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Proceed. mtemat. AMSE Confer. "Modelling &.


Karlsn.dte (West Germany), July 20-22, 1987, VaI. 2 D, P. 3-20


J. A. Ol1ve1ra Martlns, J. F. Borges da S1lva

Instituto Super10r T~cnico

Department of Electr1cal Englneer1ng
Av. Rovisco Pais - 1096 Lisboa Codex

The paper examines the ~ethod of avoiding magnetising inrush currents in alI
three phases "hen .,,1tching a bank of three unloaded aingle-phase transfonners
connected in three "ire star-delta. The theory of the lIethod ia described and 1ts
results sre conf1nned both experimentally and by computer a1l1ulat1on.
Th1s type of transient ia a "ell knevn phellOllenon accomp~lng the
connection of a transformer to the a.c. ~a1ns, when a s1..,ltaneous closure of ali
phases is used. If the instants of phase closure are chosen sppropriately, complete
tranaient luppression in alI three phases can be achieved.
The method "eacribed enables °the sppropriate instante of phase closure to b~
found taking the .ains voltages as a reference, and given the residual core
megnet1zation state.


Although magnetlslng lnrush currents accompanylng the connectlon

of a transformer to the a.c. malns (see flg.7) ls a well known
phenomenon, nothlng ls usually done to avold lt. A simultaneous
closure of alI phases ls used and no attentlon la pald to the resldual
core flux or to the proper choice of individual phase closures. In
th1s way, repeated closures glve rlae to a random distributlon of th1s
type of transient ln different phases.
Translent currents occur whenever the value assumed by the
steady state flux at swltch closlng tIme d1ffers from the value of the
flux l1nkIng the co11 be ng closed í and due to res1dual magnetlzation
of the core. The magnitude and the waveform of these transients depend
on the above dIfferences and on the non-linear char-ac t.e
r-Ls t f c of the
core mater1al.
In this study a bank of three unloaded slngle-phase transformers

1s used connected ln three w1re star-delta, f1g.1. Although th1s k1nd
of transformer has three 1ndependent magnetic c1rcu1 ts the electric
delta connect10n of their secondary c01ls 1mposes:

</l1+ </l2+ </l3" O (1)

1 l ls3 '" is (2)
s1 s2

u., ?
I Loop 2
, Seeondary
I _________________ J
L ....

a.e .• ain. T/D Bani<


Fig. 2 - Bani<of three unloaded aingle-phase transformera connected 1n three vire

star-delta (Y/D).(Pr1mary and aecondary loops are shown 1n broken trace).
3 o--- Q2!. Ra and Raj (j l,2,3) E are aampl1ng resistors used for Ifteasuring tl:e
transformer coil currents.

o o---

Supposing the sequenee of closures oeeurs in the followlng

Fig. 1 - Bani<of three unloaded s1ngle-phase transformera connected 1n three wire
star-del ta. order:

tI - Instant of elosure of phases 1 and 2.

t - Instant of elosure or phase 3 (t2 > ti)'
Ir the lnstants or phase elosure are chosen appropriately,
complete transient suppression in alI three phases ean be achieved. Taking the mains voltage as a reference and for a given residual
The number of distinct swltch closlng times ti (1=1,2,3) depends core magnetlzation state, each instant or phase closure must lead to:
on the number of loops existing ln the primary c1rcult of the
t r-ansrorrner- under consideration, fig.2. Each phase closure time t1 (3)

depends both on the mains phase sequence and on the times at which
prev10us closures d1d occur.
," ,,'

6 7

in which:

"'jsi - Steady state flux at switch closing time ti (1=1,2), ln the
primary coil of phase j (j~l,2,3).

~O - Flux linking the primary coil of phase j (j=l,2,3) being closed
and due either to residual magnetization of the core Cí n this
case "'jo='l'jRem)
for the first closure (j=l,2) or resulting from
previous closures (jz3). '--,

1m O O
To depict as clearly as possible the phasor relationshlps °3 '1'12

involved we assume that the resistance as well as the leakage

inductance of the col1s are negllglble. Hence ln the steady staté the
flux ln each co11 lags 90 relatlve to the correspondlng appl1ed °2
voltage. (a) (b)

The non-llnear characterlstic of the core materlal le aesumed to

be equal for a l). three single-phase transformers, and the a.c. mains
Fig. 3 - CloBure of phasea 1 and 2 at instant t1•
is assumed to be a balanced three pha~e system wlth slnusoidal
(a) Phasor diagram of voltage and flux, taking the origin at instant tl.
waveforms (U =220 V; w=2" f; f=50 Hz).
pef Obs. In broken trace, the flux that would be imposed to the primary coil of
phase 3 if closed.
(b) Waveform of the flux linking the primary col1s of phases 1 and 2.
2.1. Demagnetleed Core

If we assume absence of residual magnetization in the core, we

have: 2.1.2. Second closure at time t
Until phase 3 is closed, we have:
'l'jRem= O j~1,2,3 (4)

(6-1) (6-2)
2.1.1. First closure at time t (7-1) (7-2)
To achleve absence of translent currents, i.e. to verify eq.(3),
the line voltage u12 should assume a posltive (or negative) peak value hence, we have a secondary vol tage balance which determines a zero
at tlme t1 in order to obtain a zero value for the steady state flux value for the current is in the delta connected secondary:
~12 imposed by the voltage applied to coils of phases 1 and 2, fig.3:
ls = O (B)

<1(12) = ~(12)sl - ( 'l'lRem+ 'I'2Rem)= O (5) Therefore, the residual flux condltlon in phase 3 ( 'I'3Rem) ls
unchanged by the flrst closure of phases 1 and 2.
-----~ _--------------------------


To achieve absence of trans1ent currents 1n the closure of phase R.

3, í i e , to ver1fy eq. (3), the phase vol tage u3 should assume a

o ,
nega tive peak value at time t2 in order to obtain a zero value for the
steady state flux /1)3 1mposed by the vol tage applied to the co11 of
phase 3, see f1g.4:

113 (9)
c <11
3s2 - 'P3Rem c O

Let us verlfy the absenee of trans1ent currents on phases 1 and

2, when phase 3 ls elosed at this time. Immediately before time t2, we
have the flux values in the pr1mary e01ls of phases 1 and 2:

- "'p2 ., (10)

At time t2 we have for the same co11s the steady state flux (lo)

Fig. 4 - Cloaure of phase 3 at lnatant t (t occura T/4 aeconda after t ,.
2 2 l
(a) Phssor dlagram of voltage and flux, taklng the origin at instant t •
(1\) 2
~. In broken trace, the voltage and f1ux phasors immediate1y before t •
[ReJt : Position of real axis corresponding to the origin at instant t •
hence (f1g.4):
(12) (b) Waveforma of the flux 1inking the primary coi18 of alI three phase8.

2.2. The Importanee ot Residual Core Magnetlzatlon
Supposing the same sequence ot: elosures at instants tet1 and
t••t2, and the residual core magnetization state havlng the following
as requ1red for absence of transients.

Equations (9), (12) and (13) prove the complete trans1ent 'P1Rem ., + 0.3 Wb (15-1)
suppress10n in alI three phases, when energizlng the transformer wlth
demagnet1sed core, us1ng the spec1fied sequence of phase elosures. 'P2Rem •• - 0.45 Wb (15-2)

As can be seen from f1g.4 the instants t1 and t2 are related by 'P3Rem •• + 0.15 Wb, (15-3)
the equation:
(14) determ1ned by the natural sequence 01' current ext nc t t oris that took í

place at the last time the transformer was diseonneeted.

To verify equation (3). times tI and t must now lead

lO 11

respeetlvely to: 2.2.2. Secon~ closure at time t2

I/I(12)sl "'2Rem
(16) If i t can be assumed that "'IRem and "'2Rem are symmetrieal (see

eq. (15», the residual flux cond1tion in phase 3 ("'3Rem) has

(17 ) remained unchanged until now (is" O, see eq , (8», and equation (17)

can be expressed as:

2.2.1. First closure at time ti

I U cos(wt ) • 0.15 Wb (20)
\ 2
Equation (16) can be expressed as: w pmax 2

cos(- wt ) 0.75 Wb (18) then we have (fig.6):


then we have (fig.5): ( 21)



-- iii3


Fig. 6 - Closure of phase 3 at instant t2 (t2 oecurs about 1(6.5 seconds after tI)'
Fig. 5 - CloBure of phases I and 2 at instant tI' Phasor diagram of voltage and flux, taking the orlgln at instant t •
Phasor diagram of voltage and flux, taking the origin at instant tI' ~. In broken trace, the voltage and flux phasors immediately before t .
Obs. In broken trace, the flux that would be imposed to the primary coil of [Relt} : Posltion of real axis corresponding to the origin at instant tI'
phase 3 ir this phase were closed.


Let the primary magnet1sing current of the transformer j
For each Ioop shown ln flg.2 an equation c an be wrltten as (j=l,2,3) be wrltten:

whe re l'j s the r at í.oof prlmary

í to secondary turns


We can introduce an incremental-inductance coefflcient lpj

di 3 dei!
( R) •
i p3'" Ap3 --p- .•.~ (j=1,2,3) at each polnt of the non-linear characteristic 'pj(10j)
- u23 = rp3'" a3
dt dt
defined by:

(22-2) (25)

ln the star connection with floating neutral we have:


(26 )
dt/!sl dI/Js2 d"'s3
+---+---+ (22-3)
dt dt dt

We further assume that:

in which (j=1,2,3):
Uik Line voltage between phases (1) and (k).

Ra' Raj Reslstance of the sampling resistors used for measuring the
transformer coi1 currents. 3.1. First Closure at Time tI

rpj' rsj Reslstance of the primary (p) and of the secondary (s ) ln this case (tI ~ t < t ) we have loops 1 and 3 closed (see
co1ls. fig.2, and eq.(8»:
.\ Leakage inductance of the prlmary (p) and of the secondary
pj' '\sj
(s) co1ls. "p3 : consto (28)

i 1 Primary (p) and secondary (s) currents.

pj' sj
Hence, from eq. (22) the followlng equatlons are obtalned,
Core flux l1nklng the prlmary (p ) and the secondary (s )


For experimental purposes and í n order to assure the swi tch-on

o i
5 and swí t cn-cr r phase sequences requi red by theory, a programmable
electronic device using triacs was used.

4.1. Demagnet1sed Core:
• dt
For computer simulatlon of the transformer, we assumed a non-
(29) -linear characteristic for each single-phase transformer j (j=l,2,3),
of the forro:
~_ lp2
vI "2 (31)

ln which, 0j and flj are constants.

3.2. Second Closure at T1me t2
From eq. (25), the follow1ng equat10n 1s obtained
ln this case (t ~ t2) we have alI three loops closed (see
fig.2). Hence, from eq. (22) the following equations are obtained,
1 z (~) (32)
pj d<,b
o +

The core was demagnet1sed before each experimental test by

reducing gradually and simultaneously the applied vo1tages from thelr
nominal value to zero.
o o o
A simultaneous closure of alI three phases at an instant to
lmposes current transients ln at least two of them, as well as ln the
delta connected loop of secondary coils. If the hlghest transient peak
lpl _ lp2 dip1 value is obtalned in phase I, symmetrical transient values at
+ Jp1+Ap2+1pl
+lp2 Ap2+1p2
VI 1'2 dt half-peak amplitude are obtained in phases 2 and 3. This is shown in
fig.7, in which:
lp3 _ lp2 dip3
\2+1p2 .\p2+ Ap3+1p2+1p3 (30)
'·3 1"2 dt (33)

'" '" ' 'j dis and (see eq.(3»:

~-~ ~\1
+.\ 2•.13+ --
S S 1
+ --
+- t
v dt
1 "2 "3 2 1"1 1'2 "3
.11max = - '/'pmax (34-1) (34-2)

._ ..... _ .._ ...... .,. ......

1800 83
mA 1 - i1
900 2- i O
1 11 3- 13
2 1 O -83
2 I

3 - 13
õ-------T------------ ----------: -166
! ! I ' O 10 20 30 40
! i I ! t ms
-1800 -i =O -
il=O s 1500
<, O 10 20 30 40
t ms -1
i =O..- s
2 750
i =O _ mA.
3 8000
-is=O_ -is O
mA O

i , i , i3 - saiR mA/div 83. mA/div
1 2 -1500
-is - 200/100/Ra mA/div 2. A/div O
Seales: t
t - 5 ms/div
i1, 12' i3 - 500/R mA/div 833. mA/div
-is - 2/l00/Ra A/div 20. A/div O 10 20 30 (a) (b)
t - 10 mS/div t ms
Fig.S - Closure of phsses 1 and 2 at instant t (when the value of u12 waS
and going down)and closure of phaae 3 at instant t2 (when the value of u12
(a) (b)
was zero and going negati ve ) - see 2.1. (Demagnet1sed core). It may be
Fig.7 - Simultaneous elosure of aI I phases, ",hen u value
and going "'as zero
pl observed that complete transient suppression in alI three phases, including
positive. Highest transient peak value in phase 1. (Demagnetised core).
the delta connected loop of secondary coils, is achieved.
(a) Experimental results; (b) Slmulatlon results.
(a) Experimental resulte; (b) Simulation results.

iP3 go ng
í negative, we have the residual core magnetization state
shown in fig.9 and the values assumed in eq, (15),
To avoid these transients we use the method discri bed in 2.1.
and the results are shown in fig.8, Let us assume the sarne sequence of closures as establ1shed ln
2.1. which, wi th a demagnetised core. let to a complete transient
4.2. The Effect of Residual Core Magnetization suppression in alI three phases. If we use this sarne sequence for the

The value of fluxes "'j{J=1,2,3) l1nking the primary colls of new residual core magnetization state, we obtaln the transients shown

the transformers and due to residual core magnetization, were measured in !ig.lO. a. To avoid magnetis1ng inrush currents the sequence of
using analogie integrators. Each residual magnetization state of the closures must be as establ1shed in 2.2. for thls new residual flux
core í s obtained by removing simul taneously the gate si gnals to the condi tions. The resul ting current waveforms upon swi tch-on are as
triacs used in the programmable sw tching
í device. The residual flux shown ln f1g. 10.b.
condl tion obtained is determlned by the ensuing natural sequence of
eurrent extlnctlons, that takes place, fo11owlng the removal of gate
slgnals and which occur as the successive phase currents go through
ze r o .
Jf ph"g(';> j", Lhe f Lr s t; be í ng d s c t e d ,
í for a zero value of

IOoivfli~~--: s",
II=0 -
)2=0 - ,;.~
! ,; I . I;" I' i :".!.","Ii .....;;- ,
)3=0 -
.. ' .
.• ""'.'I"II"'II ..


Three· phase
ln a Ll three
phases, by executing
can be energized wi thout
an approprla te sequence
-l =0_

..~Ü~ttl·ri Y'3Rem
phase closures.
•... .. .-.. .• ~.,' ~.,:.:~;
",:.- The approprl ate sequence of closures depends on the type o~
__." v v:·.·.'· transformer used (a bank of three slngle-phase transformers or a
1-"'1 ; 2-4'2 ; 3-"'3 three-llmb transformer), on the number of loops ln the prlmary clrcuit
Seales: Scales: (neutral present or absent) and on the core residual magnetization at
lI' 12' 13 - 200/R mA/dlv = 333. mA/div; i3 - 200/R mA/div ; 333. mA/div swl tch-on t me, í

-is - 200/100/Ra mA/div 2. A/div; 'I' '2' ~3 - 500 mWb/div Flux conditlons observed at swItch c:osing time linklng a given
t - 5 ms/dlv t - 5 ms/div coil whIch is being connected are due either ·to residual flux
conditions resulting from the last transformer swItch-off operation or
(a) (b) to condit1ons resulting from previous phase closures of the current
Flg.9 - Switching-off of the Y/O bank , when phase 3 i8 the first to be disconnected switch-on sequence.
followlng lts passage through zero golng negative. In order to take care of residual flux conditions when
(a) Current w8veforms ln the prlmary and in the de lta connected seeondary determlning the appropriate sequence of phase closures we can:
eo l s ,

(a) Measure the flux Iinking each coll belng closed. (In this case the
(b) Waveforms of the f1uxes lln1<ing eaeh prlmary coil. cIosure sequence must be adjustable): (b ) Disconnect the transformer
Obs. Phase 3 current waveform 111 shown again in (b) to facili ta te by removing the Ioad first, and then opening the primary switches at a
correspondence with (a). fixed instant in the appl1ed vol tage cycle so that the sarne sequence
of natural current extinctions is always obtained, (In this case the
residual . flux condi tions at swi tch-on time and therefore the
corresponding closure sequence to avoid transients will be aIways the
sarne) •

i3=0 -
-1 =0- -1 =0-
s s
111 W.K. Macfadyen, R.R.S. Simpson, R.D. Slater and W.S. Wood, "Method
of Predlcting Transient-Current Patterns in Transformers". Proc.
IEE. Vol. 120 (no. 11), pp. 1393 - 1396. (1973)

SeaIes: lI' 12' 13 -

200/R mA/dlv = 333. rnA/div 121 J.W. Teape. R.D. Slater. R.R.S. Slmpson and W.S. Wood. "Hysteresis
-i (a) 500/100/Ra mA/div 5. A/dlv Effects ln Transformers. IncIuding Ferroresonance". Proc. IEE.
(b) 200/100/Ra mA/dlv 2. A/dlv VoI. 123 (no. 2). pp. 153 - 158. (1976).
t - 10 ms/dlv
J.A. Oliveira Martins. "Study of a Bank of Three Unloaded Single-
(a) (b)
-Phase Transforme r-sv , (Inte rnal report in portuguese). Insti tuto
Fig.10 _ Non-símultaneous closure of the three phases. (Residual flux condition o!" Superior Técnico. Lisbon. July 1983.
fíg.9). Current waveforms.
(a) Sequence of closures as established ín 2_1. (Compare with fig.S).
(b) Sequence of closures 8S estabIished in 2.2.

141 S. Nishi da, T. Sakaguchi, "A New Algorithm of Digital ProtectJ on

for Shunt Reactors", Paper no. 84 \11M100-4 presented at the
IEEE/PES 1984 Winter Meeting, Dallas. Texas.

Isl J.F. Borges da Silva, "Electrotecnia Teórica II" (Foundations in

Electrical Engineering - 11 part. Lecture course ln portuguese),
Instl tuto Superior TécniCO, Lisbon, 1985.

161 J.A. Oliveira Martins, J.F. Borges da Silva, "Device for Inrush
Current Suppression when Energizing Three-Phase Transforme rs". (In
portuguese), paper presented at the Technical Sesslon
nO.1 - Advanced Technologies ln Power Systems, pp.39 - SO, ENDIEL
87, Llsbon, January 1987.

171 J.A. Oliveira Martlns, "Inrush Current Suppression when Energizlng

Three-Phase Transformers". (In portuguese), Master Thesis in
Electrical Englneering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, March


Equipment Specifications:

a. Slngle-Phase Transtormer Parameters (j~1,2,3)

Sj ~ 60 VA ':j = 3S.23

- Primary: 220 V 28.32 a 9.S8 rnH

- Secondary: USjef 6 V 21.07 ma 7.13 IJ.H

b.Sampl1ng Current Resistors (j=1,2,3)

Raj = R = 0.6 a

c. Non-Linear Magnetic Characterlstlc Parameters

a = 1S mA s= 3.2 Wb-1

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