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| |e£2-@91 | 20/os|igas | baa. G92) beorhoss fps 2-093 |A%o4yf |. 62-094 | ala 1 €2.695 §%-0%G | biel | . ped of te fe AOD | shoo: does £ 2-099 | o4/Io/ fd-F00 | Asfial | 2701 | Ly [04] 270m | oz 10/ 1202 | Alloa) 2-704 |2b/03//9e4 . Hibe. Pele ecanine Les 12.2.705 (23/057 « ats 7 ffi Lee 2.706 |Jal O39: ; 2¥ehyY Al “ ‘ , 23 ’ : eh due geto/§ 29.70% |allosimai] By. Combcce. | Quite Pio Fon Rock Q 1.908 |A5/od]o | | 2.770% ual ms jac310 Reloae | HFM las|iole | x. Comlaae | [ s|or/iMas. 24/041 | saa Boloyl | oe Ee Osforfidas | B¥.cu mule Raye uote toe [= Hyfond. Cclaci> | atl lolloef aofou] | a-414 are | Paul Aves | a.7ae foflop (Fawr | Lae eens ST ! APheeh pala : pis | REMY oyfos(u Horas Ferar/Oleuctima Sa 2a, ois oe ___ fe fonane | mame |isf0r[» | Brcouca by Catan — Blitec Im ce fore [enractens of ae | [Pee Bit ed. a» ioe oot Ts i caf Cifete- Ou Peta A ate Byorve Ok dewwalecu 7 Pl netaeils a Dire S 28 8B |ol/o4] » Drerencis> cle Cargo | Othun ewarttes — GQ Ale 12 fedaeticia cle 20 fer a vy esi es at iia ag ei 2424 3/0443 Gx. fac. Pema. Mucraman POO is ema ste z Pee Any. Borres Ql] Tot ti 7| fod Orly Mare. aaa | Bo | te | (Se Rete cx Ons. [/oyfiaa> roy] ry) 5 {14Jos/ | J24fo4} | OE ilo ey sie 2267 2.68 |/a(os] |. BR FOV | gales US a770 oallindes aaa | 20} \ ereae sf E 2-373 \0 | Fh like Piro ole Ola: | 2.774 |oslos! Macaca Mectedur /Emuhde Otoudina a R295 RYO] GBM Anite forge [Diretour de, | Tere Root. peor ole eure 4:96 | 0/0>/ pe Ben Peter] orn: 6ste: hod 29 Joaloy]_ lbeh ao “ele Qpud OL res, aut Grass foe abun, AMO vera DoF PB OWLS Nein Saati ee Bupttie was Vomeglae. 2.974 |A)ob[(435 | CUp-cte Cormbeiy pers. geswrr le arya = aie oat Cor Pile Yures £790 |toffof «|. an a yet, he Cbrress |B. YON. Ou. ABV) [oaMalw | | Out? Pec ceas Bp. Prawdence i i bb ne cle axon palo fo (hie Currycta dealer Prager (bh. Ae Wa dalerc. om 3783 /28/04]0 | an. (ath bip/ Me Ep 2584 peloe(n | | Bear tmen THE cle Come ie. Savane! Die ma ete. Qone - 385 [lajuadel ae 2 985 | 3111236 Neath Hotes Pleat eee ea ee S706 Janlo dhe wa oO Benet. ba beh fom dal. rete Lire WW ome Wer ce Foes a3o0) 4 J. Bod jadithe o> 2802 | 4 2.30% | Hie FO4 |. hes 82 FOS || |° &-80e | hi 2.80} | Hho F08 |. 1 2-809 Ina Sto] BBM days 2-840 | gb ows | Ly z3ta MPa Bia: R14 | 2) = aais| ( « a.aiel| | ac ictl +o. zrpl ¢ #2 B14! 23/09] 7S pseo loyulinse) By. a FE 1 Abvico Ramer RBI DeBrosse Th L2BREIS 0 School | BAY Bas [alhifw_| APU [AAU MBAR os wesoss' | VRas [alfa R-BAA | 2.830 “peor jostif | LBdV JV (U 2-836 | 2x0! | 2.323 | 22/04. | seed a Fag. pol (4yib. opproer Gus: WG | Facme. f cee Oui let) Qut? Fim ote Cuba. Frame cla S. £ pti Lf j } " Cdmoteo / Qui, me ote fers Cunt® Roel. ctr ro her Feutene doarese ante tlic | 2.83>|lalie| | | | pct ouctar-) is Rept ou Our - po Maou 01% [Oude 2.832 |ifialiaar ta aah - aon | BY Mupok . Commeiw ata ts am. 9.889 iealollu | Paved autuadle- Teaaanh ieee pies th ue ee 4.840 jzsjoafn | Qu. datwwne- cw Me fer Puta. oth Ma. foul, Clr | &.34h 2-842 (2843 qlif 2-844 |di2l 2afill« dk 2. 84S 106 [la ooualiaar| yx. for — ow Yours Ole 1 Rabo cy baw: $- | ow Puale Pueiva 0 Aotincy Oortin is | 2.907 Mle bow fo 240% 24/04/1924, WI0B | HoSfa | va by Wee arm | Cr 2904 |2[toli~o vw he 70s jaloelg Oi | " E 7 on . 4.907 |a3iofs By. eR 2 Arone OY Re, ee: ooh i Widen aout if eT ee a de 0, t TPE L fe L i 2-Th 04/03] «OC. grad Covi Gaeta de rag [reuse | (Brrvicdo, ms x le 4ia aMfo5|u | an. pms alwe,s Gusnladefaa SUR oot gt GOL QWog lta Dora do Bom: 243 |0203|4 ja —Guiaia. oe |g Dnlimes cte Gays 2-41 latfosle | Om. dott Base Oundle i fo ltd, in. ofp Bom tucene- 42.916 adposte fo dum Ov. F. [Ow Victevane # 4 2410 [laloaiael an. Of. ce hours. Firms Hua ‘ of é Be 4 2-9 | fnolw | Yan. ne Drnelua. cto sce. /Boeus Hh —|Binbreira ole denne, | 2.413 OYO3/!4 20}, Quite Reb. Sa or/oyiao 30 Bast: ae Remerda & 2-904 |92/to] | faa, ft Ong na Rata ced 2-410 (o¢/oalait | eal cues ee i | 2.9a4 |lolailiaes | beebers.compun Qube Oucido | pet petewce— 4.925 |09[07 « Auminae “Pom: Pribl ce. Corm| Obeaweute 2 ah Penis u Car. | 4. 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[20[U] » ju. 1 2.95 Defoste | Ona j L | |; @-9erlaz/oa | _ Aleert gy cu dhe | | 2958 4Joap | Oe quad - pos. reg 2954 | /¢/oo/ Aet reK 2-955 | ald) nebet 6 2 2.956 |ofos) _ Hh, | 2:95% | 07/08 | Net. neg 1 eof y $,2.958 las [io ‘ Gam. : @ 2959 [46/03 | ae fu. ‘fr tae a I Bipdrt-bo a. @.€ ke hy. fo 2-960 |290B TO Ce gc ; Ris aol |19/04. Ruruce ee hiro "2100 | zet00 Rabe ow Meg | f Cut. da 8. 24m: | 2.903 |axoo fs Bina Leno — Burxpeio Younan Ma pees Tec iO cot | “| pace monece Got j. 2-905 | fare | a | Midmoel Anes aa S. Cap. 246 o3f 1 A on | ets Covntor Cowcurare 2 2-Fer 03/05 of f2g. Quinco da 4 AM) fw fo i [ea doige ete Qa. 90-9691 08/3. |S nn | f Been. bee 3: ohre NN a 56 294% eefoaliaso| eb. cw rep. y Hi}2.9%9 Ipo/oal. | Soule pine a Ponte [Heung id; Bemucee fi & 999 fosfafa |» Rob reg te Rel | 2450 20f 4] 1 Sa ES, i 2.95 (Bo/0sle | Bans a0) { I R9S%|28/03]0 | Abert. gy. cu de 2.958 (14/03) Otte pac ah reg QIAN | {6/oof |. Ak Mee hel 9-955. 1BUA SE oot | hea ld 2-956 Zolos) W 8 | Gaacettt Loco. gorres 2.957 | 07103} ely. rey Snares ere here. | epee SS aus mE oo. iss clue Liman 4 $2958 |as[io a : Vrawe terreirc. 54/16/03 | Cana. fut - 106,. Levent Qupu-Pratk cin, 91 | Aoi to do. BE he fy. PO RHOB | Ow: gud | Prorat Qunlaesio Ree (ater | selec. Rana, ti] ve | geile oe "te |deee | Bebe My | Pub eta 8. eam [if-a.9¢8 [aoa sli Pigeon Lear _ Eurzphio Younan Ma [RGF os/O9 ofp . Ow 05 | {3/41 u — | WOmoel Ones cra S. bap. PP Tob Gabon sled a Por Aaa 2-6 | 0305. fei fe Quince da 4. 8403) 2] ‘ fa fog ete Cay ee 965) OF D9) |) Fuca a Lf Been: eS: Sehr ft SS Se eee ee A oo9]i950| Run aro Rubra Levrvo Yodin Rak. Rouges if 2794 | Jofo2} bib | Mane RP Gucctials DATE IY FOU bain | fotle Rect Berges 2.473 | Moot] | _xfreneline. ner. Berrbe tos. 1.974. | 03/03 | foto Mrcltin Betaat fads }ator of ep ceed cgr ice Vat. (276 | O€or Se __|in-S. Chabite « $y (2.93? | 20/04 Qe- ro Moab Bou -Mods. as [legeuercn tr | i Loheto (2.978 [1305 | neki. Acob Pei home cle, S!? [Bante set b-fung, Sf 2.974 | 18/03 Connig eeu pgm | Curtelorkh |Cclehn. Potty - | alge | oafid | PRrGucle: Sot Lene at 2.981 (ayes | Bure Ce. 7 donde | S38 |S ___| Obrint. motte agen 19/08 ve [Beta deers ce ered Gu. be ie gs rina. doves 2.43% | ao]i! wes OU ety FEY eS yy RF al Be ee Cho ' 2984 [orlia | Qu: (eemarnpud) | Rectelplvo marcet flas]ma | & cla S aes [aan | ach ce nes, Boned. Bsfowwlan Rey Qh | 2.996 |24} 10 Ao Artin. ¢ Mivetdo [14 nahin’ $e 2.984 |QuJ06 | Optio Ae: Deembs» you. Selaant ctr Vane Lome: [Rex eis ed wa -Oute ewan A. 988 jas5|io Danda (veg dub:| Piao A llewe: Rrcles | 2-984 | W408 ituinaepien | Prem: Pritt. /deuin Maryo- Ea fn la ote ae = 02]o8)4s0) tol uw O3/0x QL. no Hal. | |23)0.- Prec Ox o4 Jos = O4/03 02|o% he O9fta : Gao lie s z | So/os,. % “2900 | 31/01 | 2404 | 09/05 i 290%] Ig)1a 290% | 02/03 * 3 2-903 |a0fo5 | ? Ss a fee ks # i ‘h U 2.904 | 29/038 Pricer (apogcrmnt) AOE INAS Sich selec. cragian oat Gehl pe cee Qererion 2 MEN 2.906 | W03 ag Re(Qecucocio) Quit: Breatina cto nn ]ma wel da b 2.90% | 05/03 19 Pot: (Oanfe loace 62] Pectin Qmebicn Guta [ncaa sf eto | & ale» S 1 Romino i ie FOE) (308 | a we (Beant) pitt dot Olinio ate Coo. 2.907 103103 |. eeninad. Peete Vi tiie. dole e am euge. | ee rie pnacrao hOuti, _ f a-G10/M{tof | Pre: one. (apt) | tArowes dos. Oa: hedto QAM larloatias| Prec /4. Oat ote 4 g 2.41% |oilio :) Saat Batic. Nucor ANY | alte é Opin, Preuices Pontes Cenc | 2-915 (olos! | Previcl- Achre menor Qhean. | Comey ote mewires cbr be Com | . Inks Qo Pome | 2-416 |oafoe| Qe. m0 Mab (Oat maata S/f.Muures ote dig Pe le alos] | Lube |p Ret Pera! wiccienc led, a \ Gs: | 2-08 | oalosl Qc-mo tials (efrio |b. fexcete Som to jab doaecimmedies) fos A aaa Bug. pot. debast You. ote merces|f. fib da 4. 2-919. lofolf aqno |ovfea| Ped Horne mane Mote. cee din, a. Gal 30/03/ Pree -0n- a 5 ecto Roreo- daitet, [29a alto] | Og. momar | Opoure bury ar S| Yasls loa faastst a 2 | 2.92% BoloH | cols ce durafn: Wes. Proumubaury, lik over Se Bp owen Company, lerndéce SA] Sslafirs Ae {Wuiwoch Mmangues j 2-924 |0%o3) Yulite. 10-765 oti /pstere feorctra 8.925 08/08} Amt. 104. mare. _Reque clovd fo. é 3 Frog. mbar 1.926 | [afio] net neg. Concent | forts Gong . Reitene - “a9ar lovlog | ana qurl. neat acon ee’ Covwel le Ctr 2.928 [13/09 4 |Yrame Yon, Aegunrdlo 2-929 [aj to as ch Rua deeniaco | 13 0fta9s all 2 aol os life] [ne 5 2932 Boa] | wat nes, nose [oul las: Aye Qe] ow ar: Combs pat. MAF Rel Prercoura topeis le 1 QQ VI35., od fio Coirmoticto Oi § X-926 | Lo/o4 Yutla [goto anaes /Wlalter 32-983 |olio] | am. Coun Miglin, Ou de z get 35 sl (2-988 /230% | 4 Wiiearace Sftal i Min Ces ol. S. = £939 | Mo/o5 « Dowuirgon Brlores Ben. Esp ae Ja - 2-440 | o8/oo Wave | Cloterrio Cutts. Cemlior | “2-441 |03/00 “pet we. Cory ‘encase Reon i MWe | N/O8 in f- Bou. L443 |25/0% | ctvoapn Ye Stemi, le Ql Nou ue Re tlt hs | | 2944 ligiol | Pudiouceta “lBusom pet he/ni2 tur a0 : aus laaloe | Oe. coms uu pas. |4. Mer. forge cam |Bamndo boned | 1Qcanmt _ 2-446 04/04 Ys, pot (dubt-rvca | Que dacctott. %/ Joag ‘ Aotee (2-444 | Bjio Prov menor ats. [$60 bale (mova) | 2949 alo | Ae. no Aras. ER, oto 294 |oa[it[\445| Ceopown cte prbreeto (6 yf) P6ste0 > fru be-9f | foc Resp | 4x | 9 L dw: 250 |Meloa|x | Pet. Inem: Lmemap. —_|Orelcto ner Jorge § 2951 | 19/03/9590] Aw ~ Pecté dad [M20 hiaupirr ete | | LYaectas | (2052./30101[6 | ten Redes Preredto OHI cw | : uepiesa fgets’ TE ler Pages. 4 3 Jaco am. hiner prraton Beol lon: sists 335 | ina. pues cla S- 954} Oxon} | Canc ce Wneto | Beewctrfocta S. 0g (fewer se. ai (prcredt. apoio! cacy, aGssjooul Put fut ramet — | Lauoutira. ctrdouna Bare | £956) 44l0Y | tatewt | an.gG-cter com [Out Fetibioate es Lohse | A-Wt lolol. Bx re (Fe [alro, Olive, gous f rand «| Pst. aT Out , a. 959) 29/04 Yar | cheat: Nea ves Debs ruamercto | 954 ilo |e odo Dect FrorelOuariien Yo. Bo slg faba “ ek 2-400 |{ol06 | Prec. mee fore 291 | SiO fa .... Moke 2 i bke-t a Aor | 29/08 | ahs || Bren Qtves ef Manger 2Q63) oslod. | | Goatdo uealle bmi 2464| 301. = a a + A965, AOS Br pee | 2406) ON | == © 5294 Pre £248 A 4. ROS AGH sa V3 Vos : V.qay 1 2-999 2 aABD L984 he VBL Q2A93 Q-984 a-985 2.986 | A13E 2-938 8-984 2.490 | al a-994 £-993 | 2-994 2.995 | 2.996 | 2.994 2498 | 2-999 | 3.000 | 3.00! ay[oy | I ca bs, 3.902, 2-008 WH(t0/ | los Mlos[i933 | | fe | By. for ques Db lanier ete Ofy'0- oer. Anet rnbings me OUyst Duhito Cardt.cte Min Aeageve 06 us Mardi = Line Uninet Be ee ‘ Sees aa ola. Rureeio Yue p dockage eee if Bite Hace Feat = S[ Yebipe Crntermayuc jg Mamobrctar pm Lose roo Coulee Tuberc. Ob Fun. ote tom. | Pekpe f. dante | || Platicto las: Cero iej0aed | Yur. “TS fst. Capecotio Pasteur ( feat | Aacheuc i fotes dees eat ec Wage Pig ae Ol 029 |2403 | 8.080 /06/0N. |. 9.031 Q5]0s | et: neg. | 00g. Beav= oto nave B.04m 2.03% [26/0919] AMR Aono | fo Ou rorroco/tadena, Rese. Revel: 3-033 |io/oa | rab r“g rave 2 | Domingo Four, hells [m4 is - NO. P3084 | 06/05 On. = Sana ote. thea] bia | dann ola 4 62.085 (906 | pets ang eatg | Wemarndo Proudde P 2.036 [aalol | Qa-fud- rast-regmare | Prame. fo0q. Loreto 15.0835] /5(ia1 Slava. Pileaea cls [ob cama — ua RAIS a 3.088 | Yeo | « Guts Cer fr 3.02 | 0O/(% | | Baad me e 3.040} Qsloo | | tracema Cama cte fe 3.041 | Obf1o. «| i i Orla dame | 3.051 [13/09 Ope. le Testor eee 2.052.|d5]04 Ove. Ce Chagpuste [aan oe # Hevea | 7. 3.053, es fe ON ee bona er aes 3,054! loldt “Ae, pare bs Tanah 3.055 fBqula4a | Sudo. {ean lest ta Bia pooh ' 4 _Reetia Yo__ 3.056 |24|03 hur Tuto Carry ctor (Operable pci 2 pS z | Ouiutant te 5. 3.05% [45/2] Vii Curator ow reo HewaPe- 3.058 | Wylob | Ot pads Pouodera cee Ovo 3054 _| splos | Renwoute | 3.0@0 |os/o> Bx: Camm [teh Bafrove/4 fir Gecter [aes | 3.061 |aqjow Rate | Cems | OQrTaun. nor -Rewda 2 Cuiew 2.062 |O/o4 Qe ne Mab. Comore Bieiice ote tee, [Oetian, | 1 lm Rel hoe 3063 Joloy | ae. auec doe Teves ms scifi nyo : | 864 | Uo3| | Cub nag ance fey Yon ce. 3065 |r/e8) | Kawai cu pone [Ba ee | 3.066 |a%ou) S ib. ico | Qui Paco Cale : josjoalia4e 3.070 tofo 3/439 2.024 | At | 2.0FD | [3.023 | mn 3.074 [Mos Soars — 2076!” _ 3.078 « Hfo5|i4ay| | 3.0%. |o5 [os |. : ‘ | ..3-020 fa cach i $f, cla, Cunbicre | 3.04 RN PRA: ( what. Cebus 3.082, é do 2089 |tfos 3-084 |IS/oe By. Jen ep 3.085 loqoaiqa) * do Mercta A. S086 |@bepe | ak 3.08% alos “ 3088 |0%or A ae ho Rees 3,084 © —percutes etic, 3.090 jtfo4{i423, PRES cate Br ies acectoro a Oho. 2041 lor/os! i | 20% [Jao « foley. 3.093 | 26/03 Sus 3044 |I>06 " 2.05 26/09/1445) 6y. ps a 3.096 loojoaliies| fag. Duc cle 3.09% [94/04 | Yug Re. [Ben egyane (tele. Rib ote KE [ : " Oliv. fo 3.048 |05/04I446|_ ~ OL. Wore. (fog cee 3.097 |a2/ol BEE ieee = ora Practo topes 18, @00: loafialiay ge ‘Abun Devreulil a | Ont. 0 Frome f BAOd LUofor w | cz a % |ablowiav 3 _|I5/01| Rect. Rev Quat? Qkoetio Mer aes . ] iS RO TI Sa 304. 0408) + tpeciho) | Prorn.pdlet.0. Ald. |qeurye (Ait, 3 NO oat 2 fe FEME cn 4 | jad{iof | fut Oe naram | Onsdeverene MAA Socteu aaa ee Ale 5 shies: pes 6 Bolt used | Hae gyltafi92> | Teuizo.ue offcia|f Lebecto (4424) 21/03/1924) Alirnnt Cem. __IP| focd @ramg.ole, Sto | | “llefoel BANS offoz/iaze | S11¢ (Ou « 3.13 |arloriay) P3118 SO/04w | - BN 13.[Loltins 3.120}

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