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Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd.

on site
Amity Design Ltd.


Monitored Party : Amity Design Ltd.

amfori ID : 050-000831-000
Site : Amity Design Ltd.
Site amfori ID : 050-000831-002
Address : House No. 7 & 9,Road No.9,Block No. D,Section No. 11,Mirpur,
: 1216, Dhaka - 1216
: Dhaka
: Bangladesh
Monitoring Activity : amfori Social Audit - Manufacturing
Monitoring Type : Full Monitoring
Monitoring Partner : Intertek
Monitoring Start Date : 19/09/2022
Closing Meeting : 19/09/2022
Finished Date
Submission Date : 30/09/2022
Expiration Date : 30/09/2023

This is an extract of the online monitoring result, generated on 30/09/2022, and is only valid as
an acknowledgement of the result. To see all the details, review the full monitoring result, which is
available here - The English version is the legally binding one.

 amfori does not assume any liability with regard to the compliance of this extract, or any versions of this extract, with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679
(General Data Protection Regulation).

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© amfori, 2021

Overall rating

A B C D E None

Section rating

PA1: Social Management System C

PA 2: Workers Involvement and Protection D

PA 3: The Rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining A

PA 4: No Discrimination C

PA 5: Fair Remuneration B

PA 6: Decent Working Hours C

PA 7: Occupational Health and Safety D

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 1 / 10
PA 8: No Child Labour A

PA 9: Special Protection for Young Workers A

PA 10: No Precarious Employment A

PA 11: No Bonded Labour A

PA 12: Protection of the Environment A

PA 13: Ethical Business Behaviour B

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 2 / 10
General description
Auditing Company: ITS Labtest Bangladesh Ltd.
Name of Auditors and APSCA Registration Number:
1) Fuara Sultana – RA 21703441
2) Md. Ataur Rahman - RA 21702809
3) Anis Zaman - ASCA 21700677
Audit Date: 19 September 2022.

This is a full audit conducted in one day. Three auditors have verified the facility’s operations against the amfori BSCI Code of
Conduct and local legislation. The facility management was positive towards this audit and provided full access to the auditors.
Note, in this audit 3.0 man-days spent on-site, and 0.5 man-day assigned for offsite report purpose.

Amity Design Ltd. is a 100% export-oriented Readymade Garments manufacturer located at House No. 7&9, Road No. 9,
Block No. D, Pallabi, Mirpur 11, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The facility has started its operation since 2011 at current location. Factory
license number- 13677/Dhaka, which found expired on 30 June 2022. The total structural area occupied by the facility is about
29,250 square feet, including production area, warehouse area and office area. Main production processes were Cutting,
Sewing and Finishing.

Auditor conducted opening meeting, site observation, workers interview, worker representative interview, management interview,
document review and closing meeting.

Opening meeting:
In opening Mr. Md. Hozrat Ali Emon - Manager (HR, Admin and Compliance), Md. Firoz Hossain – Officer (Compliance), Md.
Abul Kalam Azad – Officer (HR, Admin and Compliance), Md. Masud Rana – Electrical Engineer, Mr. Mahbubur Rahman –
Manager (Accounts) and Mr. Shamimul Islam – Vice President of Participation Committee were present in the opening meeting.
Auditor described the whole audit process, standards, scope, and explained the amfori BSCI code of conduct and local laws to
what extent these are related to this audit in the opening meeting.

Facility’s working hours are as follows:

• There is 01 general shift which is from 08:00 am to 05:00 pm including 01-hour Interval for rest or meal break provided from
01:00 pm to 02:00 pm. Saturday was weekly holiday.
• Facility has 03 shifts (06:00 am to 02:00 pm, 02:00 pm to 10:00 pm and 10:00 pm to 06:00 am) for Security Section, including
01-hour Interval for rest or meal in each shift. Weekly holiday provided as rotation basis.

Total manpower of the facility is 352, among them 131 are male employees and 221 are female employees. And during audit
date present manpower found 315 rest of the employees were absent or on leave. All the employees hired directly by the facility.

All employees were recruited permanently and receive wages by monthly basis in local currency (bank payment). Highest wage
found BDT 15246, average wage BDT 10268 and lowest wage BDT 8000 from sample employees wage record. From sample
employees minimum age found 21 years. Currently factory uses manual time keeping system to record daily attendance.

Site tour:
Right after the opening meeting, audit team went out for a site/plant visit with permission for photography and workers interview
from the management. During site tour all areas of the facility such as production and other non-production areas were covered
during the audit.

Site description:

Facility has total 02 buildings. Detail description is given below:

Building 01 (06 storied main production building):
Ground floor: security post, boiler, maintenance room, hydrant room, sub-station room, surface water reservoir (20,000 gallon)
and storage area.
1st floor: sewing section.
2nd floor: sewing section.
3rd floor: finishing section, electric boiler room, pressing section and spot removing room.
4th floor: sample section, dining, and office area.
5th floor: sewing section, medical room, idle machine area.
Rooftop: vacant.

Building 02 (04 storied building):

Ground floor: fabric storage area, accessories storage area, generator, wastage area.
1st floor: leftover goods store.
2nd floor: cutting section.
3rd floor: packing section, finished goods
Roof top: vacant.

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 3 / 10
All employees are permanent. 22 permanent employees were selected for interviews from different production processes and
non-production sections. Among them 08 were male and 14 were female. Payroll records were reviewed from September 2021
to August 2022, and among them payroll records and timecards for the month of August 2022 (recent paid month), April 2022
(random month) and December 2021 (random month) were reviewed in detail.

Moreover, attendance register, production records and many other documents relevant to this audit were reviewed by the
auditors. As per facility management, factory have no peak/off-peak season in terms of production.

Facility has formed Participation Committee and last election held on 12 April 2021. The committee has 12 members, among
them 08 are from employee’s side and 04 are from management side.

Improvement areas:
Improvement areas were identified in PA 1, PA 2, PA 4, PA 5, PA 6, PA 7, PA 8, PA 10, PA 12 and PA 13. Details has been
pointed out in the respective checklist point.
For the areas (PA 3, PA 9 and PA 11) no non-conformities were noted, and the compliance noted is mentioned in relevant
Performance areas.

Closing meeting:
A closing meeting was conducted at end of the audit. All the attendees of opening meeting were present in closing meeting.
Auditors communicated all the area of improvements to the auditees in details. The auditee was positive on the discussion and
agreed on the area of improvements. Mr. Md. Hozrat Ali Emon - Manager (HR, Admin and Compliance) and Mr. Shamimul Islam
– Vice President of Participation Committee has signed the findings report.

The facility has taken some preventive actions for the #COVID19 situation. For example, they have arranged hand washing
areas at the factory gate and at the facility production floors. The facility ensured all employee’s body temperature are checked
through infra-red gun.

Below documents have not been uploaded as these were not applicable for this facility:
• Contractor license/permit, not applicable as there was no contractor used by the facility.
• Agency labour contract, not applicable as there was no contractor used by the facility.
• Government waivers, not applicable as this is not applicable for amfori monitoring.
• Collective bargaining agreements, not applicable as there was no CBA at the facility.
• Environment Clearance Certificate, not applicable as per production process.

Below photographs have not been uploaded as these were not applicable for this facility:
• Dormitories, not applicable as there was no dormitory at the facility.
• High-risk health and safety areas, not applicable as there was no such risky area at the production process, types of
machinery and workplace.
• Inconsistencies between time and production records, not applicable as there was no inconsistency found.

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 4 / 10
Site Details
Site : Amity Design Ltd.
Site amfori ID : 050-000831-002

GICS Classification

Sector : Industrials Industry : Industrial Conglomerates

Industry Group : Capital Goods Sub Industry : Industrial Conglomerates

amfori Process Classifications GS1 Classifications

N.A. N.A.

NACE Classification Water Stress Situation

N.A. N.A.

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 5 / 10

Key Metrics

Total workforce 315 Workers

Legal minimum wage in local currency 8000 Monthly
Lowest wage paid for regular work at the site 8000 Monthly
Calculated living wage in local currency 11200 Monthly
Total sample 22 Workers

Other Metrics

Male workers 119 Workers

Female workers 196 Workers
Permanent workers - Male 131 Workers
Permanent workers - Female 221 Workers
Temporary workers - Male 0 Workers
Temporary workers - Female 0 Workers
Seasonal workers - Male 0 Workers
Seasonal workers - Female 0 Workers
Management - Male 5 Workers
Management - Female 0 Workers
Apprentices - Male 0 Workers
Apprentices - Female 0 Workers
Workers on probation - Male 17 Workers
Workers on probation - Female 33 Workers
Workers with night shift - Male 2 Workers
Workers with night shift - Female 0 Workers
Workers with disabilities - Male 0 Workers
Workers with disabilities - Female 0 Workers
Domestic migrant workers - Male 84 Workers
Domestic migrant workers - Female 157 Workers
Foreign migrant workers - Male 0 Workers
Foreign migrant workers - Female 0 Workers
Workers hired directly - Male 131 Workers
Workers hired directly - Female 221 Workers
Workers hired indirectly - Male 0 Workers
Workers hired indirectly - Female 0 Workers
Unionised workers - Male 0 Workers
Unionised workers - Female 0 Workers
Workers under CBA - Male 0 Workers
Workers under CBA - Female 0 Workers
Pregnant workers 1 Workers
Workers on parental leave - Male 0 Workers
Workers on parental leave - Female 0 Workers
Sample - Male 8 Workers
Sample - Female 14 Workers

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 6 / 10

PA1: Social Management System

In accordance with amfori BSCI Performance Area (Social Management System and Cascade Effect) No. 1.1 (Is there
satisfactory evidence that the auditee has set up an effective management system to implement the BSCI Code of Conduct):
Finding: It was noted that a) the established management system of the facility needs some improvement in implementing BSCI
Code of Conduct in their business practice in few performance areas. b) Factory license of the facility found expired on 30 June
2022. However, facility found applied to the concern authority on 20 July 2022 but has not get the updated license yet. Note:
The facility has other effective system, policies and procedures in place to implement the BSCI COC in their business practice,
so partial rating is given in this checkpoint.
In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Social Management System and Cascade Effect) No. 1.4: (Is there satisfactory
evidence that the auditee’s workforce capacity is properly organized to meet the expectations of the delivery order and/or
contracts?) Finding: It was noted that, facility management has done capacity planning and also included “contingency plan” (in
case something slows down or interrupts production) but still some gap identified. Through sample months reviewed it was
observed that the factory management did 03 to 07 hours daily overtime work in 03 out of 03 sample months. Based on the
scenario it was noted that capacity planning has not done considering all factors and due to that reason facility required to
do excessive overtime work daily and weekly basis. Note: As facility had a capacity plan, so partial rating was given to this

PA 2: Workers Involvement and Protection 

In accordance with amfori BSCI Performance Area (Workers Involvement and Protection) No. 2.1: (Is there satisfactory
evidence that the auditee has good management practices that involve workers and their representatives in sound information
exchange on workplace issues?) and Bangladesh Labour Act 2006, section 207 (1): The participation committee shall meet at
least once in every 2 (two) months to discuss and exchange views and recommend measures for performance of the functions
under section 206. Findings: it was noted that Participation Committee meeting was not held at least once in every 2 (two)
months. Last two meeting found conducted on 11 September 2022 and 19 April 2022 respectively. Note: as facility has formed
Participation Committee (PC) and is arranging meeting periodically, so partial rating was given to this checkpoint.
In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Worekr’s Involvement & Protection) No. 2.3 (Is there satisfactory evidence that the
auditee takes specific steps to make workers aware of their rights and responsibilities?). Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015, Rules
108 (1) (The Owner or the Manager shall provide a Leave Book to each worker in accordance with Form-9.) Finding: It was
noted that 10 from sampled interviewed employees were not aware of their leave status as they were not provided leave book
copy as per law and interviewed employees couldn’t give idea on their rights regarding leave e.g. and earned leave calculation;
overtime rate; insurance benefit; long term work benefit at the time of resign. Note: As others interviewed employees know
about the legal rights, and facility provided training regularly. So partial rating is given in this checkpoint.
In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Workers Involvement and Protection) No. 2.5: (Is there satisfactory evidence
that the auditee has established, or participates in, an effective operational-level grievance mechanism for individuals and
communities?) Finding: It was noted that, facility has policy on grievance procedure for the workers, but the policy was not
in line with amfori BSCI requirement as the policy did not define how to deal with “potential conflict of interest”, time line to
address, and appeal procedure in case of dissatisfaction etc. Note: facility management has already established a grievance
procedure, so partial rating is given in this checkpoint.

PA 4: No Discrimination

In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (No Discrimination) No. 4.1: (Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee takes
the necessary measures to avoid or eradicate discrimination in the workplace?) Finding: It was noted that facility did not
conduct any internal assessment on the most frequent grounds used for discrimination as well as the most common activities
through which discrimination may occur and did not identify the root cause of discriminatory behaviors. Note: As facility has a
discrimination policy, so partial rating is given in this checkpoint.

PA 5: Fair Remuneration

In accordance with amfori BSCI Performance Area (Fair Remuneration) No. 5.2: (Is there satisfactory evidence that wages
are paid in a timely manner; regularly and fully in legal tender? And Bangladesh labour rules 2015, rules 111 (3): The Owner
shall give Wage Slip to each worker at the time of paying wages as per Form-38, where payable amount of wages, overtime
allowance, deduction (if any) and total payable amount of wages shall be mentioned. Findings: it was noted that facility was not
provide wage slip to their employees in the month of July and August 2022 at the time of paying wages, where payable amounts
of wages, overtime allowance, deduction (if any) and total payable amounts of wages shall be mentioned. Note: as facility paid
wages within 7th working days by banking system, so partial rating was given to this checkpoint.
In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Fair Remuneration) No. 5.4: (Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee
provides sufficient remuneration that allows workers to meet a decent standard of living?): Finding: It was noted that the factory

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 7 / 10
PA 5: Fair Remuneration

management did not take initiative to achieve living wages and no action plan was in place to fill up gap between present local
minimum wage and living wage. Though they were ensuring minimum wage as per law. Note: As the facility has calculated living
wage, so partial rating is given in this checkpoint.

PA 6: Decent Working Hours

In accordance with amfori BSCI Performance Area (Decent Working Hours) No. 6.2 (Is there satisfactory evidence that the
auditee request of overtime is in line with the requirements of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct?) and Bangladesh Labor Law
2006, Section 102 (2): ((2) Subject to the provisions of section 108, an adult worker may work for more than 48 (forty-eight)
hours also in a week: Provided that the total working hours of such worker shall not exceed 60 (sixty) hours in a week, and on
the average 56 (fifty-six) hours per week in a year:) Finding: It was noted that the facility has worked excessive overtime in the
sample months as follows: a) In August 2022 (Recent Paid Month), I. 19 out of 22 workers have worked a minimum of 13 hours
(08 hours regular+05 hours overtime) to a maximum of 15 hours (08 hours regular +07 hours overtime) in a day. II. 13 out of
22 workers have worked a minimum of 61 hours (48 hours regular+ 13 hours overtime) to a maximum of 64 hours (48 hours
regular+16 hours overtime) in a week. b) In April 2022 (Random Paid Month), I. 18 out of 22 workers have worked a minimum
of 11 hours (08 hours regular+03 hours overtime) to a maximum of 15 hours (08 hours regular +07 hours overtime) in a day. II.
7 out of 22 workers have worked a minimum of 63 hours (48 hours regular+ 15 hours overtime) to a maximum of 70 hours (48
hours regular+22 hours overtime) in a week. c) In December 2021 (Random Paid Month), I. 17 out of 22 workers have worked
a minimum of 13 hours (08 hours regular+05 hours overtime) to a maximum of 15 hours (08 hours regular +07 hours overtime)
in a day. II. 5 out of 22 workers have worked a minimum of 61 hours (48 hours regular+ 13 hours overtime) to a maximum of 64
hours (48 hours regular+16 hours overtime) in a week. Note, as overtime payment was provided accordingly, so partial rating
has been given in this checkpoint.

PA 7: Occupational Health and Safety

In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Occupational Health and Safety) No. 7.1: (Is there satisfactory evidence that the
auditee observes occupational health and safety regulations applicable for its activities?) and Bangladesh labour Rules 2015,
rule 94 (1) (The layout, quality and position of the Children’s Room or the separate Children Building or the adapted building
must be approved by the Inspector General or the Inspector authorized by him/her.) Finding: It was noted that, the facility did
not have any childcare facility as per legal requirement. Note that the facility had 221 female employees in the payroll during the
audit day. Note: As facility has fulfilled other requirements of this questionnaire, so partial rating is given in this checkpoint.
In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Occupational Health & Safety) No. 7.3 (Is there satisfactory evidence that the
auditee regularly carries out risk assessments for safe, healthy and hygienic working conditions?): Finding: It was noted through
documents review and management interview that facility management has conducted risk assessment for all sections. But
the conducted risk assessment document lacks the following areas: • Date of last conducted risk assessment were not given in
conducted risk assessment • The facility did not conduct hazard identification and risk assessment periodically • Follow-up on
the effectiveness of the risk assessment was not conducted. Note: As facility management has conducted risk assessment for
all sections and vulnerable workers, so partial rating is given in this checkpoint.
In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Occupational Health & Safety) No. 7.4 (Is there satisfactory evidence of active
cooperation between management and workers (and/or their representatives) when developing and implementing systems
towards ensuring OHS?) and Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015, schedule 4 (Meetings of the safety committee shall be held at
least once in every three months, however, on emergency situations, a meeting may be convened at any time; Finding: It was
noted that, a) Safety Committee meeting was not held at least once in every 3 (three) months. Last meeting found conducted on
03 March 2022. b) facility management did not involve worker representative during risk assessment. Note: As the facility has
formed a safety committee, so partial rating is given in this checkpoint.
In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Occupational Health and Safety) No. 7.11 (Is there satisfactory evidence that
the auditee confirms that the equipment and buildings used for production are stable and safe?) and a) Bangladesh Labour
Rules 2015, Rules 353 (1): b) Building Construction Act 1952, Section 3A (1): (No owner or occupier of a building shall, without
obtaining previous permission from the Authorized Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, use the building for the
purpose other than that mentioned in the sanction.) b) Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission Act, 2003-Section 27(a)
(1): Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission Act, 2003-Section 27(a). c) Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015, Rules 353 (1):
Finding: It was noted that, A) Facility management got the construction approval for Building 1 (4 storied residential building
and 4th & 5th floor mentioned as proposed) on 29 May 1993 and building 02 on 18 January 1987 from Dhaka Improvement
Trust (DIT) as a residential building instead of industrial building. However, facility has applied for both building as commercial
building to RAJUK (concern authority) on 08 August 2018. B) facility had 01 generator with a power generation capacity of 705
KW which has expired on 22 July 2022. However, the facility has already applied for renewal on dated 15 September 2022 but
has not received an approval copy yet. C) Lay out plan was not matched with actual floor. Such as per approved layout plan
cutting section mentioned at ground floor of building 01, but physically cutting section found at 2nd floor of building 02. Also, as
per lay out plan only sewing section mentioned at 5th floor of building 01, however physically sewing section, idle machine and
medical room was found. In addition, no approved lay out plan was found for building 02. Note: As others license was found
updated, so partial rating has been given in this checkpoint.

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 8 / 10
PA 7: Occupational Health and Safety

In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Occupational Health & Safety) No. 7.20: (Is there satisfactory evidence that the
auditee provides workers with potable water at all times?) and Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015, section. 50 (5). 5. In case of the
underground water or supplied in other way or tube well water, the owner should procure and preserve the certificate from public
health engineering department of the government or any other organization approved by the government whether the water is
free from arsenic and germs and drinkable or not at least once a year if directed by the inspector.) Findings: It was noted that
drinking water test report was found conducted on 08 September 2021 which has crossed 1 year validity as per requirement.
Note that facility management has applied to the concern department for drinking water test on 15 September 2022, but they
have not get the updated drinking water test report yet. Note, as facility has given potable water jar for drinking, so partial rating
has been given on this checkpoint
In accordance with amfori BSCI Performance Area (Occupational Health and Safety) No. 7.21 (Is there satisfactory evidence
that the auditee provides workers with access to an appropriate, clean area for storing food, eating and/or cooking?) and
Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015, Rule 87 (1) and 92 (a): Rule 87 (1): [The Owner of the institute where more than 100 (one
hundred) workers are employed shall arrange a canteen for the workers, facilitating adequate space for minimum 10% of total
number of workers]. Finding: It was noted that, a) the facility management has not arranged a canteen within the premises for
employees to have light snacks. b) facility had a dining area that could accommodate around 30 workers at a time which is not
sufficient considering total 352 employees as per legal requirements. Note: As facility management has provided resting break
for the workers to have their lunch, so partial rating has been given in this checkpoint.

PA 8: No Child Labour

In accordance with amfori BSCI Performance Area (No Child Labour) No. 8.4 (Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee
has adequate and remedial policies and procedures to provide for further protection in case children are found to be working?)
Finding: It was noted that facility management has developed child labor remediation policy which were found not appropriate as
those were conflicting with young worker policy. In child labor remediation policies, the age limit of young worker was included.
Thus, the policies were found confusing whether it was child remediation policy or young worker policy. However, facility has
a separated young worker policy which was as per requirement. Note: as facility management developed child labor policy, so
partial rating has given in this questionnaire.

PA 10: No Precarious Employment

In accordance with amfori BSCI Performance Area (No Precarious Employment) No. 10.2: (Is there satisfactory evidence that
the auditee engages workers based on recognized and documented employment relationships?). and a) Bangladesh Labor
Rules 2015, Rule 19(5): (Each owner will provide identity card with the photograph to each worker working in the firm at the
costs of the owner as per Form-6.). b) Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015, Rule 118: (Following the description of Form-41, every
worker must nominate a person who can receive undisbursed payment and other dues in the absence of him/her, at the time of
his/her employment in the workforce). Finding: It was noted that, a) facility was not provided ID card for randomly checked 04
out of 10 employees. Note that they have joined in the month of July 2022. Also, 30% of sample employees provided ID card
was not as per the requirement as some information like blood group, validity, permanent address, emergency contract etc. was
not provided. During audit day total 315 employees were working in this facility. b) few required information was not included in
the randomly checked 22 out of 22 form of declaration and nomination e.g., Address, National ID Number & Age of nominated
person, Date of signature of the nominated person, worker & management representative; Portion payable to each nominee,
Thumb impression of the worker. Note: As the facility had provided Identity Card to other employees, so partial rating was given
to this checkpoint.

PA 12: Protection of the Environment

In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Protection of the Environment) No. 12.5: (Is there satisfactory evidence that water
is managed in a way that respects the environment, particularly but not limited to preserving local water sources?). Finding: It
was noted that no risk assessment was conducted on water waste reduction as well as the facility did not have any procedure
to prevent water loss and have a system to preserve natural water resources (recycling practices, preserving rainwater, etc.) to
ensure a better environment in the premises. Note: As the facility has an environment protection policy, so partial rating is given
in this checkpoint.

PA 13: Ethical Business Behaviour

In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Ethical Business Behavior) No. 13.1: (Is there satisfactory evidence that the
auditee actively opposes any act of corruption, extortion or embezzlement, or in any form of bribery in its activities as a business
enterprise?). Finding: It was noted that it was noted that a) The facility did not communicate anti -corruption policy with their
business partners. b) factory management has not identified the potential areas of corruption and possible solution of mitigate
anti-corruption issue. c) There is no reward system to maintain ethical behavior. Note, as facility have developed an anti-

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 9 / 10
PA 13: Ethical Business Behaviour

corruption policy to prevent corruption and provide awareness training to the employees so, partial rating is given in this
In accordance with BSCI Performance Area (Ethical Business Behaviour) No. 13.2 (Is there satisfactory evidence that the
auditee keeps accurate information regarding its own activities, structure and performance?) Finding: It was noted that the
facility was maintaining a manual time recording system for their employees where all “IN” and “OUT” time were uniform (e.g.
In 8:00 am and out 5:00 pm) and it does conflict with actual “IN” and “OUT” time of employees. However, the facility provided
sampled months' payroll records with employee signatures and those were consistent with other documents. During audit day
a total of 352 employees were working in this facility. Note: As the facility has maintained a time recording system for their
employees, so partial rating is given in this checkpoint.

Monitoring result for Amity Design Ltd. on site Amity Design Ltd. - 10 / 10

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