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hi! *��Hello�� ���‫ڱ‬Ƚ���Ϥ���ˣ���Ů�������á�
hi! (��!)
hi! (��!���!)

hello. *һ���г��õĺ������
a)hello, mr. smith. (ʷ��˹�������!)
b)oh, hi john. (�ˣ�Լ�������!)

good afternoon. *�����ú��������Ҫ���‫�����ڹ‬С�

good evening.

how are you? *� �õ�� �ʽ��������� � ������� ��� � �����С��簲�����‫�� ���ڵ‬
hi, john! (��! �������!)
oh, mary! how are you? (�‫)?����������ޣ‬
how are you? (�����?)
pretty good. (� ��á�)
how's it going?
how're you doing? *�������㡣

fine, thank you.
i'm fine, thank you.

not so good. *��������‫��״‬û���������ʲô���õ���ʱ��
how are you feeling? (����������)
not so good. (����ô�á�)
not so great.
could be better. *��Ȼ������õķ��� ����‫���������ء‬һ�֡�����ô�á�����С�

nothing much.
nothing special.

ܸ ˡ�

glad to meet you. *���‫�ڳ‬μ��档

i'm glad to meet you.
nice to meet you.
it's great meeting you.

what's up?
what's up? (��ʲô��2?)
nothing much. (ûʲô��)
what's new? *����ǿ�������µõ 仯��
what's happening? *ǿ�����ʲô������?��
how've you been? *�кó�ʱ��û�����С�

how's your family?
how's your family? (��ļ�����ô��?)
everyone's fine. (�� ��ܺá�)

how's everything? *��Ϊ�����е�˳����?�������� ��‫���ڷ‬Ա� � � � � ʵĻ� � ǡ� � � � � � � ô� � ?� � � � � � ˼� �

how's everything? (��ô���ð�?)

it's going pretty well. (һ�к�˳��)
how's everything? (���ð�?)
same as always. (��ƽ��һ��)
how's everything going?
how's it going?
how are things?

how's business?

����� �
not bad.

how did it go today? *���‫ ڻ����ۻ���ر‬ϡ�
how did it go today? (�������)
so-so. (��� ϰɡ�)
how was your day?

oh, same as usual.
how was work today? (���칤����ô��?)
oh, same as usual. (����һ��)
same old, same old. *‫�ٵ‬
another day, another dollar.

���Ÿ�ʲôȥ ?
what's the hurry?
what's the hurry? (���Ÿ�ʲôȥ ?)
we're going to be late for the movie. (���Ǹ���ȥ����Ӱ�‫)�ء‬
why are you in a hurry? (Ϊʲô��ô�ż�?)
why are you hurrying? (�������?)

where are you headed? *head �Ƕ��ʣ�be headed for...��ʾ�����š���ǰ��
where are you going?
where are you off to?
what are you doing?
what are you doing? (�������?)
���� �)
i'm ironing my shirt. (�����‫ءء‬

i was just thinking. *just ��ʾһ�֡��е �������������С�


i was just daydreaming. *daydream �������‫��ڻ‬롱��


i'm just killing time. *kill time ����ĥʱ�䡱������ʱ�䡱��

i'm just hanging out. *hang out ��ʲô�������‫ ˵غ‬ķ�ʱ�䡱��

what's on your mind?
what's on your mind? (����ʲô��?)
i'm worried about my wife. (���е ���ҵ����ӡ�)
what are you thinking of?


another day, another dollar.
how was work today? (���칤����ô��?)
another day, another dollar. (����һ��)

you've come just in time.
you've come at the right moment.
you've come at the right time.

there you are! *���������ҵ���Ҫ�ҵ���ʱ��
there you are! ( 4�������!)
were you looking for me? (������?)
gotcha! *‫�ٵ‬
here you are.
found you!

ܷ ?
is jeff around?
is jeff around? (������
ܷ ?)
he was here a few minutes ago. (������ǰ�������4�š�)

have you seen scott? �����‫��˾�ڹ‬ѧУ��
have you seen scott? (���˹������?)
no, not today. (û�У�����û������)

i ran into him. *run into ��û�뵽�ģ�żȻ�������
i bumped into him.

���������������� ��?
guess who i bumped into yesterday?
guess who i bumped into yesterday? (���������������� ��?)
who? ( ?)

� ����‫���ز‬ʶ��

he's a stranger to me. *��ʾ����ǰ��û����桱��


it's been a long time. *��������ô��� � ʱ�� ����it sure has.4�‫�ش‬

it's been so long.
john, is that you? (���� ����?)
yeah, it's been so long. (���ң��þ�û��)

long time no see. *�Ƚ����� �����
�һ�� Է ‫�ش‬Yeah, how have you been?/yeah, too long.
long time no see. (�þ�û���ˡ�)
yeah, how have you been? (�� ��� ����?)
i haven't seen you for a long time.
i haven't seen you for ages.

how have you been?
how have you been? (���ð�?)
i've been all right. (�ţ� �õġ�)

how have you been doing? *ѯ�ʶԷ�������ͽ��
how have you been doing? (������)
) been alright. (�ɵû���� )

what have you been doing? *��4ѯ��û��������ʱ��������
what have you been doing? (æʲô��?)
just working. (�ϰ��¡�)
what have you been doing? (æʲô��?)
nothing much. (ûæʲô��)
what have you been up to?

where have you been?
ܸ ��㡣

i'm glad to see you again. *�‫����ش‬ʱ so am i. (��Ҳ��)��see������meet���档

i'm happy to see you.
nice to see you.
it's great seeing you again.

you haven't changed at all.
you're the same old bob, aren't you? (������� �������ӡ�)

you haven't changed much.
you haven't changed much. (��û��ô� )

neither have you. (��Ҳû� )

you've really changed.

� ���ˡ�
you've grown up.
you're all grown up now.
look how you've grown up. (��� ����ô����!) *������үү�����̼�� ʱ��

�� 4 Ư���ˡ�
you've become so beautiful.
you've gotten so pretty.

is john okay? *���� ������ �������� ����
is john okay? ( �������?)
he's getting better. (�ö��ˡ�)

� ��ȥ���
you look great.
you look great. (� ��ȥ���
) )
you look good, too. (��Ҳһ��)

how are you feeling?
how are you feeling? (��о���ô��?)
i'm feeling great. (� о�ܺá�)

how's he getting along these days?
how's he getting along these days? (����Щ���ӹ����ô��?)
good. ( �õġ�)
how's he doing? (��ɵ���ô��?)
������ �������?
are you gaining weight?
are you gaining weight? (������ �������?)
i'm afraid so. (�����ǰɡ�)
have you gained weight?
are you getting fatter? *����ò�� ����
are you losing weight? (������ �������?)


ĺõ������ 
goodbye. *����ʱ� �
goodbye. (�‫)!�ټ‬

goodbye. take care! (�‫)!�ټ��ذ‬


bye. *��Goodbye�� ����㡣

bye for now.
have a nice day. (‫)!��������ף‬
see you later. (� ��!)

�� ��!
see you.
see you later.
see you soon.
see you again.
catch you later.
see you around. *������ һ��¥� �����п����‫���ټ‬ʱ��

��ȥ� ���
i'm off now. *off ��ȥ��� �����
i'm leaving.
see you.

i have to go.
i have to go. (�ҵø���ˡ�)
can't you stay a little longer? (�‫)!����ٴ‬


good luck! *�‫�ڶ‬ij��ȥ���л�ȥ��һ���Ƚ��ѵ�����ʱʹ�á�

good luck! (‫)!�����ף‬

thanks. i need it. (лл����� � �)

i wish you good luck.

have a nice day. *��goodbye���÷�һ��
have a nice day! (‫)!�����ף‬

same to you. (Ҳ ‫)!�����ף‬

have a nice weekend.

��� �!‫!�����ף‬
good luck.
break a leg. * ���Ƕ�Ҫ��̨� ����˵�Ļ���

go for it. (� �!)

hang in there. (�ǣ���� �!)

have fun.
we're going to hawaii! (����Ҫȥ������!)
have fun! (‫�������ף‬졣)
have a good time!

keep it up.
keep it up! (����������ȥ��)
thanks for the encouragement. (лл��Ĺ���!)

don't work too hard.
take care.
be careful.

have a nice trip. *��Ҫȥ���е���˵�Ļ���
i wish you a pleasant journey.
have a good vacation. (‫)!��������ף‬

bon voyage. *����һ� �����Ӣ����Ҳ�á�

�Ƕ ��!
have a good one!

��� ��� ����ǡ���

i hate to run, but... *����ǽ���̸��ʱ�Ŀ����‫�������ס‬Ϊ����Ȼ�Ҳ���� �����������

��ʶ��� ����ˡ�
it was nice meeting you. *ֻ�������μ����� ֱ�ʱ�����������meet����see��
it was nice meeting you. (��ʶ��� ����ˡ�)
it was nice meeting you, too. (��Ҳ���
ܸ ��㡣)
nice meeting you.

������� ��� á�
please say hello to john (for me).

good night.

come again.
come again. (��4��!)
i will. (�һ�4�ġ�)
please come again. (������4!)
i hope you can come over again. (ϣ��������4��)
i'd be glad to have you over again. (������´λ���4�Ļ��ҽ����
ܸ ˡ�)

����� �� ���ʲô��
don't forget to bring something back for me.
don't forget to bring something back for me. (����� �� ���ʲô��)
don't worry, i won't. (���İɣ����ˡ�)

take it easy. *�����ɡ�������Ҫ���š�������
take it easy. (���ɵ��!)
i can't. i have a test tomorrow. (�����‫�������ܣ‬Ҫ��� �)

i hope to see you again soon.

��� �绰��
call me later.
call me later. (��� �绰��)
okay, i will. (�ţ��ðɡ�)

� ��!
take care. *�����С�ġ�������
see you later. (�‫)�ټ‬

take care. (� ��!)

��� �� �‫�ء‬
take care of yourself.
take care of yourself. (��� �� ��!)
don't worry about me. (������!)

i'll be back.
i'll be back. (�һ���4�ġ�)
you'd better. (һ��4��!)
i'll come back later. (����� ��4�ġ�)
i'll stop by later. (�һ�˳��4�ġ�)

2005-4-18 15:23:00happybobby
it's getting late.
it's getting late. (�첻���ˡ�)

let's go home. (��� Ұɡ�)

i've got to go. *�����÷���
i have to go.
i have to get going.

����ʱ� �����ʱ

i'll miss you. *miss ���룬�����
i'll miss you. (�һ�����ġ�)
i'll miss you, too. (��Ҳ������ġ�)
i'm gonna miss you. *gonna ��going to...��������ʽ���DZȽ����õ�﷽ʽ��

ܺ һ��
i wish i could go with you.
i wish i could go with you. (����ϣ��������
ܺ һ��)
so do i. (��Ҳ�ǡ�)

���������ļ���� á�
please give my regards to your family.
please give my regards to your family. (���������ļ���� á�)
i will. they asked me how you were doing. (��һ�����ҵļ���Ҳ�ʹ�������)

you must come back.

�п �� �绰��
give me a call sometime.
call me sometime.

����ʲôʱ���۰ ‫پ‬ɡ�
let's get together again sometime.
thank you. i enjoyed it very much. (лл��������̫�����ˡ�)
let's get together again sometime. (����ʲôʱ���۰ ‫پ‬ɡ�)

please write me (a letter).

i'll write you (a letter).

����� ���jϵ��
let's keep in touch. *keep in touch with... ���͡�������jϵ���������ֽӴ�����
let's keep in touch. (����� ���jϵ��)
will do. (�õġ�)
let's keep in touch with each other. *each other ����� ��

don't forget to write.
don't forget to write. (������д�š�)
i won't. (���ˡ�)

�� �

hello! anyone home? *��� �������������?��������
hello! anyone home? (�������?)
yes? ( ?)
yoo hoo! *������ �ʱһ�ֿ���� ����
hello! is anyone there?
excuse me! (� ���)
hey, you! (�٣���ѽ!) *�Ƚϴ�³�� ����

please come in! *�������‫��ֳ��ڸ‬ϣ��绶 ӭ��� ȡ�
please come in! (��ӭ�����!)
sorry i didn't call first. (� ���4ǰ��û���绰 4��)

how nice of you to come!
how nice of you to come! (����4��̫��2��)
thanks for inviting me. (лл������� �)
(it's) nice of you to come!
thank you for coming.

what do you want? *�Ƚ�ç ‫������ײ‬
is anyone here? (������?)
what do you want? (��������?)
what are you here for?

���������� ���һ��
please feel free to make yourself at home.
make yourself at home.

have a seat.
have a seat. (����ɡ�)
oh, thank you. (����лл��)
take a seat.
please sit down.

enjoy yourself!
have a good time!
would you care for something to drink?
a) would you care for something to drink?
b) yes, i'll have a beer, please. (�õģ���Ҫơ�ơ�)
ܾ A������ʱ��������No, thank you. (лл���Ҳ��ȡ�)/maybe later. (��һ����� )��

û��ϵ��(���õ���� �)
don't mind me.
sorry, i'm too busy to talk to you now.
(�Բ�����̫æ�ˣ�� ��Ϻ��� ����)
don't mind me. i just came to see john.
(û��ϵ����ֻ��4���� ����)

� �����ϴ�ּ���?
may i use your bathroom?
may i use your bathroom? (� �����ϴ�ּ���?)
sure, go ahead. (��Ȼ��� ����!)
may i use your rest room?
where can i freshen up? *Ů����where can i freshen up? (�ҿ������Ķ���ϴ?)
�Ǵ���������‫���� ת‬

may i use your toilet? *toilet ��ʾ������ֱ̫�ӣ�һ� �á����֮�⣬ladies' room��Ů���� men's

room���в���‫ ��ٵ‬the john��the headҲ��ʾ������

where's the bathroom?
which way is the bathroom?
how can i get to the bathroom?
could you tell me how to get to the bathroom? (������
ܸ ϴ�ּ���ô����?)

��� ���һ����ĵ 绰��?

may i use your phone?
is it all right if i use your phone?

i'd better get going now.
i must be going now.
i have to leave now.
i gotta go now. *gottaΪ��� ��got to��������ʽ��

� ���л���ʢ����
thank you for inviting me. *����Ҫ�뿪��� �ʱ��ʾ��л�����顣
i'm glad you could come. (�dz����ˣ��������4��)
thank you for inviting me. (� ���л������롣)

thanks so much for inviting us today. (ʮ�ָ�л������ʢ���д�)

drop by sometime. *drop by ��(˳��)� ã����š���
good-bye, john. drop by sometime. (�‫������ �ټ‬ʱ����4��)
thanks. i will. (лл���õġ�)

������4��� �
he came to see me himself.
did he send someone to see you? (���� 4������?)
no, he came to see me himself. (����������4�����ˡ�)
he came to see me personally.

do you mind if i smoke? *�‫���������ش‬ʱ� �����ʱ��yes, ����ʱ��no����ƽʱ�‫�� ��ش‬
do you mind if i smoke? (������ҳ�����?)
no, not at all. (����� ���ɡ�)
would it bother you if i smoked?
can i smoke?
is it all right if i smoke?
would it be okay to smoke?

i like your house.
i like your house. (��ķ�����á�)
i'm glad to hear that. (������ô ���Һ��
ܸ ˡ�)

�Һ�ϲ����Ĺ� ��
i really like your apartment.
i love your apartment.

watch your step.
mind your step.
be careful where you walk.
look where you're going.


the floor is slippery. *slippery ��� ��������� ����ġ���

�� ��ӡ�
please turn on the tv. *����turn���÷���turn on�Ǵ�(���ӵ�)��turn
off�ǹ���(���ӵ�)��turn up�ǿ���(���ӵ�)������turn down�ǹ�С(���ӵ�)������

� �� � �����?
can i park my car here? *park �� ������
is parking okay here?
is it all right to park my car here?
am i permitted to park my car here?


ms. kane, this is mr. sato, my boss.
ms. kane, this is my boss, mr. sato.
ms. kane, i would like to introduce my boss, mr. sato (to you).
ms. kane, let me introduce my boss, mr. sato (to you).
ܸ ʶ��
nice to meet you.
nice to meet you. (������
ܸ ʶ��)

nice to meet you, too. (��ʶ����Ҳ���

ܸ ˡ�)
pleased to meet you.
pleased to meet you, too. *��Ϊ�������Ļ ‫�ش‬
very nice to meet you.
very nice to meet you, too. *��Ϊ�������Ļ ‫�ش‬

how do you do? *��Nice to meet you�� ������֣�‫�ء‬

how do you do? *�����‫�ظ‬how do you do? 4��Ϊ�������Ļ ‫�ش‬

it's a pleasure to meet you.
i'm happy to meet you.

� ˡ�
nice to meet you, too.

may i have your name, please?
i made a reservation for tonight. (�� ��� ������ϵ��� )
may i have your name, please? (�����?)
what's your name, please?
may i ask who you are? (������λ?) *��4ѯ�ʶԷ�����‫�ݡ‬

who's calling, please? *ֻ���‫�ڴ‬绰��

who are you? (���� ?)
what's your name? (���ʲô����?)
what's your name? (���ʲô����?)
my name's john. (� � ����)

�Ҹ������һ���ҵ���� �
i'd like you to meet a friend of mine.
hi, john. (��! �������!)
hi, joe. i'd like you to meet a friend of mine. (��!�
�Ҹ������һ���ҵ���� �)

he's a nice guy.
he's a nice guy. (���Ǹ���ˡ�)
he sure is. (ȷʵ��ˡ�)

ܸ ˡ�
i'm glad to meet you.
i'm glad to meet you. (�����Һ��
ܸ ˡ�)

so am i. (��Ҳ���
ܸ ˡ�)

i'm glad to meet you. (��ʶ���Һ��

ܸ ˡ�)

the feeling is mutual. (��Ҳ���

ܸ ˡ�)
glad to meet you.
good to meet you.
i'm pleased to meet you.
i'm pleased to meet you. (����ʶ���Һ��
ܸ ˡ�)

pleased to meet you, too. (����ʶ����Ҳ���

ܸ ˡ�)
i'm really happy that i could meet you.
i'm really happy that i could meet you. (����ʶ��� �÷ ����ˡ�)
same here. (��Ҳ���
ܸ ˡ�)

����ʶ��� е�� ���� �

it's an honor for me to meet you.
i'm harrison ford. (���ǹ���ɭ�����‫)�ء‬
it's an honor for me to meet you. (����ʶ��� е�� ���� �)

���� ���
please call me...
nice to meet you, mr. smith. (ʷ��˹���������
ܸ ʶ��)
please call me john. (����� ����)

����� ������Ķ�����?
don't i know you from somewhere?
don't i know you from somewhere? (����� ������Ķ�����?)
no, i don't think so. (��������û���)
haven't we met (somewhere) before?
haven't we met somewhere (before)?
don't i know you? (� ��ʶ����?)

you look familiar. (� ��ȥ�����졣)

do you know that man? (����ʶ�Ǹ�����?)
he's my father. remember? (����� ��4�����‫)?����ף‬
do you remember?
don't you remember? (� �ǵ���?)

oh, yeah, you're mr. smith!
oh, yeah, i do know you. (Ŷ���ǵģ�����ʶ�㡣)

i know you, but i forgot your name. (����ʶ� �������������ʲô��)

�Ҳ�� ϶���Ҳ�����Ķ���
i'm not sure. maybe.
it's possible. (�Ҳ��϶�������
ܰ ?)
what's your name again? (���ʲô4��?)

no, i don't think so.
no, i'm afraid not.
no, i don't believe so.
this is the first time we have met.
have you two met? (����i� ��?)
no, this is the first time we have met. (û����������ǵ�һ�μ��档)
we've never met before. (������ǰ��4û���)

is bob an old friend of yours?
is bob an old friend of yours? (�����������������?)
yes, i met him twenty years ago in america. (�ǵģ�����20��ǰ���9���ʶ��ġ�)

i can't remember his name.
i can't remember his name. (���벻��4���ʲô�����ˡ�)

neither can i. (��Ҳ�벻��4�ˡ�)

i can't recall his name. his name escapes me.

i leave it entirely to your kind consideration. *consideration ������� ˡ���
i'll leave it up to you. ֱ���ǡ�(�������)ȫ�������ˡ���

please consider it. *considerthink about���������ǡ�����ϸ�롱��
i'd appreciate it if you could consider it.

�ҽ� ��
i'm john sheehan.
my name is john sheehan.
my name's john sheehan.

�� �μ����� �̸

where are you from?
my country has a lot of mountains... (�ҵļ����к�
ܶ ɽ����)
oh, yeah? where are you from? (Ŷ������?�����Ķ���?)
where are you from? (����������?)
i'm from japan. (����� ��ˡ�)

i'm from canada.

� ��ô�4��
i come from canada. *��I'm from canada.� �I come from canada.���� ����һ���Ǣ
‫��˼����}���ں‬һ���ǡ�� ��
� ô�4��������Ǽ�� ô �����һ����˼�ǡ����Ǽ��ô��ˡ���

i was born in canada. (�ҳ����‫��ڼ‬ô�)

chicago is my hometown. (�ҵĹ�����֥�Ӹ 硣)

����� ����
how do you like japan?
what do you think about japan?
i like it.

�Ǹ�õ ‫���ط‬
it's a good place.

� ȥ��� �����Щ�‫?�ط‬
where have you been in japan?

where do you live now?

i live in tokyo.

2005-4-18 15:23:00happybobby

are you here on vacation? *on business�ǡ�� ��� ǡ

� on vacation��ȼ ١���
are you vacationing?
are you here for a vacation?
is this a pleasure trip?
are you here on business or for pleasure? (��4���ǹ���������?)

i'm here on business.
my trip is business related. (�ҵ����к ����й ‫)�ء‬
i'm on a business trip.

��4� �� ʱ����?
how long have you been in japan?
how long have you been in japan? (��4� �� ʱ����?)

i just arrived last week. (�����4�‫)��ڸ‬

how long have you been in japan? (��4� �� ʱ����?)

about three years. (���3�������ˡ�)
4������� �
about four months.

��ϰ��� ����������?
are you used to life in japan? *be used to ��ϰ�‫� ���ע‬⡰d��������
are you used to life in japan? (��ϰ��� ����������?)
no, not yet. (û�У�����ϰ� �)
have you gotten used to life in japan?
have you grown accustomed to japan?

����� ���ʲôʱ��?
how long will you be in japan?
how long will you be in japan? (����� ���ʲôʱ��?)
until next month. (���¸��¡�)
how long do you plan to stay?

until december.

�� ������?
do you speak japanese?
do you speak japanese? (�� ������?)
unfortunately, no. (���ź����Ҳ�� )
can you speak japanese? (���� ������?)
are you a japanese speaker?

a little.
just a little.
some. (һ���)

��һ����� ��
i can't speak japanese at all. * all ��һ� ����������

�һ�һ���� �� ��
i know (everyday) conversational japanese.

where did you learn japanese?

at school.

i learned it on my own. *on my own ����ѧ��������� ���
� f ���
i learned it by myself. *by oneself ��һ���ˡ�������� ���f ����

when's your birthday?
when's your birthday? (��ʲôʱ�������?)
it's may 24th. (5��24� �)

���й ‫���ع‬

��� ���õ�����?
do you know his background?
do you know his background? (��� ���õ�����?)
i know very little about him. (��һ���Ҳ��� )

i work for a computer company.

i'm a government employee.

���Ǹ��徭 Ӫ� �
i'm self-employed.
which department do you work for?
i work for abc company. (����abc��˾����)
which department do you work for? (�����ĸ��Ź���?)

�����۵ ġ�

���������� ʱ����?
how long have you been doing that job?

for 10 years.

where is your company?
where is your company located?

in shinjuku.

���¡�á��Ҫ��� ʱ��?

how long does it take (you) to commute? *commute ���ϰ ��ѧ����

1��Сʱ��� �
about one hour.
around one hour.
it takes about one hour.
about an hour.

how do you get to work?
how do you go to work?

i ride the subway.
i use the subway.
i take the subway.

i'm changing jobs.

������� ���
i'm job hunting now.
i'm looking for work now.

i'm retiring next year.

i'm out of work now. *out of work ��ʧҵ����
i don't have a job now.
i'm not working right now.
i'm unemployed. (����ʧҵ�ˡ�)


are you a student?
are you a student? (����ѧ����?)
no, i've already finished school. (���ǣ���� ���
�ˡ�ҵ )
do you go to school? (� ����ѧ��?)

i'm a college student. *���9�collegeָ��(university���‫ڵ‬Ĵ�ѧ��

i'm a junior college student. (���Ǵ�‫)��ר‬

i go to a vocational school. (����ְҵ ‫��ר‬ѧУ��)

i go to a cram school. (���ϵ��Dz�ϰѧУ��)

i'm studying english.

i went to meiji university.

where did you go to college? *college ָ��һ���ѧ��
where did you go to college? (���ϵ������ѧ?)
i went to harvard university. (���ϵ��ǹ����ѧ��)

what school do you go to?
which school do you go to?

i go *elementary school ��Сѧ����junior high school ����ѧ����high
school ��������


what year are you in? *�����Ҫ���ʸ��кʹ�ѧ���꼶���������Сѧ��Ļ���Ӧ����What grade are

you in?


i'm a freshman. *���9�ĸ��кʹ�ѧ1�꼶��freshman,2�꼶��sophomore��3�꼶��junior��4�꼶

��senior�����9�û�г��е����ܶ ��Сѧ��i'm in first grade.��ʾ1�꼶��i'm in second


i'll graduate next year.
i'm graduating next year.
what's your major?
what do you major in?
what are you studying? (����ѧʲô��?)

i'm an english major.
i major in english.

what club are you in?
what club do you belong to?

i'm in the ski club.


do you have a part-time job? *Сʱ����a part time job����ʽְ����a full-time worker��

do you have a part-time job? (���‫)?���ڴ‬

yes, i'm a tutor. i work three times a week. (�ţ����� ̣�һ���‫���ڽ‬Ρ�)

do you work part-time? (������Сʱ����?)

i work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week.

what are your plans after graduation?
what are your plans after graduation? (��ҵ�Ժ��������ʲô?)
i haven't decided yet. (�һ�û�о��)
what are you going to do after you graduate?

���й �ͥ

how many people are in your family?
i have a large family. (�Ҽ��Ǹ�����
ͥ )
how many people are in your family? (��������?)

four people.

my parents and my younger sister.

any brothers or sisters?
any brothers or sisters? (�����ֵܽ�����?)
no, none. (û�У�һ��Ҳû�С�)
do you have any brothers or sisters?
any siblings? *���Ա�﷽ʽ��siblingָ���ֵܽ��á���

ܵ )��

just one brother. *just��only����ʾ��ֻ�У�ֻ��������ȷ��ʾ���ʱ��older

ܵ younger brother��Ӣ����һ� ���ֵܻ���ü�����֡�
i just have one brother.

�� �ĸ ‫��ס‬һ����?
do you live with your parents?

i live alone.

��‫� �ס�ڹ‬
i live in an apartment.

are you married?
are you married? (��������?)
yes, i'm married. (�ǵģ�� ���ˡ�)

no, not yet.
do you have any children? (�������?)
no, not yet. (������û�С�)
nope. (û��û�С�)
neah. (�����)

i have a fianc��. *fianc��4���‫��ڷ‬�ϸ��4��fianc���ǡ�δ�� �fianc� e�ǡ�δ��� � �}���‫ޡ‬

�� ������һ��

� ��������顣
i'm going to get married next year.

� ���ˡ�
� married. *����� ��
�i'm single�ʾ��

� ����ˡ�
i'm engaged.

any children?
any children? (�����?)
i have one of each. (����һ���к���һ��Ů����)
do you have any children?

i have two boys.
i have two sons. (����}����ӡ�)
i have one daughter in elementary school.

i don't have any children.

���й���Ȥ� ���

what are your hobbies?
what are your hobbies? (����ʲô����?)
i play golf. (�ҵİ����Ǵ� ����)

do you have any hobbies?

ҵ��ʱ��� ��ʲô?
what do you do when you have free time?
what do you do when you have free time?
(ҵ��ʱ��� ��ʲô?)
nothing much. (����ʲô��)

i like to watch movies.
i enjoy watching movies.

what kind of movies do you like?
what kind of movies do you like? (��ϲ����ʲô��ĵ�Ӱ?)
any kind. (ʲô��������)

you're a good pianist.
you play the piano well.

��ϲ������� �?
what kind of sports do you like?

� � ʱ��ѩ��?
how long have you been skiing?

i just like to watch.
do you play baseball? (��������?)
no, i just like to watch. (������ֻ��ϲ������)
i only watch.

���ǰ���� �
i'm a baseball fan.
i'm a fan of baseball.
��ϲ���� ����
i like to play golf.

have you ever done aerobics?
have you ever done aerobics? (��w���2���?)
no way. (����!)
have you done aerobics before?

what are your interests? *interest �����á��������ĵ��¡���
what are your interests? (���ʲô����Ȥ?)
i'm interested in art. (� ��������Ȥ��)
what are your interested in?
what kind of things are you interested in?
what do you like?

� �û���
i've never done that.
i've never done that before.
that was the first time for me. (� ��� һ�Ρ�)

have you ever traveled abroad?
have you ever traveled abroad? (��ȥ�������й���?)
yes, twice. (�ǵģ�ȥ��}�Ρ�)
have you been overseas? (��ȥ�������й���?)

where have you been?

i've been to the u.s. and germany.

where do you want to go next?
where do you want to go next? (�´�����ȥ�Ķ�?)
no place particular. (û��ʲô�‫�ر‬ĵ ‫)���ط‬

������ �� �����

how old are you? *���9������ò� ��ʱ�� ���� ��� ���‫غ‬ġ�������Լ��Ƚ���Ϥ���ˣ���û


i'm not old enough to drive. (�һ�������������� )

how old are you? (������?)
i can't drink alcohol yet. (�һ����ܺȾơ�)
how old are you? (������?)
may i ask how old you are? (� ��������������?)
may i ask your age? (�ҿ��������������?) *�Ƚ���ò�� ����

i'm forty-eight.

how much do you weigh?
what's your weight?

75������� �
about seventy-five kilograms. *�9��ù��Ƶ�λ������pound��(1���Լ453�ˣ�������pounds)��

i weigh a-hundred-sixty-four pounds.
i weigh 164 ibs. *ibs.��Ϊpounds��

how tall are you?
what's your height?

1��80��� �
about one-hundred-eighty centimeters. *�9��ù��Ƶ�λ������footӢ�1(��� Ӣ� � 30���

‫�������ף‬feet��1Ӣ�� ��2.5���‫�������ף‬inches)��

i'm five feet three inches tall.
i'm 5��3�� tall.
i'm five three. *�����г�������ʡ�� ����


�������� !
it's very hot today, isn't it? *isn't it? ���С��桭�� !������С�
isn't it hot today?
today's a scorcher. *scorcher Ϊ��� ��̫���11������

it's blistering hot.
it's extremely hot.

it's a fine day today.
it's beautiful today.
it's nice today.

what's the forecast for tomorrow?
what's the forecast for tomorrow? (������������)
it's going to be cold. (����ɡ�)
what will the weather be like tomorrow?
what's the weather going to be tomorrow?
what's tomorrow's forecast?

how's the weather today?
how's the weather today? (������������)
it's hot. (������ȡ�)
is it going to rain today?
is it going to rain today?(�����������?)
i doubt it. (���벻� )

we're expecting some rain.
it's going to rain.
it's supposed to rain.
rain is expected.
i heard it might rain. (���� ���������� )

it's raining.

it's going to rain today.
it will rain today.

it's hot today.

it's warm today.
it's a warm day.

it's cold today.
it's cold today. (������ )
it sure is. (���ǡ�)

�������ವ ġ�
it's chilly today.
it's cool today.
it's nippy today.

it's windy today.
it's a windy day.

it's humid.
it's really humid today. (������ư�!)
yeah, my body is sweaty. (�� ���һ��� ���)

it's dry.
it's wet today. (������Ҫ��� )

it's rainy today. (������Ҫ��� )

it's stormy.
there is going to be a storm today. (���콫�б���� )

it's snowing.
it's snowing. (��ѩ�ˡ�)
yeah! let's go skiing. (̫����!����ȥ��ѩ�ɡ�)

it's gloomy.
it's cloudy. (���졣)

��������� ����������
it looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.

a typhoon is coming.
why are you taping your windows? (������������?)
a typhoon is coming. (̨��쵽�ˡ�)
a typhoon is on its way.

it's foggy.

it's freezing.
it's very cold today. (���� ���� )

we're going to have a blizzard.

it's pleasant.
it's comfortable. (����������)
it's a nice day. (���Ǹ���졣)

it's mild today. *mild ��ʾ�����ů�ģ��º͵ġ���
it's a mild day.

it's misty.

it's overcast today.
let's go sunbathing. (����ȥ��� � �ɡ�)
but, it's overcast today. (���ǣ��������졣)
it's cloudy today.

it's miserable.
it's a terrible day.
it's an awful day.

i'm sensitive to heat. *sensitive ����� о�ģ���еġ���

it's breezy today.
it's a breezy day.

������������ �����
it's uncomfortable today.
it's unpleasant today.

the heat is killing me.


it's raining cats and dogs! *��cat (è)��dog (��)4��ʾư�ô�� ���� cats and

ܷ 4 ��dogs and cats��

�� �ˡ�
it's frosty today.
it's a frosty day.

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