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JURASIK (Journal of Information Systems Research & Informatics Engineering) ISSN 2527-5771

Volume 1, Number 1, July 2016


1Dedi Suhendro
Lecturer of AMIK Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra-Indonesia

Jalan Sudirman Blok A No. 1, 2, 3 Pematangsiantar

E-mail :

The objective of the research was to find out the influence of independet variables (the variable of
system quality the variable of information quality, the variable of service quality, and the variable of
performance expectancy) simultaneously and partially had the influence on dependent variable
(users’ satisfaction). The population was 300 cooperatives at Pematangsiantar, and 225 of them
were used as the samples, taken by using purposive sampling technique. The data were processed
by using multiple linier regression analysis with an SPSS software program. The result of the
hypothesis showed that independent variables (the variable of system quality, the variable of
information quality, the variable of service quality and the variable of performance expectation)
simultaneously had significant influence on dependent variable (the variable of users’ satisfaction) at
the cooperatives, Pematangsiantar . Partially, the variable of system quality, the variable of service
quality and the variable of performance expectation had positive and significant influence on user’s
satisfaction at the cooperatives, Pematangsiantar, but the variable of information quality did no
have any influence on users’ satisfaction at the cooperative, Pematangsiantar
Keywords: System quality; information quality; service quality and performance expectancy; users

The development of the national economy faced by the business world, including
cooperatives and small and medium enterprises, is currently very fast and dynamic. Cooperatives
are a form of business entity that is in accordance with the personality of the Indonesian nation
that deserves to be developed as an important business entity and not as a last alternative . The
government expressly stipulates that in the framework of national development today,
cooperatives must become the backbone and container of the people's economy. This government
policy is in accordance with the 1945 Constitution article 33 paragraph 1 which states that the
economy is structured as a joint enterprise based on the principle of kinship. This issue requires
cooperatives to make efforts to stabilize or further improve the existence of their business. In
order to survive and be able to compete with other financial institutions, the cooperative must be
able to determine a policy and strategy that continues to be developed and improved. One of the
policies that can be taken to help the development of cooperatives is to increase effectiveness
through the application of Information Technology.

The application of information technology in cooperative business entities has been

deemed necessary to be implemented, where the implementation of the use of technology will
provide many conveniences and advantages in business development the cooperative itself. The
touch of information technology that switches from a manual bookkeeping system to an integrated
information technology system leads to changes in cooperatives to prosper members and the
community so that can improve performance, both services to the community, the needs of
members and increase the competitiveness of cooperatives. The implementation of the modern
cooperative program is carried out in stages and based on a priority scale and covers all regions of
Indonesia. The selection of cooperatives as participants in modern cooperatives is carried out
based on an approach, including cooperatives that have hardware as support for online
applications, have manpower adequate staff of experts in the field of technology.

The expected benefits and end results of cooperative participation in this modern
cooperative program are that cooperatives can use information technology to support the
development of cooperatives so that they can monitoring, evaluating and structuring accurately
and up to date that can improve the welfare of members. The utilization and application of
information technology can improve the performance of cooperatives to become healthy, strong,
independent and developing cooperatives.

The purpose of this study is to test and analyze the effect of system quality, information
quality, service quality and performance expectations on user satisfaction in system
implementation. Information Technology at Cooperatives in Pematangsiantar City simultaneously
and partially.

This research is a replication of research conducted by Negash, Ryan and Igbaria (2003).
Previous research only used system quality, information quality and service quality, the results of
research from previous researchers where system quality has a positive relationship with the
effectiveness of a WEB-based customer support system, the quality of information has a positive
relationship to the effectiveness of a WEB-based customer support system and the quality of
service is positively related to the effectiveness WEB-based customer support system .

This study adds one independent variable, namely the variable of performance
expectations because it is to see the level at which an information system user believes that using
the system will help in improve its performance.

Theoretical Studies
Some of the previous researchers who can be used as a basis for conducting research are as

Mahendra and Affandy (2012), examined the Factors Affecting the Interest in the Use of
Regional Financial Management Information Systems (SIPKD). The results of this study show that
performance expectations have a significant influence on the interest in the use of regional
financial management information systems (SIPKD), business expectations have a significant
influence on the interest in the use of regional financial management information systems (SIPKD)
and social factors have a significant influence on the interest in utilizing regional financial
management information systems (SIPKD).

DeLone and Mclean (1992), with the research title: "Information Systems Success: The
Quest for the Dependent Variable". The result of this study is to explain that system quality and
information quality independently and simultaneously affect user satisfaction.

DeLone and Mclean (2003), with research title: "The DeLone and McLean Model of
Information Systems Success: A Ten-Year Update" The results of this study are to explain that
system quality, information quality and service quality (service quality) independently and
simultaneously affects user satisfaction.
Dody and Zulaikha (2007) conducted Delone and McLean model testing in management
information system development. The results of this study show that the intensity of using
information systems has a significant positive effect on individual impact , while individual impact
has a significant positive effect on organizational impact. The quality of information and the quality
of the system do not have a significant effect on the intensity of the use of information systems
and user satisfaction.

Septriani (2010) examined the Effect of System Performance on User Satisfaction at PT.
Bank Muamalat Indonesia (Tbk). The results of his research are variables of personal capability /
ability, variables of top management support, and variables of the existence of a steering board
that have a significant positive influence on user satisfaction. Other variables are: user
engagement variables, organizational size variables, system development formalization variables,
training and education program variables , and location variables Information Systems
Department, does not have a significant positive influence on user satisfaction.

Handayani (2005) conducted research on the Analysis of Factors Influencing the Interest in
the Utilization of Information Systems and the Use of Information Systems. The results of this
study show that the variable of performance expectation has a significant positive influence on the
interest in the use of Information Systems, the variable of business expectations has a positive
effect and significant to the interest in the use of Information Systems, social factor variables have
a significant positive effect on the interest in the use of Information Systems, variables of
conditions that facilitate users proven to have a positive and significant influence on the use of
Information Systems, and variable conditions that facilitate users have been shown to have a
positive and significant influence on the use of Information System, the variable of interest in
the use of Information Systems has a positive and insignificant effect on the use of Information

Gorla, Somers, Wongs (2010) conducted research on "Organizational impact of system

quality, information quality, and service quality". System quality is positively related to
organizational impact, system quality is positively related to information quality, information
quality is positively related to organizational impact and The quality of service is positively related
to the impact of the organization.

Saleh, Darwanis and Bakar (2012) conducted a study to determine the effect of information
system quality on the quality of accounting information in an effort to increase user satisfaction of
accounting software in the Aceh government. The results of this study show that the quality of the
information system affects the quality of accounting accounting information. The better the
information system that is run, the more reliable, relevant, timely and reliable information will
be. The quality of the information system affects the satisfaction of accounting software users. The
better the information system that is run, the more it increases the satisfaction of accounting
software users. The quality of accounting information affects the satisfaction of accounting
software users. Quality information provides accurate, clear, detailed, relevant, easy to
implement, easy to obtain, timely , up to date and in accordance with user needs so as to
increase user satisfaction in using the information generated. The quality of the information
system and the quality of accounting information simultaneously affect the satisfaction of
accounting software users.

System quality means the quality of the combination of hardware and software in the
information system. The focus is on the performance of the system, which refers to how well the
capabilities of the hardware, software, policies , procedures of the information system can
provide information user needs (DeLone and McLean, 1992).

Information quality refers to the output of an information system, concerning the value,
benefits, relevance, and urgency of the resulting information (Pitt and Watson 1997).

Information Quality can basically be defined as the activity of a person, group and / or
organization either directly or indirectly to meet needs (Harbani, 2007).

Performance expectations are believed that an individual will use an information system if
the system can help him to improve performance (Handayani, 2005).

The conceptual framework in this study is as follows:

Figure 1. Research concept framework

Research Methods

The data collection technique in this study was carried out by conducting a field survey,
namely by distributing questionnaires. Questionnaires are given to internal users of employees or
employees at cooperative offices in the Pematangsiantar area, there are 300 (three hundred)
cooperative offices in the Pematangsiantar area that are used as objects research. List of
cooperative populations sourced from the cooperative and SME offices of Pematangsiantar city.

The stages in the distribution and collection of questionnaires are divided into two stages,
namely first, distributing questionnaires to samples used in this study only internal users or staff /
employees at the cooperative office in the Pematangsiantar area, then wait for the filling out of the
questionnaire. Second, taking a questionnaire that has been filled out by respondents for data

The population of this study is internal users or staff / employees at cooperative offices in
the Pematangsiantar area and there are 300 (three hundred) cooperative offices in the
Pematangsiantar area that are used as research objects.

The sample selection method used in this study was "Purposive Sampling, which is the
withdrawal of samples with certain considerations" (Suharyadi, 2004: 332). Such considerations
are based on the interests or objectives of the research. The sample that will be used in this study is
only internal users or staff / employees at cooperative offices in the Pematangsiantar area which
amount to 225 (two hundred and twenty-five), who meet criteria as follows:
1. Cooperative offices in the Pematangsiantar area that already have an information
technology system
2. Staff / employees in the field of information technology systems who work at cooperative
offices in the Pematangsiantar area and have a minimum of two years of work experience.
Chosen to have worked two years, because he has had the time and experience to adapt and
assess the conditions of his work environment.
a. The dependent variable in this study is user satisfaction (user satisfaction) is the
user's response to the use of information system output. Independent Variables :
1. System quality is the quality of the combination of hardware and software in
an information system
2. Information Quality refers to the quality of the output or output of the system that
produces information to the user
3. Service quality is an activity that occurs in direct interaction between a person and another
person or machine physically, and provides customer satisfaction
4. Performance expectation is the level at which an individual believes that using an
information system will help in improving his performance

Results and Discussion

Hypothesis Test of the Coefficient of Determination
Coefficient of Determination to find out how much the independent variable is capable of
explaining the dependent variable, the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R square) is used
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square
Square Estimate
1 ,821a ,674 ,668 2,571
a. Predictors: (Constant), Performance Expectations, System
Quality, Service Quality , Information Quality
b. Dependent Variable: User Satisfaction
Table 1. Coefficient of Determination (R2 )

The value of the coefficient of determination (R2 ) 67.4% this means 67.4% of user
satisfaction variables which can be explained by variations of the four independent variables
(system quality, information quality, service quality and performance expectations), while the
remaining 32.6% were influenced and explained by other variables that were not included in this
research model. This research is very possible on the variable of user satisfaction not only
influenced by the fundamental factors represented by the four ratios, but user satisfaction is also
influenced Other variables are outside the model tested in this study.

Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing (F Test)

This test is carried out to find out whether all independent variables together
(simultaneously) can affect the dependent variables. Based on the results of data processing, the
following results are obtained :

Based on the calculation results, a calculated F value of 113,610 and a significance value of
0.000 were obtained. Results can be seen from Table. 2 below:

Sum of Mean
Model df F Itself.
Squares Square
Regression 3004,243 4 751,061 113,610 ,000b
1 Residual 1454,397 220 6,611
Total 4458,640 224
a. Dependent Variable: User Satisfaction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Performance Expectations, System
Quality, Service Quality, Information Quality

By Table. 2 The calculated F value is 113.610. With a degree of significance, a = 5%, df

numerator = k-1 = 5-1 = 4, df denominator = N – k = 225 – 5 = 220, df Total = N – 1 = 225 – 1 = 224
( k is the sum of the multiplicity of variables, N is the sum of the number of the number of
samples ). Results were obtained for the F value of the table of 2.41 then, F count > F of the table
(113.610 > 2.41)

Fcount is greater than table F, with a significance level of 0.000 which is less than 0.05, then
H0 is rejected, this means that the variable is independent (system quality , the quality of
information, quality of service and performance expectations) simultaneously have a significant
effect on the dependent variable (user satisfaction) meaning the fourth small The ratio
simultaneously affects user satisfaction.

Partial Hypothesis Testing (t-test)

This partial hypothesis testing is carried out to determine whether each independent
variable (system quality, information quality, service quality and performance expectations) affects
dependent variables (user satisfaction). Based on the results of data processing, the following
results are obtained:

Table 3. Partial Hypothesis Testing Results (t-test)

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Itself.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -1,051 ,913 -1,152 ,251
System Quality ,099 ,033 ,191 2,989 ,003
1 Information Quality ,081 ,051 ,113 1,601 ,111
Quality of Service ,383 ,071 ,313 5,415 ,000
Performance ,322 ,070 ,312 4,635 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: User Satisfaction

Based on Table 3, a multiple linear regression equation can be compiled as follows:

Y = a + b 1 X 1 + b 2 X 2 + b 3 X3 + b 4 X4 + e
Y = -1.051 + 0.099 X 1 + 0.081 X 2+ 0.383 X 3 + 0.322

Description :
And = User satisfaction
X1 = system quality
X2 = quality of information
X3 = Quality of Service
X4 = Performance expectations
A = Constant
E = error
b1, b 2, b 3 dan = a regression coefficient indicating
b4 the change of a dependent
variable based on
on independent variables

Based on the results of data processing in table 3 above, the partial influence of each
independent variable on the dependent variable is as follows:

1. The System Quality Variable has a calculated value of 2.989 and a ttable value
(0.025;225) of 1.971. Thus, the calculation of the ttabel > which is 2,989>1,971 then H0 is
rejected, which means that the variable System Quality has a positive and significant effect
on User Satisfaction in Cooperatives in Pematangsiantar City.
2. The Information Quality variable has a calculated value of 1.601 and a ttable value of
1.971. Thus, the calculation of the ttabel < which is 1.601 < 1.971 then H0 is accepted,
which means that the variable Information Quality does not affect User Satisfaction in
Cooperatives in Pematangsiantar City .
3. The Quality of Service variable has a calculated value of 5.415 and a ttable value of 1.971.
Thus, the calculation of the ttabel > which is 5.415> 1.971 then H0 is rejected, which
means that the variable Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on User
Satisfaction in Cooperatives in Pematangsiantar City.
4. The Performance Expectation variable has a calculated value of 4.635 and a ttable value of
1.971. Thus, the calculation of the ttabel > of 4,635> 1,971 then H0 is rejected, which
means that the variable Performance Expectations has a positive and significant effect on
User Satisfaction in Cooperatives in Pematangsiantar City.


The results of hypotheses regarding the influence of system quality, information quality,
service quality and performance expectations are obtained simultaneously the variables of system
quality , information quality , Service quality and performance expectations have a significant
effect on user satisfaction. It partially indicates that the quality of the system has a positive and
significant effect on user satisfaction. It is predicted that the higher the quality of the system
used, the higher the level of user satisfaction. It partially indicates that the variable quality of
information has no effect on user satisfaction. This shows that the information is inaccurate and not
on target in making decisions because the respondents lack intention and interest and do not
have the ability to utilizing the existing system in the cooperative so that the use of the system
does not achieve maximum output or output results. Partially shows that the variable of service
quality has a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction. Performance expectation variables
have a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction.

Limitations in using fundamental factors represented from the four independent variables
(system quality, information quality, service quality and performance expectations), with the
possibility of There are many other factors that affect user satisfaction. The selection of data
collection methods is by the survey method, where the survey method contains weaknesses
because filling out the answers on the questionnaire does not reflect the actual situation or actually
happens so it's less flexible.


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