Dreams and Hopes

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The honorable all the judges of this contest

Let me introduce my self first. My name is ……………………… I am from SMPIT Insan Madani Kota

First of all I would like to thank Allah swt for the blessing and mercy that has given to me so that I
can stand up here in this very lovely occasion. Today, I would like to deliver my speech which
entitled How to Reach Your Dreams

How to Reach Your Dreams

Ladies and Gentlemen

Surely everyone has dreams and the wonderful thing is, you can have anything you want if you
have the right attitude and take the right steps. Therefore, in this lovely moment of Champlish
2022, I would like to share these 7 valuable life hacks to Reach Your Dreams and have fun doing it!

The first way to reach your dreams is Be Confident and Positive

You should know that the more positive you are, the more you are open to opportunities and
success. Actually, whatever you put out, comes back to you, so as you see the best in things and as
you think highly of yourself, you begin to attract the people and situations into your life that will
lead you to what you want. It means when you are feeling down and frustrated, you probably
aren’t very clear, focused or connected. Happy, successful people surround themselves with other
happy people. So be confident, be positive and appreciate the little things as well as the big.

The second way to reach your dreams is Focus Forward & Visualize Your Dream

It is so important to focus forward and visualize your dreams every day. Likely, your dreams won’t
materialize overnight. But if you focus forward, and can see your dream in your mind before it
happens, then your sub-conscious knows what to move toward. As you focus forward, imagine
beautiful opportunities appearing before you. Imagine how good you feel living your dream life. As
you do this, you are more open to receive goodness and your dreams will quickly begin to
materialize. If you can do this, then you are half way there because you already feel great! You will
raise your vibration closer to the vibration of your dreams.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Now let’s discuss the third way to reach your dreams, that is to make every Step Fun

So many of us have been taught that with enough hard work anything is possible. But this idea
leaves out something very important: the people who truly reach their dreams, especially in the
biggest ways, have fun along the way. If you do what feels good then you will feel happier. When
you feel happier, you are more inspired. Find what makes you feel good and focus on it, because
feeling happy and inspired every step of the way is key. As you make fun and happiness a priority,
you will notice wonderful shifts, and creating your dreams in very big ways will become easier than
you were ever led to believe.
The fourth way to reach your dream is don’t listen to negative people

Often when positive people have big dreams, others will try to pull them down. People have been
holding themselves back because they don’t believe in themselves. Don’t listen to them! If you feel
in your heart your dream is possible and you want to achieve it, then you CAN have it. Keep your
dream alive and don’t listen to those who think it can’t be done. There are clearly hundreds and
thousands of examples of people succeeding and making their dreams happen, seemingly against
all odds. These are the people you want to be listening to.

So, ladies and gentlemen

Take risks that feel right! There will be some times when you’re not sure what to do. Sometimes
you need to take a big risk to move forward. The risks that will lead you in the right direction will
feel special. So when an opportunity feels good and comes to you from a good place with good
people, then even if it is risky, seize it because it might just be the next logical step to jump
forward towards your dream life!

I think that’s all for my speech today, thank you very much for your attention. Wassalamu alaikum.

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