Relação Antagonista Agonista

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6, 265-276

A review of the role of the agonist/antagonist

muscle pairs ratio in rehabilitation

Accepted for publication: December 1993 Rehabilitation is generally designed to develop

muscular reinforcement and recovery of ranges of
Keywords agonist/antagonist ratio, isokinetics, rehabilitation
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 12/06/14

movement. Very often, it is essentially focused on the

Summary work of a predominant muscle group in its concentric
action (for example, the quadriceps in flexion-extension
Based on a review of the literature, this article analyses the
application of measurement of the agonist/antagonist ratio of of the knee), while neglecting both the role of the an-
muscular strength in functional rehabilitation. According to tagonist muscle and the eccentric activity of each of
many authors this ratio constitutes an element of functional these muscles. However, this agonist and eccentric ac-
specificity of a joint, but it is subject to numerous factors of tivity constitutes an element of joint stability'O or
variation: the joint considered, dominance, sex, age, physical physiological protection against stresses imposed on the
activity and velocity of movement. Despite these various fac-
articular cartilage,6 and may prove to be a more effec-
tors, the ratio may constitute a clinical element in the func-
tional analysis of the joint, providing either an index of the tive method of muscular reinforcement than concentric
risk of developing certain traumatic sports lesions, or a guide work."
For personal use only.

control in the modalities of rehabilitation. On the basis of several personal studiesl2-I4 and a
review of the literature, 1+3*6,9-23it appeared interesting to
study the practical value of the evaluation of this
agonist/antagonist ratio and its application to the adap-
tation of certain classical rehabilitation techniques in
Several recent studies have suggested the role of an osteoarticular diseases.
imbalance in the agonist/antagonist ratio in the
pathogenesis of a disease1 or in the severity of the post-
traumatic or postoperative sequelae of the knee2-' or
Review of the biomechanics
Although articular biomechanical studies emphasize The muscle is the only voluntary support of the joint
the essential role of the agonist/antagonist pair9 and the in relation to periarticular structures (capsule,
participation of alternating and simultaneously concen- ligaments, etc.). Its action is both activating (or effector)
tric and eccentric muscle contraction of either of the two in the initiation of movement and limiting (or inhibitor)
agonists, they have less frequently reported the impor- in its antagonist action. The role of the antagonist dur-
tance of the ratio of the strength of the agonist muscle ing joint movement has been studied on numerous occa-
over that of the antagonist. The possibilities of sions. Its cortical activation, simultaneous to that of the
isokinetic evaluation of muscular strength facilitate this agonist, appears to be associated with various factors
analysis. Many studies have been conducted, but they such as sensitivity to stretching, angular position, the
report marked variations in the results, which are strength developed by the agonist and the velocity of
difficult to apply to practical modalities of rehabilita- movement. These factors allow inhibition of the an-
tion. tagonist at the time of initiation of the movement and,
inversely, increased activity at the end of a movement in
order to stop it. 10,15,22,23
?As previously announced in Disability and Rehabilitation, It is therefore generally accepted that a certain ratio
1995, 17, I , P. Minaire died in September 1994.
Correspondence to: P. Calmels, Services de RCCducation et
exists between the agonist group and the antagonist
RCadaptation Fonctionnelles, Hopital Bellevue, CHU de group in order to protect the However, it ap-
Saint-Etienne, 42055 Saint-Etienne 2, France. pears difficult to demonstrate a constant and absolute

0963-8288/95 $10.00 0 1995 Taylor & Francis Ltd.

P. Calmels and P. Minaire

value for this ratio for a given muscle pair or a given in- differ. According to Stafford and Grana37 the
dividual, especially as physiological modifications are dominant limb possesses a significantly lower
observed in the value of muscular strength according to hamstring/quadriceps ratio than the non-
the type of contraction (isometric, isotonic, isokinetic)2s dominant limb, regardless of the angular veloci-
or the velocity of m ~ v e m e n t . ~For
~ * ~example,
’ NoseZo ty. Hageman el a1.26reported similar results, ex-
reported that the knee flexor/extensor ratio, classically clusively in male subjects, for both concentric
evaluated as an average of 0.60, actually varies between and eccentric contraction. Conversely, other
0.43 and 0.93 unhealthy subjects. studies in various population samples failed to
demonstrate any significant difference in the
agonist/antagonist ratio between the dominant
Factors of variation in the agonist/antagonist muscular limb and the non-dominant limb.3,5,17,33.34,45,46
strength ratio (2) The position of the joint must be carefully
specified for certain joints involving bi-articular
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 12/06/14

Apart from physiological elements, specific factors

muscles,47 as muscular elongation or shortening
related to the population sample, exercise and training
varies according to the tension-length ratio and
need to be taken into account in functional rehabilita-
modifies the strength developed. Worrel ef
tion in order to explain variations in the agonist/an-
have demonstrated that, in the sitting position,
tagonist ratio.
the peak isokinetic torque of the quadriceps and
hamstring muscles, and the ratio between the
THE JOINT two, were higher than those obtained in the
supine position, regardless of the velocity of
The agonist/antagonist ratio varies according to the
muscle pair activated by the joint. In the knee, in which
For personal use only.

the flexor/extensor ratio is less than 1 and equal to an

average of 0.60,2,3,’X,2R
various studies have shown con- SEX
siderable variations. 1-4.13726-40Fewer studies are
In a study evaluating the muscular strength of the
available for other joints, but we have found average
wrist flexors and extensors,I2 we demonstrated a
values of 0.9-1 for extensor/flexor ratio of the elbow,14
significant difference in the extensor/flexor ratio bet-
0.50 to 0.60 for the extensor/flexor ratio of the wrist,12
ween male and female control subjects not performing
0.76-0.66 for the flexor/extensor ratio of the hip,2x
any specific sports motor activity involving the upper
0-28-0.32 for the flexor/extensor ratio of the ankle,2s
limbs. This finding has also been reported by the
0-87 for the evertor/invertor ratio of the ankle8,41-43
author^.^^.^^,^^ However, for Colliander and T e ~ c h ~ ~
and lastly, for the shoulder, 0.5 for the adductiodab-
there is no difference in the hamstring/quadriceps ratio
duction ratio, 0.80 for the Aexion/extension ratio and
between males and females during concentric or eccen-
0.66 for the lateral rotatiodmedial rotation
tric exercise, regardless of the angular velocity.
(Table 1).
However, two elements must be taken into account in
relation to the joint:
(1) The dominance: although it is difficult to deter-
mine its participation,26we believe that this fac- Several studies4’J0 have demonstrated an increase in
tor must be taken into account, especially in the the peak torque during growth, followed by a plateau
upper limbs. We have found a significant and a gradual decline with time after reaching
difference in control subjects,I2 which is more adulthood, particularly in the quadriceps and hamstring
marked in tennis players and probably at- muscles in isokinetic and concentric contractions. In a
tenuated by intensive specific activity of the study of the knee in 69 subjects between the ages of 5
dominant limb. This difference was also and 25 years, Gobelet3I demonstrated a decrease in the
demonstrated in basketball players in a study of hamstring/quadriceps ratio between the ages of 5 and 15
the elbow flexors and extensor^.'^ However, not years, followed by a slight increase which remained at a
all of the studies agree on the existence of this plateau value until the age of 25 years. The hamstring/
difference related to the dominance of the upper quadriceps ratio subsequently increased with age,
limb 44.45 essentially because of the reduction in muscular
The results of studies in the lower limbs also strength, predominantly affecting the quadriceps.

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Table 1 Kesults o f thc vari~wsstudies analysing the agonivianragonist rario

Authors Joint Type .f Angulur Totul sarnplr .Mrutr ruiiu;
c.irrlru<.ricin wiucitj pWk

Ghena, 1991 Knee ('on. 60"/s 100 subjects 0-55 kO.07

Riodex 8.2000"' FIE I2O"is 18-25 years old 0 . 5 7 ~ 0 . 1 2
College athletes Lcc. bO"/s 0.57 t 0.07
120"/s 0 . 6 5 k0.15

Thomas, 198418 Knee Con. 6O"/s 9i women 0.59 t 0 . I 1

Cybex I1 F/F 230"is Left side,
20-61 years
old 0.81 + O . l l
~ ~ ~~

A u I hors Join1 Type of Angular Sample men Mean rairo; Sample women Mean ratio; Toial sanrple Mean ratio;
contraction uelocily peak peak peak
rorque torque iorque
Alexander, 199028 Knee Con. 30"/s 14 men 0.64 8 women 0.65 22 subjects 0.64
Kin Corn,
22 subjects, F/E 230":s DL and NDL 0.77 DL and NDL 0.85 DL and NDL 0.80
elite sprinters EK. 30°/s 0.63 0.66 0.64
23O"is 0.64 0.69 0.66
Francis and Hoobler,
19872' Knee Con. 60°/s 10 men 0.55 ~ 0 . 0 3 I I women
Cybex 11 + Lido 2, F/E Cybex IZOO/S 0-64+0-03
21 subjects,
12-53 years old 240"is 0 - 5 8 & 0-02 0.59t0.02 0 . 5 9 ? 0.08
subjects Cun. 6O"/S 0-67 f 0-07 0.63%0.05 0.65 k O . 0 7
Lido l20"/s 0.77 kO.03 0.72 f 0.I2 0.741.0.02
240"/s 0 - R2 2 0.09 0 79 I 0.02 0.79kO-05 3.
Holmcs. 198433 Knee Con. 60"is 16 inen 0.58 20.09 3 I women 0.55 k0.07
Cybex 11, 47 sub-
jects. 15-18 years c
old. FIE 18O"is 0.68 2 0-07
recreational sport
Hageman el a l , ,
198826 Knee Con. 60" /s 12 men 0 . 5 9 ? 0.07 13 uonien
K i n Corn,
25 subjects, FIE 180"i s DL and NDI. 0 . 8 3 + 0 . 1 2 DL and NDI
12 men. 13 women,
21-33 years old Ex. 60"/s ? 0.10
0.67 0.65 2 0.12
No intensive sport I80"/5 0~70+0.11 0.71 k 0 . 1 3
Klopfer and Greij,
1988" Knee Con, 300";s 23 men I .02 32 \\omen 0.72
Biodex 8.2000,
5 5 subjects, FiE 330"/s I ' I2 0.81
non-athletes. 19-37
ycars old 360"/s '
I 12 0.83
4K)" /s I ' I4 0.X6
j50';,J I 'OR 0.98
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For personal use only.

Authors Joint TYPe Of Angular Sample, Mean ratio; Sample, non- Mean ratio;
contraction velocity dominant peak dominant limb peak
limb torque torque
~- ~

Stafford and Grana,

198437 Knee Con. 90"/s 60 subjects 0 . 6 7 t 0 . 0 9 60 subjects 0.68k0.08
Cybex 11, 60 sub-
jects, 18-24
years old, FIE 18Oo/s 0.73t0.10 0.75i-0.09
college football
olavers 3oO0/s 0.82kO. 12 0.85 k 0 . 0 9

Authors Joint TYPe of Angular Sample, high Mean ratio; Sample, left limb Mean ratio;
COntrUctiOn velocity limb peak peak
torque torque

Mangine et a / . , 199036 Knee Con. 60°/s 83 subjects 0.56+0.17 83 subjects 0 . 5 6 k 0.17

Biodex B.2000,
83 subjects F/E 450"/s 0.67 t 0. I8 0.70 k 0.18
Soccer players
national team,
16-26 years old
Grace ei a/., 198432 Knee Con. 6Oo/s 172 men 0.60?0.08 172 men 0.61 k 0 . 0 9
Cybex 11, 172
subjects, F/E 240"/s 0.71 kO.10 0.71 k 0 . 1 2
football players,
13-18 years old

Authors Joint Type of Angular Sample with Mean ratio; Sample without Mean ratio; a
contraction velocity gravity peak gravity peak Q.
correction torque correction rorque

Westing and Seger,

1989'' Knee Con. 60"/s 20 subjects 0 . 4 6 k 0 . 0 7 20 subjects 0.61 i-0.07
Spark system, I2O0/S 0.44 i- 0.07 0.62 i- 0.07
20 subjects, F/E 18O0/S 0.45t_0.07 0.66 k 0.07
women, 22 i- 2.2
years old, 240"/s 0.47 i- 0.08 0.68 k 0.07
physical education 360"/s 0.50 i 0 . 0 9 0.78 ? 0.09
students Eccen. 60"/s 0.55 20.08 0 . 6 6 k 0.09
12O0/s 0.56t0.08 0.68 t 0.09
180"/5 0.57t0.08 0.68t0.09
240"/s 0.58 + 0.07 0.71 i-0.09
360"/s 0.58 I 0.07 0.71 k 0 . 0 9
Authors Joint Type of Angular Total sample, Mean ratio; Sample, IS-24 Mean rario; Sample, 25-34 Mean ratio;
contraction velocity men and peak years old peak yeurs old peak
women torque torque torque
Highgenboten el a / . ,
198814 Knee Con. 50°/s 54 subjects, 0.43 ? O . 10 33 men 0 . 4 2 t 0 . 1 0 21 men 0.45 k 0 . 1 1
Kin Com,
127 subjects F/E 73 subjects, 0.42 k 0.08 49 women 0.41 k0.08 24 women 0.44i-0.08
54 men, 73 women, Ecc. 5Oo/s 54 subjects, 0.51 t0.15 33 men 0 . 4 9 + 0 . 1 2 21 men 0.55k0.19
15-34 years old 73 subjects, 0 . 4 9 k 0.14 49 women 0 . 4 9 k 0 . 1 6 24 women 0.49k0.14
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 12/06/14
Authors Joint Type of Angular Sample,For personal Mean
5 and use ratio; Sample, I5 and 25 Mean ratio;
contraction velocity 10 years old peak years old peak
torque torque
~______ ~ ~~ ~~

Gobelet, 19853' Knee Con. 30"/s 6 subjects 0.74k0.05 11 subjects 0.52 + 0.05
(05 years old) (I5 years old)
Cybex 11,
69 subjects, F/E 10 subjects 0 . 7 0 f 0 . 2 1 23 subjects 0.58f0.07
(10 years old) (25 years old)
64 men, 5 women 30O0/s 6 subjects 0.80f0.19 I 1 subjects 0.77 f 0.09
(05 years old) (I5 years old)
untrained + football
players 10 subjects 0.85 k0.18 23 subjects 0.81 k0.08
5-25 years old (10 years old) (25 years old)
Authors Joinf Type of Angular Sample, Mean ratio; Sample, injured Mean ratio;
contraction velocity uninjured peak side peak
side torque torque
Maclntyre and
Wessel, 1988' Knee Con. 200"/s 12 subjects 0.88k0.15 8 subjects I .02 f 0.23
Kin Com,
20 women, FIE Ecc. control group 0 . 7 3 f 0 . 2 5 with PFPS 0.87 + 0.31
runners, 15-36
years old
Kannus, 1988' Knee con. Isometric 41 subjects 0.42f0.09 41 subjects 0.46 f0.13
Cybex 11,
41 subjects FIE 6O"/S 0.64 f0.I2 0.68 + 0 - I5
27 men, 14 women,
35+ years old 180°/s 0.78 k0.16 0.88f0.17
ACL insufficient
Kannus, 1988' Knee Con. Isometric 24 subjects 0.43 +O. 1 I 24 subjects 0.50f0.20
Cybex 11,
24 subjects, F/E 60"/s 0.60fO. I 1 0.68 f0.19 8.
10 men, 14 women, 3
33 + 16 years old 180°/s 0.71 f 0 . 1 6 0.79+ 0.25 a
LCL insufficient g.
Kannus, 1989' Knee Con. Isometric 2s subjects 0.4420.12 25 subjects 0.40 f0.15
Cybex I I .
25 subjects, F/E 60"/s 0.60 f 0. I3 0.62 f 0. I5
12 men, 13 women,
35 f I2 years old 18Oo/s 0.75k0.19 0.72 k 0.24
MCL insufficient
Worrell et al., 199I4O Knee Con. 60"/s 16 subjects 0.65 f O . 0 9 16 subjects 0.61 k 0 . 0 9
Kin Com,
16 subjects, F/E 180"/s 0.71 f O . 1 0.66 f 0. I 1
men; highly skilled
athletes, Ecc. 6O"/S 0.51 f 0 . 0 8 0.52 -C 0.I 1
hamstring injury,
20.7 years old 180°/s 0.55 f O . 0 6 0.55f0.10
Calmels et a / . , 199013 Knee con. 30"/s 10 subjects 0.58f0.13 10 subjects 0.76 k 0.09
Cybex I I ,
19 subjects. F/E 120"/s 0.62f0.08 0.74 20.10
7 men, 3 women,
19-73 years old,
fractures of the tibia
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 12/06/14
~~ ~~
For personal use only.
Aurhors Join( Type of .4ngulur Sumple. men .Meun rurio; Sample, women Meon rario; Totul sample Mean rurro;
c.onrrtrcrion velocrry peuk peuk peok
torque torque torque

Alexander, 1990'x Hip Con. 30"/s I4 men 0.74 8 women 0.79 22 subjects 0.76
Kin Corn, 180"/s 0.59 0.65 DL and NDL 0.61
22 subjects, FIE EN. 30°/s 0.75 0-74 0.75
elite sprinters 180°/s 0.66 0.65 0.66


Cawthorn et ul.,
I99l4' Ankle Con 160°/s 25 \ubJects I . I6 i 0 . 2
Merac system,
25 subjects, INV/EVE right v d e
8 men, 17 women,
untrained, 17-37
years old
Aurhors Joinr Type of Angulur Sumple, men Meun rurio; Sample, women Meun rurio; Total suinple Meun rurio;
contrrrction velociry peuk peuk peak
roraue roruue roraue

Alexander, 1990" Ankle Con. 30°/s 14 men 0.33 8 women 0.31 22 5ubjects 0.32
Kin Com, 180°/s DL and NDL 0.28 DL and NDL 0.28 DL and NDL 0.28
22 subjectc, DF/PF Ecc. 30"/\ 0.41 0.35 0.38
14 men, 8 women. IRO"/s 0.37 0.33 0.34
elite cprinters
Aurhors Joint T\pe of Angular Sumple, men Meun rurio; Sample, women Meun rurio; 4
contraction velociry peuk peuk
rorque loryue

Wong er ul. 1984j Ankle Con. 30"/5 21 men 0.87 0.21 23 women 0.81 k 0 . 2 2
Cybex I I ,
44 subjects
(20-37 years old) EVVINV 60"/r right and 0 . 9 0 + 0 . 2 5 right and 0.80 0.20
left \ides left side,
Physical therapy
students 120"'\ 0.8620.20 0 . 8 2 + 0 . I9
Authors Jornr Type of Angulur Sumplr. .Llean rurio; Somple, noti- .Meun rutio;
contruction r.elocrrx domintmr peuk domrnunr limb peuk
limb torqire rorqice
~~ ~

Leslie el UI 1990''
. Ankle Con. 30"/\ DL/O"PI I .26 NDL/O"PF 1.22
Cqbex I I , I2O"Is I 61 1.53
16 subjectc, women, INVIEVE 30"/5 I)L/20 1'1 I I2 NDL/2OoPP 1.32
20-33 yearc old I20"/5 1.37 1.61

Authors Joint Type of A ngiilur Sumplr. .Meun rufio; Sumple, injured Meun rurio;
cnnrrucrion r.e/ociiJ uninjured peuk side peuk
vidr rorque torque

Lentell er UI., 1990' Ankle Con. Isometric 33 $ubjects 1 . I2 3 3 subjects 1 .09

Cybex I I ,
33 subjects, I N V/E VE 30"/s 1.15 1.13
17 men, 16 women,
17-54 year5 old,
chronic lateral
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 12/06/14
For personal use only.

Authors Joint Type of Angular Sample, Mean ratio; Sample, paraplegics Mean ratio;
contraclion velocity healrhy men peak peak
toraue toraue

Calmels el al., 199214 Elbow Con. 30"/s DL healthy I . 1 f 0.2 DL para 1.1 f0.2
Cybex I 1 FIE NDL healthy .2*0.2 NDL para 1.2f0.4
20 subjects, men 60"/s DL healthy .0&0.1 DL para 1~OfO.l
basketball players NDL healthy .2+0.2 NDL para 1.1k0.5
10 controls, 120°/s DL healthy .O 5 0. I DL para 1.OfO. I
10 paraplegics NDL healthy . I f0 . 4 NDL para 1.1 k 0 . 3
30 years old (21-41) 15Oo/s DL healthy .OfO.I DL para 0.9f0.1
NDL healthy .2&0.5 NDL para 1 . 1 k0.I
~______ ~

Authors Joint Type of Angular Sample, men Mean ratio; Sample, women Mean ratio;
contraction velocity peak peak
toraue toraue
Wrist Con. 30"/s DL 0.58f0.03 DL 0.41 k 0 . 0 4 oa
Calmels et al., 1988'* 0
Cybex 11, NDL 0.54f0.03 NDL 0.44 f 0.04 E.
28 subjects, E/F 120°/s DL 0.61f0.03 DL 0.545 0.03 $
14 men, 14 women NDL 0.49f0.03 NDL 0.41 f 0 . 0 2 3
15 tennis players, 30"/s controls-DL 0.57 L 0.04 controls-DL 0.29 k 0.05 s
13 controls, tennis-DL 0.59f0.05 tennis-DL 0.50+ 0.02 0
3 4 k 9 . 6 years I2Oo/s controls-DL 0.59f0.04 controls-DL 0.44f0.03 E.
old (16-55) tennis-DL 0.64k0.04 tennis-DL 0.35f0.04 9
30"/s controls-NDL 0 . 5 5 kO.03 controls-NDL 0.45 k 0.08
tennis-NDL 0.53 -t0.05 tennis-NDL 0.43 f 0.03
12Oo/s controls-NDL 0.52 f 0.04 controls-NDL 0.40 f 0.03
tennis-NDL 0 . 4 6 k 0.03 tennis-NDL 0.41 f 0 . 0 3
Aurhors Joint Type of Angulur Sample, men Mean ratio; Sample. women Mean ratio;
conrraction velocity peak peak
torque torque

Connely Maddoux
et al., 198945 Shoulder Con. 60"/\ 19 men, DL 0 . 6 3 f 0 . 0 9 19 women, DL 0.70f0.12
Cybex 11, 18O0/S 0.61 + 0 . 1 0 0.64 f 0.09
38 subjects, ER/IR
19 men, 19 women 60"/s NDL 0 . 6 2 f 0 . 0 7 NDL 0~71kO.11
180°/s 0.63 i0.I I 0.68 -t 0.15
40 subjects, Shoulder Con. 180°/s 21 men, DL 0.58+0.12 I9 &omen, DL 0.61 k 0 . 0 9
21 men, 3 4 k 10
years old, AB/AD
19 women, 26 k 6
years old NDL 0 . 6 5 k 0 . 1 3 NDL 0.68+ 0. I9
~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~

DL: dominant limb; NDL: non-dominant limb; Con.: concentric; Ecc.: eccentric; PFPS: patellofemoral pain syndrome; Para: paraplegics; PF: plantar
flexion; FIE: fleuion/extension; ER/IR: lateral/medial rotation; A B / A D : abduction/adduction; INV/EVE: incersion/eversion; ACL: anterior cruciate
ligament; MCL: medial collateral ligament; LCL: lateral collateral ligament.
P. Calmels and P. Minaire

FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICITY velocities ( 3 O O 0 / s to 450°/s) gave hamstring/quadriceps

ratios greater than 1.
Just as the type of physical activity modifies the
Studying other joints, Alexander28also demonstrated
historical structure of the m u ~ c l e , ~the
~ Jspecificity
~ of
a decrease in the flexor/extensor ratio in the hip and
an exercise or activity also appears to modify the
ankle with increasing velocity of movement. He at-
agonist/antagonist ratio. In the same study concerning
tributed this finding to the physical specificity of his
the wrist extensor/flexor ratio,I2 this ratio was found to
population of sprinters. In reality, the direction of this
be higher in a population of tennis players than in a con-
variation depends on the ratio considered as, in the
trol population, with a difference proportional to the
studies by Leslie et al.42 or Lentell et al.x the inver-
level of tennis training. A similar difference was found
tor/evertor ratio of the ankle increased with increasing
between the elbow flexor/extensor ratio in a paraplegic
angular velocity.
population and a control p0pu1ation.l~Other authors
Under conditions of concentric work the variations
have reported variations in the agonist/antagonist ratio
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observed between different studies could be related to

as a function of a functional specificity, particularly in
whether or not a gravity correction was taken into ac-
studies of certain population samples performing a
count, which would induce variations of the order of
specific sports activity,30 and variations in this ratio
have also been observed in several studies conducted in
Few studies are currently available for eccentric work.
specific populations such as American football players,
Hageman el a1.26in a population of 25 subjects tested at
or even according to their position on the field.33.37
O"/s and 180°/s during isokinetic contraction, and
These differences appear to be related to histological
Westing and S e g e ~ -studying
,~~ 21 male physical educa-
modifications induced by training. 3393s

tion students at angular velocities of 30°/s, 120°/s and

270"/s, demonstrated the absence of any significant in-
For personal use only.

crease in the hamstring/quadriceps ratio with velocity

of eccentric movement.
In contrast, this ratio varies, at the same angular
velocity, depending on whether it is analysed under con-
It has been clearly demonstrated that the value of centric or eccentric conditions. The study by Ghena el
muscular strength varies according to the type of con- al.30concerning the hamstring/quadriceps ratio of 100
traction, isometric, isotonic or isokinetic, but that there sportsmen between the ages of 18 and 25 years, during
is a statistically significant correlation between the concentric and eccentric contraction according to the
various values obtained.25 isokinetic method at 60"/s and 12Oo/s, showed that this
The many studies concerning measurement of ratio was higher at an equivalent velocity for eccentric
isokinetic strength, for which numerous protocols have work than for concentric work. These results are in line
been validated, show that the peak torque decreases with those reported by Westing and Seger.39
with increasing velocity of movement .23,25,27*35 Bearing in, mind that, in general, eccentric muscular
The agonist/antagonist ratio is also modified accor- strength is greater than concentric muscular
ding to the velocity of movement. At the knee the but that, in contrast, the agonist/an-
hamstring/quadriceps ratio increases with the velocity tagonist ratio is higher for eccentric work than for con-
of movement, at least during concentric contraction, centric ~ o r k , this ~ ~ variation
, ~ ~ between concentric
from 0.58 to 0.78 as the velocity increases from 50"/s work and eccentric work can be considered to occur in
to 400"/~.~K a n n u ~ ~reported
,~ various studies different proportions between the agonist and the
demonstrating an increase in this ratio in the knee in antagonist.
control subjects, as the isometric or isokinetic measure- The agonist/antagonist ratio varies according to the
ment at low velocity was about 50% and increased to angle of a n a l y ~ i s and
, ~ most authors calculate a ratio
100% at an isokinetic velocity of 3 0 O 0 / s . This difference from the maximal value obtained for the agonist over
is reflected by certain functional and histological varia- the maximal value obtained for the antagonist without
tions between these two muscle g r o ~ p s . * -Alexander28
~,~ taking this angle into account. This relation with the
also demonstrated an increase in this hamstring/ angle could be important when the peak torque is com-
quadriceps ratio, but to a lesser degree, from 0.64 to pared during concentric and eccentric work. This sug-
0.77, during concentric contraction, and Hageman et gests that it may be preferable to analyse global work
a1.26confirmed this increase in both sexes. Klopfer and which covers the whcle range of joint movements rather
Greij's conducted at very high angular than the peak torque.

Agonist/antagonist muscle pairs ratio

In general, although many studies have analysed the contraction. However, this study confirmed the ex-
agonist/antagonist ratio (Table l ) , they are often istence of a difference in the peak torque between eccen-
difficult t o compare, as the population samples vary in tric and concentric contraction in the two population
terms of sex (males, females), age, sports activities and groups, as had already been reported by Komi."
the protocols vary in terms of apparatuses, velocities, However, according to this author, this difference bet-
corrections for gravity, analysis of dominance or non- ween the two types of contraction is not of the same
dominance of the limb tested and the possible presence order of magnitude for the quadriceps as for the
of lesions and, lastly, the expression of the results also hamstrings: the eccentric muscular strength couple of
differs, with or without means and with standard devia- the hamstrings increases to a lesser degree in relation to
tions or standard errors of the mean. concentric contraction than does the quadriceps. These
findings, revealing a different concentric-eccentric rela-
tion between the hamstrings and the quadriceps, are
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 12/06/14

similar to those reported by Ghena et based on a

Value of the agonist/antagonist ratio
more precise analysis of the variations in the eccentric
Although only a few studies have directly evaluated strength in relation to the concentric couple, as a func-
the agonist/antagonist ratio in rehabilitation, it seemed tion of the muscle studied.
useful t o analyse several studies referring to this ratio, Many studies have investigated the significance of the
either as an initial factor in the development of certain hamstring/quadriceps ratio in the knee joint, particular-
diseases or as an element of follow-up after surgery or ly in the presence of cruciate ligament lesions. Accor-
rehabilitation in relation to certain functional sequelae, ding to Solomonow and co-workers,6v22 there is a
as the agonist/antagonist muscle pair may represent a synergy between the musculature and the periarticular
necessary equilibrium for normal joint f ~ n c t i o n . ~ , ~ ~ structures
, ~ ~ , ~ ~responsible for joint integrity. The antagonist
In 1984, in a randomized study of 172 football muscles appear to constitute a 'regulator' in response to
For personal use only.

players, Grace et ~ 7 1 investigated

.~~ the existence of a various stresses. They reported the study by Renstrom et
relationship between the presence of an imbalance of ~ 1who . demonstrated
~ ~ the role of the hamstrings which
muscular strength of the knee and the development of tend to decrease the tension exerted on the anterior
lesions of this joint during the sports season. The results cruciate ligament as a result of their co-contraction with
failed to demonstrate any relationship between the the quadriceps. According to Grabiner et a1.16 this role
development of a lesion and the presence of a muscular of the hamstrings varies according to the type of
imbalance analysed at various angular velocities, even isometric or isokinetic contraction in healthy or injured
when comparing the values for the hamstr- knees. Similarly, 'cruciate ligament-hamstring reflex
ing/quadriceps ratio. Grace et al. therefore concluded arc' may exist, according to Solomonow el
that measurement of a muscular imbalance between the However, Baratta et ~ 7 1 . 'suggested
~ that specific train-
two limbs did not constitute a primordial risk factor for ing, particularly of certain athletes, with muscular rein-
the development of lesions. The recent study by Worrel forcement of the agonist (quadriceps), would be respon-
et al.40evaluating the isokinetic strength and extensibili- sible for inhibition of co-activation of the antagonist,
ty of the hamstring muscles in a population of athletes associated with a high risk of lesions to the cruciate liga-
with hamstring lesions in comparison with an equivalent ment, and certain clinical s t ~ d i e s . ~recommend
, ~ ~ , ~ ~ ear-
population of healthy athletes, did not show any ly training of the hamstrings for athletes presenting with
difference in the hamstring/quadriceps ratio at 60'1s or anterior cruciate ligament lesions. This training would
180°/s, but revealed a correlation with a lack of help to limit the stresses during rotation of the knee, and
extensibility. should be associated with endurance exercises in order
In a study of a group of 20 females between the ages to support articular stresses which increase with
of 15 and 36 years, composed of 12 control subjects and tiredness.
eight subjects with a clinical femoropatellar syndrome, In a clinical study of anterior cruciate lesions, Kan-
MacIntyre and Wessel looked for a significant modifica- nus3 looked for an anomaly of the ham-
tion in the hamstring/quadriceps ratio. Each subject string/quadriceps ratio in 41 subjects and established a
was tested with a Kin Corn isokinetic dynamometer dur- correlation between the measurements of strength and a
ing concentric and eccentric contraction at an angular standardized clinical assessment. He did not find any
velocity of 2OO0/s. The results did not significant difference in the agonist/antagonist ratio bet-
demonstrate any significant modification in the ham- ween healthy and injured knees, considering a ratio of
string/quadriceps ratio for either concentric or eccentric 50% to 80% as a normal absolute value. However, he

27 3
P. Calmels and P. Minaire

found that the subjects with the lowest score on the evaluations, despite the difficulties at high velocities, ap-
Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale used for the clinical assess- pear to be ideal.
ment demonstrated a difference in the agonist/an-
tagonist ratio between the healthy side and the injured
side greater than 15%. According to this author, the
value of the contralateral ratio therefore constitutes the
parameter most closely correlated to the reduction in Practical applications in rehabilitation
functional signs. We believe that this agonist/antagonist ratio, which is
We conducted a study of the muscular deficit after im- now easier to measure and more reliable as a result of
mobilization for leg fractures in a population of 10 sub- isokinetic studies, may be useful in rehabilitation. When
jects presenting functional signs of knee instability after this ratio is taken into account:
an average of 4 - 5 months of rehabilitation after the in-
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 12/06/14

itial accident.') We observed the persistence of a deficit (1) It provides an indicator of the agonist/an-
in the peak torque if the quadriceps and hamstrings on tagonist muscle groups of a joint, bearing in
the injured side, but a significant increase in the hamstr- mind that it appears to be specific for each in-
inglquadriceps ratio on the injured side compared to dividual and each joint.9
the healthy side. These results suggested independent (2) It establishes an index of dynamic muscular ac-
modifications in muscular strength between the two tivity; depending on its variation at different
muscle groups, even away from the lesion and despite velocities of movement, it can demonstrate the
intensive rehabilitation. Each of these muscle groups more static or more explosive nature of one of
possesses a functional specificity, either more static or the muscle groups and can consequently define
more dynamic, which is well analysed by the isokinetic the predominant histological composition of
slow or rapid fibres.52
For personal use only.

method. This study confirmed that the agonist/an-

tagonist ratio on the healthy side constitutes a good in- (3) It represents an individual reference, at least for
dicator for the agonistlantagonist muscle balance of an the lower limb. In comparison with the con-
injured joint. tralateral healthy limb it constitutes a measurable
Lentell et al.,* conducted a study in patients with parameter which can be used as a treatment ob-
chronic instability of the ankle, looking for muscular jective and to establish a rehabilitation
alterations in the injured ankle compared to the healthy programme. 3*4,54
contralateral ankle. In a population of 33 subjects, bet- In conclusion, although few studies have examined
ween the ages of 17 and 54 years, they analysed the this subject, measurement of the agonist/antagonist
isometric and isokinetic peak torque at 30°/s of the ratio appears to be very useful in the functional assess-
ankle invertors and evertors on both sides. They found ment of a joint. This index may be a good indicator of
no significant difference in muscular strength, regardless imbalance of joint mechanisms, and may allow a
of the angular velocity, between the two sides, but a pathophysiological approach to certain osteoarticular
slight difference in the evertor/invertor ratio. However, diseases. Although certain parameters have yet to be
55% of the subjects demonstrated an imbalance bet- defined, this ratio also constitutes a way of analysing
ween the injured side and the healthy side. As suggested certain post-traumatic or postoperative functional se-
by the authors, although it would be useful to confirm quelae for the purposes of rehabilitation.
the hypothesis of a muscular imbalance in this popula- New dynamometric tools for measuring concentric
tion of subjects presenting with chronic ankle instabili- and eccentric torques should enable us to more ac-
ty, a test performed at higher angular velocities, testing curately evaluate and associate, as required, muscular
the capacities of explosive response of the muscles, reinforcement, recovery of the range of joint
would appear to be more suitable for analysing a disease movements and sensorimotor restoration of a joint.
in which proprioception plays an important role.
These various studies demonstrate the value of
analysis of the agonist/antagonist ratio, as well as the
difficulties of this evaluation. Isokinetic analysis pro-
vides valuable information not only concerning the
This work was supported by The Center for Exercise Studies (GIP
muscular strength, but also concerning the functional Exercice) incorporating: University Jean Monnet, National Medical
specificity of a muscle based on analyses at different Research Institute (INSERM), Ministry of Sports and Education, University
velocities. Concentric and, more recently, eccentric Claude Bernard-Lyon I ,

ARonist/antagonist muscle pairs ratio

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