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In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown

your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6

Finally! I made it!

I recall my first day as a nursing student vividly. I was lost in the crowded hallways, looking for my
classroom like a deer in headlights. Each stride felt unexpectedly heavy. Anxious and alone. I was under
a lot of stress and pressure. New school, new friends, and the start of a next chapter in my life. My
college years were not easy. I've never felt more like a failure in my life. Right then and there, I realized
how different it was from high school. I doubted myself for months. All the negative thoughts lingered in
my mind, making me wonder where it all went wrong. With a sorrowful heart, I had to face reality. But,
with the Almighty Lord as my strength, I prayed and prayed. Hoping he would hear me. I prayed for the
Lord to give me guidance and direct me to the right path, and he listened. Amidst of my life
struggles, he never left me alone. Thank you Lord! I would not have gotten this far without your
love and guidance.

My entire four years as a nursing student could only be described as an overwhelming journey.
After transitioning to virtual classes, I'm sure every student can relate to how difficult it was due
to several setbacks. Doing our assignments, modules, research, and reports, especially when
we had to improvise for the return demonstration. I can even recall nearly shattering my
computer due to a poor internet connection. lol. However, with hard work, determination and the
Lord’s guidance, I managed to reach this far. As I look back on my journey, the struggles and
challenges that almost took me down became one of the moments I deeply cherished. Because
it brought me to where I am today. Finally, my moment has come. A moment where everything
feels fulfilling.

To my family, Thank you for your love and everlasting support. Mang, Pang, I dedicate all of my
accomplishments to you. Thank you for raising me properly. Thank you for not depriving me of
the pleasant things in life. Thank you for allowing me to pursue my passion. And thank you for
your support and encouragement in my decisions. Mang. You witnessed my tears as my
insecurities took hold of me. I recall being in your office, dejected, staring at my curriculum, and
saying, "Mang, kaya ko ito," and you encouraged me the entire time. Thank you for being the
best mother ever. Thank you for always being there for me. I know we fight sometimes but I love
you with all my heart. Pang, my knight in shining armor. Truly the best father ever. Thank you
for always working so hard. Thank you for being kind. Thank you for shielding us from any
danger. Thank you for always making us smile. Thank you for taking the time to come to my
important days despite being busy. Thank you for raising me as I am now. I’m truly grateful to
have you guys as my parents. Kuya, Ate, thank you for being the best siblings ever. Thank you
for being there on one of the most important days of my life. You saw me dressed in my favorite
uniform. This is my toga. And for that, I am eternally grateful. I promise to repay all of your
sacrifices. I will not disappoint you.
“Itim na Toga para kay Mama and Papa”
To my friends, especially Regine, Carla, Sofia, Katrin, Dyna, Nel. But Congratulations to us.
Thank you for making my college life memorable. You guys were my shoulder to cry on. The
people who witnessed me on my most vulnerable moment. I remember our first year RD days
ahhaha. Kulang nalang muhilak nag memorise. However, despite the hurdles, we persisted. Our
college days might be over, but I hope the bond we had with each other won’t wither away. The
cap and gown was definitely worth all the breakdowns. Now, as we embark on a new chapter in
our lives, I hope we can still find time for one other. Keep going guys! Kaya natin to!!

To my clinical instructors, thank you, Ma'am and Sir! Thank you for everything you've done,
which I will never forget. I sincerely appreciate you for guiding me throughout my nursing
journey. Thank you for the time you spent teaching me all of the knowledge and skills I now
possess. The DDC BSN Batch 2023 are beyond grateful for your guidance and support.

Lastly, to myself. Congratulations! Thank you for not giving up. I’m so proud of you! We made it!
I know it wasn’t easy and it won't get easier from here on forth, but let’s keep working hard to
achieve more of our goals. Because the struggle you sowed and the dreams you planted finally


Rhea Anne A. Cruz

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Davao Doctors College
Class of 2023

Aestimamus VItam

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