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‫ العادية‬2023 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫امتحان الشهادة الثانوية العامة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬

2023 ‫ تموز‬10 ‫اإلثنين‬ ‫فرع اإلجنماع واإلقتصاد‬ ‫المديريـّـة العامة للتربية‬

‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسميَة‬
‫أسس التصحيح‬ ‫مسابقة في مادة اللغة اإلنكليزية‬
‫ ساعتان‬:‫المدة‬

The Threat of Internet Disconnection

Q Answer Key Score
First, internet disconnection keeps teens isolated/separated from their friends (Or
I-A-1 prevents them from socializing with others). Second, it deprives teens of the 01
opportunity of forming identity or having social support.
(0.5 for each effect; deduct 0.25 for language errors)
Hampton and his team make a direct link between screen time and self-esteem.
According to their findings, teens who encountered problems in accessing or using
I-A-2 the internet showed lower self-esteem, while those who spent more time on screens 01
showed higher self-esteem.
(0.25 for how and 0.75 for the explanation; deduct 0.25 for language errors)
Online connection reduces isolation because it gives teens the opportunity to share
sources of entertainment with others (or helps them be in contact with others).
I-A-3 However, online connection increases personal socialization because teens who 01
spend more time on screens give more time for socializing with family members
and friends. Thus, online connection does not have the same impact on isolation
and personal socialization.
(0.5 for each one with its justification; deduct 0.25 for language errors)
In Paragraph 9, Hampton shows that he is aware of the harmful effects of social
media platforms by listing some of their risks such as bullying and unsafe contacts
with others. In addition, his research emphasizes the significant role parents play in 01
I-A-4 helping their teens develop awareness of such risks. Thus, it can be deduced that
Hampton tries to be objective in this paragraph by not ignoring the risks of social
media use.
(0.5 for at least one reason and 0.5 for deduction; deduct 0.25 for language
First, the introduction presents the selection’s main idea about the impact of screen
time on teens’ self-esteem and social skills. Second, it provides background
information by mentioning the study that was done by a team of researchers on the
issue of spending much time on screens. Third, it attracts the readers’ attention by
I-B-1 providing a new opinion contradictory to that of many people who are worried 1.5
about teens spending time on screens.
(Two purposes are enough; 0.75 for each: 0.25 for the purpose and 0.5 for its
First, Paragraphs 4 and 5 are linked with the repetition of the key words/terms
“teens” and “self-esteem”, which is an indirect link. Second, Paragraphs 8 and 9
I-B-2 are linked with the transition signal “However”, which is a direct link. 01
(0.5 for each device: 0.25 for “repetition of the key word/term”, and 0.25 for
“teens and self-esteem”, 0.25 for “transition signal”, 0.25 for “However”)

The tone is advising/recommending/persuading. The writer provides a quotation by

I-B-3 Hampton who offers parents a piece of advice to focus more on spending time with 01
their teens instead of worrying about the time teens use screens (“I advise parents”).
(One tone with its justification is enough; 0.5 for the adjective and 0.5 for its
justification; any other accurate adjective with its appropriate justification is
First, parents whose teens spend too much time on screens/online might be
interested in reading the selection because it provides them with a new finding that
internet disconnection is more harmful than being connected for a long time.
I-B-4 Second, sociologists might be interested in reading the selection because it deals 1.5
with the social impact of social media and video games on the social skills of teens.
(0.75 for each type with its interest/explanation; 0.25 for the type and 0.5 for
its interest/explanation; any other logical type with its interest is accepted)
I-C-1 grapple 0.5
I-C-2 primarily 0.5
I-C-3 spotty 0.5
I-C-4 permeate 0.5
I-D-1 “They” refers to social media and video games 0.5
I-D-2 “That” refers to the idea that excessive users of screens showed higher self-esteem 0.5
II-A Content and organization 3.5
II-B Language and style 3.5
II-C Tidiness and handwriting 01

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