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Presented by:
Biñar, Jillian Mei E.
Hernandez, Catherine F.
Quinagoran, Miracle P.
What does it mean to live
• You must deliberate in how you live your life.
• Finding what you were meant to do on this
Earth and doing it.
• It is love, gratitude and peacefulness
• Being connected and contributing in a
meaningful way to the communities you value.
(What is good
• Greek philosopher
• Author of an ethical philosophy
of simple pleasure, friendship,
and retirement

"What makes life worth living is that we can

experience pleasure. Pleasure is known as
Key to Hedonistic Conception
The key to the hedonistic conception of
the great life is that it emphasizes
subjective encounters. In this view, to
portray an individual as "happy", implies
that they "feel great" and happy life is one
that contains numerous "feel great"
What is good
• Ancient Greek philosopher
• Way of life, character, and thought
exerted a profound influence on
Western philosophy.
Socrates emphasized virtue.
Socrates accepts that in arrange to genuinely live a great life, you
would like to think about your existence and inquire questions
about the things around you.
What is good
• Ancient Greek philosopher
• made significant and lasting contributions to
nearly every aspect of human knowledge, from
logic to biology to ethics and aesthetics

Aristotle's view is we all want to be

Happiness, on the other hand, is
something we enjoy for its own sake, not
as a means to some end. It has inherent
value as opposed to utilitarian value.
The Ten Golden Rules on Living a
by Michael Soupios Life
and Panos Mourdoukoutas
1. Examine life, engage life with vengeance; always search for new
pleasures and new destinies to reach with your mind.
2. Worry only about the things that are in your control, the things
that can be influenced and changed by your actions, not about the
things that are beyond your capacity to direct or alter.
3. Treasure friendship, the reciprocal attachment that fills the need
for affiliation. Friendship cannot be acquired in the marketplace,
but must be nurtured and treasured in relations imbued with trust
and amity.
The Ten Golden Rules on Living a
by Michael Soupios Life
and Panos Mourdoukoutas
4. Experience True Pleasure. Avoid shallow and transient pleasures. Keep your
life simple. Seek calming pleasures that contribute to peace of mind. True
pleasure is disciplined and restrained.
5. Master yourself. Resist any external force that might delimit thought and
actions; stop deceiving yourself, believing only what is personally useful and
convinient; complete liberty necessities a struggle within, a battle to subdue
negative psychological and spiritual forces that preclude a healthy existence;
self-mastery requires ruthless candor.
6. Avoid excess. Live life in harmony and balance. Avoid excesses. Even in good
thing, pursued or attained without moderation, can become a source of
misery and suffering.
The Ten Golden Rules on Living a
by Michael Soupios Life
and Panos Mourdoukoutas
7. Be a Responsible Human Being: Approach yourself with honesty and
thoroughness; maintain a kind of spiritual hygiene; stop the blame-shifting for
your errors and shortcomings.
8. Don't be a prosperous fool. Prosperity by itself, is not a cure-all against an ill-
led life, and may be a source of dangerous foolishness. Money is a necessary
but nor a sufficient condition for the good life, for happiness and wisdom.
9. Don't do evil to others. Evildoing is a dangerous habit, a kind of reflex too
quickly resorted to and too easily justified that has a lasting and damaging
effect upon the quest for the good life. Harming others claims two victims-the
receiver of the harm and the victimizer, the one who does harm.
The Ten Golden Rules on Living a
by Michael Soupios Life
and Panos Mourdoukoutas

10. Kindness towards others tends to be rewarded.

Kindness to others is a good habit that supports and
reinforces the quest for the good life. Helping others
bestows a sense of satisfaction that has two beneficiaries-
the beneficiary, the reciver of the help, and the benefactor,
the one who provides the help.
What is Human
• Existence is derived from philosophical and
religious contemplation and scientific inquiries
about social ties, consciousness and happiness.
• Other issues are also involved, such as symbolic
meaning, ontology, value, purpose, ethics, good
and evil, free will the existence of one and multiple
Gods, conceptions of God, the soul and the
- is the most significant thinker and the most
accomplished individual who has ever lived.
- Aristotle taught that men can increase their
knowledge by augmenting the evidence of
the senses through reason.

Each man's life has a purpose and that the

function of one's life is to attain that purpose.
Human beings have a natural
desire and capacity to know
and understand the truth, to
pursue moral excellence, and
to initiate their ideals in the
world through action.
Reputation comes from his
idealism of believing in the
existence of universalis.
• His Theory of Forms proposes that
universals do not physically exist, like
objects, but as heavenly forms.
• In the dialogue of REPUBLIC, the character of
Socrates describes the Form of the Good
• In PLATONISM, the meaning of life is attaining
the highest form of knowledge, which is the
Idea of the Good, from which all good and just
things derive utility and value.
What is public good?
A public good is a product that one individual
can consume without reducing its availability
to one another individual, and from which no
one is excluded.
Two specific qualities of
public good
1. Non-rivalry: any product or service that does
not reduce in availability as people consume it.
2. Non-excludability: any product or service that
is impossible to provide without it being available
for many people to enjoy.
rolando gripaldo
• Filipino philosopher
• Argues that the concept of the of
the public good carries largerly the
politico-ethical sense, which
subsumes the politico-economic
A public good is that which benefit by its
use the communal or national public,
This can be perceived in two levels.
First level: comes from the people
Second level: comes from the local
national government
Quasi- Public Good
- goods and service that have
characteristics of being non-rivalrous
and non-excludable but are not pure
public goods.
human flourishing or personal
an effort to achieve self- actualization and
fulfillment within the context of a larger
community of individuals, each with the
right to pursue his or her own such effort.
Aristotle's ethical theory
-connected to the type of life that is most
desirable or most living for each and every
human being.
Self direction
- involves the use of one's reason and is
central and necessary for the possibility of
attaining human flourishing, self-esteem
and happiness.

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