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Name: Instructor:

Grade & Section: Subject:

1. First, define what is the chosen theory

Chosen Theory:
Psychoanalytic Theory of Erik Erikson

I decided on psychoanalytic theory as my theory of choice. The gradual

development of human personalities is the main focus of this theory. According to my
study, there are eight stages in psychoanalytic theory. Early childhood, preschool age,
school age, adolescence, early adulthood, adulthood, and maturity are among the
phases. These phases represent a person's important milestones. Any human should
grow from early childhood to a late age. The eight states are the core of this paradigm.
It is expected that the individual will face new challenges at each phase. If the person
successfully completes the earlier stages, the further stages will be developed. Future
issues could arise if there are challenges that are not successfully overcome.

2. Give an example on what is the theory that you have chosen

The best example of a psychological theory is a person's milestone. Between 0
and 2 years of age, it concentrates on the parents' capability to meet the infant's
fundamental needs. For instance, when I was an infant, I always preferred that my
parents care for me over other family members or strangers. Therefore, during this
stage, parents should take care of the child's basic needs instead of caregivers. A baby
always believes that his or her parents are the primary and that the nannies or other
guardians are the secondary. When they are around their parents, infants feel nurtured
and at ease, but when a stranger approaches, they wail. So, infancy focuses on the
relationship with the parent. The warmth they feel from their mother also helps the infant
form a stronger attachment with her. This earlier stage is concerned with the child's trust
and mistrust. At this stage, parents play a crucial role because they must gain their own
child's trust. The infant will develop trust if the parents can show them love, comfort, and
other positive emotions. However, if the parents are unable to achieve this, such as by
abusing and neglecting the child, the baby will learn to distrust them. If the child feels
comfort during the earlier stages, they feel safe; if they tend to be neglected, they think
that the world is a dangerous place for them and learn to be more understanding of
dangerous situations later in life.
In early childhood, this is where the child learns shame and doubt. Parents make
their children doubtful because they are unable to explore their interests. It depends on
how the parents will handle the child because, at this stage, the child is very curious
about the surroundings and they tend to seek answers. For example, if I am curious
about playing the game but my mother doesn’t want me to play the game, I will learn to
be fearful of her and be doubtful later in life. Parents can discipline their children in a
way that will not traumatize them for the child to feel secure. Because if parents are
being abusive, the child tends to be doubtful of what they are doing because they think
that the parent might scold them about it. In the following stages, they will learn about
additional challenges and how to overcome them. They learn to interact with others,
such as their neighbors, peers, friends, partners, workmates, playmates, and other
mankind, to develop their social relations with them. They also develop other virtues
and encounter psychosocial crises in the next stages. Just like what I’ve said earlier, if
there are things that go wrong during the early stages, they tend to create a conflict in
the future. For example, if they encounter most of the people they cannot trust during
the early stages, they tend to be doubtful of all things.

3. Provide insights for each theory

4. Attached images of the theories


Introduction to
Personality Theory
Psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud

Alfred Adler
Carl Jung

Karen Horney
Erik Erikson and Erich Fromm

Humanistic Maslow and Rogers

Rollo May
Dispositional and Gordon Alport
Treat Theories
Cattell and Eysenck
Learning Theories Ivan Pavlov and BF Skinner
Rottie and Mischel

5. What did you learn for the theory you have picked

I have learned from the theory that I have pick that there is a connection with all
the stages. If there is a problem with the earlier stages, the next stages will also be
affected. It may cause conflict or a positive effect to the person. It depends on how the
child handles the situation. For example, the child is able to witness the fight of his/her
parents and experience broken family, he tends to be scared to be in a relationship.
During the early adulthood, they are expose to romantic relationships already and some
people don’t want to be in relationship because of their past experience or either their
own choice for personal reasons. I have also learned that if the child best equipped to
resolve issues and problems during the crisis of early childhood, they are those who can
successfully resolved the crisis of adolescence. For example, if they are expose to
problems and learns on how to handle such situations, they can also handle the
problems in the future.

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