9th House:
This house governs how you travel and pursue knowledge and higher education.
It’s a house full of joy, and people with strong placements here tend to be leaders
in academia, philosophy, or religion. This is where your beliefs shape the world
around you.
This house is embodied by the energy of Sagittarius and its ruling planet,
10. The 10th House:
The cusp of this house is located at Midheaven (the point in the sky where the
sun is the highest at noon). This house is all about your career, public image, and
reputation. This is where you shine, show off, and get recognition.
This house is embodied by the energy of Capricorn and its ruling planet,
11. The 11th House:
This is where you find the people who support you in life—your friends, family,
colleagues, and audience. This house facilitates collaboration and connection with
like-minded people and is where your dreams and visions can be achieved.
This house is embodied by the energy of Aquarius and its ruling planet,
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The 12th House:

This is the house of your unconscious. Just as the 1st house is all about who you
are, this house governs things out of your control. It values structure and is a
place where you sacrifice your own needs for the good of the group. Here, you
learn to let go.
This house is embodied by the energy of Pisces and its ruling planet,

Section 3 of 6:
Why are house calculation methods different?

The various methods differ based on the philosophy and

preferences of the astrologers who invented them.
Many yield similar results to each other, but some can create noticeably different
charts. Almost all methods begin by identifying the degree where the 1st house
begins on the eastern horizon and then calculating the remaining houses moving
counterclockwise. The math involved can range from simple to very complex.
Calculation methods can be broadly split into 2 groups: Equal House systems
where all houses are uniform in size, and Unequal House systems where
house sizes can vary.

Section 4 of 6:
Calculating the Houses
Equal Houses:
These systems tend to be simple, elegant, and easy to read on a birth chart. All
12 houses are evenly divided into 30 degree sections of the wheel, and
calculations are easy to do by hand. These methods work well for people born
near the poles (above or below 66 degrees from the equator) since some signs
never touch the horizon in these regions.[3] Popular Equal House systems
Whole Sign: In this system, each house lines up with an entire zodiac sign.
The 1st house spans your entire Ascendant sign, your 2nd house spans the
entire following sign, and so on (mathematically, the cusp of each house is at
0 degrees of its corresponding zodiac sign).
Equal House: Houses in this system may not align exactly with the zodiac
signs, but they are still all the same size. Each house will be offset from a 4/7
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zodiac sign by the same amount. This amount is determined by the degree of
the Ascendant at birth (for example, say your Ascendant sign is Gemini and it
had risen 5 degrees when you were born. The cusp of your 1st house would
be 5 degrees Gemini, the cusp of your 2nd house would be 5 degrees
Cancer, and so on).
One downside of Equal House methods is that the Midheaven degree (usually
the cusp of the 10th house, where the sun is highest in the sky) can move
around to other houses.
Unequal Houses:
Many of these systems use the time it takes planets to move through the sky to
divvy up the houses. They use the Ascendant/Descendant line and the
Midheaven/IC (bottom of the sky) line as cusps for the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th
houses (think the X and Y axes on a graph). The other cusps can occur at
irregular angles since their locations are based on the amount of time each sign
spends on the horizon from the perspective of Earth. Popular Unequal House
systems include:
Placidus: The cusp of the 1st house is the degree of the zodiac sign rising at
birth. Over the course of 12 hours from birth, the degree of the horizon is
measured every 2 hours to mark the cusp of the next 6 houses. Those lines
are then extended across the birth chart to complete the remaining 6 houses.
Koch: This method works like Placidus, except it uses Midheaven as the
starting point instead of the Ascendant. Its results are very close to what you’d
get with Placidus, but planets can change houses if they are close to the
Porphyry: The cusps of the intermediate houses are based on the number of
degrees between the Ascendant and Midheaven. That number is divided by 3,
and lines are drawn across the chart to mark your 12th, 11th, 5th, and 6th
houses. So if there are 84 degrees between Midheaven and the Ascendant,
each house is 28 degrees wide.

Section 5 of 6:
Which calculation method should I use?
It’s completely up to you!
Use whichever method you’re most comfortable or familiar with, or whichever
method gives you an interpretation of your chart that resonates with you. Think of
the different calculation methods as filters on an Instagram photo—they all reveal
the same truth, just from a different perspective.[4] 5/7
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Compare multiple readings to see which you identify with. Online birth chart
calculators make it fast and easy to compare charts created with different
house calculations.
The location of your birth might influence which method works best. A
Placidus or Koch chart creates wildly unequal house sizes for people born
near the poles, so a Whole Sign or Equal House chart might work better.
If you’re calculating houses by hand, systems with simpler math (Whole Sign,
Porphyry) might be easier to determine than those with complicated math
(Koch, Placidus). However, online house calculators make using any system a

Section 6 of 6:
Interpreting Your Chart with Houses

The sun, moon, and planets are located in different houses at birth.
Each planet embodies different aspects of your being (like a warrior, a lover, or a
scholar) and the way they interact with the houses can have a big impact on your
life. Some houses may have multiple planets in them while some have none. Here
are some example interpretations of planets in houses:
Say you have Mars in your 1st house (the house of self). Mars is a soldier that
represents action, fitness, and aggression. This could be interpreted as you
having the willpower and assertiveness to accomplish your personal goals.
Imagine Saturn in your 3rd house (the house of communication). Saturn is
responsible and cares about rules and obligations. This might mean you have
a tendency to communicate very logically with the goal of accomplishing
important tasks.
Your birth chart shows where your interests lie and where you're drawn. By
examining certain houses and certain signs and certain planets in the chart,
you can map out a course for your life, even including a list of possible
Each house is also ruled by a zodiac sign.
The sign depends on which zodiac constellation was rising at the time of your
birth (your Ascendant sign). The ruling sign influences how the planet behaves
and speaks more to your personal traits. For example:
Imagine Mars in your 1st house ruled by Gemini. You have the willpower to
accomplish your goals, and your method of getting what you want will
probably involve Gemini’s witty, chatty, dualistic nature. 6/7
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Picture Saturn in your 3rd house ruled by Taurus. You communicate logically
to accomplish a goal, but may be slow, static, or stubborn like Taurus in your


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