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Debut Infotech

Flash Card Coach

June 8 , 2023

Flashcard Coach is an innovative mobile application designed specifically for football players to
enhance their skills and knowledge with the guidance of their coaches. It leverages the concept
of flashcards to provide a convenient and interactive learning experience, enabling players to
improve their understanding of tactics, strategies, plays, and various aspects of the game.

The application enhances the learning experience for players and facilitates effective coaching.
With Flash Card Coach, football players can gain a competitive edge and excel in their
performance on the field.

Problem statement
Football athletes and coaches of all levels recognize that mental preparation is paramount to
success on the field. However, lack of effective study methods on an easily accessible platform
poses significant challenges. Athletes know what they should do (study), but they lack the
resources to facilitate how to do it. The process of flipping through hundreds of playbook pages
is cumbersome and antiquated and needs to be innovated in order to provide the best chance
for success for the athlete.

Unique Statement
The professional level of sports and football has players studying and memorizing plays
from a large playbook, but they do not provide a system to commit these plays to memory.
Much time is spent learning plays and studying film.  Athletes are required to know their
playbook and are expected to retain much information without being offered any method or and
organized way to accomplish this.  

This app provides athletes with a proven learning system using spaced repetition and active
recall to assist players in learning and memorizing the plays.  With this app players will have
significantly advanced their learning of their assignments and commit much more of the
playbook to memory in a fraction of the time.   


Upon further reflection, while this app should continue to be directed primarily for athletes,
coaches could greatly benefit from this service as well to learn new schemes and to prepare and
study game plans for weekly opponents.

1. Enhance Learning Experience: Flashcard Coach aims to create an engaging and

interactive learning experience for football players by utilizing the concept of flashcards.
The application provides a user-friendly platform where players can expand their
knowledge, improve their skills, and deepen their understanding of various aspects of
the game, including tactics, strategies, plays, and more.
2. Facilitate Effective Coaching: Flashcard Coach serves as a tool for coaches to guide
and support their players. Coaches can create customized flashcards, track players'
progress, and clarification through seamless communication channels within the
application. The goal is to empower coaches to deliver targeted coaching and optimize
players' performance.
3. Gain a Competitive Edge: By utilizing Flashcard Coach, football players can gain a
competitive edge over their opponents. The application enables players to enhance their
knowledge and skills, enabling them to make better decisions consistently and
efficiently on the field, adapt to changing game situations, and improve their overall
4. Excel in Performance: Ultimately, the goal of Flashcard Coach is to help football players
excel in their performance on the field. By deepening their understanding of the game
and refining their skills, players can translate their knowledge into improved gameplay,
contribute more effectively to their team, and achieve their maximum potential as

User Types

1. Super Admin

The super admin role in Flashcard Coach has overall control and management of the
application. Their responsibilities include.

a. User Management: The Super admin has the authority to manage user accounts,
Invite Team Admins, including suspending or deactivating accounts.

b. System Configuration: The super admin is responsible for configuring the

application settings, including security measures, and integrating any necessary
third-party services.

c. Manage subscribers and subscription plans.

2. Team Admin

The team Admin role in Flashcard Coach plays a vital role in structuring how the
coaching staff would be set up, which in turn will be managing the players. The Team
Admin can grant the Head Coach and Sub Coaches specific privileges and
responsibilities through their dashboard. The Team Admin will also be treated as the
subscriber/paid member for the Super Admin. The Team Admin will be able to:
a. Create Head Coaches and Sub Coaches and grant them role-based access of
the system

b. Flashcard Creation: Team Admin can create and customize flashcards based on
the team's specific requirements, including tactics, strategies, plays, formations,
and player roles. They can add text, images, audio, and videos to create
informative and engaging flashcards.

c. Player Management: Team Admin can manage their team's player accounts,
including adding and removing players, assigning specific flashcards or
categories to individual players, and monitoring their progress.

3. Head Coach

Head coach will enjoy all the rights as enjoyed by Team Admin. The only thing that they
can’t do is subscribe or unsubscribe from the system. There can be more than 1 head
coach for any given team.

4. Sub Coaches

Sub coaches will be created by either the Team Admin or the Head Coach. There can be
more than 1 Sub Coach for any given team. Sub Coach can be assigned a specific set of
players based on their forte like offence or defense etc. The Sub coach can also be
assigned privileges like whether they can create new Flash cards or simply must work
with the ones created by the Head Coach or the Team Admin. The Sub Coach can add
more players under their roster or not would also be determined by the permission level
they have been assigned by the Head coach or the Team Admin.

5. Players

The player role in Flashcard Coach represents the football players who use the
application to enhance their skills and knowledge. Players have the following
a. Access to Flashcards: Players can access the flashcards created by their
coach or the admin. They can view the content, interact with the flashcards,
and tap on them to reveal additional information or explanations.
b. Progress Tracking: Players can track their progress within the application,
including the number of flashcards completed, accuracy rates, and time spent
studying each category. This allows players to monitor their learning journey and
identify areas for improvement.

Features with User Roles

1. Website:

The website, will include the Homepage, About Us, Pricing, FAQs and Login/ Sign Up.

2. Super Admin:
- Login and forgot the password.
- Manage Team Admins:

- Invite (Name, Email) and manage user accounts for Team Admins

- Manage Subscriptions
- View Head Coaches, Sub Coaches and Players listing created by Team Admin
(only names and details to the extent that are required to verify the
subscription status. The Super Admin will not be able to view the Flash cards, or
any notes created for any team or players)

- CMS (Terms and Conditions, Privacy policy)

- My account

3. Team Admin:
- Login and Forgot the password
- Sign up (create their account with team information)

- Subscription plans

We need to define the Subscription plans in terms of the number of Head Coaches, Sub Coaches
and the Players that can be part of a single team.
Below mentioned functions can be performed by the Coaching Staff based on their user
role and level of access granted to them.

- Invite players (Full name, Email, phone number). Invitations will be sent in the form of
emails and texts to the players.

- Player Profile Management

- Access and manage player profiles, including contact information, position, and
relevant details.

- Update player profiles with performance data, progress reports, and notes.

- Easily navigate and switch between player profiles for efficient management.

- Flashcard Library

- Create and manage the complete library of flashcards available in the


- View and search for specific flashcards based on categories and tags.
- Organize flashcards into personalized libraries or study sets.

- Share the library with players.

- Flashcard Creation and Editing

- Create new flashcards with text, images, audio, and video. The Coach can upload
files from their hard drive to create the specific type of flash card.

- The Coach will also be able to record an audio file from their computer and
directly create a flash card. For now, we are recording a simple audio file (10-15
sec) and not providing any image or video overlay and editing functionality. Some
R&D and feasibility analysis is required to implement this feature and we will
finalize this during our wireframing/documentation phase.

- Edit existing flashcards to update content, format, or add additional information.

- Organize flashcards into categories and in the library.

- Card can be named and afterwards choose the type and then mention other

Note: There is no overlay option in phase 1 which means there is no video and audio editing.
Only file uploading option while creating the card.

- Flashcard Assignment

- Assign specific libraries to individual players or groups of players.

- Set due dates or deadlines for completing the assigned pack of flashcards.

- Track the progress of players in completing assigned flashcards.


- Profile updation

4. Players:
a. User-friendly Interface:

Flashcard Coach offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for
football players of all levels to navigate and access its features. The application
is available on both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring maximum accessibility
for users.

- Splash Screen
- Login and Forgot the password
- Sign up (prefill the phone number during the sign-up process as the player
is invited with a number)

Home Page: We will have three sections, Task of the day, Previous task and Practice and Learn

- Task of the day will have the cards for the particular day
- Previous task: This listing will have the cards of the last 3 days.
- Practice and Learn More: These will be the cards which will come
under continuous improvement.

b. Practice Quizzes:
Flashcard Coach provides practice quizzes to reinforce learning and test
players' knowledge. These quizzes can be based on the flashcards created by
the coach or standardized football-related questions. Players can receive instant
feedback on their performance, enabling them to identify areas for improvement.

- Saved Cards
- Archived cards: The cards that were viewed by the player will remain displayed under
this listing for the last 30 days.

- Notification: Players will receive multiple types of notifications - Flashcard

Reminders, Special game notifications, Progress updates, and New Card
Set Available. Smart notifications, these will be action-based notifications
based on player’s learning progress and previous responses to a card.

- Players will be able to create/edit/delete their own card. We will develop a

card creation tool for the players. These cards will not be accessible to
the coaching staff.

- In offline mode, the app user can access the cards they have created
themselves and the cards that are saved in the listing. Offline mode is
only for self-card creation.
- Players will be able to save their notes for a card which can be used
for future reference or easy recall.

- Notes can be text and/or audio based. The audio notes can be created
directly from the app. The user simply presses a record button to record
and save his audio (10-15 sec).

- Profile: Player can update their details, review the terms and conditions
also can log out from the application.

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