How To Add Pages in Concrete CMS

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13/07/2023, 12:47 How to Add Pages in Concrete CMS

Adding Pages
 Edit

With Concrete CMS, your whole site is organized in a tree. You can see what your site's
architecture looks like by going to the Dashboard > Sitemap:

Adding pages in concrete5.7 is different from earlier versions of concrete. You now have a
drafts section where you can work on pages that have no place in your live site yet.

To add a page, click the Pages icon in your main tool bar.

The top section of this tab shows the page types that are available for the current editor to add.

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13/07/2023, 12:47 How to Add Pages in Concrete CMS

Click Empty Page and you are instantly taken to a new page in edit mode and you can start
dragging blocks wherever you want them.

Click a page type like Job Posting or Portolfio Project and you will be instantly taken to
Composer for a new page of that type so you can quickly enter the required meta data.

When you're ready to publish your page, make sure you've given it a name and a parent from
the Settings > Composer tab.

At the bottom of the pages tab you'll see a drafts section. This lists all the pages you've been
working on but have not yet picked a location and published.

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13/07/2023, 12:47 How to Add Pages in Concrete CMS

Editing with Concrete CMS 

Edit Mode

Adding Pages

Version Control

File Management

Page Properties and Deletion

Changing Page Types & Templates

Running a Site

Editors Reference

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