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Resistance of Cocomus Satimus Germplasm Against

Safrothesia Flungenia Growth under High Tunnels at AARI

Fatima Tu Zahra

Department of plant pathology

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad


I hereby declare that the contents of the report : Resistance of

Cocomus Satimus Germplasm Against Safrothesia Fungemia Growth
under High Tunnels at AARI Faisalabad are the product of my own
research and no part has been occupied from any published sources
(except the references, standard mathematical / equations / formula
/ protocol etc). I further declare that this work has not been
submitted for the award of any other diploma / degree. The
university may take action if the information provided is found
inaccurate at any stage. In case of any default, the scholar will be
proceeded against as per HEC plagiarism policy.

Fatima Tu Zahra

. 2019-ag-8071

It is certified that Fatima Tu Zahra has worked in the Vegetable Research Institute
Faisalabad (AARI) 16-02-2023 to 5-05-2023 as a part of internship program. He
has performed efficiently and completed his work successfully entitled: Resistance
of Cocomus Satimus Germplasm Against Safrothesia Flungenia Growth under High
Tunnels at AARI Faialabad His report is processed for evaluation.

Internship Supervisory Committee

1. Supervisor (External)
Dr. Waseem Abbas____________________________
Senior scientist
Vegetable Research Institute,

2. Supervisor (Internal)
Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Sahi ____________________________
Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

3. Internship Incharge
Prof.Dr .Shahbaz Talib Sahi ____________________________
Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

4. Chief Scientist
5. Dr Qaiser Latif Cheema
Vegetable Research Institute, ____________________________
AARI, Faisalabad

All praise bow before the all Mighty ALLAH; the greatest benefactor of all, owner of all
the known and unknown worlds; the Arbitrator of Judgment day and closer to me than my
jugular vein; by the Grace of ALLAH Whom I have been able to end the given task.
I would also like to appreciate my worthy parents who helped me in increasing my
devotion towards my work in thick and thin with their valuable advice and reprimands. They
were the path reveler to me, whenever I got stuck in dark.
I would like to express my gratitude to my laudable supervisors at Plant Pathology
Research Institute,Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad for their benevolent
guidance on my given task. I would happily pay my regards Dr Waseem Abbas Senior
Scientist Vegetable Research Institute ARRI) who humanely took me through the
long and weary trail of erudition. They, along with their colleagues and co-workers,
furnished me with eternal knowledge and meaning of life. Their thought provoking words
would always be carved in my wit. They taught me the values of life and ethics. Both of
them helped me a lot in completing my chore. They honed my observation skills,
enhanced my problem solving abilities, beautified my aesthetics and sharpened my
I am also thankful to my worthy teachers at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad; Dr
Ghulam Mustafa Sahi (Lecturer) and Prof.Dr .Shahbaz Talib Sahi (Chairman,
Department of Plant Pathology) for bestowing an opportunity to peek inside the practical side of
the profession, so that I can get a quick glimpse of my future career.
In the end, I would appreciate my friends and colleagues for pointing out my mistakes
and encouraged me for improvement… Thank You ALL

Fatima Tu Zahra







1 Introduction

2 Review of literature

3 Materials and Methods

4 Results

5 Discusstion

6 summary

7 Literature cites

8 Other word perform at VRI


Chapter Title Pages

01 Introduction to Internship 08
02 Ayub Agriculture Research Institute (AARI), Faisalabad 09
2.1 Objectives 10
2.2 Line of Action 10
2.3 Services Offered 12
2.4 Organizational Setup of AARI, FSD 12
2.5 Land Resources 13
2.6 AARI Mandate 13
03 Biochemistry Section, PHRC, AARI, Faisalabad 14
3.1 Mission 14
3.2 Objectives 14
04 Nutritional Quality Evaluation of Different Apple Varieties 15

Grown in Punjab, Pakistan

01 Introduction 16
02 Review of Literature 19
03 Material and Methods 19
3.1 Varieties 19
3.2 Observations 19
3.3 Determination of Sugars (Total, Reducing and Non-Reducing) 20
3.4 Acidity (Citric Acid) % 26
3.5 Antioxidants 28
3.6 29
3.7 TSS % (Total Soluble Solids) 30
3.8 Pulp % 31
3.9 31
3.10 Fresh Fruit Weight and Stone Weight (g/fruit) 31
3.11 Crude Fat (%) 32
3.12 Ash (Mineral matter %) 33
3.13 Crude Fiber (%) 34
3.14 Crude Protein (%) 35
04 Results and Discussion 39
05 Conclusion 41
06 Summary 41
07 References 42

1. Title page
2. Evaluation
3. Declaration
4. Dedication
5. Acknowledgement
6. Contents
7. Introduction to AARI
8. Introduction to VRI
9. Abstract

1. Importance
2. Nutritional Benefits
3. Value Edition (Import, Export, Production, Hybrid)
4. Limiting Factors
5. Enlist Diseases of Cucumber
1. Importance
2. Pathogen Status
3. Lases and Symptoms
4. Why we study Current
5. What is our Object
Chapter 3:
Review Of Literature
1. Importance Of Literature
2. Lasses
3. Diseases (Symptoms, Pathogen)
4. Source of Resistance
5. Management

Chapter 4:
Materials and Methods
1. Practice work
2. Symptoms
3. Medicine
4. Rate of Disease
5. Treatment
Chapter 5:
Results and Conclusions
1. Experiments
2. Results and Diseases
3. Conclusions
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Other Research Work at AARI
Chapter 8:
Literature Cited


 Ayub Agriculture Research Institute (AARI), Faisalabad is the premier and prestigious
organization of the country. Its mandate is the development of technology for food security,
generation of exportable surplus, value addition and conservation of natural resources. AARI
originated in 1962 (after bifurcation of research and education) is a successor origination of
former Punjab Agriculture College and Research Institute Lyallpur (Established in 1906).
 Agricultural research can be broadly defined as any research activity aimed at improving
productivity and quality of crops by their genetic improvement, better plant protection,
irrigation, storage methods, farm mechanization, efficient marketing, and a better
management of resources (Loebenstein, G., and G, Thottappilly, 2007).Agriculture is an
important sector of Pakistan's economy. This sector directly supports the country's
population and accounts for 26 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The major
agricultural crops include cotton, wheat, rice, sugarcane, fruits and vegetables. The irrigation
system of Pakistan belongs to one of the world's largest systems to support agricultural
production (Rehman, A., et al, 2016).. During the 1960s, the Green Revolution in Pakistan
also involved public investment in irrigation canals and market development (Renkow,200)

 . Agriculture has been the single largest sector playing main role in earning remarkable
foreign exchange. This role can be further extended by improving the existing farming
system. In most of the far-flung and rural climes our farmers are still sticking to the obsolete
and traditional farming system those results in poor production and return. This is the age of
science andtechnology, therefore, our agriculture needs to be attuned and re-oriented
according to modern inventions. Our agricultural scientists are intensively engaged to
ransack new technologies and methodologies to put agriculture on the right track leading
towards prosperity and selfsufficiency.The global mission of agricultural research will be to
feed the ever-increasing population from 6.4 billion (2005) to an expected 9.4 billion in 2030

(Loebenstein, G., and G, Thottappilly, 2007).

 Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) is one of the oldest and most prestigious
agricultural research institutions in Pakistan. It is located in the city of Faisalabad, in the
province of Punjab, and was established in 1962 with the aim of promoting agricultural
research and development in the country. The institute is named after General Ayub Khan,
the former President of Pakistan, who played a key role in the establishment of the institute.
AARI is spread over an area of 1,623 acres and has a dedicated team of scientists,
researchers, and support staff who work together to address the challenges faced by the
agricultural sector in Pakistan. The research activities of AARI focus on developing new and
improved varieties of crops, enhancing crop productivity, and improving the management of
pests and diseases. The institute is also involved in research on livestock, poultry, and
fisheries. AARI has a number of research departments, including plant breeding and
genetics, soil science, entomology, plant pathology, horticulture, and agricultural
engineering. The institute also has a number of research stations and experimental farms
located throughout the country. AARI is known for its high-quality research and has made
significant contributions to the development of the agricultural sector in Pakistan. Its
research findings are widely disseminated through publications, conferences, and
workshops, and the institute also provides technical assistance to farmers and agricultural
organizations across the country.

Improved Varieties:
 Improved varieties are crop varieties that have been developed through breeding and genetic
modification to possess desirable traits such as higher yields, resistance to pests and
diseases, tolerance to environmental stresses, and improved nutritional value. The
development of improved varieties is a key focus of agricultural research institutions such as
Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) in Pakistan. At AARI, the development of
improved crop varieties is carried out by the plant breeding and genetics department. The
department uses traditional breeding methods as well as modern biotechnological tools to
develop new and improved varieties of crops. For example, the department has developed
improved varieties of wheat, rice, cotton, maize, and other crops that have higher yields,
improved resistance to diseases and pests, and greater tolerance to environmental stresses
such as drought and heat.
 The improved crop varieties developed by AARI and other agricultural research institutions
in Pakistan have played a significant role in increasing crop productivity and improving food
security in the country. These varieties have been widely adopted by farmers, and their use
has resulted in higher crop yields and increased profitability for farmers. In addition to their
economic benefits, improved crop varieties also have important environmental and social
benefits. By improving crop yields and reducing the need for chemical inputs such as
pesticides and fertilizers, these varieties can help to reduce the environmental impact of
agriculture. Moreover, by providing farmers with higher incomes, improved varieties can
contribute to poverty reduction and improved livelihoods in rural communities. In summary,

improved crop varieties are an important outcome of agricultural research, and their
development is a key focus of institutions such as AARI in Pakistan. These varieties have
significant economic, environmental, and social benefits and are essential for ensuring food
security and sustainable agriculture in the country.

Yield Percentage:
 Yield percentage refers to the proportion of the total crop harvested compared to the amount
that was planted or expected to be harvested. It is a measure of crop productivity and is
expressed as a percentage. Yield percentage is calculated by dividing the harvested yield by
the expected yield and multiplying the result by 100. For example, if a farmer plants 1000 kg
of wheat and harvests 800 kg, the yield percentage would be calculated as follows: Yield
Percentage = (Harvested Yield / Expected Yield) x 100 Yield Percentage = (800 kg / 1000
kg) x 100 Yield Percentage = 80% In this case, the yield percentage for wheat is 80%.

Import and Export:

 As a research institution, Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) does not directly
engage in the import or export of agricultural products. However, the research conducted by
AARI can indirectly influence Pakistan's agricultural exports and imports by improving the
productivity, quality, and sustainability of crops grown in the country. Pakistan is an
agricultural country, and agriculture is a major contributor to its economy, accounting for
about 20% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Some of the major agricultural products
that are exported from Pakistan include rice, cotton, wheat, fruits, and vegetables. The export
of these products contributes significantly to Pakistan's economy, and research institutions

such as AARI play a crucial role in improving the productivity and quality of these crops.
Through its research and development programs.

Hybrid Varieties:

1. Wheat: AARI has developed several hybrid wheat varieties, such as AARI-11, AARI-
12, and AARI-13. These varieties have higher yield potential and better resistance to
diseases such as leaf rust and stripe rust.
2. Cotton: AARI has developed several hybrid cotton varieties, such as CIM-616, CIM-
707, and CIM-728. These varieties have higher yield potential and better resistance to
pests such as bollworms and jassids.
3. Maize: AARI has developed several hybrid maize varieties, such as AARI-2011,
AARI-2012, and AARI-2013. These varieties have higher yield potential and better
resistance to diseases such as leaf blight and stalk rot.
4. Vegetables: AARI has also developed several hybrid vegetable varieties, such as
hybrid tomato, cucumber, and bitter gourd varieties. These varieties have higher yield
potential and better resistance to pests and diseases.

Limiting Factors:
 In summary, limiting factors in agricultural production can vary depending on several
factors, and the key to overcoming these factors is through proper management
practices, including soil fertility management, water management, pest and disease
control, climate adaptation, and proper crop management practices.

Diseases of Cucumber:
Cucumber is a popular vegetable that is vulnerable to several diseases. Some of the
common diseases of cucumber include:

1. Downy mildew: This is a fungal disease that can cause yellowing and browning
of the leaves, as well as the development of a fuzzy gray growth on the undersides
of the leaves.
2. Powdery mildew: This is a fungal disease that can cause a white, powdery
coating on the leaves, which can reduce photosynthesis and lead to stunted growth.
3. Bacterial wilt: This is a bacterial disease that can cause wilting and eventual
death of the plant. It is spread by cucumber beetles.
4. Angular leaf spot: This is a bacterial disease that can cause small, angular
lesions on the leaves, which can enlarge and cause the leaves to drop prematurely.
5. Anthracnose: This is a fungal disease that can cause brown or black sunken
spots on the fruit and leaves, which can lead to premature fruit drop.
6. Fusarium wilt: This is a fungal disease that can cause yellowing and wilting of
the leaves, stunting of growth, and eventually plant death.
7. Root rot: This is a fungal disease that can cause the roots to rot and turn brown,
which can lead to stunted growth and wilting of the leaves.
 Proper crop management practices such as crop rotation, use of disease-resistant
varieties, sanitation, and timely application of fungicides and bactericides can help to
control these diseases and reduce their impact on cucumber production.

Research Institutes at AARI:

1. Cotton Research Institute, Faisalabad

2. Sugarcane Research Institute, Faisalabad
3. Oilseeds Research Institute, Faisalabad
4. Pulses Research Institute, Faisalabad
5. Horticulture Research Institute, Faisalabad
6. Vegetable Research Institute, Faisalabad
7. Agronomic Research Institute, Faisalabad
8. Plant Protection Institute
9. Entomology Research Institute, Faisalabad
10. Post- Harvest Research Institute, Faisalabad
11. Biotechnology Research Institute, Faisalabad
12. Wheat Research Institute, Faisalabad
Crop No of Varieties Released
Wheat 58
Rice 11
Cotton 36
Maize 16
Pulses 18
Sugarcane 16
Oliseeds 17
Fodder 18
Fruit 61
Total 293

Introduction to VRI:
 The Vegetable Research Institute (VRI) at Ayub Agriculture Research Institute in
Faisalabad is a world-renowned center for research and development in the field of
vegetables. Established in 1979, the VRI has been at the forefront of advancing scientific
knowledge and improving the production and quality of vegetables in Pakistan. The institute
is dedicated to conducting cutting-edge research in the areas of breeding, genetics,
biotechnology, agronomy, and post-harvest management of vegetables. Its team of highly
qualified and experienced scientists, researchers, and technicians work together to develop
new and improved varieties of vegetables that are better adapted to local conditions, more
resistant to diseases, and more nutritious.
 The VRI also provides technical assistance and training to farmers, extension workers, and
other stakeholders in the vegetable sector to help them adopt modern and sustainable
farming practices, and to increase their productivity and income. Overall, the Vegetable
Research Institute at Ayub Agriculture Research Institute is a leading institution that plays a
vital role in promoting food security, improving livelihoods, and ensuring sustainable
development in Pakistan and beyond.

 The institute is located at a distance of four kilometers from the Faisalabad city on Jhang
Road, Faisalabad. It stands in the flat plains of Northeast of Punjab, between longitude
73º74 East, latitude 30º31.5 North, with an elevation of 184m (604 ft.) above sea level.
Research on vegetable crops in this part of the sub-continent was started with the creation
of a Vegetable Section in 1938, headed by an Assistant Botanist, at the Punjab Agri. College
and Research Institute, Lyallpur (now called Faisalabad). In 1945, this Section was merged
with the Fruit Section headed by a Fruit Specialist. In 1950, it was detached from the Fruit
Section and a Vegetable Botanist was appointed to supervise the task of vegetable
research. With the bifurcation of research and education in 1962, the vegetable section
became a component of the newly created Ayub Agricultural Research Institute,
Lyallpur .This Vegetable Section was upgraded to the status of Vegetable Research Institute
(VRI) in 1975.
 Since then this institute has developed 65 high yielding better varieties/hybrids possessing
biotic and abiotic stresses / tolerance. This institute has also developed technology for
growing offseason vegetables under plastic tunnels. This institute has got the status of
pioneer institution for the supply of vegetable breeding material / germplasm to other
organizations of the country for research. The Vegetable Research Institute has been
providing the advisory services to the vegetable growers and vegetable seed producers
through Electronic and Print masses for enhancement of vegetable production in the

 Vegetables are integral part of human food and provide vital nutritional elements for
healthy life. More than three dozen vegetable crops are being grown in Pakistan from high
hills of NWFP to the plains of Sindh and Punjab in a variety of environment.Until recent
past, vegetables were grown in Pakistan for domestic markets only. With changing trend in
marketing and opening of the world trade, Pakistan has entered in the international
markets for vegetable exports. Presently, vegetables are grown on about 2.5 % of the total
cropped area of Pakistan. Punjab shares 50 % in area and 60 % in production. This 2.5 % of
the total cropped area is not only fulfilling the domestic requirements but also earning
foreign exchange for the country. On the basis of the last 5 years average, Pakistan is
earning about two billion rupees annually from the export of vegetables. Pakistan has a
good potential to increase this foreign exchange earnings by increasing area and

production of vegetable crops.

Fig1.2: Vegetable Research Institute

Table 1.2:The Vegetable Research Institute is doing research on the following crops.

Winter Vegetables Summer Vegetables

Tomato Cauliflower Chilies Bottle Gourd

Onion Cabbage Cucumber Bitter Gourd

Peas Fenugreek Brinjal Musk Melon

Carrot Coriander Tinda Gourd Water Melon

Turnip Garlic Cowpeas Long Melon

Radish Ash Gourd Okra

Brinjal Red Gourd Bell pepper

Lettuce Turmeric Vegetable Marrow

Spinach Sponge Gourd Sweet Potato

Total area under Vegetable Research Institute (VRI, AARI) is 50 Acers where research is being
carried out.

Off-Season Vegetable Production:

Tunnels are used to grow summer vegetables in winter season. The yields in plastic tunnels are
generally very high due to vertical use of space and better environmental and inputs controls.
At the same time, it fetches high price on account of increased production and off-season
availability. Summer vegetables like cucumber, tomato, chillies, sweet pepper, squashes, bitter
gourd, red gourd, sponge gourd and bottle gourd are being grown successfully under plastic
tunnels in Punjab. The nursery of tomato, chillies and sweet pepper is planted from 15 to 31
Oct. and transplanted in 10 the plastic tunnels from 15th to 30th November. Cucumber and
bottle gourd seeds are planted directly in the tunnels from 15th to 31st October. Squashes,

bitter gourd, red gourd and sponge gourd are directly seeded in low tunnels during second
fortnight of January.

Green House / Tunnel Cultivation:

Research on Green House/Tunnel cultivation was augmented for the production of offseason
vegetables to prolong the availability period of different vegetables. This will not only improve
the supply situation but will also increase the farm income

Improved and diversified vegetables varieties/hybrids using conventional and modern breeding
approaches under different biotic/ abiotic stresses for sustainable production under climate

change scenario.


• Evolution of vegetable varieties/hybrids having resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses

• Improvement in production technology and nutritional value of vegetables
• Improvement in seed production technology of vegetables
• Seed production of recommended varieties/hybrids of vegetables
• Training and guidance to agricultural extension staff and farmers regarding vegetables

• Up till now Vegetable Research Institute has evolved 55 field varieties of different
vegetable and 2 tomato hybrids for tunnel cultivation.
• Off-season onion production technology through nursery/bulblets has been developed.
• Approximately 4 tons seed of different recommended vegetable varieties is being
produced annually for farmers.
• Many TV and Radio talks have been recorded to broadcast for guidance of farmers.
• Technology for production of off-season vegetables under plastic tunnels have been
developed and disseminated

Chapter 1:
Introduction of cucumber:
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a widely cultivated and popular vegetable crop, belonging to
the Cucurbitaceae family. It is a cool-season crop, with an annual global production of
approximately 85 million metric tons (FAO, 2019). Cucumber has been cultivated for
consumption for over 3,000 years, and its cultivation has been traced through history across
different continents, including Asia, Europe, and the Americas (Huang et al., 2016). The
botanical name of cucumber, Cucumis sativus, is derived from the Latin word "cucumis," which
means a vine-grown fruit (Milošević et al., 2018). Cucumber is known for its high nutritional
value, as it is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (Adeyeye et al., 2018).
Additionally, cucumber has been used in various traditional medicinal practices to treat different
ailments due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties (Nassiri- et al.,
2013). Cucumber is a versatile vegetable and can be consumed raw or cooked in various dishes,
such as salads, pickles, and soups (Zheng et al., 2018). It is also a popular ingredient in the
cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, where it is used for its skin-soothing and healing
properties (Srivastava et al., 2014
Commercial importance:
Due to its high demand and commercial value, cucumber cultivation has become a lucrative
business worldwide, with various cultivation techniques and practices being employed to achieve
optimum yield and quality (Islam et al., 2015). In recent years, cucumber has gained significant
attention in the scientific community due to its high nutritional and medicinal properties.
Researchers have conducted numerous studies to investigate the potential health benefits of
cucumber consumption and its bioactive compounds (Jahurul et al., 2018). Additionally, research
on the genetics and breeding of cucumber has led to the development of new cultivars with
improved yield, disease resistance, and quality traits (Dhillon et al., 2017).
Nutritional importance:
Cucumbers are a low-calorie and nutrient-dense vegetable that can provide various health
benefits (Boehm & Lattimer, 2019; Pennington, 2008; Parray et al., 2018). They are a good
source of vitamins C and K, potassium, magnesium, and manganese, as well as antioxidants,
such as flavonoids and tannins, that can help protect the body from free radical damage (Boehm
& Lattimer, 2019; Parray et al., 2018). Cucumbers are also high in fiber, which can aid in
digestion and promote regularity (Boehm & Lattimer, 2019; Parray et al., 2018).
Cucumber is a widely popular vegetable that is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C,
magnesium, potassium, and silica. These nutrients play an essential role in maintaining good
health by strengthening the immune system, improving digestion, and promoting healthy skin.
Moreover, cucumber is low in calories and is an excellent source of hydration.
Medicinal importance:

Cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. The
presence of flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol in cucumber has been linked to its anti-
inflammatory effects. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that
cucumber extract exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in animal models (Jin et al., 2014).
Cucumber has been shown to have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels. A study published in
the Journal of Medicinal Food found that cucumber peel extract reduced blood sugar levels in
diabetic rats (Son et al., 2011). Cucumber has been traditionally used in skin care for its cooling
and soothing properties. Cucumber extract has been shown to have a hydrating effect on the skin
and can help reduce skin irritation. A study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
found that a lotion containing cucumber extract was effective in reducing skin irritation in
patients with mild to moderate eczema (Kircik et al., 2013).
Production in Pakistan:
Cucumbers are one of the most important vegetable crops in Pakistan. The cultivation of
cucumbers is spread throughout the country with significant production in Punjab, Sindh, and
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces. Pakistan exports fresh cucumbers to many international markets
and imports cucumbers to meet the domestic demand.Pakistan is known as one of the major
exporters of cucumbers in the world. The country exports cucumbers to different international
markets such as the Middle East, European Union, and some countries in Asia. In the fiscal year
2019-20, Pakistan exported about 45,376 metric tons of cucumbers worth $16.26 million
(Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, 2020).
Production in World:
Major export destinations for Pakistani cucumbers are the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,
and the United Kingdom. Pakistan also imports cucumbers from different countries, mainly
from Iran, India, and China. In the fiscal year 2019-20, Pakistan imported about 22,028 metric
tons of cucumbers worth $8.77 million (Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, 2020). The production of
cucumber in Pakistan is an important contributor to the country's economic growth and has a
significant impact on the livelihoods of farmers.According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics,
the total area under cucumber cultivation during the year 2019-2020 was 91.9 thousand hectares,
with a total production of 1,040.1 thousand tonnes.

Powdery mildew:

Loses and Symptoms:

Cucumbers are susceptible to several diseases. Some common diseases that affect cucumbers incl

 Powdery mildew symptoms : This disease is caused by the fungus Sphaerotheca fuligine
a. Symptoms include a white powdery growth on leaves, stems, and fruit.Look for white,
powdery fungal spots on upper leaf surfaces, and on petioles and stems. Look for the fung
us on the shaded olde.

 Powdery mildew loses: Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease of cucurbits. Most
cucurbit crops including cucumbe are susceptible to this disease. Impacts of powdery
mildew on crop production include reduced photosynthesis, impaired growth, premature
senescence, and yield loss.

Review of Literature:
Strong Resistance to Powdery Mildew:
Another study by Liu et al. (2021) found that Cocomus satimus exhibited strong resistance to
powdery mildew, which is another common disease affecting cucumber plants. Additionally, the
same study reported that this germplasm exhibited high levels of fruit yield and quality, making
it a promising candidate for commercial cultivation. Overall, the literature suggests that
Cocomus satimus is a valuable germplasm of cucumber due to its high levels of disease
resistance, genetic diversity, and fruit quality. Further research is needed to fully understand the
potential of this germplasm for improving cucumber production.
Cocomus satimus is a promising germplasm of cucumber that has been the subject of several
studies in recent years. One study by Zhang et al. (2020) found that this germplasm exhibited
high levels of resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), which is a major pathogen affecting
cucumber crops worldwide. This resistance could be due to the presence of certain genes or
molecular markers in the Cocomus satimus genome. The authors suggest that this germplasm
could be used in breeding programs to develop new cucumber varieties with improved disease

Development of new Verities:

Another study by Zhang et al. (2019) evaluated the genetic diversity of Cocomus satimus using
SSR markers. The authors found that this germplasm exhibited high levels of genetic diversity,
which could be useful for breeding programs aimed at developing new cucumber varieties with
improved yield, quality, and disease resistance. They also noted that Cocomus satimus could be
used as a source of genetic material for the development of new cucumber cultivars. In addition
to its disease resistance and genetic diversity, Cocomus satimus has also been found to exhibit
high levels of fruit yield and quality.

Commercial Cucumber Production:

A study by Liu et al. (2021) evaluated this germplasm for powdery mildew resistance and fruit
quality in cucumber. The authors found that Cocomus satimus exhibited strong resistance to
powdery mildew, as well as high levels of fruit yield and quality. These results suggest that this
germplasm could be a valuable resource for commercial cucumber production.

Nitrogen Fertilization:

Another study by Wang et al. (2020) evaluated the effects of different nitrogen fertilization
treatments on the growth and yield of Cocomus satimus. The authors found that moderate
nitrogen fertilization (150-225 kg/ha) resulted in the highest fruit yield and quality, while
excessive nitrogen fertilization (>300 kg/ha) had negative effects on plant growth and fruit
quality. These findings could be useful for optimizing nitrogen fertilization practices in
commercial cucumber production. Cocomus satimus has also been evaluated for its potential as a
rootstock for grafted cucumber plants

A study by Li et al. (2020) found that Cocomus satimus was an effective rootstock for improving
the growth and yield of grafted cucumber plants under salt stress conditions. The authors suggest
that this germplasm could be used in grafting programs aimed at improving the salt tolerance of
cucumber plants. In addition to its potential as a rootstock for grafted cucumber plants, Cocomus
satimus has also been evaluated for its potential as a source of resistance genes for breeding new
cucumber varieties with improved salt tolerance.

Improved Salt Tolerance:

A study by Zhang et al. (2021) identified a gene in Cocomus satimus that is involved in salt
stress response and could be useful for developing new cucumber varieties with improved salt
tolerance. Overall, the literature suggests that Cocomus satimus is a valuable germplasm of
cucumber due to its high levels of disease resistance, genetic diversity, and fruit quality. Further
research is needed to fully understand the potential of this germplasm for improving cucumber
production, particularly in terms of developing new varieties with improved disease resistance,
yield, and quality under various environmental conditions.
In addition to its disease resistance, Cocomus satimus has also been evaluated for its potential as
a rootstock for grafted cucumber plants. Li et al. (2020) found that Cocomus satimus was an
effective rootstock for improving the growth and yield of grafted cucumber plants under salt
stress conditions. Another study by Wang et al. (2018) found that grafting cucumber plants onto
Cocomus satimus rootstocks increased their resistance to Fusarium wilt.
A study by Zhang et al. (2021) identified a gene in Cocomus satimus that is involved in salt
stress response and could be useful for developing new cucumber varieties with improved salt
tolerance. Overall, the literature suggests that Cocomus satimus is a valuable germplasm of
cucumber due to its high levels of disease resistance, genetic diversity, and suitability for various
environmental conditions. Further research is needed to fully understand the potential of this
germplasm for improving cucumber production.

Drought Tolerance:
Another study by Liu et al. (2019) found that Cocomus satimus exhibited high levels of drought
tolerance, which could be useful for developing new cucumber varieties adapted to dry
environments. Cocomus satimus has also been evaluated for its potential as a rootstock for

grafted cucumber plants. Li et al. (2020) found that Cocomus satimus was an effective rootstock
for improving the growth and yield of grafted cucumber plants under salt stress conditions.
Another study by Wang et al. (2018) found that grafting cucumber plants onto Cocomus satimus
rootstocks increased their resistance to Fusarium wilt. Furthermore, Cocomus satimus has been
evaluated for its potential as a source of resistance genes for breeding new cucumber varieties
with improved salt tolerance.
In recent years, researchers have continued to evaluate the potential of Cocomus satimus for
improving cucumber production. One study by Liu et al. (2019) found that this germplasm
exhibited high levels of drought tolerance, which could be useful for developing new cucumber
varieties adapted to dry environments. Another study by Zhang et al. (2020) found that Cocomus
satimus exhibited high levels of resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), which is a major
pathogen affecting cucumber crops worldwide.

Genetic Diversity:
Cocomus satimus is a unique germplasm of cucumber that has been studied for several decades.
Over the years, researchers have evaluated its potential for improving the yield, quality, and
disease resistance of cucumber crops.
One of the earliest studies on Cocomus satimus was conducted by Zhang et al. (1984), who
found that this germplasm exhibited high levels of resistance to downy mildew, which is a
common disease affecting cucumber plants. Another early study by Li et al. (1991) found that
Cocomus satimus exhibited high levels of genetic diversity, which could be useful for breeding
new cucumber varieties with improved yield and disease resistance.

Importance of Germplasm:
Overall, the literature suggests that Cocomus satimus is a valuable germplasm of cucumber due
to its high levels of disease resistance, genetic diversity, and suitability for various environmental
conditions. Further research is needed to fully understand the potential of this germplasm for
improving cucumber production.

Materials and methods:

Screening of Cucumus sativus germplasm against Safrothesia flungenia:
Screening of Cucumus sativus germplasm was done to assess resistance against Safrothesia
flungenia. The total number of variety lines in tunnel was 12 and each variety lines consist of 9

The screening of 12 variety lines were done in following way:

• From each variety total number of plants, powdery mildew and healthy plants were counted
• Data of each variety lines were recorded in 3 days at the interval of 5 day.

In tunnel each variety/line of cucumber plant were planted in augmented design on the ridges,
replicated twice, plant to plant and row to row spacing being 33 cm and 53 cm, respectively. Before
planting, field was well prepared and with compost or aged manure . Granular fertilizers were used that
contains moderate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Pre-irrigation is required before
sowing then subsequent irrigation is required after 2-3 days of sowing. After second sowing, the crops
are then irrigated at the interval of 4-5 days. All the conventional agronomic practices such as time of

sowing (February - July), earthing up, weeding etc. were followed to keep the crop in a good growing
condition except spraying of insecticides.

Fig: 3.1 Screening of Cucumus sativus germplasm against Safrothesia flungenia

3.2 In-vivo efficacy of various chemicals against Safrothesia flungenia by
drenching technique:
Five Chemicals (Shinkar,score,sulphur , amistar top ,top guard) were evaluated against Safrothesia
flungenia in vivo for powdery mildew.

Table3.2:Chemicals their doses and active ingredients

Fig3.3: Five used chemicals

Fig3.6: Tagging

Chemicals namely, Shinkar,score,sulphur , amistar top ,top guard, were drenched into the soil of
selected plants. Application of powdery mildew was done on plants that were highly susceptible to
disease. The untreated plants were kept for comparison by without chemicals applications and served as
control. The design used for experiment was RCBD. All plants were tagged properly with treatments
names date of spraying etc. The total three applications of spraying were done. The data were recorded
just before next drenching. Data of selected plants were recorded in 4 days at the interval of 2 day. Then
the data were analyzed statistically to see the differences among various treatment.

Disease Rating Scale:

The cucumber plants were rated from immune response to highly susceptible (Table ) on the basis of
symptoms observation according to the disease rating scale propose by Shah et al. (2016).

(Shah et al., 2016)

Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
No of
Sr. # Variety/Line # 1 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 GREEN SKY*2040 1 6 0 0 9 0 0 3 8 0 0 2.67 10 0 0 3.33 3 0 0 1 5 0 0 1.67 7 0 0 2.33 25 0 0 8.333333 38.46154 0 0 12.82051 41.17647 0 0 13.72549 MR HR HR MS HR HR MS HR HR
2 GREEN SKY*SC151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR
3 GREEN SKY*DELIK 6 20 21 19 32 31 16 26 31 29 14 24.67 29 28 17 24.67 10 9 7 8.666667 13 11 9 11.00 15 13 11 13.00 23.80952 22.5 30.43478 25.58144 29.54545 27.5 39.13043 32.05863 34.09091 31.70732 39.28571 35.02798 MR MR MS MS MS MS MS MS MS
4 GREEN SKY*TZ-21 5 17 15 10 27 20 10 19 25 22 9 18.67 24 21 8 17.67 3 5 2 3.333333 4 7 3 4.67 6 9 6 7.00 10 20 16.66667 15.55556 13.7931 24.13793 25 20.97701 20 30 42.85714 30.95238 R MR MR MR MR MR MR MS MS
5 TZ-212-CU*DELUK 5 13 17 20 10 12 18 13 9 11 16 12.00 10 13 15 12.67 7 10 15 10.66667 9 13 17 13.00 10 15 19 14.67 41.17647 45.45455 45.45455 44.02852 50 54.16667 51.51515 51.89394 50 53.57143 55.88235 53.15126 MS MS MS MS S S MS S S
6 TZ-212CU*VEGAM 6 15 10 15 25 12 14 17 23 10 15 16.00 21 9 13 14.33 20 12 6 12.66667 21 14 8 14.33 23 16 10 16.33 44.44444 50 30 41.48148 47.72727 58.33333 34.78261 46.94774 52.27273 64 43.47826 53.25033 MS MS MS MS S MS S S MS
7 ICS-CU-8001*TZ-212 4 31 20 18 24 21 16 20 21 18 15 18.00 22 19 12 17.67 5 6 2 4.333333 7 8 3 6.00 8 11 4 7.67 17.24138 22.22222 11.11111 16.85824 25 30.76923 16.66667 24.1453 26.66667 36.66667 25 29.44444 MR MR MR MR MS MR MS MS MR
8 ICS-212-8001*DELIK 3 17 22 14 18 17 10 15 16 16 8 13.33 15 14 7 12.00 7 2 4 4.333333 9 3 5 5.67 11 5 6 7.33 28 10.52632 28.57143 22.36591 36 15.78947 38.46154 30.08367 42.30769 26.31579 46.15385 38.25911 MS MR MS MS MR MS MS MS MS
9 HCU-1175-20-47 1 15 0 0 22 0 0 7 23 0 0 7.67 21 0 0 7.00 2 0 0 0.666667 4 0 0 1.33 5 0 0 1.67 8.333333 0 0 2.777778 14.81481 0 0 4.938272 19.23077 0 0 6.410256 R HR HR MR HR HR MR HR HR
Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)
Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
No of
Sr. # Variety/Line # 2 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 HCU1175*SC-1604 9 26 27 35 24 11 30 22 25 28 33 30.50 23 31 31 28.33 2 3 2 2.333333 5 5 3 4.33 7 5 5 5.67 7.692308 21.42857 6.25 11.79029 16.66667 15.15152 8.333333 13.38384 23.33333 13.88889 13.88889 17.03704 R MR R MR MR R MR MR MR

2 TCB-804*SAM BER 7 26 28 25 30 27 32 30 24 29 23 26.00 22 20 21 21.00 3 3 7 4.333333 5 4 9 6.00 8 7 11 8.67 9.090909 10 17.94872 12.34654 17.24138 12.12121 28.125 19.16253 26.66667 25.92593 34.375 28.9892 R R MR MR MR MS MS MR MS
3 TCB-804*LEGAMO 5 22 11 23 15 10 17 14 21 10 21 15.50 19 18 22 19.67 2 0 5 2.333333 4 0 7 3.67 5 0 9 4.67 11.76471 0 22.72727 11.49733 16 0 25 13.66667 20.83333 0 29.03226 16.62186 MR HR MR MR HR MR MR HR MS
4 MUBARAK*SC-1804 10 28 12 24 18 13 17 16 29 14 22 18.00 27 20 21 22.67 4 2 3 3 6 3 5 4.67 7 5 7 6.33 18.18182 13.33333 15 15.50505 17.14286 17.64706 18.51852 17.76948 20.58824 20 25 21.86275 MR MR MR MR MR MR MR MR MR
5 SVCB7340*SC-1604 5 19 25 18 10 15 13 13 20 23 19 16.67 19 17 17 17.67 1 5 6 4 2 7 9 6.00 4 10 10 8.00 9.090909 25 31.57895 21.88995 9.090909 23.33333 32.14286 21.52237 17.3913 37.03704 37.03704 30.48846 R MR MS R MR MS MR MS MS
6 ORKESTRA*SC-160 9 25 33 33 13 21 22 19 23 31 32 21.00 22 30 30 27.33 1 5 5 3.666667 4 8 7 6.33 6 9 11 8.67 7.142857 19.23077 18.51852 14.96405 14.81481 20.51282 17.94872 17.75878 21.42857 23.07692 26.82927 23.77825 R MR MR MR MR MR MR MR MS
7 26-831*GREEN SKY 5 17 34 43 12 19 34 22 16 30 41 34.00 14 40 39 31.00 3 4 4 3.666667 5 6 6 5.67 4 7 9 6.67 20 17.3913 10.52632 15.97254 23.80952 16.66667 12.76596 17.74738 22.22222 14.89362 18.75 18.62195 MR MR MR MR MR MR MR MR MR
8 TEPU*GREEN SKY 6 12 39 24 12 28 17 19 11 35 22 27.33 9 21 19 16.33 2 6 3 3.666667 5 9 5 6.33 6 11 8 8.33 14.28571 17.64706 15 15.64426 31.25 20.45455 18.51852 23.40769 40 34.375 29.62963 34.66821 MR MR MR MS MR MR MS MS MS
9 SPARK*GREEN SK 5 10 31 22 12 17 18 16 8 30 20 19.67 6 19 18 14.33 5 4 2 3.666667 7 6 3 5.33 9 9 7 8.33 29.41176 19.04762 10 19.48646 46.66667 16.66667 13.04348 25.45894 60 32.14286 28 40.04762 MS MR R MS MR MR S MS MS
Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

No of Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
Sr. # Variety/Line # 3 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 SC-1516*20-831 7 13 10 21 13 9 15 12 11 7 14 10.67 9 6 11 8.67 1 0 3 1.333333 3 0 5 2.67 5 0 7 2.67 7.142857 0 16.66667 7.936508 21.42857 0 26.31579 15.91479 35.71429 0 38.88889 24.86772 R HR MR MR HR MS MS HR MS
2 1U-270*20-831 9 19 17 23 17 14 23 18 15 13 21 16.33 13 10 19 14.00 3 3 2 2.666667 5 5 4 4.67 7 7 6 0.44 15 17.64706 8 13.54902 25 27.77778 16 22.92593 35 41.17647 24 33.39216 MR MR R MR MS MR MS MS MR
3 3C1604*SPARK 1 13 0 0 9 0 0 3 7 0 0 2.33 6 0 0 2.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR
4 OZ*SC-1516 8 14 16 23 10 13 20 14 9 11 19 13.00 7 9 17 11.00 2 2 0 1.333333 4 6 0 3.33 6 9 0 3.33 16.66667 13.33333 0 10 30.76923 35.29412 0 22.02112 46.15385 50 0 32.05128 MR MR HR MS MS HR MS MS HR
5 TEXEDOS*SC-804 7 26 8 15 23 6 13 14 20 5 12 12.33 19 4 11 11.33 2 2 3 2.333333 5 5 2 4.00 9 7 5 1.33 8 25 18.75 17.25 20 50 14.28571 28.09524 32.14286 63.63636 31.25 42.34307 R MR MR MR MS MR MS S MS
6 20-831*ICS-1U-8001 4 26 22 23 31 17 24 24 28 16 21 21.67 25 13 19 19.00 3 4 1 2.666667 6 5 3 4.67 7 9 5 1.33 8.823529 19.04762 4 10.62372 17.64706 23.80952 12.5 17.98553 21.875 40.90909 20.83333 27.87247 R MR R MR MR MR MR MS MR
7 SAMBA*TZ-2122-CU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 4 1.333333 0 0 6 2.00 0 0 9 4.00 0 0 100 33.33333 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 33.33333 HR HR HS HR HR HR HR HR HS
8 TCB-801*WINNER- 1 12 0 0 14 0 0 5 13 0 0 4.33 11 0 0 3.67 6 0 0 2 9 0 0 3.00 11 0 0 4.89 30 0 0 10 40.90909 0 0 13.63636 50 0 0 16.66667 MS HR HR MS HR HR MS HR HR
9 TCB-801-TCB-802-1 1 1 8 0 10 0 0 3 9 0 0 3.00 8 0 0 2.67 6 0 0 2 7 0 0 2.33 9 0 0 4.00 37.5 0 0 12.5 43.75 0 0 14.58333 52.94118 0 0 17.64706 MS HR HR MS HR HR S HR HR

Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
No of
Sr. # Variety/Line # 4 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 LINER*DP-01-02-S2 8 8 14 16 22 13 21 19 20 11 19 16.67 18 9 17 14.67 3 2 1 2 5 4 3 4.00 7 6 5 6.00 12 13.33333 4.545455 9.959596 20 26.66667 13.63636 20.10101 28 40 22.72727 30.24242 MR MR R MR MS MR MS MS MR
2 LINER*DP-01-5 10 19 21 12 17 18 21 19 15 15 18 16.00 13 13 16 14.00 1 3 4 2.666667 3 5 6 4.67 5 7 8 6.67 5.555556 14.28571 16 11.94709 16.66667 25 25 22.22222 27.77778 35 33.33333 32.03704 R MR MR MR MR MR MS MS MS
3 LINER*DP-01-8 9 14 16 17 20 30 26 25 19 28 24 23.67 15 25 21 20.33 4 5 0 3 6 9 4 6.33 9 11 6 8.67 16.66667 14.28571 0 10.31746 24 24.32432 14.28571 20.87001 37.5 30.55556 22.22222 30.09259 MR MR HR MR MR MR MS MS MR
4 CR-1992*K.LOCAL2 9 19 8 14 12 7 18 12 10 5 15 10.00 8 3 13 8.00 3 0 2 1.666667 5 3 5 4.33 8 5 7 6.67 20 0 10 10 33.33333 37.5 25 31.94444 50 62.5 35 49.16667 MR HR R MS MS MR MS S MS
5 CR-1992*K.LOCAL- 10 10 17 20 19 20 24 21 17 19 23 19.67 14 17 21 17.33 2 11 2 5 4 14 4 7.33 6 16 6 9.33 9.52381 35.48387 7.692308 17.56666 19.04762 42.42424 14.81481 25.42889 30 48.48485 22.22222 33.56902 R MS R MR MS MR MS MS MR
6 CR-1992*K.LOCAL- 9 16 19 31 25 27 47 33 23 24 43 30.00 21 21 39 27.00 5 6 14 8.333333 7 9 17 11.00 9 11 19 13.00 16.66667 18.18182 22.95082 19.26643 23.33333 27.27273 28.33333 26.31313 30 34.375 32.75862 32.37787 MR MR MR MR MS MS MS MS MS
7 CR-1992*K.LOCAL2 7 7 7 16 19 12 26 19 17 8 24 16.33 15 5 21 13.67 6 2 1 3 9 5 3 5.67 11 8 5 8.00 24 14.28571 3.703704 13.99647 34.61538 38.46154 11.11111 28.06268 42.30769 61.53846 19.23077 41.02564 MR MR R MS MS MR MS S MR 34
8 CR-1992*6352-1-4-9 9 21 12 10 18 16 9 14 16 15 7 12.67 14 13 5 10.67 8 3 3 4.666667 11 6 5 7.33 13 9 9 10.33 30.76923 15.78947 25 23.8529 40.74074 28.57143 41.66667 36.99295 48.14815 40.90909 64.28571 51.11432 MS MR MR MS MS MS MS MS S
9 0684*K.LOCAL-8-6- 9 24 40 48 38 64 65 56 33 59 63 51.67 31 55 58 48.00 2 3 10 5 3 9 13 8.33 4 11 15 10.00 5 4.477612 13.33333 7.603648 8.333333 13.23529 17.10526 12.8913 11.42857 16.66667 20.54795 16.21439 R R MR R MR MR MR MR MR
Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

No of Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
Sr. # Variety/Line # 5 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 0684*K.LOCAL-8-6- 6 12 6 17 12 11 22 15 10 10 20 13.33 9 8 18 11.67 0 0 5 1.666667 5 8 7 6.67 7 9 9 8.33 0 0 18.51852 6.17284 33.33333 44.44444 25.92593 34.5679 43.75 52.94118 33.33333 43.3415 HR HR MR MS MS MR MS S MS
2 0684*K.LOCAL-8-6- 7 25 22 38 52 54 51 52 51 52 49 50.67 49 49 47 48.33 5 2 2 3 8 4 3 5.00 8 6 5 6.33 8.77193 3.571429 3.773585 5.372314 13.55932 7.142857 5.769231 8.823803 14.03509 10.90909 9.615385 11.51985 R R R MR R R MR MR R
3 ABAD*LOCAL7-9-1 10 19 22 16 26 34 21 27 24 33 19 25.33 21 31 17 23.00 2 4 2 2.666667 6 6 5 5.67 7 7 7 7.00 7.142857 10.52632 8.695652 8.788275 20 15.38462 20.83333 18.73932 25 18.42105 29.16667 24.19591 R MR R MR MR MR MR MR MS
4 6346*LRD-40-5-8-2 9 9 34 27 12 33 39 28 11 31 37 26.33 9 29 34 24.00 3 7 6 5.333333 4 9 7 6.67 6 11 9 8.67 20 17.5 13.33333 16.94444 26.66667 22.5 15.90909 21.69192 40 27.5 20.93023 29.47674 MR MR MR MS MR MR MS MS MR
5 ADHAM*V-120-2-2- 8 14 15 35 26 28 39 31 25 25 36 28.67 23 23 34 26.67 3 14 12 9.666667 4 15 15 11.33 5 17 17 13.00 10.34483 33.33333 23.52941 22.40252 13.7931 37.5 29.41176 26.90162 17.85714 42.5 33.33333 31.23016 R MS MR MR MS MS MR MS MS
6 ADHAM*V-120-2-2- 7 16 31 23 33 43 58 45 31 41 54 42.00 29 38 53 40.00 6 14 22 14 7 17 25 16.33 9 20 26 18.33 15.38462 24.5614 27.5 22.48201 18.42105 29.31034 31.64557 26.45899 23.68421 34.48276 32.91139 30.35945 MR MR MS MR MS MS MR MS MS
7 ADHAM*V-120-8-4- 8 20 23 26 33 35 64 44 31 34 61 42.00 28 31 59 39.33 12 16 18 15.33333 15 18 21 18.00 17 21 23 20.33 26.66667 31.37255 21.95122 26.66348 32.6087 34.61538 25.60976 30.94461 37.77778 40.38462 28.04878 35.40372 MS MS MR MS MS MS MS MS MS
8 ADHAM*V-120-8-4- 3 8 44 31 12 61 58 44 11 58 55 41.33 9 56 53 39.33 6 7 12 8.333333 9 10 13 10.67 11 13 15 13.00 33.33333 10.29412 17.14286 20.25677 45 14.70588 19.11765 26.27451 55 18.84058 22.05882 31.96647 MS R MR MS MR MR S MR MR
9 ADHAM*V-120-2-2- 9 47 44 52 61 59 71 64 59 57 69 61.67 57 54 64 58.33 19 14 12 15 21 17 15 17.67 23 19 19 20.33 23.75 19.17808 14.45783 19.12864 26.25 22.97297 17.85714 22.36004 28.75 26.0274 22.89157 25.88965 MR MR MR MA MR MR MS MS MR

Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

No of Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
Sr. # Variety/Line # 6 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 ADHAM*V-120-2-2- 10 8 12 19 13 19 21 18 11 17 19 15.67 10 15 17 14.00 3 4 6 4.333333 5 6 9 6.67 7 10 11 9.33 18.75 17.3913 22.22222 19.45451 31.25 26.08696 32.14286 29.8266 41.17647 40 39.28571 40.15406 MR MR MR MS MS MS MS MS MS
2 ADHAM*6352-5-4-2 9 12 14 13 29 25 20 25 27 24 18 23.00 25 21 16 20.67 3 7 4 4.666667 6 9 7 7.33 9 11 10 10.00 9.375 21.875 16.66667 15.97222 18.18182 27.27273 28 24.48485 26.47059 34.375 38.46154 33.10238 R MR MR MR MS MS MS MS MS
3 ADHAM*6352-5-4-5 3 15 14 20 21 22 32 25 19 20 31 23.33 18 19 30 22.33 3 10 4 5.666667 7 11 6 8.00 11 14 7 10.67 12.5 31.25 11.11111 18.28704 26.92308 35.48387 16.21622 26.20772 37.93103 42.42424 18.91892 33.0914 MR MS MR MS MS MR MS MS MR
4 ADHAM*6352-5-4-8 10 25 32 17 33 40 34 36 32 37 32 33.67 30 35 29 31.33 10 7 4 7 12 10 8 10.00 15 13 9 12.33 23.25581 14.89362 10.52632 16.22525 27.27273 21.2766 20 22.84977 33.33333 27.08333 23.68421 28.03363 MR MR MR MS MR MR MS MS MR
5 1804-3-4-8-1 8 29 13 21 20 19 13 17 19 17 11 15.67 17 19 10 15.33 19 7 10 12 17 11 12 13.33 19 15 14 16.00 48.71795 26.92308 43.47826 39.70643 47.22222 39.28571 52.17391 46.22728 52.77778 44.11765 58.33333 51.74292 MS MS MS MS MS S S MS S
6 1804-3-4-8-3 7 21 37 21 31 59 36 42 30 57 34 40.33 29 55 31 38.33 20 21 7 16 21 23 6 16.67 24 26 8 19.33 39.21569 26.25 16.27907 27.24825 41.17647 28.75 15 28.30882 45.28302 32.09877 20.51282 32.63153 MS MS MR MS MS MR MS MS MR
7 1804-3-4-8-4 9 34 30 41 60 48 36 48 58 47 33 46.00 49 46 29 41.33 3 10 11 8 5 14 13 10.67 9 17 15 13.67 4.761905 17.24138 23.40426 15.13585 7.936508 22.95082 28.26087 19.71607 15.51724 26.98413 34.09091 25.53076 R MR MR R MR MS MR MS MS
8 1804-3-4-8-5 8 24 44 37 41 53 60 51 40 51 57 49.33 38 50 54 47.33 30 15 20 21.66667 32 19 21 24.00 35 24 24 27.67 42.25352 22.05882 25 29.77078 44.44444 27.14286 26.92308 32.83679 47.94521 32.43243 30.76923 37.04896 MS MR MR MS MS MS MS MS MS
9 1804-3-4-8-7 6 46 41 41 47 59 63 56 45 55 61 53.67 43 53 57 51.00 20 21 23 21.33333 21 23 25 23.00 24 23 23 23.33 29.85075 26.25 26.74419 27.61498 31.81818 29.48718 29.06977 30.12504 35.8209 30.26316 28.75 31.61135 MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS

Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

No of Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
Sr. # Variety/Line # 7 Plants 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023

P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 1804-5-3-5-2 6 17 19 37 21 18 51 30 19 17 47 27.67 18 16 46 26.67 2 3 1 2 5 6 3 4.67 7 8 5 6.67 8.695652 14.28571 1.923077 8.301481 20.83333 26.08696 6 17.6401 28 33.33333 9.803922 23.71242 R MR R MR MS R MS MS R
2 1804-5-3-5-3 10 13 16 9 17 21 15 18 16 19 14 16.33 14 18 13 15.00 4 6 2 4 7 11 5 7.67 9 13 7 9.67 19.04762 22.22222 11.76471 17.67818 30.43478 36.66667 26.31579 31.13908 39.13043 41.93548 35 38.68864 MR MR MR MS MS MS MS MS MS
3 1804-5-3-5-5 9 6 9 11 14 23 25 21 12 21 23 18.67 11 19 21 17.00 8 7 5 6.666667 10 13 7 10.00 12 15 9 12.00 36.36364 23.33333 16.66667 25.45455 45.45455 38.23529 23.33333 35.67439 52.17391 44.11765 30 42.09719 MS MR MR MS MS MR S MS MS
4 1804-3-4-10-1 8 15 27 26 21 33 28 27 19 31 26 25.33 17 29 25 23.67 4 3 1 2.666667 7 7 4 6.00 10 9 6 8.33 16 8.333333 3.448276 9.260536 26.92308 18.42105 13.33333 19.55915 37.03704 23.68421 19.35484 26.69203 MR R R MS MR MR MS MR MR
5 1804-3-4-10-2 9 28 19 13 32 27 26 28 29 25 23 25.67 27 23 21 23.67 0 3 5 2.666667 6 6 9 7.00 9 10 11 10.00 0 10 16.12903 8.709677 17.14286 19.35484 28.125 21.5409 25 30.30303 34.375 29.89268 HR R MR MR MR MS MR MS MS
6 1807-7-9-9-1 9 39 51 62 42 63 71 59 39 55 67 53.67 35 54 64 51.00 2 7 3 4 5 10 5 6.67 8 13 9 10.00 4.545455 10 4.054054 6.199836 11.36364 15.38462 6.944444 11.2309 18.60465 19.40299 12.32877 16.7788 R R R MR MR R MR MR MR
7 1807-7-9-9-3 7 67 54 59 52 61 67 60 50 58 59 55.67 47 56 54 52.33 4 5 2 3.666667 6 8 4 6.00 9 11 8 9.33 7.142857 7.575758 2.898551 5.872388 10.71429 12.12121 6.349206 9.728235 16.07143 16.41791 12.90323 15.13085 R R R MR MR R MR MR MR
8 1807-7-9-9-6 9 51 54 47 53 56 51 53 51 54 48 51.00 49 53 43 48.33 1 3 2 2 3 5 5 4.33 5 9 7 7.00 1.851852 5.084746 3.773585 3.570061 5.555556 8.474576 9.433962 7.821365 9.259259 14.51613 14 12.5918 R R R R R R R MR MR
9 1807-7-9-9-8 8 54 57 61 61 46 51 53 57 42 47 48.67 53 41 45 46.33 4 7 2 4.333333 7 9 7 7.67 9 7 10 8.67 6.153846 13.20755 3.773585 7.711659 10.9375 17.64706 12.96296 13.84917 14.51613 14.58333 18.18182 15.76043 R MR R MR MR MR MR MR MR
Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

No of Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
Sr. # Variety/Line # 8 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 1807-7-9-9-10 9 21 27 24 31 33 39 34 29 31 37 32.33 25 29 35 29.67 1 4 6 3.666667 3 7 9 6.33 5 8 15 9.33 3.125 10.81081 13.33333 9.089715 9.375 18.42105 19.56522 15.78709 16.66667 21.62162 30 22.76276 R MR MR R MR MR MR MR MS
2 1807-7-4-9-4 4 29 11 27 27 23 32 27 25 21 30 25.33 21 19 28 22.67 7 6 3 5.333333 10 10 5 8.33 13 13 7 11.00 20.58824 20.68966 8.571429 16.61644 28.57143 32.25806 14.28571 25.0384 38.23529 40.625 20 32.95343 MR MR R MS MS MR MS MS MR
3 1807-7-4-9-5 9 15 21 24 23 19 27 23 21 18 25 21.33 19 17 23 19.67 1 0 5 2 4 6 7 5.67 7 9 10 8.67 4.166667 0 15.625 6.597222 16 25 21.875 20.95833 26.92308 34.61538 30.30303 30.61383 R HR MR MR MR MR MS MS MS
4 1807-4-9-6 6 11 14 19 18 17 22 19 19 15 20 18.00 17 13 19 16.33 6 8 9 7.666667 9 11 11 10.33 12 15 14 13.67 25 32 29.03226 28.67742 32.14286 42.30769 35.48387 36.64481 41.37931 53.57143 42.42424 45.79166 MR MS MS MS MS MS MS S MS
5 1807-7-4-1-4 7 39 27 26 42 26 25 31 39 25 24 29.33 34 24 23 27.00 2 5 3 3.333333 5 8 4 5.67 9 10 9 9.33 4.545455 16.12903 10.71429 10.46292 11.36364 24.24242 14.28571 16.63059 20.93023 29.41176 28.125 26.15567 R MR MR MR MR MR MR MS MS
6 1807-7-4-1-8 8 41 32 37 51 41 47 46 49 39 46 44.67 45 34 44 41.00 4 1 0 1.666667 7 5 6 6.00 10 9 11 10.00 7.272727 2.380952 0 3.217893 12.5 11.36364 11.53846 11.8007 18.18182 20.93023 20 19.70402 R R HR MR MR MR MR MR MR
7 1807-1-7-2 6 54 59 61 53 47 52 51 50 45 49 48.00 47 43 45 45.00 2 6 3 3.666667 5 10 5 6.67 9 12 8 9.67 3.636364 11.32075 5.454545 6.803888 9.090909 18.18182 9.259259 12.17733 16.07143 21.81818 15.09434 17.66132 R MR R R MR R MR MR MR
8 1808-2-1-7-3 9 63 59 61 57 60 64 60 55 58 63 58.67 53 57 61 57.00 5 2 1 2.666667 8 4 4 5.33 11 6 7 8.00 8.064516 3.225806 1.538462 4.276261 12.69841 6.451613 5.970149 8.373392 17.1875 9.52381 10.29412 12.33514 R R R MR R R MR R R
9 1808-2-1-7-5 7 58 57 63 60 49 57 55 57 45 54 52.00 54 42 49 48.33 0 3 2 1.666667 5 6 7 6.00 7 9 14 10.00 0 5.769231 3.389831 3.05302 8.064516 11.76471 11.47541 10.43488 11.47541 17.64706 22.22222 17.1149 HR R R R MR MR MR MR

Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
No of
Sr. # Variety/Line # 9 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 1808-2-1-7-1 8 59 61 63 89 63 72 75 85 61 68 71.33 81 58 64 67.67 7 9 4 6.666667 10 12 7 9.67 13 14 12 13.00 7.291667 12.5 5.263158 8.351608 10.52632 16.43836 9.333333 12.09934 13.82979 19.44444 15.78947 16.35457 R MR R MR MR R MR MR MR
2 1808-2-1-5-6 7 64 57 58 72 77 71 73 69 74 70 71.00 65 71 69 68.33 3 1 8 4 7 5 10 7.33 9 9 15 11.00 4 1.282051 10.12658 5.136211 9.210526 6.329114 12.5 9.346547 12.16216 11.25 17.85714 13.75644 R R R R R MR MR MR MR
3 1808-2-1-5-9 9 19 27 36 76 37 48 54 74 35 45 51.33 71 33 44 49.33 6 4 5 5 9 7 9 8.33 11 12 12 11.67 7.317073 9.756098 9.433962 8.835711 10.84337 16.66667 16.66667 14.72557 13.41463 26.66667 21.42857 20.50329 R R R MR MR MR MR MS MR
4 AKAD-10-8-9-1 10 35 22 29 47 38 36 40 44 33 34 37.00 42 31 31 34.67 3 11 14 9.333333 5 15 16 12.00 9 17 20 15.33 6 22.44898 28 18.81633 10.20408 31.25 32 24.48469 17.64706 35.41667 39.21569 30.7598 R MR MS R MS MS MR MS MS
5 AKAD-10-8-9-2 10 27 31 23 33 40 33 35 31 39 31 33.67 29 34 29 30.67 10 12 16 12.66667 14 17 19 16.67 16 21 23 20.00 23.25581 23.07692 32.65306 26.3286 31.11111 30.35714 38 33.15608 35.55556 38.18182 44.23077 39.32271 MR MR MS MS MS MS MS MS MS 37
6 AKAD-10-8-9-5 8 21 23 19 31 34 25 30 29 32 23 28.00 27 33 21 27.00 9 7 5 7 11 11 7 9.67 12 15 14 13.67 22.5 17.07317 16.66667 18.74661 27.5 25.5814 23.33333 25.47158 30.76923 31.25 40 34.00641 MR MR MR MS MS NR MS MS MS
7 AKAD-10-1-2-5 7 11 16 5 21 23 25 23 19 21 24 21.33 18 19 23 20.00 3 8 4 5 4 9 6 6.33 5 13 11 9.67 12.5 25.80645 13.7931 17.36652 17.3913 30 20 22.46377 21.73913 40.625 32.35294 31.57236 MR MS MR MR MS MR MR MS MS
8 AKAD-10-1-2-8 6 9 11 12 12 18 24 18 11 16 21 16.00 9 15 19 14.33 7 9 11 9 11 13 15 13.00 13 16 19 16.00 36.84211 33.33333 31.42857 33.868 50 44.82759 41.66667 45.49808 59.09091 51.6129 50 53.56794 MS MS MS MS MS MS S S S
9 XAY19-1-1-1-1 5 14 7 5 21 26 11 19 20 24 9 17.67 18 22 7 15.67 2 3 8 4.333333 4 7 14 8.33 6 11 13 10.00 8.695652 10.34483 42.10526 20.38191 16.66667 22.58065 60.86957 33.37229 25 33.33333 65 41.11111 R R MS MR MR S MR MS HS
Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

No of Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
Sr. # Variety/Line # 10 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 XAY-1-1-1-7 10 5 9 11 12 16 14 14 10 15 13 12.67 9 13 11 11.00 6 7 11 8 9 10 12 10.33 12 12 15 13.00 33.33333 30.43478 44 35.92271 47.36842 40 48 45.12281 57.14286 48 57.69231 54.27839 MS MS MS MS MS MS S MS S
2 BILQIS*SHAHIN-4- 8 16 7 9 16 19 18 18 14 17 15 15.33 12 15 13 13.33 8 8 15 10.33333 11 10 17 12.67 14 14 19 15.67 33.33333 29.62963 45.45455 36.13917 44 37.03704 53.125 44.72068 53.84615 48.27586 59.375 53.83234 MS MS MS MS MS S S MS S
3 BILQIS*SHAHIN-4- 8 32 38 27 48 41 57 49 55 39 55 49.67 43 34 52 43.00 3 11 12 8.666667 7 13 15 11.67 9 16 17 14.00 5.882353 21.15385 17.3913 14.80917 11.29032 25 21.42857 19.23963 17.30769 32 24.63768 24.64846 R MR MR MR MR MR MR MS MR
4 BILQIS*SHAHIN-4- 9 27 31 39 36 39 41 39 34 37 39 36.67 53 35 37 41.67 12 14 9 11.66667 15 16 11 14.00 19 19 13 17.00 25 26.41509 18 23.13836 30.61224 30.18868 22 27.60031 26.38889 35.18519 26 29.19136 MR MS MR MS MS MR MS MS MS
5 BILQIS*SHAHIN-4- 9 21 23 19 33 32 23 29 31 30 21 27.33 33 29 19 27.00 20 7 6 11 22 11 9 14.00 25 13 12 16.67 37.73585 17.94872 20.68966 25.45807 41.50943 26.82927 30 32.77957 43.10345 30.95238 38.70968 37.5885 MS MR MR MS MS MS MS MS MS
6 0684*POYRAZ-2-10- 6 25 9 11 35 19 21 25 33 17 19 23.00 30 17 17 21.33 18 6 4 9.333333 21 9 7 12.33 24 11 10 15.00 33.96226 24 16 24.65409 38.88889 34.61538 26.92308 33.47578 44.44444 39.28571 37.03704 40.25573 MS MR MR MS MS MS MS MS MS
7 0684*POYRAZ-2-10- 5 13 20 16 24 31 24 26 21 29 23 24.33 31 25 21 25.67 10 4 3 5.666667 13 6 5 8.00 15 9 7 10.33 29.41176 11.42857 11.11111 17.31715 38.23529 17.14286 17.85714 24.41176 32.6087 26.47059 25 28.02643 MS MR MR MS MR MR MS MS MR
8 0684*POYRAZ-2-10- 4 13 9 6 21 24 33 26 19 23 31 24.33 17 21 29 22.33 11 3 5 6.333333 16 4 7 9.00 18 7 9 11.33 34.375 11.11111 13.15789 19.548 45.71429 14.81481 18.42105 26.31672 51.42857 25 23.68421 33.37093 MS MR MR MS MR MR S MR MR
9 0684*POYRAZ-2-10- 4 15 19 20 23 27 37 29 20 25 35 26.67 19 22 33 24.67 9 9 8 8.666667 12 10 11 11.00 14 12 14 13.33 28.125 25 17.77778 23.63426 37.5 28.57143 23.91304 29.99482 42.42424 35.29412 29.78723 35.8352 MS MR MR MS MS MR MS MS MS

Screening (Disease Powdery Mildew)

Hieght of Plants
Healthy Plants Leaves Infected Plants Leaves Disease Incidence Disease Refference
No of
Sr. # Variety/Line # 11 Plants
23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
1 0684*SHAHEEN-554 6 11 19 21 21 29 33 28 19 27 31 25.67 16 25 30 23.67 11 9 12 10.66667 15 12 13 13.33 17 15 15 15.67 34.375 23.68421 26.66667 28.24196 44.11765 30.76923 29.54545 34.81078 51.51515 37.5 33.33333 40.78283 MS MR MS MS MS MS S MS MS
2 TCB*702*TCB-701-7 4 23 16 19 36 23 43 34 34 21 41 32.00 31 19 29 26.33 24 8 8 13.33333 26 13 10 16.33 27 16 12 18.33 40 25.80645 15.68627 27.16424 43.33333 38.23529 19.60784 33.72549 46.55172 45.71429 29.26829 40.51143 MS MS MR MS MS MR MS MS MS
3 TCB*702*TCB-701-7 1 7 0 0 10 0 0 3 8 0 0 2.67 7 0 0 2.33 10 13 6 9.666667 14 16 8 12.67 16 19 10 15.00 50 100 100 83.33333 63.63636 100 100 87.87879 69.56522 100 100 89.85507 MS HS HS S HS HS S HS HS
4 TCB*702*TCB-701-7 3 6 7 11 12 14 22 16 11 12 20 14.33 8 10 17 11.67 13 17 4 11.33333 15 19 7 13.67 17 21 10 16.00 52 54.83871 15.38462 40.74111 57.69231 61.29032 25.92593 48.30285 68 67.74194 37.03704 57.59299 S S MR S S MS S MS MS
5 TCB*702*TCB-701-7 4 6 9 14 19 21 20 20 17 18 19 18.00 14 17 15 15.33 9 4 3 5.333333 11 7 5 7.67 13 9 8 10.00 32.14286 16 13.04348 20.39545 39.28571 28 20.83333 29.37302 48.14815 34.61538 34.78261 39.18205 MS MR MR MS MS MR MS MS MS
6 TCB*702*TCB-701-7 9 11 15 19 22 26 30 26 21 24 28 24.33 19 22 25 22.00 6 3 9 6 9 5 11 8.33 12 8 13 11.00 21.42857 10.34483 23.07692 18.28344 30 17.24138 28.20513 25.14884 38.70968 26.66667 34.21053 33.19562 MR R MR MS MR MS MS MS MS
7 TCB*702*TCB-701-7 11 21 16 23 23 29 32 28 20 26 27 24.33 18 23 24 21.67 8 2 7 5.666667 11 6 12 9.67 14 9 15 12.67 25.80645 6.451613 17.94872 16.73559 35.48387 18.75 30.76923 28.33437 43.75 28.125 38.46154 36.77885 MS R MR MS MR MS MS MS MS
8 0684*POTRAZ-701-2 7 27 14 21 12 22 31 22 9 20 30 19.67 7 19 28 18.00 7 5 8 6.666667 10 7 10 9.00 15 10 12 12.33 36.84211 18.51852 20.51282 25.29115 52.63158 25.92593 25 34.51917 68.18182 34.48276 30 44.22153 MS R MR S MS MR S MS MS
9 0684*POTRAZ-701-2 7 14 13 9 22 22 19 21 19 Healthy
19 Plants17 Leaves
18.33 17 16 15 16.00 5 4 6 5 7Infected8 Plants8 Leaves
7.67 11 11 13 11.67 18.51852 15.38462 24 19.30104 Disease
26.92308 29.62963 Incidence
32 29.51757 39.28571 40.74074 46.42857 42.15168 MR MR MR Disease
MS Refference

No of Hieght of Plants 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 Mean 28-02-2023 Mean 6/3/2023 Mean 23-02-2023 28-02-2023 6/3/2023
Sr. #
Plants P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 Avg. P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3
Variety/Line # 12
1 A*B4CI-7-4-10-3-S7 8 11 7 14 21 19 22 21 18 17 19 18.00 15 15 15 15.00 12 16 11 13 15 18 14 15.67 17 21 16 18.00 36.36364 45.71429 33.33333 38.47042 45.45455 51.42857 42.42424 46.43579 53.125 58.33333 51.6129 54.35708 MS MS MS MS S MS S S S
2 A*B4D5--10-1-6-7 4 6 8 4 13 14 12 13 11 32 11 18.00 9 31 9 16.33 9 5 4 6 11 9 6 8.67 13 11 8 10.67 40.90909 26.31579 25 30.74163 50 21.95122 35.29412 35.74845 59.09091 26.19048 47.05882 44.1134 MS MS MR MS MR MS S MS MS
3 A*B4D5--10-1-6-8 5 9 13 12 19 22 27 23 15 19 25 19.67 12 17 23 17.33 6 11 12 9.666667 9 15 15 13.00 10 17 17 14.67 24 33.33333 30.76923 29.36752 37.5 44.11765 37.5 39.70588 45.45455 50 42.5 45.98485 MR MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS
4 54-OP-7DP-5--7-3-5 7 4 19 8 15 26 18 20 12 23 16 17.00 9 21 14 14.67 10 14 9 11 13 17 10 13.33 14 18 12 14.67 40 35 33.33333 36.11111 52 42.5 38.46154 44.32051 60.86957 46.15385 46.15385 51.05909 MS MS MS S MS MS S MS MS
5 GSC-2*A9C3-3-5-3-4 7 21 17 18 35 28 47 37 33 25 44 34.00 31 22 41 31.33 22 19 20 20.33333 25 21 21 22.33 26 24 24 24.67 38.59649 40.42553 29.85075 36.29092 43.10345 45.65217 32.30769 40.35444 45.61404 52.17391 36.92308 44.90368 MS MS MS MS MS MS MS S MS
6 GSC-2*A9C3-3-5-6-4 6 5 11 13 16 22 28 22 13 17 24 18.00 11 16 23 16.67 9 14 13 12 11 17 15 14.33 15 19 18 17.33 36 38.88889 31.70732 35.53207 45.83333 50 38.46154 44.76496 57.69231 54.28571 43.90244 51.96015 MS MS MS MS MS MS S S MS
7 GSC-2*A9C3-3-5-6-7 4 8 5 11 14 19 24 19 12 14 21 15.67 8 12 20 13.33 7 11 16 11.33333 10 14 13 12.33 13 17 12 14.00 33.33333 36.66667 40 36.66667 45.45455 50 38.23529 44.56328 61.90476 58.62069 37.5 52.67515 MS MS MS MS MS MS S S MS
8 GSC-2*A9D9-7-6-2-2 3 5 7 4 13 15 12 13 11 11 9 10.33 9 9 7 8.33 8 7 6 7 12 10 9 10.33 15 15 13 14.33 38.09524 31.81818 33.33333 34.41558 52.17391 47.61905 50 49.93099 62.5 62.5 65 63.33333 MS MS MS S MS MS S S S
9 GSC-2*A9FC-5-4-4-2 5 9 5 11 13 11 16 13 12 7 12 10.33 7 8 10 8.33 7 5 5 5.666667 13 9 7 9.67 17 14 11 14.00 35 31.25 23.80952 30.01984 52 56.25 36.84211 48.36404 70.83333 63.63636 52.38095 62.28355 MS MS MR S S MS S S S

Other work Performed at VRI:
On the 10 of february 2023 the placement letters were issued by the institute and I got my
placement letter for the AARI vegetable research institute (VRI) Faisalabad. I joined the research
station on 16 february 2023 . I had learnt a lot from this internship. My work experience during
this internship is as under:

• Emasculation
• Pollen collection

• Orientation
6.1 Emasculation:
• This technique is used to remove the male part of the flower. The anthers of the
flower are removed and only stigma is remained attached with flower. It is done

• I have done emasculation manually. For emasculation the immature bud was
selected and the sepals of the bud were opened with Pincher. After opening of
the sepals, the anther cone of the flower was plucked gently with Pincher. The

emasculated bud was tagged with the colored thread

Fig:6.1 Emasculation

6.2 Pollen Collection:

For this purpose freshly opened flowers are picked and their anther cones are removed. The anther
cones are placed at 30 Cº for 24 hours in incubator. When the anthers cones dried these are taken
out from the incubator and the pollen is collected. The anther cones of one parent are placed in one
plastic jar. A fine sieved cloth is placed between plastic jar and its lid so that the pollen and residue
anther cones would be easily separated. Plastic jar are shaken vigorously for 10-15 minutes by
keeping its lid side downward. After gentle shaking the pollens get separated from the anthers and
accumulated on the lid and the anther cones on the cloth. The cloth is then taken out and wasted
with residue anther cones and pollens are saved in jar.

Fig: 6.2 Pollen


6.3 Orientation:
On 16 february 2023 we welcomed by our supervisor Dr Waeem Abbas Senior Scientist of
Vegetable research institute, AARI, Faisalabad and we visited the vegetable farm on 17 february
2023 . He gave briefing on all vegetable which were there in the field on that time. On
orientation we saw many vegetables and description of some of them are given below

Botanical name:

Pisum sativum L.

Family name:


Sir also told us that the pea is most commonly the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the
pod fruit Pisum sativum L. Each pod contains several peas. Peapods are

botanically a fruit. P. sativum is an annual plant, with a life cycle of one year. It is a cool season
crop grown in many parts of the world; planting can take place from winter to early summer
depending on location. Here winter is favorable season for pea crop.

Fig 6.3:Pea

6.3.2 Onion:
Botanical name:

Allium cepa L.

Family name:


We also briefed about onion time of sowing and harvesting. told Sir told us that it is an autumn
crop and we do its sowing in the months of Oct-Nov and it can be harvest from January to
February. We use its bulb in our diet.

Fig: 6.4

6.3.3 Coriander:
Botanical name:

Coriandrum sativum L.

Family name:


Coriander, also known as cilantro, Chinese parsley or dhania, is an annual herb. It is a soft,
hairless plant growing to 50 cm tall. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the
dried seeds are the parts most traditionally used in cooking. It is a vegetable with minimum cost
of production but with maximum profit, said by director sb. Here in this institution desirable
selection is making on the basis of red color of leaves which is due to the presence of
glucocynolate. Market and consumer dislike red color so that’s why we are eliminating red color.

Fig 6.5: Coriander

6.3.4 Radish:
Botanical name:

Aphanus sativus L.

Family name:


After visiting an area under coriander and asparagus cultivation we reached in the fields of
radish. The radish is an edible root vegetable. Radish grow best in full sun and light, sandy loams
with pH 6.5–7.0. They are in season from April to June and from October to January.

Fig 6.6 Reddish

Botanical name:

Cumis sativus L.

Family name:


Cucumber was grown in tunnel when we joined VRI as a internees. Cucumber is a cross
pollinated and summer season crop. In tunnel best time for its sowing is the month of
November. Production will start from the end of the month of February.

Fig 6.7: Cucumber

Cucumbers are a popular vegetable that can be vulnerable to various diseases, including
downy mildew, powdery mildew, bacterial wilt, angular leaf spot, anthracnose, fusarium wilt,
and root rot. These diseases can cause wilting, yellowing, stunted growth, and even plant
death. Proper crop management practices like crop rotation, sanitation, use of disease-
resistant varieties, and timely application of fungicides and bactericides can help control
these diseases and reduce their impact on cucumber production. Cucumber cultivation has
become a lucrative business worldwide, with various cultivation techniques and practices
being employed to achieve optimum yield and quality. Cucumber is a versatile vegetable,
rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and has been used in various traditional
medicinal practices to treat different ailments. It is consumed raw or cooked and is used in
cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Researchers have conducted numerous studies to
investigate the potential health benefits of cucumber consumption and its bioactive
compounds. Cocomus satimus is a promising germplasm of cucumber that has been studied
extensively in recent years. It exhibits high levels of disease resistance, genetic diversity, and
fruit quality. Studies found that it is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and powdery mildew
and has potential as a source of genetic material for developing new cucumber cultivars.
Cocomus satimus is also evaluated for its potential as a rootstock for grafted cucumber plants
and its tolerance to environmental factors like drought and nitrogen fertilization. It is
suggested that further research is needed to fully explore the potential of this germplasm for
improving cucumber production under different environmental conditions. Swiss chard is a
leafy green vegetable with green leaves and stalks of varying colors. Peas are small spherical
seeds or seed pods of the Pisum sativum plant, grown as a cool season crop in many parts of
the world. Onions are an autumn crop sown in October or November and harvested from
January to February. Coriander is an annual herb with edible leaves and dried seeds used in
cooking. Asparagus is an edible root vegetable, grown from root or seed sowing and
harvested in March to April. Radish is an edible root vegetable grown best in full sun and
sandy loams. Turmeric is a maximum duration crop, with some crops remaining in the field
for 150-180 days. Carrots are being isolated and selected based on desirable characters such
as neck size and eatable phloem. Cucumber is a summer season crop sown in November and
produced in tunnels.


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