Outline TACS7

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Class: TAN431.CS(GD1.1-HK2-2223)CC.5
Group: 11
Huỳnh Khánh Chi - 2014420008
Nguyễn Thị Linh - 2014410085

Part 1:
Question 8: What characteristics would a bad leader have?

- Chi: A know-it-all attitude, high self-respect, lack of openminded-ness, not facilitating

members to reach their full potential.
- Linh: Indecision, weak communication abilities.

Question 9: If you were the leader of your school, what changes would you make?

- Linh: improve the quality of sports equipment and facilities in the school.
- Chi: our attention to student’s mental health. Youngsters have to face multiple types of stress:
peer pressure, pressure to live up to parent’s expectations, pressure to be worthy for the
fully-provided conditions they have, fear of missing out…. And to me, I would open a sharing
center, not really solving but empathize with the students, give them confidence and belief,
and together confront their mental problems.

Part 2:
Imagine that you are the CEO of a company. How would you deal with the situation?
A popular shop-floor worker was recently given a verbal warning for frequent lateness which is
usually caused by the need to take her children to school, sometimes in heavy traffic. Following the
warning, she has begun to openly criticize company management for not caring about the needs of
workers who are also parents. A strong anti-management culture is beginning to develop.

(1) Linh
- Considering normative measures first:
● Being clear and consistent about the rules
● Adding punctuality part of the employee performance review
- If the above strategies fail, might consider firing
(2) Chi:
- Work individually with that women - human resources: I want to emphasize that the company
also cares about personal problems of staff and especially show that we are willing to strongly
empathize with parental responsibility.
- Work to the group - as there has arisen the anti-management culture. Adjust regulations and
republicize. The obligations and rights of workers to the company. Regulations should include
the trade off: going to work late and there’s financial punishment, your wages will go down

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