Feasibility of Agri-Farm

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Title: Feasibility of Hydroponic Vertical Agri-Farm in Barangay Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
II. Proponents
Amie Vergara
Diane Villasis
Russ Ivan Ysunza
Jesan Sales
III. Priority Area/ Thrust
 Tourism
IV. Background of the study research
Hydroponic crop cultivation (HCC) is a method of soil-less agriculture that instead uses nutrient-enhanced
water to grow nutritious fruits and vegetables. HCC uses 90% less water and 75% less land space as
compared to conventional crop cultivation. HCC offers a large source of untapped potential as it can
provide food for hungry individuals around the world. Specifically, small island developing states, or, SIDS,
are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity because of their geographic isolation and reliance on food
imports (Cassidy,2020)
Soilless systems present a significant alternative to soil cultivation in case of soil and/or water issues,
and some of the most important problems are salinization and water shortage . The three main soilless
systems are liquid hydroponics, solid media culture, and aeroponics. Hydroponics can further be divided
into open and closed systems. The open system doesn’t provide the recycling of the excess nutrient
solution, however, in closed systems, the surplus flow of nutrients coming from the roots is collected and
recycled back into the system ( Ghordel et al, 2021)
Hydroponics is the science of growing plants without soil, which supports the roots and stem (Resh,
1990). Plants are autotrophic meaning they make their own food by converting light energy into chemical
energy (Dashefsky, 1995). Hydroponics is the growing of plants in an artificial liquid environment
(Dashefsky, 1995).
As well as water, carbon dioxide, and light for photosynthesis, a plant needs a select diet of other
natural elements to survive as well. Each of these elements must be to a specific amount or it will cause
an imbalance in nutrients. The elements are split according to how much the plant needs: macronutrients
and micronutrients. Each is used for a different purpose; these elements help carry out the actions the
hormones stimulate into occurring. When growing plants hydroponically the amount of nutrients and pH
levels of the medium and solution must be monitored constantly, for any change in the composition will
result in a drastic change in the plants growth (Romer, 1993). This would cause spark in growth but once
the energy was used, the plants would decline in health.

The government wants that the town of Barotac Nuevo to have good tourist attractions as well, because
lot of tourist are visiting to this place, and the place that was chosen was Brgy. Tiwi
The Baranggay Tiwi is one of best place in agriculture and tourist attraction.Tiwi is a barangay in the
municipality of Barotac Nuevo,in province of Iloilo.Its population as determined by the. 2020 Census was
2, 641.This represented 4.54% of the total population of Barotac Nuevo. (Census et al,2020)
Therefore, the researcher decided to study the Feasibility of Hydroponic Vertical Agri-farm in Barangay
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo.
V. Statement of the problem
This study aimed to determine the Feasibility of Hydroponic Vertical Agri-Farm in Barangay Tiwi, Barotac
Nuevo, Iloilo
VI. Scope and limitations of the study
This study focused on the Feasibility of Hydroponic Vertical Agri-Farm in Barangay Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo,
Iloilo. A descriptive survey design will be used in the study. The data will be gathered using the survey
instruments and it was then given toConduct a Research
the 385 randomly choose respondents . The statistical tools to be
used to analyze data are mean and frequency.The data will be gathered using the survey instrument at
Brgy. Tiwi, on March 11,2023, Saturday exact 9am in the morning.
VII. Significance of the study
Conduct a Survey
The result will be beneficial to the following:
Tourist. This study will help the tourist to enhance their skills in planting vegetables and to be aware of
the disadvantages of hydroponic vertical agri-farm.
Community.This study will help the community to save water, and land resources a is key to sustainable
Local Government Unit of Btac.Nuevo. This study will help the government to earn more money through
a tax
Iloilo State College Of Fisheries. This THEhelp
study will RESULT
the administration to grow fruit and vegetables inside
the campus, engage hands-on, grow more produce for school farmers agri-farm, and get the whole school
involved in a comprehensive program using hydroponic vertical agri-farm.
Possible Retailers. This study will help the vendor to gain more profit using hydroponic vertical agri-farm
Future Researcher. This study will helpBusiness Proposal
the future researcher can develop future researchers using this
and other studies as a guide and reference considering the relevance of their c tohosen topic.

VIII. Conceptual Framework

Conduct a Research. Conducting research of the Feasibility of hydro-farm in Barangay Tiwi.

Conduct a Survey. Find out detailed information about a lot of different people or things, usually by asking
people a series of questions

Result. A survey summary is a report that outlines the results of the survey you conducted. They are read by
researcher in the business and used to decide how to move forward

Analyse the result. Refers to the process of analyzing the results from the surveys.
Business proposal. Is to convince the reader to see the world in the same way that you do and to persuade the
reader to make a change that will make your proposed idea a reality

Theoretical Framework

According to Alyssa Bentley, the founder Hydroponic Gardening Theory , Hydroponics is something that's no
good for those who garden specifically to get outside in the dirt and dig around in the manure, but for those of us
who do not have large tracts of arable land, or any land at all, hydroponics starts to sound like a much more
attractive offer. Hydroponic Gardens are compact and can be placed anywhere.They use and re-use water over and
over and require minimal additional water to function properl,They eliminate the need to watch for garden pests
such as aphids, caterpillars, potato beetles and fungus,They are very efficient growers for plants - plants grow very
quickly in a hydroponic setup.

They are convenient, and most systems are easy to automate so they require a minimum of interference by you.
Any plant can grow (or start to grow) in a hydroponics system, regardless of the time of year, or how north or
south you are located.

There are other reasons why one would choose hydroponics over a traditional garden, but there are also
detriments. For instance, many people associate hydroponic gardening with the growing of certain illegal plants
that are generally abused as controlled substances. It seems like every week there's some large house in a nice
neighborhood that's being busted by the cops with hundreds of compact fluorescent fixtures, water sprayers,
containers, grow dirt, nutrients and plants removed. However, just like anything, a small percentage of people can
ruin a good thing for everyone else ( Bentley, 2008).


Our SWOT Analysis will provide you with the comprehensive documentation that will need in order to determine
the strengths,weaknesses ,oppurtunities and threats that our business will face as we build and develop our


 Best Agri-Farm destination  Requires precision monitoring

 Savings in water  Inefficient customer

 No pesticides needed  Lack of sufficient financing for hydro-farm

 Effective for healthy body


 Highly controlled environment  Failure in any system components of the

vertical farm may leads to rapid plant death.
 Artificial lights may be used

 No seasonal restrictions

A SWOT Analysis helps find the best match between environmental trends (opportunities and threats) and internal

A strength is a resource or capacity the organization can use effectively to achieve its objectives.
A weakness is a limitation,fault, or defect in the organization that will keep it from achieving its objectives.

A opportunity is any favourable situation in the organization environment. It is usually a trend or change of some
kind or an overlooked need that increases demand for the product or service and permits the firm to enhance its
position by supplying it.

A threat is any unfavorable situation in the organization environment that is potentially damaging to its stategy.
The threat may be barrier,a constraint,or anything external that might cause problems,damage or injury.
(University of Cambridge,2016)


The descriptive method of research will be used in this study.This method to determine whether or not there is
a relationship that exists between two or more quantifiable variables, and if there is, to what extend or degree the
relationship is.

Research Design

A survey research was developed by the author of this paper. The interview protocol initially comprised 5
questions. It was then given to the randomly choose the tourist/visitors of Brgy.Tiwi for determination of Vertical
farming in that area .

Research population and locale

The study will conducted among the residents of Brgy.Tiwi people near the vacinity with the 385 randomly
choose to answer the survey form.

Data Analysis

The researchers want to know the frequency and percentage of the population of Brgy.Tiwi if they agree the
hydro-farm project in their area and if they are willing to spend a lot of money for this project.

Gannt chart





Preparation of
Business proposal

Al-Chalabi, M. (2015). Vertical farming: Skyscraper sustainability? Sustainable Cities and Society,

Rudra, A.(1968, July 1). Farm Size and Yield per Acre.

Adenaeuer, L. (2014). Up, up and away! The economics of vertical farming.

Journal of Agricultural Studies, 2(1), 40. doi:10.5296/jas.v2i1.4526

Beacham, A. M., Vickers, L. H., & Monaghan, J. M. (2019). Vertical farming: A summary of approaches to growing
skywards. The Journal of Horticultural Science and

Biotechnology, (2019). Effective Hydrofarm

Rowe, Mason, Dickel, Mann, Mockler; "Strategic Management: a methodological approach". 4th Edition, 1994.
Addison-Wesley. Reading Mass

Budgetary Requirements

Product Cost

Carrots 20,000

Tomatoes 10,000

Pepper 5,000

Lettuce 10,500

Cabbage 55,500

Expenses Cost


Purchasing land and 500,000

Contraction 500,000
Solar panels

Purchasing and installation 200,000

Seeds 20,000

Led lighting 288,000

Hydroponics system

Nutrients 150,000

Flood Trays 4,000

Pumps 20,000

Labor 300,000

Total 1,982,000

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data

Respondent's age when take as a whole

Table 1

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

12-17 42 10.91%

18-25 162 42.08%

26-30 72 18.70%

31-Above 109 28.31%

Total 385 100%

Table1 Shows the respondents age when taken as a whole.

The result revealed that when taken as a whole the age of the respondents is 18-25.

Respondents sex when taken as a whole.

Table 2

Sex Frequency Percentage (%)

Female 238 61.82%

Male 147 38.18%

Total 385 100%

Table 2 shows the respondents sex when taken as a whole. The result revealed that when taken as a whole the sex
of the respondents is female.

Respondents income when taken as a whole.

Table 3

Income Frequency Percentage

5,000-10,000 305 79.22%

10,001-15,000 45 11.69%

15,001-20,000 9 2.34%

Others specify 26 6.75%

Total 385 100%

Table 3 shows the respondents income when taken as a whole.The result revealed when taken as a whole the
income of the respondents is Php5,000-Php10,000.

Respondents source of income when taken as a whole.

Table 4

Source of income Frequency Percentage

Self Employed 148 38.44%

Financial Assistance from family 42 10.91%

Allowance 157 40.78%

Others specify 38 9.87%

Total 385 100%

Table 4 showd the respondents source of income when taken as a whole. The result revealed that when taken as a
whole the source of income of the respondents is allowance.

Respondent's interested in visiting a hydroponic farm when taken as a whole.

Table 5
Are you interested in visiting a Frequency Percentage
hydroponic farm?

Yes 361 93.77%

No 22 6.23%

Total 385 100%

Table 5 shows the respondents interested in visiting hydroponic farm when taken as a whole. The result revealed
that when taken as a whole the respondents interested in visiting hydroponic farm is yes.

Respondents types of vegetables they are going to suggest when taken as a whole.

Table 6

Vegetable Frequency Percentage

Cabbage 215 55.84%

Lettuce 88 22.86%

Broccoli 50 12.98%

Tomatoes 40 3.90%

Eggplant 40 3.90%

Others specify 2 0.52%

Total 385 100%

Table 6 shows the respondents types of vegetables they are going to suggest when taken as a whole. The result
revealed that when taken as a whole the respondents types of vegetables they are going to suggest is cabbage.

Respondents hydrofarm is a good tourist attraction in Barangay Tiwi,Barotac Nuevo,Iloilo.

Table 7

Hydrofarm is a good tourist Frequency Percentage


Yes 368 95.58%

No 17 4.42%

Total 385 100%

Table 7 shows the respondents, hydrofarm is a good tourist attraction in Barangay Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo when
taken as a whole. The result revealed that when taken is whole respondents, hydrofarm is a good tourist attraction
in Barangay Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo is yes.

Respondents can spend in visiting a hydroponic farm when taken as a whole.

Table 8

Can spend for visiting hydrofarm Frequency Percentage

100.00 260 67.53%

500-750 86 6.23%

751-900 24 1.10%

901-1,500 11 22.34%

1,501-above 4 2.8%

385 100%

Table 8 shows the respondents can spend in visiting a hydroponic farm when taken as a whole.The result revealed
when taken as a whole the respondents can spend in visiting a hydroponic farm is Php500-Php 750.00

Survey suggestions

The most of the respondents suggestions that the entrance should be low and the good service should manage
exactly specially to maintain the cleanliness and healthy vegetables.

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