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Census Questionnaire 2021





Street House number and house number suffix

Number of persons in the dwelling



Denote a person in this household who is, in relation to
the person in question,

Spouse; partner in a
Ordinal Personal Relation to
Mother Father consensual union; life
number of identification Surname Name Sex Date of birth the reference
(stepmother) (stepfather) partner; informal life
the person number (PIN) person
partner (same sex)


Relation to the reference person

1 Reference person 2 Husband/wife
3 Partner in a consensual union 4 Life partner (same sex)
5 Informal life partner (same sex) 6 Son/daughter or stepson/stepdaughter
7 Father/mother or stepfather/stepmother 8 Brother/sister
9 Grandfather/grandmother 10 Grandson/granddaughter
11 Great-grandfather/great-grandmother 12 Great-grandson/great-granddaughter
13 Son-in-law/daughter-in-law 14 Father-in-law/mother-in-law
15 Brother-in-law/sister-in-law 16 Other relative
17 Not a relative

Census Questionnaire 2021


1. Basis for use of dwelling

 Private ownership or co-ownership  Kinship with owner or tenant
 Tenant with a stipulated rental agreement  Tenant with rent-controlled tenancy
 Other basis

2. Does your household use agricultural land, owned or leased, larger than 10 ares (1000 m²) – (arable
land, orchards, vineyards, olive groves, meadows, pastures, etc.)?
 Yes  No

3. Does your household own at least 1 livestock unit (bovine, sheep, goat, pig, horse) or 10 pieces of
poultry or 10 beehives?
 Yes  No



1. Manner of use of the housing unit

 Residence only  Residence and business activity

2. Dwelling ownership
Private (natural Church/religious
 person)  Company  State/town/municipality  community  Other

3. What is the total floor area of this dwelling in m²?

4. How many rooms does this dwelling have in total?

5a. Is there a kitchen or a dedicated cooking/meal preparation area in the dwelling?

 Yes  No

5b. What is the floor area of the kitchen or dedicated cooking/meal preparation area in m²?

 Up to 4 m²  4 m² and more

6. Is there a bathroom in the dwelling (bathtub or shower)?

 Yes  No

Census Questionnaire 2021


7. Is there a toilet in the dwelling, either in a separate room or in the bathroom, and what type is it?

Flush toilet (pressure-assisted lavatory

 cistern)  Non-flush toilet  No toilet in the dwelling

8. Are there water supply pipes in the dwelling and what are they connected to?
 Public water supply  Other (rainwater, well, cistern, etc.)  No

9. Are there sewer pipes in the dwelling and what are they connected to?
Public sewerage Discharge into the
 system  Septic tank, cesspit, etc.  environment  No

10. Are there electrical installations in at least one room of the dwelling?
 Yes  No

11. Are there gas installations in at least one room of the dwelling?
 Yes  No

12. What type of heating was used in this dwelling during the last heating season?
Central heating from a device installed in the
 Central heating from a local heating centre  building or dwelling

 Heaters, fireplace, stove, etc.  Air-conditioner

 Dwelling is not heated

13. What type of fuel was used to heat the dwelling during the last heating season?

 Firewood  Natural gas

 Fuel oil (extra-light)  Other non-renewable energy sources (coal, mazut, etc.)

 Electricity  Solar power

 Wood pellets or briquettes  Heat pump (all types)

 Other renewable energy sources

14. Is there an air-conditioner in the dwelling?

 Yes  No

15. In what type of building is the dwelling situated?

Exclusively or prevalently Prevalently non-residential

 residential building  building  Dwelling in a dormitory, convent, etc.

Census Questionnaire 2021


16. How many dwellings are there in the building in which this dwelling is situated?
 1 dwelling  2 dwellings  3 or more dwellings

17. What is the position of the dwelling?

Lower ground Dwelling comprises two or
 Basement  floor  Ground floor  Upper floor  more floors

18. On which floor is the dwelling situated? Enter floor number ______________.

19. What is the year when the construction of the building in which the dwelling is situated was

 Unfinished dwellings



1. Who is providing information about this person?

 Person himself/herself  Household member

2. Legal marital status

 Never married  Married
 Life partnership (same sex)  Widowed
 Divorced

3. Type of nucleus in which the person lives

 Marriage  Consensual union

 Life partnership (same sex)  Informal life partnership (same sex)
 Person without a spouse/consensual union partner or life partner

4. Number of liveborn children

Census Questionnaire 2021


5. Is the person a permanent resident at this address?

 Yes  No

6. Was the person present at the reference time of the Census (31 August 2021 at 24.00 hours)?
 Yes  No

(7a.) Place of residence

 Croatia  Foreign country

(7a.) County of residence

(7a.) Town/municipality of residence

(7a.) Settlement of residence

(7a.) House number and house number suffix (of

(7a.) Street of residence
street of residence)

(7a.) Country of residence

8a. Reason for presence in this locality (settlement)

Family Refugee/asylum Other
 Work  Education  reasons  seeker  Earthquake  reasons

8aa. Does the person intend to return to their place of residence once their damaged home is repaired
or rebuilt?
 Yes  No  I do not know

9a. For how long has the person been present in this locality (settlement)?
Less than
 1 month  1 month  2 months  3 months  4 months  5 months  6 months

 7 months  8 months  9 months  10 months  11 months  A year or longer

10a. For how long does the person intend to be present in this locality (settlement)?
Less than
 1 month  1 month  2 months  3 months  4 months  5 months  6 months

 7 months  8 months  9 months  10 months  11 months  A year or longer

Census Questionnaire 2021


11a. Frequency of returning to the place of residence

 Weekly  Less often

(7b.) Place of absence

 Croatia  Foreign country

(7b.) County of absence

(7b.) Town/municipality of absence

(7b.) Settlement of absence

(7b.) Street of absence (7b.) House number and house number suffix

(7b.) Country of absence

8b. Reason for absence in the country

 Work  Education  Family reasons  Earthquake  Other reasons

8c. Reason for absence abroad

Work (except for work in diplomatic missions of the Republic of Croatia abroad or persons with status of posted
 workers)

 Work in diplomatic missions of the Republic of Croatia abroad; posted workers

Resides as family member of a person who works (except in a diplomatic mission of the Republic of Croatia abroad or
 with status of posted worker)

Resides as family member of a person who works in a diplomatic mission of the Republic of Croatia abroad or has
 status of posted worker

Education (only for persons whose household

 members reside in the country)  Earthquake  Other reasons

8bb. Does the person intend to return to their place of residence once their damaged home is repaired
or rebuilt?
 Yes  No  I do not know

Census Questionnaire 2021


9bc. How long has the person been absent?

Less than
 1 month  1 month  2 months  3 months  4 months  5 months  6 months

 7 months  8 months  9 months  10 months  11 months  A year or longer

10bc. For how long does the person intend to be absent?

Less than
 1 month  1 month  2 months  3 months  4 months  5 months  6 months

 7 months  8 months  9 months  10 months  11 months  A year or longer

11bc. Frequency of returning to this address

 Weekly  Less often

12. Place of birth

 Croatia  Abroad

(12.) County of birth

(12.) Town/municipality of birth

(12.) Settlement of birth

(12.) Country of birth

13. Place of residence of the mother at the time of the person's birth
 Croatia  Abroad

(13.) County of residence of the mother at the time of the person's birth

(13.) Town/municipality of residence of the mother at the time of the person's birth

(13.) Settlement of residence of the mother at the time of the person's birth

Census Questionnaire 2021


(13.) Country of residence of the mother at the time of the person's birth

14. Has the person lived in this settlement continuously since birth?
 Yes  No

14a. Where did the person migrate from?

From another settlement in the
 Republic of Croatia  From abroad

(14a.) County from which the person migrated

(14a.) Town/municipality from which the person migrated

(14a.) Settlement from which the person migrated

(14a.) Foreign country from which the person migrated

14b. Year of migration

14.b.1. For 2020 enter the month

14c. Reason for migration

 Work  Education
 Family reasons  Return (former displaced person)
 Return (former refugee)  Forced migration (asylum seeker, refugee)
 Earthquake  Other

15. Has the person ever continuously resided outside the Republic of Croatia for one year or longer?

 Yes  No  He/she still resides

15a. The last country in which the person resided (before coming to the Republic of Croatia)

Census Questionnaire 2021


15b. Year of arrival to the Republic of Croatia

15c. Reason for residence abroad

 Work  Education  Family  Refugee  Other reasons

16. Citizenship

 Croatian  Croatian and other  Foreign  Without citizenship

16a. What is the other citizenship?

16b. Foreign citizenship

17. Nationality

18. Mother tongue

19. Religion

20. Religious community

 I am not a member of a church or a religious community

Census Questionnaire 2021


21. Highest level of educational attainment

 No schooling  Elementary school not completed

 Elementary school  1–3 years of vocational secondary school

 4 or more years of vocational secondary school  Grammar school

Post-secondary education, faculty level I (VI),

Post-secondary education, short-cycle professional
 studies (engineer, associate degree)  undergraduate professional studies (engineer,
professional bachelor degree)

4 or more years of undergraduate professional

Undergraduate university studies (university bachelor
 studies, professional specialist graduate studies  degree)
(graduate, professional specialist)

Faculty, art academy, undergraduate university

Postgraduate professional university studies,
studies, graduate university studies, and integrated
 undergraduate and graduate university studies  postgraduate specialist studies (master, university
(MEng, masters)

 Postgraduate masters studies (MSc, MA)  Doctor of science

21a. How many grades of elementary school did you complete?

[enter 1–7]

22. Are you attending school, studies, or a preschool education programme?

 Yes  No

22a. What level of education are you attending?

Preschool education programme (nursery,
 kindergarten)  Elementary school grade 1–4

 Elementary school grade 5–8  Industry and crafts vocational secondary school

Technical and related vocational secondary

 school  Secondary art school

 Grammar school  Short-cycle professional studies

 Undergraduate professional studies  Specialist graduate professional studies

Integrated undergraduate and graduate university studies,

 Undergraduate university studies  graduate university studies

 Postgraduate specialist studies  Postgraduate university studies – doctoral studies

Census Questionnaire 2021


23. Place of schooling/studies/preschool education

 Croatia  Abroad

(23.) County of schooling/studies/preschool education

(23.) Town/municipality of schooling/studies/preschool education

(23.) Settlement of schooling/studies/preschool education

(23.) Street of schooling/studies/preschool education

(23.) House number and house number suffix of the street of schooling/studies/preschool education

(23.) Foreign country in which the person is attending school/studies/preschool education programme

24. How often do you return from the place of schooling/studies/preschool education to the place of
Daily (or several times per Less often (monthly, Remote learning or home-
 week)  Weekly  annually, occasionally)  schooling

25. Daily means of transport to the educational institution (select one means of transport with which the
most distance is covered)
 Automobile (the person is the driver)  Automobile (the person is the passenger)

 Bus  Tram

 Train  Bicycle

 Motorcycle  Other means of transport (boat, etc.)

 On foot

26. Have you performed any work from 25 to 31 August, for at least one hour, for pay in money or in kind
or have you worked as an unpaid family worker in a family business that generates income? Production
of goods or services (e.g. agricultural) intended mostly or exclusively for the household’s own final
consumption is not included (select NO). Working from home due to circumstances related to COVID-19
is equated to working at a workplace.
 Yes  No, but I have a job to which I will return  No

Census Questionnaire 2021


27. Did you seek employment or try to establish your own company, sole proprietorship, agricultural
holding, or conduct self-employment activities in August?
 Yes  No

28. If you were offered a job now, could you start working within the next two weeks?

 Yes  No

29. Status in employment from 25 to 31 August

 You work for an employer in any ownership sector.

You work in your own company, sole proprietorship, freelance profession or agricultural holding and you do NOT
 employ workers.

You work in your own company, sole proprietorship, freelance profession or agricultural holding and you employ
 workers.

 You work as an (unpaid) family worker on a family farm, sole proprietorship, company or freelance profession.

 Other types of employment

30. Occupation

30a. Select the appropriate occupational group in which you work (examples of occupations are listed in

Legislators, officials, and directors (Member of Parliament, state secretary, headmaster of an educational institution,
 director of a healthcare institution, director of a social welfare institution, head of a professional chamber, chair of a
political party, president of a court, commercial director, director of production, hotel director, etc.)

Scientists, engineers, and experts (doctor, head nurse, dentist, physical therapist, pharmacist, veterinarian, teacher,
 university professor, misdemeanour court judge, finance expert, programmer, chemist, architect, graphic designer,
priest, journalist, actor, director, etc.)

Technicians and expert associates (sales officer, technician for machinery and devices, wine production engineer,
 laboratory technician, nurse, optician, professional athlete, business secretary, insurance representative, photographer,
chef, designer, captain of a vessel, pilot, etc.)

Administrative personnel (bookkeeper, bank clerk, administrative officer, warehouseman, postal worker, receptionist,
 pollster, etc.)

Service and sales occupations (police officer, security guard, firefighter, caretaker, store manager, salesperson,
 cashier, waiter, cook, hairdresser, beautician, nanny, tour guide, driving instructor, etc.)

Census Questionnaire 2021


Farmers, foresters, fishermen, hunters (crop farmer, fruit-grower, wine-grower, cattle farmer, poultry farmer, beekeeper,
 gardener, etc.)

Occupations in crafts and individual production (construction worker, bricklayer, car mechanic, plumber, carpenter,
 locksmith, assembler of metal structures, assembler of telecommunication devices, electrician, upholsterer, sewer,
baker, butcher, shoemaker, diver, explosives expert, etc.)

Plant and machine operators, industrial producers, and product assemblers (circular saw operator, textile press
 operator, boiler room operator, lorry driver, engine driver, forklift driver, tyre technician, helmsman, sailor, etc.)

Elementary occupations (cleaner, chambermaid, production worker, manual packager, auxiliary construction worker,
 fruit and vegetables picker, agricultural worker, wood collector, fast food preparer, dishwasher, street vendor, delivery
person, etc.)

 Military occupations (officer, non-commissioned officer, conscript, soldier, cadet, etc.)

31. Industry

31a. Select the appropriate industry group for the company, sole proprietorship, institution or other
business entity for which you work (industry examples are listed in parentheses)

 Agriculture, forestry and fishing (cereal farming, fruit growing, viticulture, animal farming, fishing, hunting, etc.)

Mining and quarrying (extraction of crude petroleum and gas, service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction,
 quarry, gravel pit, saltworks, etc.)

Manufacturing (manufacture of food products, manufacture of metal products, manufacture of machinery, manufacture
of motor vehicles, shipbuilding, printing, stonemasonry, wood industry, repair and maintenance of machinery, ships,
 airplanes, rolling stock, etc.). EXCLUDING: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, repair of computers and
communication equipment and articles intended for personal use and the household.

Electricity, gas, and steam supply (electricity production, transmission, distribution, and trade; gas production,
 distribution, and trade; steam supply, etc.)

Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (waste collection, processing, and disposal,
 recycling, demining, etc.)

Construction (building construction, civil infrastructure engineering, electrical installation works, insulation works,
 plumbing and gas installation works, heating and air-conditioning installation, installation of finish carpentry, painting
and glazing works, sheet metal works, etc.)

Wholesale and retail trade, and trade intermediation; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (INCLUDING: car
 washes, pharmacies)

Transportation and storage (land, water, and air transport, taxi transport, transport via pipelines, parking services,
 postal and courier services, etc.)

Accommodation and food service activities (hotels, resorts, camps, dormitories, hospitality, restaurants, pastry shops,
 street produce roasting, bars, catering, etc.)

Census Questionnaire 2021


Information and communication (publishing, film and television production, airing radio and television programmes,
 sound recording, telecommunication, computer programming and consulting, internet portals, news agencies, etc.)

Financial and insurance activities (banks, exchange offices, insurance companies, pension funds, commodities and
 stock exchanges, etc.)

 Real estate activities (buying and selling, renting or managing real estate, real estate agencies, etc.)

Professional, scientific and technical activities (legal and accounting activities, law firms, bookkeeping offices, audit, tax
consultancy, architectural and engineering activities, research and experimental development in natural, technical and
 social sciences, marketing, market research, graphic design, photography, translation, veterinary practice,
meteorology, etc.)

Administrative and support service activities (renting (other than real estate), employment agencies, travel agencies,
private protection services, building management, cleaning services for buildings and facilities, pest control,
 landscaping and maintenance of green spaces and cemeteries, administrative and support office activities, call centre
activities, packing services, etc.)

Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (the judiciary, firefighting, ministries, state administration,
 customs administration, police, compulsory pension schemes and health insurance, etc.)

Education (preschool, elementary school, and secondary school education, higher education, driving schools,
 education in the field of sports, recreation and culture, courses not defined by levels, etc.)

Human health and social work (hospitals, healthcare institutions, dentistry, retirement homes and assisted living
 facilities, social welfare centre, etc.)

Arts, entertainment, sports and recreation (cultural institutions, theatres, museums, archives, libraries, botanical
 gardens and zoos, nature reserves, amusement and theme parks, betting shops, sports facilities, sports clubs, fitness
centres, marinas, etc.)

Other service activities (membership organisations, associations, unions, religious organisations, political
 organisations, dry-cleaners, hair and beauty salons, funeral parlours, computer and communication equipment repairs,
furniture, footwear, clothing, electrical appliance, jewellery, watch repairs, etc.)

Activities of households as employers; activities of households producing various goods and providing various services
 for own use

Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies (foreign diplomatic missions and consular offices, international
 organisations, etc.)

32. Which of the following categories best describes your activity status from 25 to 31 August?

 You are a pupil or a student  You are a housewife

 You produce goods for own consumption  You are retired

You are serving a prison sentence or in detention, you
 You are incapable of work  have been sent to a reform school, etc.

 You are capable of work, but are currently not working  Other

Census Questionnaire 2021


33. Place of work

 Croatia  Abroad

(33.) County of work

(33.) Town/municipality of work

(33.) Settlement of work

(33.) House number and house number suffix of

(33.) Street of work
the street of work

(33.) Country of work

34. How often do you return from the place of work to the place of residence?
 Daily (or several times per week)  Weekly

 Less often (monthly, annually, occasionally)  Person works from home

35. Daily means of transport to work (select one means of transport with which the most distance is

 Automobile (the person is the driver)  Automobile (the person is the passenger)

 Bus  Tram

 Train  Bicycle

 Motorcycle  Other means of transport (boat, etc.)

 On foot

Census Questionnaire 2021


36. What is your main source of income? (select the primary source of income in the last 12 months)
Social welfare
 Income from work  Pension  Income from assets  payments

 Other income  Periodical support from others  Without income

37. Was the person wounded or injured as a civilian due to the circumstances of the Homeland War?
 Yes  No

38. Did the person’s father/mother, spouse, child, brother/sister, grandfather/grandmother,

grandson/granddaughter die or go missing as a civilian due to the circumstances of the Homeland War?
 Yes  No

38a. How many persons?

38b.1. Surname of 38b.2. Name of

38b.3. Date of birth
deceased/missing civilian deceased/missing civilian



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