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Justin Baldoni is a well-known Hollywood actor who opened up about stereotypical roles he

plays- hot ,masculine, built, strong “man”. But he fails to see himself relating to any of the
characters he has played. Due to social conditioning he seems to pretend to paly role in a
real life too, just to be liked among other men according to the “script we have been
given” .His dad taught how being a man meant sacrifices, how being “He” means to suffer in
secret. He highlights upon the incapacity of men to talk about insecurities and fears of
failure, because of the conditioning to the gender norms. Woman have been fighting for
everything, and we as men need to be their ally, while the woman help us celebrate our

Being feminine was looked down upon and the people were treated as soft or snowflakes.
Men considered his sentimental Instagram post about his wife as “gay” and were
emasculated when someone tagged them in it. He realizes that every man is facing these
problems related to social condition as the society they have been brought up in wants
them to be strong and deal with the situation with being effeminate about it. He talked
about how parents play a key role in shaping the kids, rather than dividing gender roles for
the kids, to teach them how showing emotions is not being weak. The plight of women we
have in our lives has been due to our incapacity to show feminine emotions, and we don’t
even realise when we are hurting them. The deep enrooted patriarchy makes us mansplain,
complete their thoughts, and even doubt capabilities of woman, although we seem to not
realise it. A little help from the fellow women, a little amount of self-acceptance and
disregard of social norms is what we all must sign up for.

Boys around the world succumb to the false believes of masculinity, and their social
conditioning leads to toxic patriarchy in our society. Even today we have restricted ourselves
to certain gender norms, and treat emotional quotient as a waste of time. “we are the
problem” although strong and harsh this statement sounds but is true, because it is us that
have restricted ourselves from changing. As a man, he asks every man to break out of the
barrier of toxic masculinity and celebrate the vulnerabilities, and help our female
counterparts to function as an able society.

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