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Past simple vs Present perfect

Complete the sentence with the correct verb.

Did you start Sent Visited 've sent

Have you started 've known Knew 's visited

1. I _____ three messages to Simon today but he hasn't answered yet.

2. Haley ______ me a postcard when she went to New York.

3. _____ your homework yet?

4. _____ learning the guitar at primary school?

5. I _____ Joel since we were at primary school.

6. I _____ the answers to most of the questions in the test.

7. My brother _____ Vietnam and Laos last summer.

8. My dad travels a lot, he _____ 20 countries this year.

B. Past simple vs past continuous

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. While I _____ (watch) TV, the telephone _____(ring).

2. When the teacher _____ (come) into the room, everyone _____ (talk) about their holidays.

3. Patrick _____ (finish) his homework while his mother _____ (cook) supper.

4. We _____ (listen) to the news when our parents _____ (tell) us to get ready.

5. Susan _____ (find) some beautiful flowers while she _____ (walk) through the park.

6. While Philip _____ (wash) his car, it _____ (start) to rain.

C. Past simple vs past perfect

1. When I ______ (go) out I realised that I ______ (forget) my keys.

2. | ______ (not enjoy) the film because I ______ (see) it before.

3. When I ______(get) to the station, the train______(already leave).

4. I ______ (not eat) at the new Mexican restaurant before you ______(recommend) it.

5. My parents ______(already go) to bed when we______(get) home.

6. I ______ (find) my umbrella after I ______(buy)another one.

D. Present perfect simple vs present perfect continuous

Robin: I think the waiter (forget)____ us. We (wait)____ here for over half an hour and nobody
(take)____our order yet.

Michele: I think you're right. He____ (walk)by us at least twenty times. He probably thinks we (order,

Robin: Look at that couple over there, they (be, only)____here for five or ten minutes and they already
have their food.

Michele: He must realize we (order, not)__ yet! We (sit) _____ here for over half an hour staring at him.

Robin: I don't know if he (notice, even)____us. He (run) _____ from table to table taking orders and
serving food.

Michele: That's true, and he (look, not)____. in our direction once.

E. First conditional

1. If you ______ (not, study) regularly, you ______ (fail) in your exams.

2. If David ______ (arrive) on time, I ______ (be) very surprised.

3. You ______ (see) better if you ______ (turn on) the light .

4. If we ______ (not, protect) the tigers, they ______ (extinct) soon.

5. I am afraid we ______ (be) late for the meeting if you ______ (not, take) a cab now.

6. He ______ (settle down) here if Andre ______ (get) a decent job offer.
F. Should, ought to, or had better

1. My teacher told me that I ___ review my notes every day. I guess it's a good idea to look at them after

2. Do you think Carol _____ save her money or spend it? She is planning to go to Europe this summer.

3. I'm going to a party tonight. What _____ I wear: a dress or black pants?

4. Our car's gas tank is almost empty. We _____ fill it up with gas soon or we will run out of gas!

5. If you are worried about getting fat, you _____ eat at McDonald's every day. You _____ eat healthy,
low-fat foods like fruits and vegetables.

6. It's really raining outside right now. I _____ forget my umbrella or I'll get wet!

7. Where _____ we have lunch today: at home or in a restaurant?

8. My doctor feels that I _____ exercise more because I'm out of shape and want to lose weight. I think
he's right.

G. Present and past passive

1. Portuguese_____ (speak) in Brazil.

2. Martin Luther King_____(murder) in 1968.

3. Toyotas_____ (produce) in Japan.

4. This novel_____ (publish) last summer.

5. Their anniversary _____ (announce) on radio yesterday.

6. The TV programme 'friends' _____ (watch) by people all over the world.

7. This computer_____(install) by my dad last week.

8. Tina _____(follow) home last night.

9. The library_____(situate) behind the main building.

10. The radio ______(invent) at the beginning of the 20th century.

H. Causative have (have something done)

Complete the sentences. The beginning of each missing word is given.

1 I didn't recognise Pete because he's had his head sh______.

2 Your hair's a great colour. Have you had it d______?

3 My mum doesn't want me to have my ears p______.

4 How much did it cost to have your hair c______?

5 The car's making a funny noise. I'll have to have it r______.

6 On Sunday mornings we have our newspaper d______.

7 When did you have this photo t______?

I. Gerund or to + infinitive

1 Jane can't stand living (live)with her evil aunt.

2 Jane later decides to live (leave) her life teaching at the school.

3 Count Dracula wants ______ (buy) a house near London.

4 Why must the Count avoid ______ (see) him during the day?

5 Some of the younger children imagine ______ (be) chased by a strange beast.

6 Jack promises ______ (kill) the beast.

7 Bilbo Baggins enjoys ______ (live) an ordinary life.

J. Choose the correct answer.

1. Jay: ______ you ______ that Harry Potter book yet?

Tim: Oh yes, I ______ it back to the library yesterday.

A. Have/ finished/took

B. Did/finish/took

C. Have / finished/ have taken

D. Did/finish/have taken

2.Mike: _____ you _____ to Bryan yesterday?

Michael: No, I ____ him for a Couple of days.

A. Have/ Spoken/ didn't see

B. Did/Spoke / haven't seen

C. Did/ Speak/haven't seen

D. Have spoken/haven't seen

3. When she was younger, she____ in Rusia. Now she lives in Japan. She ____ there for five year.

A. Lives/has lived

B. has lived / lived

C. Live/has lived

d. Lived/ has lived

4.While I ____ for my tennis balls, I ____ an old Sandwich under my bed

A. Was looking/find

B. was looking/found

C. looked/was finding

D. Looked / Found

5. I know Pete. I ____ him for years. In fact, our grand fathers ____ each other when they were alive.

A. Knew/have known

B. Have known/ knew

C. knew/ has known

D. Have known/has known

6.Everybody ___ home, when they ____ to the Party.

A. Had gone/get

B. Had gone/got

C. Had gone/are getting

D. Had gone/ had gotten

7. When Mike ____ at the station, the train ____

A. Arrive /leaves

B.Had arrived/ left

C. Arrived/had left

D. Is arriving/leaves

8. I ____ for the Princes of luxury Cars to come down before buying one, but I think I____ for too long
and the prices begins to go up again.

A. Have waited/ have been waiting

B. Have been working /have waited

C. Waited /have been waiting

D. Had waited/ has been waiting

9. Secretary: Customers ____ up all morning complaming about getting incorrect bills

Manager: I know something____wrong with our computer.

A. has rang/has gone

B. has been ringing/ has gone.

C. have rung/ has been going

D. have been ringing/ has gone

10. A. Someone ____ My new umbrella! It's all wet! And it was wet yesterday and the day before! B:
Well, it wasn't me. I ___ out of the house for nearly a week.

A. has been using/have't been

B. has used/ haven't been

C. have been using/ haven't been

D. has been using/haven't being

11. She ____ two of her own table clothes. She's lucky.

I ___ them for six years, and I ____ a single cloth yet.

A. has just sold/have sewn/ haven't sold

B. has just sold / have been sewing/ haven't sold

C. has just sold /has been sewing/ haven't sold

D. has just sold/have been sewn/ haven't sold

12. That man ____ at the bus stop for the last half hour. Do You think I should tell him that the last

A. has stood/ has already gone

B. have been standing / has already gone

C. has been standing /have already gone

D. has been standing/ has already gone

13. If worried about getting fat, you ____ eat at McDonald every day. You ____ eat healthy low fat foods
like frut and vegetables.

A. Had better not / should

B. Shouldn't /ought to
C. Ought to/ should

D. had better /should

14. He ____ the road unless he ____ the green lights.

A. doesn't Cross/Will See

B. Won't cross/ See

C. Won't Cross/ sees

D. Cross/Will Sees

15. A: I don't understand anything in this class. It's boring, and I'm getting a failing grade.

B: If I ____ the way you do about it, I ____ the class as soon as possible.

A. Felt /will drop

B. Will feel/drop

C.feel /will drop


16. Read the Sentence bellow and change the sentence using be allowed to!

"We don't have permission to go into that room"

A. We don't allowed to go into that room.

B. We aren't allowed to go into that room.

C. We aren't allowed to goes into that room.

D. We are allowed to goin to that room.

17. Many criminals ____ with the help of Malern technology.

A. Caught
B. Is Caught

C. Are caught

D. Are catching

18. Hundreds of new homes ____ here next year.

A. Builds

B. Are building

C. Will build

D. Will be built

19. The Correct Passive form of the sentence below is____

" Has the surgeon performed the operation?

A. Has the operation performed by the surgeon?

B. Has the operation being performed by surgeon?

C. Has the operation been performed by the surgeon?

D. Had the operation been performed by the surgeon?

20. The Correct active form of the sentence below is ____

"The house will be built by the construction crew in five months

A. The Construction Crew build the house in five months.

B. The Construction crew is built house in five months.

C. The Construction crew will build house in five months.

D. The Construction crew has built house in five Months.

21 The London Eye is one of the most Popular attractions in London and people ____ from all over the
UK and the World. It _____ by David Marks and Julia Barfield for a competition which ____ by a British
newspaper in 1999.

A. Visit/was designed/was organised

B. Visited/was designed/organised

C. Visit/was designed/ had been organised

D. has been visit/ Was designed/organised

22.Jill: Please don't give food to the animals. They ____ on a special diet.

Hani: Ok. Will we be able to see the animals getting fed while we're here at the zoo?

Jill: Yes. They ____ at five o'clock today,

A. are feed/ will be

B. are fed/will be

C. have been fed / will be

D. Fed/ will be

23. The bank ____ since yesterday and it will be open again in two days.

A. Has been closed

B. Was closed

C. Will closed

D. Closed

24. Look at the notice below and choose the correct answer.

"Keep off the grass"

A. You aren't allowed to walked on the grass.

B. You aren't allowed to walk on the grass.

C. You don't't allowed to walk on the grass.

D. You are allowed to walk on the grass.

25. Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress. She ____ by a designer in Italy.

A. hasn't it made

B. is having it made

C. is having it makes

D. hadn't it made

26. He hides in his house to avoid ____ anyone he knows.

A. To meet

B. Meets

C. Meeting

D. Met

27. He can't stand ____ the evil mr Hyde. His evill side has won.

A. To be

B. Be

C. Being

D. To being

28. The correct first conditional below is...

A. We go to the forest if the weather will be sunny.

B. We will go to the forest if the weather is sunny.

C. We go to the forest if the weather is sunny.

D. We will go to the forest if the weather will be sunny.

29. Read the sentence below and change the sentence using "make"

"My mum says I have to pay for my own mobile phone".

A. My mum makes me pay for my own mobile Phone.

B. My mum makes me paying for my own mobile Phone.

C. My mum makes me to pay for my own mobile Phone.

D. My mum making me pay for my own mobile Phone.

30. Look at the invitation below and choose the correct answer!


Our place

Will be on Saturday

Casual clothes"

A. Great, i dont have to wear a suit and tie.

B. Great, i don't have time to go.

C. Great, but i don't know.

D. Great, i don't care.


1. Rewrite the sentences and make them into passive form!

A. Millions of people around the world love football.

B. Andy wrote some emails yesterday.

C. The head of district has built a new library.

D. My brother will buy a bunch of flowers.

E. The teacher writes some words on the board.

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