(90s Article) Some Physico-Chemical Aspects of Protein Processing in Foods. Multicomponent Gels

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Food Hydrocolloids Vol. 9 no. 4 pp.

317-332, 1995

Some physico-chemical aspects of protein processing in foods.

Multicomponent gels*

V.B. Tolstoguzov

NESTEC Ltd Research Centre, Vers-Chez-Les-Blanc, PO Box 44, CH-lOOO Lausanne 26, Switzerland

The food industry produces an increasing variety of formulated foods. Processed food systems
usually contain proteins and polysaccharides performing both nutritional and structural functions.
Interactions between these macromolecular substances may result both in their thermodynamic
incompatibility and in complexing, thereby affecting the physico-chemical properties and structure
of many foods. Elucidation of these interactions is of particular importance for understanding
synergistic and antagonistic effects offood additives. This paper reviews the thermodynamic origin
of food hydrocolloid functionality.

The main objective of this review is to discuss the first industrially important applications for two-phase
composition-structure-property relationships of food polymer aqueous systems in biotechnology (5,6).
hydrocolloid mixtures. The field is of special interest
Bungenberg de Jong was the first to show that on mixing
because of both the increasing commercial importance of
aqueous solutions of gelatin and gum arabic two different
hydrocolloid mixtures as functional food additives and their
constantly expanding range of applications. types of phase behaviour can occur. He studied both and
gave them the names 'simple' and 'complex coacervations'.
Attention will be focused on three subjects:
Figure 1 shows some of his results. These phase diagrams
(i) incompatibility between different hydrocolloid species characterise phase equilibria under conditions of both
in aqueous media, complex (Figure 1a) and simple coacervations (Figure
(ii) structure-property relationships of mixed gels, and lb),
(iii) some features of hydrocolloid behaviour in multi- At pHs below gelatin's isoelectric point (IEP) and at a
component gels. low ionic strength (Figure la) the interaction of the
positively charged macro-ions of gelatin and the negatively
Technology for the production of a caviar analogue will be
charged macro-ions of gum arabic can give rise to insoluble
given as an example of use of multicomponent gels.
electrostatic complexes. In this case both biopolymer
The discussion will start with a brief survey of the most
components are concentrated in the single complex co-
important events in this field.
acervate phase.
Simple coacervation (Figure Ib) or thermodynamic
Thermodynamic incompatibility of food macromolecular
components incompatibility takes place in solutions containing mixtures
of gelatin and gum arabic with a sufficiently high ionic
Incompatibility of biopolymers strength and at pH values above the IEP of gelatin. Under
The pioneers in the systematic investigation of phase these conditions biopolymer macro-ions have like net
separation in biopolymer solution mixtures were: charges. The mixed solution of biopolymers breaks down
into two liquid phases and each of the biopolymers
(i) H.G.Bungenberg de Jong who studied mixed solutions
concentrates into one of the phases (1,4).
of gelatin and gum arabic (1-4) and
The phase diagram for a ternary system may be pre-
(ii) P. -0. Albertsson and H. Walter who investigated the
sented in the form of triangular co-ordinates. Figure lc
phase behaviour of aqueous mixed solutions of poly-
shows such a typical phase diagram for a ternary polymer-
saccharides with synthetic polymers and proposed the
I-polymer-2-solvent system, Each apex of the equilateral
"Presented as part of the conference entitled 'Food Hydrocolloids, Ohio triangle represents a pure component of the ternary system.
94', Septemher 6-10, 1994. Each side of the triangle corresponds to a mixture of the

© Oxford University Press

318 V. B. Tolstoguzov

a b c
water water Component B (e .g . water)

- 10
- 30
- 40
40 60 80
gum arabic Component A 20 40 60 80 C Component

(e.g. Protein) (e.g. Polysaccharide)

Figure 1 Phase diagrams for simple and complex coacervates for the gelatin-gum arabic-water system at the pH: (a) below and (b)
above the isoclectric point of gelatin [schematic representation, from H.G .Bungenberg de Jong (1952) In Kruyt,H.R . (cd .), Colloid
Science. Elsevier, New York, pp. 355-364) : (c) Generalities of triangular phase diagrams for a ternary biopolymer-I-biopolymer-2-
water system .

two components assigned to the two apexes. The three proteins that have a compact molecular structure. Unlike
sides refer to the three binary systems, namely: A-B , B-C typical polymers, a native globular protein usually goes
and C-A . The region of the triangle represents mixtures of over from a dilute to a semi-dilute solution within the
all three components. For instance, the mixture of three concentration region from 10 to 30% . Many of these
components A, Band C corresponds to point D. In this globular proteins are soluble in a limited range of pH values
case the segments a, band c represent the proportion of only. When work started about 20 years ago it was not clear
constituents in the mixture D. It should be noted that the whether mixed aqueous solutions of globular proteins and
sum of the distances (a + b+c) to point D measured parallel mixed solutions of globular proteins and polysaccharides
to each of the three sides is equal to the length of the side of could undergo phase separation . In other words the data on
the equilateral triangle. Points along the line, e.g. a, which thermodynamic incompatibility of gelatin with some poly-
is parallel to one of the three sides, A-C, represents saccharides were insufficient to gain insight into the phase
systems with a constant content of the component B. Any state of food systems and the behaviour of macromolecular
point on a line going from an apex towards the opposite components in foods (10,12-14).
side represents systems with a constant ratio of the two Systematic investigation on globulin-salt-water systems
other components (Figure la). Figure lc displays a polymer began at Unilever Research about 25 years ago. The first,
pair (A and C) that is incompatible in the absence of a original and very efficient application of these systems in
solvent (B). This case seems to be representative of most the food industry for producing protein fibres was devel-
low moisture food systems (7-9). oped by M.Tombs (15-18).
The water content in the majority of food systems is At the same time systematic investigations on complex-
greater than the content of macromolecular compounds. ing and thermodynamic incompatibility in protein-poly-
Therefore, rectangular co-ordinates are most often used to saccharide-water systems containing the main classes of
describe the phase equilibrium in mixed biopolymer sol- food proteins and polysaccharides started at the laboratory
utions. This is similar to the system for reporting food of novel food forms of the USSR Academy of Sciences (19-
composition where only the quantities of the main con- 24) . It was shown that incompatibility of macromolecular
stituents are indicated, the rest is assumed to be water. components is typical for food systems and is of great
Investigation of protein-polysaccharide incompatibility, importance for structure formation and food properties
complexing and functionality of complexes from the view (10,12,13).
point of the food industry started about two decades ago The first information about incompatibility in protein-l-
(10-14) . protein-2-water systems containing different proteins was
Before this time , most studies on polymer incompatibility obtained during the last decade at the laboratory of novel
were related to synthetic linear polymers. Both types of food forms of the USSR Academy of Sciences (25-28).
phase separation in biopolymer solution mixtures had only Two other events have been of special importance in this
been studied for systems containing gelatin. However, field . The amylose-amylopectin-water system was the first
gelatin is not a typical protein. It has a higher excluded system of great significance for the food industry in which
volume than globular proteins. In aqueous solutions gelatin the incompatibility of biopolymers was discovered and
behaves more like a polysaccharide or a synthetic polymer studied. This research was performed at the Food Research
than a protein (14). Institute in Norwich (29,30). The first large scale processing
Often, food systems contain native or denatured globular of aqueous two-phase systems in the food industry was the
Hydrocolloid interactions in mixed gels 319

production of low-fat spreads on the basis of a two-phase phases D and E. Binodal branches (GE and GD) represent
gelatin-maltodextrin-water system. This process has been the compositions of these co-existing phases. The ratio (E/
recently developed by Unilever Research (31-35). D) of the co-existing phase volumes corresponds to the
Now we will discuss some aspects of the phase behaviour ratio of segments AD/AE. When point A, representing the
of mixed solutions of hydrocolloids which are of key system composition, is shifted along tie-line DE towards
significance. either point D or point E, the volume ratio of co-existing
phase approaches either zero or a unit value at the binodal.
Phase diagrams The dashed-line passing through the mid-tie-lines, e.g. at
Normally, mixed solutions of chemically and/or structurally point H, is called the rectilinear diameter. The rectilinear
different biopolymers are unstable. Figure 2 shows a typical diameter gives the composition of systems splitting into
phase diagram for biopolymer-1-biopolymer-2-water phases of the equal volume. This line passes through the
systems in rectangular co-ordinates. It exemplifies the critical point. The position of system critical point (G) can
positions of binodal curve (EFGD), critical point (G), be obtained as the point of intersection of the rectilinear
phase separation threshold (F), tie-line (EAHD) and diameter with the binodal curve. The phase separation
rectilinear diameter (GH). At sufficiently high bulk con- threshold (F) is the minimal total concentration of biopoly-
centrations of biopolymers, i.e. inside the binodal, a mers (i.e. the sum of co-ordinates of point F) required for
mixture A, of homogeneous aqueous solutions Band C phase separation. The point of contact between the binodal
converts into two new co-existing equilibrium phases (D curve and the straight line cutting segments of the same
and E). These new phases may form water-in-water length on both concentration axes gives the position of the
emulsions. The tie-line connects binodal points (D and E) phase separation threshold.
representing the compositions of co-existing phases. Emul- There are significant differences in the compatibility
sion phases D and E can be separated by sedimentation and between various pairs of biopolymers. The lower the values
analysed for protein and polysaccharide contents. The of both either critical point or the phase separation
results of the analysis of the phases are usually presented in threshold, the lower is the compatibility. The phase
the form of a phase diagram as shown in Figure 2. This separation threshold for biopolymer mixtures is in a
diagram demonstrates that the initial ternary solution A concentration region corresponding to the transition from a
was obtained by mixing two binary solutions of composition dilute to a semi-dilute solution. This is the concentration
Band C in the volume ratio equal to the ratio of segments: range where biopolymers start to overlap. The phase
AB/AC. The unstable mixture A breaks down into two separation threshold often decreases with increasing mol-
ecular weight of hydrocolloids (36-40).
An asymmetry of phase diagrams reflects the com-
petition between biopolymers for the solvent, water, and is
due to differences in hydrophilicity or in molecular weight.
The relative hydrophilicity of a biopolymer may be charac-
terised by the biopolymer concentration ratio at the critical
B point, by the angle made by a tie-line with the concen-
tration axis of one of the system components, or by the
,, length of the binodal curve segment (FG) between the
,, critical point and the phase separation threshold
,, (12,13,39,40).
, Membraneless osmosis
,, TIe-Une Phase separation is accompanied by water transfer from an
,, initial aqueous solution to the solution of another biopoly-
mer. Water redistribution occurs until equilibrium is
established between the coexisting aqueous phases. This
phenomenon underlies the new process for concentrating
protein solutions that we call membraneless osmosis
(12,13,40,41). This process is of importance for our
considerations because it determines water partition
\ BINODAL between food system phases. Figure 3 illustrates the three
types of processes for water transfer between two solutions
c of different concentrations: simple diffusion, osmosis and
Protein ,% wt. membraneless osmosis.
Simple diffusion takes place when a permeable mem-
Figure 2 Typical phase diagram for protein-polysaccharide- brane separates two solutions of different concentrations.
water systems. Owing to thermal movement and membrane permeability
320 V.B. Tolstoguzov

Permeable Membrane


Semipermeable Membrane

-) Osmosis

and Polysaccharide

-) Osmosis

Two-phase Tvvo Layers

Figure 3 Membraneless osmosis process.

for both the solvent and solutes a balancing of the solution subdivided into three groups: complex, mixed and filled
concentrations on both sides of the membrane occurs. gels (9-14,36-39,42-45). Figure 4 shows graphically the
Conventional osmosis involves the passage of a solvent compositions of mixed and filled gels.
through a semi-permeable membrane separating a solvent Two characteristics of mixed solutions of biopolymers are
and a solution, or two solutions of different concentrations. of great importance. These are the cosolubility limits (i.e.
There is the same tendency for concentrations of solutions the position of the binodal) and the critical concentrations
separated by a semi-permeable membrane to equalise. for gelation. Both quantities determine the boundary
However, a semi-permeable membrane is one through conditions for the formation of mixed and filled gels.
which the solvent molecules can pass but macromolecules A mixed gel has two or more relatively independent
cannot. The movement of the solvent, water, is unilateral in three-dimensional networks. Mixed gels are formed when
this process. the concentrations of biopolymers in a solution exceed the
Membraneless osmosis uses two immiscible aqueous critical concentration for gelation of these biopolymers.
solutions of biopolymers. Since the biopolymers are not When the bulk concentration (or cosolubility) of a biopoly-
miscible the interfacial surface separating them replaces the mer in one of the phases is larger than that required for
semi-permeable membrane which is no longer necessary. gelation, the biopolymer forms a gel in that phase. In the
Thus, in membraneless osmosis we are dealing with the two-phase area, inside the binodal a gel filled with gel-like
diffusion of water through the interface between the two or liquid dispersed particles is obtained. Filled gels may also
immiscible solutions of hydrocolloids. We will now look at be formed at these concentrations from mixtures of a
gelation of hydrocolloid mixtures. gelling agent with a non-gel forming biopolymer.
As shown in Figure 4 (thick lines) the critical concen-
tration for gelation (or the gel-point) does not usually
Mnlticomponent gels
exceed 0.1-0.3% for anionic polysaccharides, while for
Structure of multicomponent gels proteins this value varies over a wider range, e.g. from 1%
Gels formed using more than one gelling agent can be for gelatin to 13% for the US broad bean globulin.
Hydrocolloid interactions in mixed gels 321

Polysaccharide, (Ps) % wt.


1 15
Protein, (Pr) % wt.

Figure 4 State diagram for hydrocolloid mixtures. C' gPr and C' gps- critical concentration of gelation for protein and polysaccharide.

The phase separation occurs at slightly higher concen- the volume of the mixed solution. In solutions incompatible
trations. The phase separation threshold is -2-4% for biopolymers mutually concentrate each other. Thus, each
mixtures of gelatin with linear anionic polysaccharides and incompatible biopolymer will behave as if it was more
> 12% for mixtures of globular proteins. This means that concentrated (9 ,11,13,14,36-39). Since the shear modulus
combinations of gelling agents can lead to the formation of of a gel is usually proportional to the square of its
mixed gels on both sides of the binodal curve. A com- concentration this means that small additions of a hydro-
position A in the two-phase region, will separate into the colloid can increase the elastic modulus of a gel from a few
phases B (rich in protein) and C (rich in polysaccharide). times to a several tens of times. Figure 5 shows that the
These phases may form different microstructures: B dis- addition of a small amount of dextran to gelatin solutions
persed in a continuous C-phase and C dispersed in a can increase several fold the elastic modulus of the gel.
continuous B-phase. Both phases of water-in-water emul- Excluded volume effects also favour gelation of hydro-
sions can form mixed gels. colloids. For incompatible biopolymers in mixed solutions
the rate of gelation is higher and the critical concentration
Causes of synergistic and antagonistic effects in biopolymer
for gelation is lower than for each of them individually
(Figure 5) . Excluded volume effects depend on the flexibil-
Most hydrocolloids are best used in mixtures. The syn-
ity, shape and size of macromolecules as well as their bulk
ergistic and antagonistic effects resulting from blending
concentration. It should also be stressed that because of
biopolymers are of great applied significance for the
excluded volume effects , the range of compositions where
improvement of many foods , and also for reducing their
mixed gel formation occurs may be markedly larger than
that shown in Figure 4.
The main cause of synergistic effects seems to be
What is the cause of antagonistic effects of mixing
thermodynamic incompatibility . Several types of synergy
hydrocolloids at compositions below the binodal? There is
can be assumed to occur. They concern hydrocolloid
an apparent decrease in the concentration of gelling agent
mixtures with compositions both below and above the
due to the formation of electrostatic protein-anionic
binodal curve .
polysaccharide or protein-protein complexes. Electrostatic
Excluded volume effects in single-phase mixed biopolymer interbiopolymer complexes are noted for their compact
solutions molecular structure and high critical concentration for
The first type of synergy takes place in a single-phase gelation. Presumably, an antagonistic effect results from
region of the phase diagram. The reason is that macro- the formation of soluble and insoluble complexes that
molecules cannot occupy the same volume in the solution. cannot form an additional three-dimensional network
This means that each biopolymer can only use some part of because of their low concentration.
322 V. B. Tolstogu zo v

Uquid Phase
Phase Diagram

Gelatin, % wt
el-Iike Phase
Optical Rotation
10 20 30
Protein, %

Figure 6 Phase diagram for protein-polysaccharide-water

A system with gelation in the dispersed phase.

Gelation Rate
other phase (Figures 2 and 6) (13,14,39,40,44,45) . This
produces two opposite effects.
1 2 3 4
The first is a strong (up to several fold) increase in the
Elastic modulus
concentration of one of the system phases. This increase
may be so substantial that the phase gels. Figure 6 shows
the case of casein gelation in the dispersed phase of the two-
20kD phase system obtained by adding gum arabic to skimmed
milk (41) . Tie-lines in the phase diagram converge into a
Dextran, "10 wt si.ngle point corresponding to the composition of a gel-like
d~spersed phase. Unlike the phase diagrams presented in
FIgures 2 and 4, where solvent equilibrium is reached in the
Figure 5 Effect of small additions of dextran on the rate of
coexisting phases , in this case osmosis is stopped by the
gelation and elastic properties of gelatin gel.
swollen gel applying a backpressure to the solution.
Concentration of the continuous phase of a water-in-
water emulsion can lead to synergistic effects . It should be
Interbiopolymer complexing and incompatibility are
noted , howe ver , that since food systems are not usual1y
mutually connected phenomena. They are two opposite
transparent the heterophase nature of aqueous food
consequences of non-specific interactions between bio-
systems is often not recognised and taken into account
poly~ers in aqueous media. Normal1y, conditions resulting
wh~n. their composition-property relationship is discussed .
In biopolymer immiscibility should inhibit the affinity
ThIS IS the case of the transition from homogeneous system
between dissimilar biopolymers. As a result of unfavour-
A to heterogeneous system AI with a continuous phase B 1
able interactions between segments of dissimilar biopoly-
produced by the addition of small amounts of gelling agent
mers each macromolecule shows a preference for a sur-
X. The phase diagram (Figure 7) shows that a significant
rounding of its own type . However under conditions of
(several-fold) increase in the concentration of gelling agents
compatibility dissimilar biopolymers may form soluble
within the continuous phase (B 1 compared A) of the system
complexes. The surface active complexes formed can
can cause a large increase in the elastic properties of the
conce~t~ate at the inte.rfaces at concentrations exceeding
gel. Because man y physico-chemical properties (e .g. rheo-
the critical concentration for gelation . Therefore these
logical) of disperse systems are determined by those of their
complexes affect the surface properties rather than the
continuous phase (7,8,39) and becau se the shear modulus
volume properties of gels. This phenomenon is illustrated
of a gel is proportional to the square of hydrocol1oid
in Figure 13 which shows the effect of smal1 additions of an
conc~ntration , an increase in the concentration of gel
anionic polysaccharide , pectin , on the surface properties of
continuous phase is of gre at importance for mechanical
gelatin gels.
proper~ies of gels. This is especially typical of heterophase
It should be emphasised that the importance of the
gels. WIth a continouus phase containing the 'strongest'
excluded volume effect leading to a synergistic gel is jam at
gelling agents , e .g. Y. According to Figure 7 hydrocolloid
compositions above the binodal where both phases are
Y with a lower critical concentration for gelation is a
saturated mixed solutions. However, this effect loses its
'stro nger' gelling agent than X. Differences in the mechan-
leading role when phase separation occurs .
ic~l pr?perties ~f g~l~ of different gelling agents depends
Concentration of the continuous phase of water-in-water pnmanly on their critical concentration for gelation since
emulsions as we ~lready mentioned, the shear modulus of ; gel i~
We mentioned above that phase separation is accompanied proportional to the square of hydrocolloid concentration .
by water redistribution between system phases. This can If water redistribution results in concentration of one
~ead to a large increase in the concentration of biopolymers phase the other phase will be correspondingly diluted. This
In one of the phases and a corresponding dilution in the results in a decrease in the modulus of elasticity of the gel.
Hydrocolloid interactions in mixed gels 323

Hydrocolloid X, %

* Hydrocolloid Y,%

Elastic Modulus

Slngl.Phase 1
ex luded
ev ume .
1: ~ontinuou~shase
~ 7
Phase Inversion

: Liquid
: Filler

Concentration of X, %

Figure 7 Possible mechanisms of synergistic effects. C*sx and C*gy-critical concentration of gelation for hydrocolloids X and Y.

This second and opposite effect of phase separation is due contains 'stronger' (C* g Y) gelling agent. Third, this
to an increase in the dilution and the volume fraction of the 'stronger' gelling agent is also converted into the gel state as
dispersed phase acting as a filler of the 'gel. The elasticity the first. The last condition will be discussed later.
modulus of gels filled with dispersed particles decreases as
Phase inversion in water-in-water emulsions
the volume fraction of filler increases (Figure 5). Because
Near the rectilinear diameter, where both phases of the
of incompatibility this is the case of low adhesion between
water-in-water emulsion have the same volume, inversion
the filler and the gel matrix.
of the phases can take place. Phase viscosities can strongly
Figure 7 also shows possible mechanisms of synergistic
affect the phase inversion. For instance, the addition of the
effects for two-phase systems. Minimal volume fraction of
same biopolymer X may produce an 'antagonistic effect'
the dispersed phase and a sufficiently large increase in the
when we go over to the heterogeneous system A z with
concentration of the continuous phase seem to be import-
continuous phase C z is formed. Continuous phase C z is
ant factors in synergistic effects. To successfully compete
diluted and contains the 'weaker' gelling agent X or a non
for water from the continuous phase a second biopolymer
gel-forming biopolymer. On the other hand, synergy may
added to a stronger gelling agent should be of low
be induced by an additive which is able to form insoluble
compatibility and should be relatively more- hydrophilic.
complexes with the biopolymer X thus returning system A z
This means that the critical point co-ordinates must be as
to A, or even to A.
low and as asymmetric as possible. Thus, for a synergistic
effect to occur when the phase separated system A I formed Other factors
by addition (A]-A) of a biopolymer X, gels the following Two other causes of synergy are the fractionation of
three favouring conditions must be united: first, the biopolymers and the partition of metal ions between
continuous phase B] is strongly concentrated during phases coexisting phases.
separation. Second, the continuous phase of this system Phase separation in mixed biopolymer solutions is usually
324 V.B. Tolstoguzov

accompanied by the fractionation of biopolymers, e.g. Temperature, °c

polysaccharides. Polydispersity of polysaccharides in their
molecular weight, structure and chemical composition is of 70
great significance, due to effect of these characteristics on
cosolubility of hydrocolloids and their gelation. As an
example Figure 5 shows the effect of molecular weight on
the cosolubility of dextran with gelatin.
Many anionic polysaccharides are capable of forming gels 30
in the presence of certain metal ions; therefore the partition
of ions between the system phases is another important
factor influencing gel properties. Boundary conditions of Elasticity Modulus, E. 1 a Pa
gelation and gel properties are both dependent on the
nature and concentration of the anionic polysaccharide and
the ions used (11,46).
The binodalcurve usually lies closer to the concentration
axis of the lower molecular weight biopolymer. This means
that the higher molecular weight biopolymer expels the
lower molecular weight biopolymer from the solution. At
the phase separation threshold the system is therefore
enriched in the lower molecular weight component (20,40).
Generally, association between protein molecules in- 2

tensifies with concentration and leads to a decrease in

relative hydrophilicity of a given protein. This is the reason
for changes in the angle made by tie-lines with the
concentration axis of a protein when protein concentration 0.6 0.2
increases. This is a specific feature of phase diagrams for
Agarose, % vvt
many protein-polysaccharide-water and protein-protein-
water systems (37-40). Since these effects result in the Figure 8 Composition dependence of melting point and the
formation of ordered protein structures when protein- modulus of elasticity of mixed gelatin-agarose gels.
protein interactions occur, the phase diagram asymmetry
can be higher for protein-l-protein-2-water systems than
for protein-polysaccharide-water systems.
Presumably, globular proteins with greatly differing
molecular weights can have higher cosolubility especially redistribution) comes into play: the volume fraction of the
proteins belonging to the same class within the Osborne dispersed agarose phase and the concentration of the
classification. For instance, the small size of molecules of continuous gelatin phase increase simultaneously. Up to a
low molecular weight proteins, such as trypsin inhibitor, certain degree super concentration of the gelatin network
seems to be necessary for an increase in their compatibility can localise around the dispersed agarose particles and
with other proteins. contribute to the elasticity modulus of the gel and com-
pensate for the disruptive effect of the gel by the dispersed
Gelatin-agarose mixed gels particles. However, a further increase in volume fraction of
Figure 8 shows experimental data (11,39,44,45) which the dispersed phase (further addition of agarose) cannot be
support suppositions made in the preceding sections. It compensated for, and gel elasticity decreases. To sum up,
demonstrates the effect of changes in composition of a volume fraction, size and size distribution of dispersed
gelatin-agarose mixed gel on its melting temperature and phase particles as well as locally (around dispersed par-
elasticity modulus. ticles) increased concentration of the gelatin network,
Addition of small amounts of agarose increase the contribute to the mechanical properties of gels. Com-
elasticity modulus of the gelatin gel due to the mutual parison of the two curves in Figure 8 shows that the gel
concentration effect of hydrocolloids (i.e. excluded volume melting point is strongly changed in the region of phase
effects). At higher agarose concentrations the mixed inversion composition and that a maximum gel weakening
solution separates into two phases. Phase separation results effect occurs at phase inversion, i.e. where the volume
in particles of the incompatible polymer, agarose, dispersed fraction of the dispersed phase is maximal.
in the gelatin gel network which disrupts the three- To summarise, the main factors contributing to the
dimensional -gel network. However, this increase in the formation of a 'synergistic gel' are the following. First, a
concentration of agarose also increases the elasticity strong increase in the effective concentration of gelling
modulus of the filled gelatin gel. Presumably, due to the agents in single-phase mixed solutions. This is due to the
competitive effect of gelatin phase concentration (water excluded volume effects of macromolecules of incompatible
Hydrocolloid interactions in mixed gels 325

biopolymers. Second, a strong increase in the concentration phase and the honeycomb-like structure of low fat spreads
of gelling agents in the continuous phase resulting from (8,37,38).
phase separation. This is due to the redistribution of water The symmetry of the curve in Figure 8 reflects the fact
and metal ions between the phases of water-in-water that we are dealing with relationships of a general nature.
emulsions. Third, the fractionation of polysaccharides and The two incompatible gelling agents under investigation are
the partition of metal ions between the phases. These are a protein and a polysaccharide, i.e. biopolymers of differ-
the two principle factors which determine boundary con- ent chemical nature. Nevertheless, the effect of their
ditions in polysaccharide gelation and mechanical prop- addition to solutions of each other on the elastic modulus of
erties of gels. An antagonistic effect may also result from multicomponent gels is the same. An additional peak on
phase inversion in a water-in-water emulsion , i.e. due to a the right side of the curve (in Figure 8) corresponds to the
sudden strong change in the composition of the continuous difference in the affinity for water between the
phase . The continuous (or matrix) phase of a filled gel is biopolymers.
primarily responsible for its mechanical properties. Because biopolymer incompatiblity is of a general
One can see (Figure 8) that the gel melting temperature nature, synergy in multicomponent gels is a widespread
changes from one virtually constant level to another. The phenomenon. This does not only relate to mixtures of
gel melting temperature depends mainly on the nature of gelling agents, various combinations of gelling agents with
the system continuous phase, is weakly dependent on phase biopolymers which do not form gels also have synergistic
composition and almost independent of phase volume effects.
ratio. Within the intermediate range of gel compositions Now, we will dwell on the technology of a caviar
the melting temperatures of gel vary proportionally with gel analogue in order to consider some other specific features
composition . It is also characteristic for the range of of multicomponent gels.
composition dependence of the elasticity modulus of
multicomponent gels corresponding to a wide minimum . In
Granular caviar analogue
both cases we are dealing with mechanical properties of gel
since gel melting temperature depends not only on the Basic ideas of the process
thermodynamic parameter of breakdown of network cross- Caviar analogue is a granular food with taste and visual
links but also on temperature dependence of rheological appearance similar to the natural caviar of fish. Gelatin is
properties of a system under given conditions. Therefore, it the main gelling agent, because it is easy to form granules of
is also a characteristic feature of multicomponent gels that gelatin gel and to fill them with nutrients. The gelatin
both gel melting temperature and elasticity modulus are granules containing casein are covered by two membranes.
linearly dependent on gel composition in a large inter- The first membrane is composed of gelatin and vegetable
mediate area. This large intermediate area has been tanning agents. This membrane is coloured black by
interpreted as corresponding to phase inversion (39,44,45). complexes of tanning agents with iron ions . Interbiopoly-
It is noteworthy that the composition area corresponding mer complexes are used for obtaining the second external
to phase inversion is quite extended. This relates to both membrane and for stabilising the emulsion binding of the
the range of gel melting temperature and the elasticity granules. An oil-in-water emulsion is used to simplify the
modulus of multicomponent gels. Similar results were addition and uniform distribution of all additives, to
obtained earlier when physico-chemical properties of prevent the product from drying and to increase the
protein-polysaccharide two-phase systems, e.g. such as the adhesion between gel-like granules providing spreadability
spinnability and mechanical properties of liquid and gel-like of the product (47-51).
protein-polysaccharide fibres as well as products of the Production of a caviar analogue is given as an example of
thermoplastic extrusion of protein-starch mixed melts were processing of multicomponent gels. The following factors
studied (7-9,12,37-39). Within this large intermediate determined the choice of technology for its production.
range of gel compositions we are presumably dealing with First, all three main types of gel, namely mixed , complex
systems having two continuous phases which obey the and filled were used to develop this product. Second, both
additivity low for rheological and other physico-chemical the volume and the surface properties of gels were of
properties. Such structural features, i.e. the presence of importance for producing the granules required . It is of
two continuous phases within quite a large range of interest that the same raw materials (such as casein, pectin ,
compositions in protein-polysaccharide-water systems, vegetable oil and calcium salt) have been used for preparing
seem to be typical of water-in-water emulsions because of two, unlike ingredients of the product , namely gel-like
low interfacial tension and high viscosity of coexisting granules and an oil-in-water emulsion. The product , called
phases. This opens the way for controlling the structural 'protein granular caviar' , is the first protein food analogue
functions of hydrocolloids and functional properties of food that has been commercially viable in the last 20 years . It is
systems . For instance, it may be assumed that this feature an example of a functional food product developed for local
of water-in-water emulsions as well as the specific surface food preferences. This product has been available to
properties of gelatin gels discussed below (Figure 13) consumers since 1972.
provide the basis for the formation of the continuous lipid The work was initiated by Professor A.N.Nesmejanov in
326 V. B. Tolstoguzov

1964. The technique for producing caviar analogue took caviar could be produced quite rapidly to meet the demand.
one year to develop. Then, about two more years were Second, the aim was to extend the nutritional use of casein
needed for the development of pilot lines. The first as a high quality and low cost animal protein by processing
commercial plant started up in Moscow in 1972. A few into an analogue of a highly attractive and popular food
years later some other plants (e.g. in Tallinn, Estonia with product. And finally, since natural surgeon or salmon
five lines and in Novokuznezk, Siberia with two lines) caviar is esteemed by consumers to be a food product with a
began to manufacture the product. Each line produces very high reputation, it was assumed that production of a
about 25 kg/h. The process and equipment for making sucessful analogue would facilitate the introduction of
caviar has been patented (52-57). Large scale industrial use further analogues.
of this technology during more than 20 years demonstrates
its high reliability. Technology of the product
There were several reasons for the development of this Figure 9 shows the outline of the product technology. First,
product. First, the production of natural sturgeon caviar a mixed aqueous solution containing 12-20% casein and 6-
had been limited and was decreasing continuously. 8% gelatin is prepared. This mixed solution is stable. It is
Amounts of the analogue comparable to that of natural introduced dropwise at 50-60°C into vegetable oil cooled to

~'t Gelatin + 15% Casein

.:... ~., Liquid 45 - 70°C
O~I ranules

Tea Extract

First Membrane


Pectin solution


Caviar Analogue

Figure 9 Pilot equipment for producing granular caviar analogue.

Hydrocolloid interactions in mixed gels 327

2-1O°C. The denser aqueous drops sediment in the oil. granules and second to minimise swelling of the granules
Surface tension results in a spherical drop shape. Liquid during washing.
drops gel upon cooling. The formation of a casein-filled gelatin gel is complicated
Gel-like granules are formed within the U-shaped by adsorption of the oil. This results in a reduced melting
column. The two columns of liquids of different density, point, increased swelling and decreased elasticity of the gel.
namely vegetable oil and water, are balanced. Oil tempera- Fresh gelatin gel containing casein swells rapidly in water.
ture and viscosity are controlled to ensure the necessary The presence of casein accelerates the gelation of gelatin
cooling rate and gelation time of the granules. Oil tempera- solutions. The rapid formation of a three-dimensional
ture is maintained by cooling water in the jacket. Then network is obviously the same excluded volume effect as
water is injected into the column to separate the gel-like that of dextran shown in Figure 5. According to the patents
granules from the oil and to transport them into a collecting (52,53) polysaccharides such as starch, dextrin, agar-agar,
vessel. or pectin may be added to the gelatin solution to increase
The granules are then treated with a cooled aqueous tea gelation rate and to improve mechanical properties of the
extract. Under the action of tea tannins an elastic mem- granules. However, the presence of casein and other
brane is formed on the surface of the gelatin granules. biopolymers intensifies the swelling of gelatin gels. For this
Tanning increases the density of the surface layer of the reason the use of water acidified to pH 4-6 has been
gelatin gel and decreases the diffusion rate of the tanning recommended for washing the granules. This partially
agent into the bulk of the gel. Therefore the tanning agent coagulates the casein and thereby decreases the swelling of
is located in the surface layer of the granules. Tea extracts the granules.
are prepared using by-products of tea processing, i.e. low The membrane that is formed by the treatment of
cost raw materials such as crude tea leaves, tea dust, etc. granules with vegetable tanning extracts, sharply reduces
Tea extracts are notable for their P-vitamin content and the rate of swelling of the granules in water. This
bactericidal activity. Dark grey colouring of the membrane membrane is unable, however, to preserve the spherical
is achieved by treatment of the granules with a dilute iron shape of a granule after melting of the gelatin gel. Unlike
salt (e.g. ferric chloride or lactate) solution. Interaction tea tannins, trivalent iron ions can diffuse into the volume
between trivalent iron ions and tea phenols colours the of the gelatin gel and cross-link protein macromolecules.
surface film. Granules are then successively treated with This increases the melting point of the gel. Iron ions also
aqueous solutions of sodium alginate or low-ester pectin contribute to cross-linking of the second gel-like
and with a solution of calcium acetate. As a result, a second membrane.
membrane of heat-resistant casein-Ca-alginate or -pectin-
ate gel is formed. Treatment of the granules in aqueous Complex and mixed gels
media, including washing, tanning and colouring, is carried Figures 10 and 11 show that mixtures of the same
out at I-10°C. Cod liver oil, herring juice and sodium biopolymers, namely of casein with pectin or alginate, can
glutamate are used as flavouring ingredients. Granules display completely different phase behaviour depending on
covered by two membranes are mixed with an emulsion the pH.
containing common salt, ascorbic and sorbic acids and Biopolymers can form soluble and insoluble complexes
vegetable oil as well as dispersed fish products and cod liver and complex gels. Figure 10 shows thermomechanical
oil. We turn now to some physico-chemical aspects of the properties of a casein-alginate complex gel containing
technology. 7.5% casein and 2.5% alginate at pH 4.5. This gives
information about the relative deformation of a gel sub-
Model systems to develop the process jected to periodic loading carried out at constant selected
values of loading, loading time and heating or cooling rate.
Model systems studied for the development of the technol-
The deformability of this complex gel is not significantly
ogy included mixed solutions and mixed, complex and filled
changed with temperature. It does not melt.
gelatin gels containing other proteins and polysaccharides.
To prepare the gel, sodium caseinate and sodium alginate
These liquid and gel-like systems were investigated under
solutions were mixed at pH of ~7. Then the pH of the
conditions of complexing and incompatibility (10,11,14,19-
mixed solution was adjusted to 5.5. Since casein is
precipitated at pHs <5.8, the stability of its mixed solutions
at pH 5.5 reflects the formation of soluble casein-anionic
Volume properties of gelatin gels
polysaccharide complexes. This latter can be regarded as a
Gelation and washing of protein granules with water are of new biopolymer with a lower isoelectric point. At lower pH
prime significance for all other process stages, i.e. both values, e.g. 4.5, these soluble complexes form gels (Figure
bulk and surface properties of freshly prepared gelatin gels 10). It should be noted that neither casein nor sodium
are of importance for the technology. Both these oper- alginate alone can gel under these conditions (14,42,43).
ations have to be done as completely and as rapidly as Since the formation of a complex gel results in a
possible. These conditions are necessary, first to form a completely new property of a mixed system it cannot be
uniform membrane by tanning and colouring of the treated as synergy. Strictly speaking, this term means an
328 V. B. Tolstoguzov

It) Anomalously high deformability of mixed gelatin-alginate

... ...
0 gels
Figure 12 shows the thermomechanical curves for several
til gels, namely gelatin gel, calcium alginate gel and a mixed
gel containing 10% gelatin and 0.5% calcium alginate.
c Curve 5 corresponds to re-heating of the last gel. To
.!!! prepare the gel a gelatin-alginate mixed solution was
cooled to room temperature. Then the gel was immersed in
0 ~ a solution of calcium acetate.
25 45 65
Thermomechanical curves of mixed gels can be divided
into three segments. Below 30°C a mixed gel behaves like a
Tempera.ture. ~C gelatin gel. The deformability of gelatin gels increases
sharply at temperatures > 30°C. This reflects its melting
Figure 10 Thermomechanical curve for casein-sodium alginate temperature. Above 45°C the mixed gel behaves like a
complex gel. (pH 4.5; total concentration 10% wt). calcium alginate gel. Ca-alginate gel does not melt on
heating. Within an intermediate range of temperatures, i.e.
from 30 to 45°C, the gel is anomalously highly deformable.
Maximum gel compliance corresponds to the temperature
jot range from 34 to 38°C. The compliance maximum is
reversible and reproducible under cooling and re-heating of
'#- a gel. It depends on gel composition and on rates of heating
iN and cooling.
i The anomalously high deformability of gels can be
.~ T'" explained in terms of viscosity changes of the gel dispersion
Cl medium. These viscosity changes reflect the stepwise
<( nature of gelatin gel formation and melting processes. The
o 5 10 20
gelatin gel network is formed by aggregates of macro-
Casein %, wt. molecules. In an early stage of mixed gel heating the
network breaks down (at -30°C) into aggregates of gelatin
Figure 11 Phase diagram for the system sodium alginate-sodium macromolecules. Solutions of aggregates are notable for
caseinate-water at pH 7.2; 25°C (1) and pH 7.0; 20°C (2). their relatively low viscosity. Aggregates are melted by
heating 2::50°C. This causes a strong increase in viscosity,
increase (quantitative) of the effect of components working due to an increased concentration of solute particles and a
together where the combined action of the system com- change in their nature from rigid, large aggregates to very
ponents exceeds the sum of their individual actions. flexible, strongly interacting macromolecules of gelatin. In
Formally, the term 'synergy' seems to be more suitable for any thermomechanical study, non-equilibrium values of gel
describing composition-property relationships in mixed compliance are measured. These depend upon the dis-
and filled gels. persion medium viscosity. The decreased viscosity of the
Figure 11 shows phase diagrams for the same system. The dispersion medium of calcium alginate gel corresponds to
binodals (thick lines) correspond to pH 7.0 and 7.2. Tie-line an increase in its deformability. The increased viscosity
connects the casein-rich phase with another phase rich in results from the melting of macromolecular aggregates
alginate. leading to a decrease in gel compliance.
Phase separation occurs at pH values above the protein's On cooling the gelatin solution, the processes take place
isoelectric point and at an ionic strength >0.2. This can be in reverse order. Gelatin molecules are aggregated and
used for controlling volume properties of food gels. then their aggregates reform the gel network. Thus, the
Normally, complexing occurs at pH values below the network of the thermo-irreversible gel serves as a peculiar
protein isoelectric point. Addition of polyvalent cations viscometer of high sensitivity to a small deformation.
usually leads to widening of the range of pH values over
which complexes exist. Gelatin granules with iron ions Phase behaviour and cosolubility offood hydrocolloids in the
adsorbed in their surface layer were used as a protein gel state
macroreagent for complexing with alginate or pectinate. In The reproducibility of the compliance maximum under
other words anionic polysaccharides are precipitated onto cooling and re-heating of mixed gels shown in Figure 12
the granules and form a gel-like film of complex gel. Thus, means that neither gelation nor melting are accompanied
under sliglitly different conditions the same biopolymers by phase separation phenomena. Therefore, information
(Figures 10 and 11) can either form complexes or cannot be about compatibility of biopolymers in the gel state can be
mixed at all. Now we will consider some other important obtained.
features of multicomponent gels. It should be noted that gelation is always related to the
Hydrocolloid interactions in mixed gels 329

-1 4
Compliance, Pa 10 ~_..,..,.

~=:::::::::502 Temperature, °C

-1 4
Compliance, Pa 10

25 75
Temperature, °C
-1 4

comPlianIL,_~_a_1_0 -=:::::==-
25 50 75
Temperature, °C

Figure /2 Thermomechanical curves for gels of I. 10% gelat in. 2, 0.5% Ca-alginate, 3,4. 10% gelatin + 0.5% alginate (heating and
cooling). 5. the same mixed gel. rehe ating. 6, 1% Ca- alginate + 5.8% ovalbumin , 7. 1% Ca-alginate + 10% potato starch .

aggregation of macromolecules and to a strong decrease in elastic modulus and the permeability of a multicomponent
the excluded volume effect of macromolecules. As a result gel. Presumably, this effect of protein incompatibility
of gelatin gelation, its concentration in the gel dispersion contributes to increased casein losses during the washing of
medium is reduced to a value below the critical concen- the granules. The formation of multicomponent gels with a
tration for gelation. Therefore the dispersion medium of more porous structure can also be favourable for enzymatic
gelatin gels may be a better solvent for polysaccharides and attack (studied in vitro) throughout the whole volume of
casein than the initial gelatin solution . Also when food the gel , not only at the surface of the gelatin granules.
substances are insoluble in a liquid mixed solution of gelling Figure 12 gives some examples of the use of Ca-alginate
agents they may still be dissolved after gelation. Pre sum- and Ca-pectinate gels as viscometers for studying the
ably, for this reason the formation of gelatin-alginate behaviour of starches and globular proteins during gelation
mixed gels (Figure 12) is possible. and formation of mixed gels. These thermomechanical
This also means that properties of a mixed gel depend curves have been employed for studying composition-
upon the sequence of gelation of individual gelling agents in consistency relationships required for food formulation
their mixtures . Favourable conditions for synergy include (58) .
that th e 'stronger' gelling component of a mixed solution The anomalously high deformability of mixed gels at 34-
forms a gel network first. 38°C is significant as this is the temperature of the mouth .
Anomalously high gel compliance at mouth temperature
Gel structure modification ensures tender product consistency . Deformability of such
It is necess ar y to stress that the mutual concentration of mixed gels is decreased both by heating and cooling the gel.
biopolymers can give rise to several very different effects, Thi s is important for product preservation (pasteurisation) .
during the multistage gelation process. For instance, it can The initial idea was to use these mixed gels for producing
be assumed that the excluded volume effect can lead to a granules of caviar analogue. However, this created some
strong increase in the density and size of aggregates and a problems related to the surface properties of the granules.
corresponding decrease in the density of the three dimen- We will now concentrate on the surface properties of
sional network. This can result in an increase in both the gelatin gels containing other proteins and polysacharides.
330 V.B. Tolstoguzov

Wettability of gelatin gels Presumably, we are dealing with phase separation in the
The main question facing us in the field of surface mixed solution of gelatin and casein. Usually, either the less
properties was: how to clean the surface of the granules by hydrophilic protein or the disperse phase of a system
washing with water. Washing of proteingranules with water concentrates at the non-polar phase/water interface. Owing
is of prime significance for all other process stages. The aim to a relatively low hydrophilicity of casein compared to that
of washing is to remove the oil from the surface of the of gelatin phase separation results in the formation of a
granules. The efficiency of washing depends on the charac- two-phase gelatin-casein-water system with a relatively
teristics of the gel surface. Figure 13 shows that gelatin gels small volume fraction of concentrated casein phase. This
are not wetted with water. Gels are, however, perfectly latter expels the gelatin from the air/water interface and
wetted with oils. They are more hydrophobic than any makes the gel surface hydrophilic.
other known material (59,60). Therefore, it is impossible to In the case of ovalbumin or bovine serum albumin the
separate oil from the surface of granules. The contact angle contact angle of a water droplet on the surface of a gelatin
of a water drop on the surface of a 10-20% gelatin gel is gel is only changed when the concentration of added
-115-135°, depending on the gelatin preparation used. proteins exceeds 40% relative to gelatin. Unlike globular
Therefore, the problem was to make the surface of gelatin proteins casein has an unordered molecular structure,
gel hydrophilic. larger excluded volume and lower phase separation thres-
It has been found that casein additives can make the hold with polysaccharides. The difference in the effective
surface of gelatin gels hydrophilic. Figure 13 shows that concentration of casein and globular proteins required
addition of several per cent (relative) of casein to a gelatin for making gel surfaces hydrophilic seems to be similar
solution results in a strong decrease, from 130 to 60-30°, of to the difference in their phase separation threshold
the contact angle of water on the gel. Now, water can with gelatin in their mixed solutions. Thus, incompatibility
rapidly expel the oil from the surface. This hydrophilising of biopolymers determines both volume properties and
effect of casein has been used for product formulation surface properties of many food systems (7-9,36-38).
Stable oil-in-water emulsions
The addition of 0.1-0.2% pectin can make the gelatin gel
hydrophobic once again (Figure 13). The restored high
hydrophobicity seems to be the result of the formation of
casein-Ca-anionic polysaccharide complexes which can
eject casein from the surface layer of a gelatin gel.
The data presented in Figure 13 can be regarded as
showing a synergistic effect of casein additives and an
antagonistic effect of pectin on gelatin gel surface prop-
erties. This reflects the opposite influence of biopolymer
o incompatibility and complexing on surface properties of
o gels that, as we could see above, also affect volume
,.... properties of gels.

+ Pectin The hypothesis about the formation of protein-Ca-
polysaccharide complexes says that anionic polysaccharide
,.... is concentrated at the non-polar phase/water interface. This
presumed effect has been supported by its successful use for
the development of a new way of stabilising emulsions. The
main principle of this method is illustrated in Figure 14.
In the first step, a calcium salt is dispersed in the oil. For
instance, an aqueous solution of calcium acetate, or dry
calcium gluconate. In the second step, the dispersion of
calcium salt-in-oil is introduced into a mixed water solution
0.1 0.5 1.0% containing 8-12% casein and 0.1-1.0% of low esterified
pectin or sodium alginate.
Pectin, % wt. This method of emulsion stabilising has been used in
industry for producing the caviar analogue with desired
3 5 10 15 17 spreadability.
Casein. % wt.
Concluding remarks
(Total Concentration of Proteins - 13%)
Emulsions stabilised by casein-Ca-pectinate complexes
Figure 13 Wettability of gelatin gels. Effects of casein and low- were later used on a large industrial scale as meat
ester pectin. extenders.
Hydrocolloid interactions in mixed gels 331

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