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Rc.No. 1189512021/SF-III O/o the Prl. Chief Conservatol of Forests

Dated. 19.08.2021 Aranya Bhavan. HYDERABAD

Smt. R. Sobha,IFS,
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
& [Iead ofForest Force

Sub: TSFD - Telanganaku Haritha Haram - Plantations raised by MA&UD

and PR&RD Depa.rtments during 2019 & 2020 planting season
Inspection of plantations instructions issued - Reg.

Ref: 1. G.M.No.2597lFor.I(2)12021 EFS&T (For.l) Dept., dt.ZB.O7 .2021

2. Prl.CCF Ref.No.406 12021lSF-III. dt.03.08.2021


The District Forest Officers are informed that the Hon'ble Chief Minister has desired that
the plantations raised by MA&UD and PR&RD Departments under Telanganaku Haritha Haram
programme shall be inspected by the officials of Forest Department and report furnished to the
Chief Secretary to Government and Hon'ble Chief Minister. Hence, it is decided to inspect the
plantations raised during 2019 and 2020 planting season on random basis. As you are aware
every year the plantations raised under Telanganaku Haritha Haram are being geo tagged and the
information is being uploaded in the TGFMIS website. Accordingly. the data pertaining to
MA&UD and PR&RD department has been retrieved from the TGFMIS website and district
wise information is kept ready for inspection of such plantations.

The following modalities shall be followed for inspection of the plantations raised by
MA&UD and PR&RD Departments during 2019 and2020 planting season -
. The evaluation of plantations raised during 2019 and 2020 planting season will only be
taken up for the time being.
o lo/o of the total nos. of plantation sites will only be evaluated by Forest Department as per
the list provided by head office.
. 7o/o of plantations will be selected in each category of plantations i.e., Block. Linear and

scattered/gap plantations.
. The plantation sites for inspection will be selected on random basis from the data
available in the TGFMIS website.
o In case of Block plantations 10% of the plants planted will be enumerated for survival
and growth, as being practiced in the Forest Department.
o In case of Linear and scattered/gap plantation 100% enumeration will be done fbr
survival and growth.
o The methodology being used in assessing the survival and groMh of plantations in Forest
Department shall only be followed.
. The field staff of Forest Department shall be taking up evaluation of plantations.
o The concerned officials of MA&UD and PR&RD Departments shall also accompany the
officials of Forest Department for inspection of selected plantations.
. The list of year wise and category wise plantations to be inspected will be provided by
Head Office based on the data available in TGFMIS website'
. The inspection of plantations will be taken up from 0l-09-2021to 1,5-09-2021 and the
data (for the items as indicated in the para below) of such inspections will be uploaded irr
the TGFMIS website as per the model developed for capturing the data. A link will be
provided to all District Forest Officers in the state.

. The following parameters will be recorded at the time of inspection for each and every
plantation inspected -

: il;ffi;:*::*""T:',,ffi1, or o,herwise)
o Provision for protection / watch and ward - Yes or no
r Arrangements for watering- Yes or no

o rhe oistrici .:'::ru;il;:::T:ill""rtitute the teams or rorest orriciars working under

their control to inspect these plantations based on the no. of sites to be inspected in their
respective districts and chalk out a detailed day wise schedule for inspection so as to
complete the work in 15 days.

The district wise list of plantations to be inspected will be e-mailed. The District Forest
Officers are requested to take necessary action in the matter accordingly.

Sd/-R. Sobha
Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests
& Head of Forest Force

All the District Forest Off-rcers/Forest Divisional Officers in the State.

Copy to the Commissioner, Rural Development Department, TS, Hyderabad for kind
infbrr-r-ration and necessary action in the matter.

Copl' to the Director, Municipal Administration Department, TS. Hyderabad for kind
inlormation and necessary action in the matter.
Copy to all the Circle heads in the state.



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