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Jaime: Hello juan, long time no see

Juan: Hi yeah, do you want something to drink?

Jaime: Just a one beer, I am taking care of myself

Juan: me too, just one, anyway, what is this in your arm? What happened?

Jaime: this? Is a sling, Y put it in my arm because and had an accident, I broke it

Juan: really? What were you doing? Did you hurt yourself?

Jaime: well, is a long story

Juan: I have a lot of time

Jaime: this happened in a football match, the last Monday, all day was bad, first of all, I forgot
my shoes to play, that was stupid right?

Juan: really dumb

Jaime: yeah, I know, anyway, after that, when I took the bus, I stumbled with a random person,
then I fell an I lost my ID.

Juan: How did you feel? Embarrassed I guess

Jaime: very Embarrassed, I turn read, I laughed at myself

Juan: Y bet nobody notices

Jaime: Everyone notices, but the worst part was the lost of my id.

Well, While I went down the bus, I sprained my ankle, that was so painful.

Juan: What a day… please keep going

Jaime: ok, When I get to the place and I started to warm up, I ran into my football partner, I fell
on the grass, again, and that’s why I broke my arm.

JUAN: so unlucky jaja

Jaime: yeah, ohh the beers are so good, well I see your ankle with a bandage , What

Juan: I had an accident on the padle field.

Jaime: really? playing sports is apparently dangerous jaja tell me, what were you doing?

Juan: My foot gave away when I jump, I felt a very strong pain

Jaime: take care for the next one

Juan: yeah, I gave a rest for a month

Jaime: No more games for both apparently, jaja

Juan: I miss play padel

Jaime: me too with the football

Juan: anyway, another round?

Jaime: mmm I don’t know, but for you, I drink another.

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