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John Philip A.


FU-M1-CU3: Therapeutic Communication: Key to Efficient Nurse-Patient Collaboration

Week 3 unit task: Lec

 Critical Thinking and Assessment

Create a reflection paper on the importance of employing therapeutic communication

in the nursing process.

In the nursing process one of the most basic things that we forget and we neglect
is the therapeutic communication, but what we don’t really appreciate is that
communication can be a solution to our problems when the time that we are
depressed, experiencing anxiety, and whenever we’re feeling lonely. So Employing
therapeutic communication could help a lot specially in our nursing interventions and
nursing diagnostics. Communication is the absolute necessity when it comes to us
nurses, since without the proper communication with our patients we wouldn’t be
able to do our jobs. We could not do our responsibilities as nurses, a nurse could not
meet the demands of a patient without therapeutic communication. And a nurse
could not also achieve the goals of their own without the proper therapeutic
communication with the patients.

 Construct an essay with the title, “Therapeutic Communication: Key to Efficient

NursePatient Collaboration”

Therapeutic Communication: Key to Efficient Nurse Patient Collaboration

Nurse and patient collaboration is necessary for both the parties when it comes to
health concerns, the patients usually talk to the nurse on whatever and whenever
they felt the abnormalities inside or outside of their bodies, This kind of necessities
require a certain key to have an efficient nurse-patient collaboration, But what is this
key that we are talking about?.

Well, There is something that we call Therapeutic Communication, which is

basically providing information from patient to nurse and nurse to patient whether it is
verbal or non-verbal way of communicating to one another. By doing the so-called
Therapeutic Communication both the patient and the nurse will develop a certain
understanding between each others situation. Without this certain understanding with
each other, both of the parties will suffer since the nurse’s job is to cure the patient
and the patient needs to say the proper feelings or illnesses that they are
experiencing in order for the nurse to know the proper medical diagnosis to make.

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