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Ballast Water Management 59:23

III How many ballast water management standards do exist?


0 1

Result:0% 1 of
the vessel needsdoes
the vessel to perform exchange
not need untilthe
to contact ballast
the flag water
state or porttreatment
authority system hasexchange
to perform been repaired

Ballast Water Management 54:44

II Vessel is certif1ed for BWM as D-1 + D-2, in case of treatment

system malfuntion before D-2 compliance date
Choose опе ог тоге options

О the vessel сап perfom, exchange untilthe ballast water treatment system has been repaired,if approved
Ьу port authoriety

О the vessel must contact the port authority and flag state administration immediately to discuss contingency

2 of 20

Result: 5%
Ballast Water Management 54:34

111 What are the two key components of any Ballast Water
Management / Treatment System?
Choose опе ог more options


Sol d / liquid separation

О Dilution

О Shore reception facility

Result:10% 3 of
Ballast Water Management 50:00

D11 1t is better to use bottom or lower seachest in port.

[ @ False

О True

Result: 15% 4 of 20
the vessel must contact the port authority and flag state administration immediately to discuss contingency

Ballast Water Management 46:47

аи Vessel is certified for BWM D-2 standard,in case of

system malfuntion
Choose one ог more options

О thevessel may perform exchange untilthe ballast water treatment system has been repaired,onlyif
approved Ьу port authoriety

О thevessel does not need to contact the flag state or port authority to perform exchange

О thevessel needs to perform exchange untilthe ballast water treatment system has been repaired

Result:20% 5 of 20
Ballast Water Management 41:03

IIPSCO shall delay ship operations while expecting the results of

ballast samples indicative analysis

[ @ False

О True

Result: 23% 6 of 20
Ballast Water Management 40:25

IJ You have to exchange 6,000 m3 of ballast Ьу sequential

method.Your maximum pump rate is 800 m3/hour. lt also takes
an additional hour to strip the tank and take f1nal soundings.How
much time will it take?

О 8.S hours

О 7.S hours

[ @ 16 hours

О 10 hours

Result: 28% 7 of 20
Evidence or observation that ballast water has been discharged other than in accordance with the regulations

Ballast Water Management 36:44

III Which of the following might Ье classifled as 'clear grounds'

for def1ciency or detention Ьу Port State Control off1cer?
Choose one ог more options

О Vessel is approved Ьу flag state to carry out BWM according to D-2 standard only

О lnformation from third parties such as а report or complaint conceming violation of the BWM Convention

О Vessel did not declare thatitis going to discharge any ballastin current port

Result:33% 8 of 20
Ballast Water Management 35:56

Ш1 Pumping through less than ...times the volume may Ье

accepted provided the ship сап demonstrate that at least ...percent
volumetric exchange is met.

0 2 1 100%

1 @ 3 195%

0 2 198%

0 3 12%

Result:35% 9 of 20
Ballast Water Management 25:09

1111 You have treated ballast in top-side tanks and want to

discharge them to sea,while in port

О You shalldischarge them via pump

О You shalldischarge them via treatment system

О You shalldischarge them at reception facility

@ You may discharge them Ьу gravity

Result: 40% 1О of 20
Periodic verification of tanklevel via manual sounding

Ballast Water Management 24:47

1111 Which of the following should Ье carryied out during the

sequential exchange process to manage it properly?
Choose one ог mоге options

Follow the emptying / filling of tanks

О Restrict access to decks

О Bal ast water sampling

Res ult:40% 11 of 20
Ballast Water Management 21:55

111 How much ballast water is approximately transfered every

year Ьу ships?

О Upto 1blllion tonnes

О З-5 blllon tonnes

@ More then 5 blllion tonnes

О 1-2 blllon tonnes

Result:45% 12 of 20
Ballast Water Management 21:41

III What information do you need to add to the Ballast Water

record Book (BWRB)?
Choose опе ог more options

О Times of high/low tide

Date and Time of ballast operation

Depth,while in port

Location and volume of uptake

Result: 50% 13 of
Ballast Water Management 19:56

DJI lt is advisiЬle to use side or upper seachest

in port.
@ True

О False

Result:60% 15 of
Ballast Water Management 18:44

1111 PSCO shalldelay ship operations while expecting the

results of ballast samples detailed analysis

О True

[ @ False

Result: 65% 16 of 20
Ballast Water Management 18:13

IIIWhat are the ways in which ships may comply with the BWM
Convention after 2024?
Choose one or more options

О Bal ast water exchange

О Using flag states which are not signed upto the Convention

r.i Bal ast water treatment

О Bal ast water isolation or по discharge

Result:70% 17 of 20
Ballast Water Management 17:15

1111 The officer has shown to PSC inspector the BWRF. Looking
at this form,why do you think this vessel is considered high risk?
Choose one or more options

О Location of BWE

О Origin of ballast water

_- · - ---1 --" - - ·r-

.-4с-.::: ·..:с _

'(о_= ,; [ 1!3 lncomplete BWM during the voyage

!Mi,t.n ,itAt'(• ..-po,r, ltfALt. ..... .n,f.A1 "IIOt:IALL,&Jf{O 1111,оат 11r1 О1 м.N,С,,•NQll(f 00 t Ott ) J


т.......... 8WD(ММОС .,._...,.

OA"t ..... OA"t .....

'""" '"' ...
J!Olt! er
"''"°"" т
О Amount of bal ast water оп board
ОВЗР&S 12IOS 8dnal, 3000 19 15/0S 20°15N 3000 1
/15 ss•02w
2S8P&S 12''05
1000 19 -

..,...,м....,.с.-. ,....,...- ,..,. -.,,0,....,.......-ое r.......,... .....

,r;_ == .-,,..., = •., "=':,,"'-," --·· •,;:;-

Result:73% 18 of 20
Ballast Water Management 17:00

111.1 Ships performing Ballast Water exchange in accordance with

D-1 shall do so with ап eff1ciency of at least ...percent volumetric
exchange of Ballast Water


0 2%

0 100%

Result: 75% 19 of
Ballast Water Management 13:18

Е PSCO may detain the vessel in case of ...

Choose one or more options

absence of an IBWMC

absence of а BWMP

result of non-compliance Ьу sampling

О evidence that mixed bal ast taken in present port of callwas discharged during cargo operations

Result: 80% О 20 of 20

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