Hooke's Law - A Level Notes

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All Notes / Physics / Materials / Hooke's Law

Hooke’s Law
Hooke’s Law states that, for certain elastic materials, force is proportional to extension, when
a sample is stretched. This means that the extension of the sample increases linearly with the
amount of force applied. Materials that obey Hooke’s law are called Hookean Materials. Springs
behave like Hookean Materials.

Hooke’s law can be written as F = kx, where F is Force, x is extension, and k is the Stiffness
Constant of the sample. The stiffness constant describes the stiffness of a material, and is
measured in N m−1 (or Kgs−2 ).

F = kx

Hooke’s law can be demonstrated with the use of Force-Extension graphs.

A material obeying Hooke’s Law. The graph shows how force (the vertical axis) changes with
extension (the horizontal axis).
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However, no sample follows Hooke’s law indefinitely, and there comes a point, called the Limit
of Proportionality, where there is no longer a linear relationship between force and extension.
After yet more force is applied, the Elastic Limit will be reached. This means that the sample will
no longer return to its original shape when the force ceases to be present. Eventually, the force
will become so great that the material snaps. This is called the Yeild Point.

A material reaching its limit of proportionality and ceasing to obey Hooke’s Law

Before the elastic limit is reached, the sample is experiencing Elastic Deformation, where it will
return to its original shape when the load (force) has been removed. However, once the material
passes that point, it experienced Plastic Deformation, where its shape is permanently

If two springs are used in series, the effective stiffness constant of both of them is less than
either of them. In fact, it can be worked out by the formula: k1 = k1 + k1 . If two springs are
​ ​ ​

eq ​

1 ​

2 ​

in parallel, their effective stiffness constant is greater: keq ​ = k1 + k2 . ​

Written by Sam Adam-Day.

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Physics Copyright 2018 © Sam Adam-Day

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