Pengu's Goldmaking Sheet-1

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Welcome to Penguinr2gt's WoW Spreadsheet!

Last Updated: 9/24/2022

This Sheet goes over many Topics from Shuffles to Transmute Calculations.

How to Use:
1. Go to "MatSheet" and type in the cost of each item into the boxes. It will automatically update the rest of the Sheet
2. Choose which Tab you want to look through and follow the instructions. All sheets correspond to a YouTube Video on my Channel
3. If there are additional Yellow Boxes on that tab, fill them in with the correct pricing of your server
4. Make sure you always check for updates by using the latest Link:

Links To Other Spreadsheets: <- A Multi-Realm Pet Flipping Spreadsheet <- A Spreadsheet that contains multiple Crafted Transmog Pieces and How to Obtain them <- A Legendary Rank 1-7 Calculator

Social Links:
Vendor Items Price Meat/Fish Price Cloth Price Old World Ore Bar Old World Alch Price
Luminous Flux 7.2 Crawler Meat 0.85 Shrouded Cloth 0.9 Elementium 7.49 17.5 Volatile Life 13
Penumbra Thread 8.8 Tenebrous Ribs 0.12 Lightless Silk 1.9 Fel Iron 12 23.35 Volatile Water 27
Twilight Bark 3 Shadowy Shank 0.07 Tidespray Linen 0.7 Eternium 14 19 Volatile Fire 20
Nylon Thread 0.48 Seraphic Wings 0.07 Netherweave Cloth 0.5 Saronite 11 24 Volatile Earth 5
Malleable Wire 7.2 Phantasmal Haunch 1.6 Shal'Dorei Silk 0.97 Obsidium 5 7 Volatile Air 24.19
Eternium Thread 2.4 Spinefin Piranha 9.5 Embersilk cloth 2 Ghost Iron 5.5 13 Stormvine 4
Rune Thread 0.4 Iridescent Amberjack 1 Pyrium 30 55 Heartblossom 5
Runic Catgut 0.4 Lost Sole 0.07 Enchant Mats Price Cobalt 18 20 Cinderbloom 6
Pocked Bonefish 0.3 Soul Dust 3.4 Whiptail 6
Herbs Price Elysian Thade 2 Sacred Shard 8.68 Old World JC Price Azshara's Veil 20
Nightshade 2.7 Silvergill Pike 8.73 Hypnotic 4.7 River's Heart 25 Deepstone Oil 50
Deathblossom 2 Less. Celestial Ess. 1.22 Wild jade 25 Flask of Winds 300
Marrowroot 16.6 Ores Price Arcane Dust 2 Primordial Ruby 25 Titanic Strength 250
Widowbloom 15.2 Laestrite 3.5 Less. Planar Ess. 0.49 Vermilion Onyx 30
Vigil's Torch 11 Oxxein 3.15 Leylight Shard 5.25 Sun's Radiance 25 Truegold 700
Rising Glory 17 Solenium 2 Imperial Amethyst 30 Trillium 93
Golden Lotus 20 Living Steel 690
Leather Price Missive of CS 44 Lapis Lazuli 2.84 Spirit of Harm 189
Desolate Leather 2.5 Missive of Vers. 80 TSM Materials Group: Alexandrite 3
Callous Hide 0.01 Missive of Mast. 55 Pandarian Garnet 3 Shuffling Price
Pallid Bones 1.2 Missive of Haste. 79 *Input in a New Profile so it doesn't mess with your current setup* Tiger Opal 3 Laestrite Setting 0.8
Tome of Still Mind 43 Sunstone 3 Oriblase 2.5
Ores Part 2 Price Roguestone 3 Umbryl 2.5
Elethium 16.5 Serpent's Eye 11.4 Angerseye 2.5
Sinvyr 5.75
Phaedrum 3
Goldmaking Addons
BuyEmAll Allows you to buy a large amount of materials at once at a vendor
Easy Scrap Allows you to scrap 9 items at a time at the BfA Scrapper (Used for Bag Shuffling)
FarmHud When enabled, shows herbs in a radar type display in the middle of your screen (Used for Gathering)
FasterLoot Removes the Loot screen action to loot faster
GatherMate 2 Material Node data addon
idTip Find a material's ID on your tooltip for TSM
Instance Portals Lets you see instances on the map so it's easier to find
LegendaryStockTracker Shadowlands Legendary Addon to keep track of profits and stocks
LootAppraiser Addon that tracks your time and loot when turned on. Very useful for gathering and transmog sessions
LootAppraiser Challenge Multiplayer Compatible Version of LootAppraiser (Dependent Addon)
MonkeySpeed Shows your character's speed in a percentage
Quartz Technically not for goldmaking but a Casting Bar addon that tracks total crafting time
Rematch Battle Pet Addon that helps show prices
Routes Displays routes on your minimap/world map for certain herbs/ores
Scrap Trash Vendor selling Addon
SushiSort Addon that sorts your guild bank for you
TomTom Addon that can give you waypoints for certain rares/treasures/coordinates
TradeSkillMaster Commonly known as TSM. Main goldmaking Addon
WorthIt Addon that uses TSM to estimate farms' Gold Per Hour

UI Addons
Bagnon Creates one singular big bag
Bagnon_BoE Dependent addon that adds "BoE" to your items
Bagnon_Scrap Dependent addon that shows gold coins on your Marked Trash items (Need Scrap to use)
Bagnon_ItemLevel Dependent addon that adds item levels to your items
Bartender 4 Action Bar Addon
DynamicCam Addon for my camera
Experiencer Experience Bar addon that is at the bottom of my screen
Friend Groups Allows you to sort your friends and add them to specific groups
Glass Chat menu addon
HandyNotes Adds Treasures and rares to your map
Kaliel's Tracker Quest menu Addon
Kong Allows you to move different default UI menus
Masque Gives Action Bars certain Skins
Masque_CleanUI The specific skin that I use
MoveAnything Allows you to move all parts of the Blizzard UI
Narcissus Fun little interactive character Addon
OmniCC Get cooldown numbers on your Action Bars
SexyMap Bottom corner Map addon
Shadowed Unit Frames My favorite Unit Frame Addon
TipTac Smarter/Better Tooltip Addon

Extra Addons
DeadlyBossMods For all your Fight Alert needs
GTFO Alert addon for Fights
Paragon Reputation Better Addon for Reputation
Venture Plan Shadowlands MIssion Table Addon
WeakAuras Allows you to add custom alerts/cooldowns/extra information for fights, treasures or other things
Vendor Shuffles Tidespray Deep Sea Bag Shuffle
Item Name Vendor Price Calculated Cost Profit Per Item Profit Per Hour
Shrouded Cape 36.9 38.8 -1.9 -3420 Material Price Needed Bracer Price
Ceremonius Blade 70.82 75.1 -4.28 -7704 Tidespray Linen 0.7 10 9.4
Composite Bow 89.54 90.1 -0.56 -672 Nylon Thread 0.48 5
Shrouded Robe 49.86 50.3 -0.44 -792
Tidespray Linen Pants 8.21 16.7 -8.49 -15282 1 Bag = 17 Bracers - 13 Linen - 13 Nylon
Deadly Laestrite Band 31.17 20.2 10.97 6077.38 *Hourly rate takes into account crafting Doublets as well
Masterful Laestrite Band 30.94 20.2 10.74 5949.96 (4 seconds for doublets and 2.5 seconds for final product)* 1 Bag = 144.46 Crafting Cost
Quick Laestrite Band 31.06 20.2 10.86 6016.44
Versatile Laestrite Band 30 20.2 9.8 5429.2
Deadly Laestrite Choker 21.64 13.6 8.04 6432 Item Price Profit:
Ceremonious Rapier 73.94 71.2 2.74 3945.6 Deep Sea Bag: 200 45.54

Even if profit is negative, remember you get these items

25 Embroidered Cloth + 2.72 Expulsom Per Deep Sea Bag

Use it for other bags, and items for Alts :)

Disenchanting Shuffles USES RANK 3 DEEP SEA BAGS
Item (Tailoring) Item Cost Soul Dust Sacred Shards Material Value Total Profit 1000 Crafted: After AH Cut
Shrouded Cloth Bracers 29.1 2.4 0 8.16 -20.94 -20940 -21348
Shadowlace Cuffs 39.2 1.4 1.5 17.78 -21.42 -21420 -22309

Item (Leatherworking) Item Cost Soul Dust Sacred Shards Material Value Total Profit 1000 Crafted: After AH Cut
Des. Leather Armguards 23.8 2.4 0 8.16 -15.64 -15640 -16048
Herb Cost Amount
Nightshade 2.7 3000
Deathblossom 2 30000 Name Calculation Price Profit Each
Missive of CS 44 0
Missive of Haste 79 156
Herb Umbral Luminous Tranquil Missive of Vers. 80 -900
Deathbossom 4245 4485 162 Missive of Mastery 55 0
Nightshade 797 700 917 Tome of SM 43 0
Total Made: 5042 5185 1079

Total Profit: -744 Milling Time:

110 Minutes
Total Herb: Amount Ink Time:
Nightshade 6000 565 Minutes
Total Cost: 136200 Deathblossom 60000 Total Crafting:
Total Value: 135456 15.09 Hours
Important Information
Herb Price Amount
Nightshade 2.7 1200 1. Darkmoon Decks are highly based on RNG; we can use Math and Formulas to calculate probabilities to the best of our ability.
Deathblossom 2 14000 2. The "Best" Combination with Nightshade and Deathblossom is a 1:10 Ratio. This would be my recommendation for you to get the most of of your gold.
3. Due to the high RNG, I would take the Avg Costs lightly, If the average cost is 15k and the highest value deck is 18k, be wary of your profit margins.
4. Please remember there are 4 different decks with various prices; you never know which one you will be able to craft.
Herb Luminous Tranquil Umbral 5. The more you spend and the more you craft, the more extra cards you will have. This will slowly cut down on your profits more and more.
Nightshade 252 360 288 6. Lastly, Experiment and Have fun!
Deathblossom 2100 56 2100

Total 2352 416 2388

Total Cost: 31240

# of Cards: 336

Without Blanks: Cost Per Card: 92.98

With Blanks Cost Per Card: 79.03

Avg Cards Per Deck 14.75

Without Blanks: Avg Cost Per Deck 1,371.40

With Blanks Avg Cost Per Deck 1,165.69
JC Ring Shuffle
Gem Amount Cost
Angerseye 5000
Oriblase 5000
Umbryl 5000

Quick Ring Deadly Ring Masterful Ring Versatile Ring

Vendor Price Amount 625 Amount 1250 Amount 1250 Amount 625
Angerseye 12500 Cost 9687.5 Cost 25875 Cost 19000 Cost 8250
Oriblase 12500 Profit 1425.00 Profit -3650.00 Profit 3225.00 Profit 2862.50
Umbryl 12500
Mats Needed Mats Needed Mats Needed Mats Needed
Oxxein 1250 Sinvyr 2500 Phaedrum 2500 Solenium 1250
Wire 625 Wire 1250 Wire 1250 Wire 625
Settings 1250 Settings 2500 Settings 2500 Settings 1250

Enchant Mats Enchant Mats Enchant Mats Enchant Mats

Sacred Shard 938 Sacred Shard 1875 Sacred Shard 1875 Sacred Shard 938
Soul Dust 875 Soul Dust 1750 Soul Dust 1750 Soul Dust 875

Steps Profit Type Leftovers: Leftovers: Leftovers: Leftovers:

1 Angerseye 5000 Angerseye 0 Angerseye 0 Angerseye 5000
2 Oriblase 0 Oriblase 0 Oriblase 5000 Oriblase 5000
3 Umbryl 5000 Umbryl 5000 Umbryl 0 Umbryl 0
Name Amount Name Amount
Laestrite 28000 Elethium 10000

Item Amount Item Amount

Angerseye 2660 Angerseye 2200
Oriblase 2850 Gem Profit Back Oriblase 2470 Gem Profit Back
Umbryl 2761 20678.00 Umbryl 1400 15175.00
Ess. Torment 280 Ess. Torment 780
Ess. Rebirth 252 Ess. Rebirth 780
Ess. Servitude 336 Ess Avg. Cost Ess. Servitude 830 Ess Avg. Cost
Ess. Valor 224 89.74 Ess. Valor 815 51.48

Name Amount Name Amount Name Amount Name Amount

Phaedrum 100 Oxxein 100 Sinvyr 740 Solenium 100

Item Amount Amount Amount Amount

Angerseye 10 10 67 12
Oriblase 11 Gem Profit Back 13 Gem Profit Back 76 Gem Profit Back 8 Gem Profit Back
Umbryl 10 77.20 9 78.75 78 550.38 9 72.38
Ess. Torment 52
Ess. Rebirth 7
Ess. Servitude Ess Avg. Cost 7 Ess Avg. Cost Ess Avg. Cost Ess Avg. Cost
Ess. Valor 43.54 48.46 82.14 7 27.78
Cooking Calculator for Meals + Feasts

Large Meals (+30) Cost per 3 Server Price Profit (Per Craft) Amount Crafted Total Profit (5%Cut)
Spinefin Souffle & Fries 33.67 67.49 158.68 100 15868
Iridescent Ravioli 5.28 35.66 96.35 100 9635
Steak a la Mode 2.63 4.9 11.34 100 1134
Tenebrous Crown Roast 5.34 16 40.26 100 4026

Feasts Cost Server Price Profit Amount Crafted Total Profit

Surprisingly Palatable 20.34 394 353.96 20 7079
Gluttonous Hedonism 214.71 755 502.54 200 100508
Shadowlands Alchemy Calc. Old World Alchemy Vial of the Sands Calc.

Name Server Price Crafting Cost Profit after 5% Name Server Price Crafting Cost Profit
Phantom Fire 145.6 100.85 37.47 Treasure Finding 867 118 749
Spectral Power 335 247.35 70.90 Winds 1999 312 1687
Flask Stamina 167 103.55 55.10 Tit. Strength 2189 200 1989
Spectral Intellect 123.3 83.05 34.09 Trans: Truegold 1200 734.4 465.6
Spectral Strength 112 85.05 21.35 *remember Transmute Trans: Pyrium 250 22.5 227.5
Spectral Agility 112.26 76.05 30.60 makes 3 bars so
server price is 3 x Pyrium*

Spiritual Healing 15 4.05 10.20

Spiritual Mana 10 4.05 5.45 Name Server Price Crafting Cost Profit
Embalmer's Oil 12.7 4.05 8.02 Vial of the Sands 49000 40858.8 8141.2 Crystalline Vial 4750
Shadowcore Oil 13 4.05 8.30 Sands of Time 2850

Transmutes Cost Profit
Pyrium 19.98 145.02
Truegold 891.9 -191.9
Trillium 110 -17
Living Steel 558 132
Riddle Of Steel 846 -156
Flask of Winds 312.04 -12.04
Flask of Tit. Strength 200.04 49.96
Old World Disenchanting Old World JC Shuffle
Item Item Cost Dust Essences Material Value Profit Name Price Amount
Deathsilk Bracers 24.8 1.5 0.44 7.5868 -17.2132 Ghost Iron ore 13 1000 Name Price
Golden Lotus 20
Netherweave Bracers 7.9 1.79 0.54 3.8446 -4.0554
River's Heart 25 7 Transmutes: Cost Profit
Silkweave Bracers 9.13 1 0 5.25 -3.88 Wild jade 25 5 River's Heart 22.84 2.16
Primordial Ruby 25 12 Wild Jade 23 2
Vermilion Onyx 30 17 Primordial Ruby 23 2
Sun's Radiance 25 15 Vermilion Onyx 23 7
Profits Per 100 Per 500 Per 1000 Imperial Amethyst 30 12 Sun's Radiance 23 2
Deathsilk -1721.32 -8606.6 -17213.2 Imperial Amethyst 23 7
Netherweave -405.54 -2027.7 -4055.4 Lapis Lazuli 2.84 49
Silkweave -388 -1940 -3880 Alexandrite 3 60
Pandarian Garnet 3 45
Tiger Opal 3 35 Total Profit:
Sunstone 3 62 -9843.96
Old World Smelting Roguestone 3 52
Mining: Ore(s) Price Bar Price Crafted Price Profit: (After 5%) Serpent's Eye 11.4 23
Elementium 7.49 17.5 14.98 1.645
Fel Iron 12 23.35 24 -1.8175
Eternium 14 19 28 -9.95 Total Cost: Total Price: Total Profit:
Saronite 11 24 22 0.8 13000 3008.36 -9991.64
Obsidium 5 7 10 -3.35
Ghost Iron 5.5 13 11 1.35
Pyrium 30 55 60 -7.75
Cobalt 18 20 18 1

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