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Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Call CargarSis



With ListView1

.Gridlines = True

.CheckBoxes = True

.View = ivwReport

.FullRowSelect = True

.Visible = True

With .ColumnHeaders


.Add , , "ID", 55

.Add , , "DEPARTAMENTO", 80, 0

.Add , , "MUNICIPIO", 80, 0

.Add , , "CODIGO MUNICIPAL", 55, 0

.Add , , "MES", 55, 0

.Add , , "AÑO", 55, 0

.Add , , "DOSIS", 80, 0

.Add , , "CANTIDAD", 55, 0

.Add , , "TOTAL DE DOSIS", 55, 0

End With

End With

Fila = 2

Do Until sheet1.cell(Fila, 3) = ""

Set LI = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 1).Value)

LI.ListSubItems.Add Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 2).Value

LI.ListSubItems.Add Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 3).Value

LI.ListSubItems.Add Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 4).Value

LI.ListSubItems.Add Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 5).Value

LI.ListSubItems.Add Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 6).Value

LI.ListSubItems.Add Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 7).Value

LI.ListSubItems.Add Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 8).Value

LI.ListSubItems.Add Text:=sheet1.Cells(Fila, 9).Value

Fila = Fila + 1


CodMunicipal.List = Worksheets("LISTAS").Range("B3:B4").Value

Departamento.List = Worksheets("LISTAS").Range("F3:F4").Value

Municipio.List = Worksheets("LISTAS").Range("D3:D4").Value

Dosis.List = Worksheets("LISTAS").Range("H3:H7").Value

Meses.List = Worksheets("LISTAS").Range("J3:J14").Value

Años.List = Worksheets("LISTAS").Range("L3:L4").Value
End Sub

Private Sub BtnGuardar_Click()

Dim fla As Integer

Dim Fnal As Integer

If Cantidad = "" Then

MsgBox "Debe Llenar el Esocojer cod municipio", vbCritical, "Aviso"

Exit Sub

End If

If lbl_info = "Edicion" Then

Call Modificado

Exit Sub

End If

fla = 2

Do While sheet1.Cells(fla, 1) <> ""

fla = fla + 1


Fnal = fla

With sheet1
.Cells(Fnal, 1) = ID.Value

.Cells(Fnal, 2) = Departamento.Value

.Cells(Fnal, 3) = Municipio.Value

.Cells(Fnal, 4) = Codigo_Municipal.Value

.Cells(Fnal, 5) = MES.Value

.Cells(Fnal, 6) = AÑO.Value

.Cells(Fnal, 7) = Dosis.Value

.Cells(Fnal, 8) = Cantidad.Value

.Cells(Fnal, 9) = TOTAL_DE_DOSIS.Value

End With


MsgBox ("Informacion Guardada Con Exito!!"), vbInformation, "AEX"

Call Limpiar_campos

Call UserForm_Initialize

End Sub

Private Sub Limpiar_campos()

Dim objeto As Control

For Each objeto In Me.Controls

If TypeName(objeto) = "TextBox" Then

objeto.Text = ""

End If

Next objeto
Dim com As Object

For Each com In Me.Controls

If TypeOf com Is ComboBox Then

com = ""

End If

Next com

End Sub

Sub CargarSis()

lbl_info = "Registro"

Dim rLastValue As Range

Dim alpha As String

Dim numeric As Long

Set rLastValue = sheet1.Range("A1").End(xlDown)

alpha = "A"

numeric = Val(Replace(rLastValue, alpha, "")) + 1

ID = alpha & Format(numeric, "0000")

End Sub

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