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2392 Vol. 46, No.

10 / 15 May 2021 / Optics Letters Letter

2.3 W monolithic fiber laser operating in the

Marie-Pier Lord,* Vincent Fortin, Frédéric Maes, Lauris Talbot, Martin Bernier,
AND Réal Vallée
Centre d’Optique, Photonique et Laser (COPL), Université Laval, Québec, Québec G1V 0A6, Canada
*Corresponding author: marie-pier.lord.1@ulaval.ca

Received 12 March 2021; revised 14 April 2021; accepted 16 April 2021; posted 21 April 2021 (Doc. ID 424765); published 6 May 2021

We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first monolithic In order to fully exploit the potential of high-power GaN
visible fiber laser pumped by a pigtailed diode. The robust pump diodes, which can now produce a 100 W near 445 nm,
cavity design proposed is based on a highly reflective fiber double-clad lanthanide-doped fibers were recently investigated.
Bragg grating spliced to a double-clad praseodymium- A first, to the best of our knowledge, demonstration based on
doped fiber. The laser signal generated at 635.5 nm is such fiber geometry was recently reported, yielding an output
single-mode, has a FWHM bandwidth of 0.16 nm, and power of 1 W at 635 nm from a double-clad Pr3+ -doped fiber
reaches a maximum cw output power of 2.3 W. This demon- [15]. In another very recent demonstration based on a double-
stration breaks ground for the development of reliable
clad Pr3+ fiber, a watt-level peak power was obtained in the
high-power visible fiber lasers. © 2021 Optical Society of
quasi-continuous wave (qcw) regime, although this system was
limited to 0.46 W in the continuous-wave (cw) regime because
https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.424765 of thermal issues [16].
Another crucial step towards the development of monolithic,
Lanthanide-doped fiber lasers stand among the most compact, and thus robust and reliable visible fiber lasers, is the develop-
rugged, and reliable high-brightness laser systems available [1]. ment of in-fiber reflective components. In 2011, Okamoto
Until recently, the development of such sources has been mostly et al. reported on an all-fiber laser cavity emitting at 521 nm
limited to the near- and mid-IR spectral regions, i.e., between through the splicing of a Pr3+ -doped fluoride fiber to a multi-
1 and 4 µm [2]. However, in the last few years, the advent of layer dielectric end-coated silica fiber [17]. However, fiber Bragg
gallium nitride (GaN) laser diodes and frequency doubled opti- gratings (FBG) admittedly constitute a much more convenient
cally pumped semiconductor lasers (2ω-OPSLs) have provided and versatile approach to spectrally selective in-fiber reflec-
a key technology for the development of efficient fiber lasers tion. Accordingly, Zeller et al. demonstrated early in 2003 a
operating in the visible [3]. Renewed interest has thus emerged Pr3+ /Yb3+ upconversion fiber laser tunable over 8 nm around
for the development of such sources, as they can fulfill appli- 603 nm thanks to a strained FBG inscribed in a germanosilicate
cations in numerous fields. On the one hand, visible lasers are fiber [18]. The FBGs were however butt-coupled to the active
highly in demand in the biomedical field for applications such fluoride fiber, which reduced the ruggedness of the setup. Since
as protein imaging [4], DNA sequencing [5], flow cytometry this early demonstration, significant improvements were made
[6], cosmetic microsurgery [7], and the treatment of eye diseases to develop hybrid splices between fluoride and silicate glass
such as diabetic retinopathy [8]. On the other hand, these laser fibers [19,20]. This is crucial for visible fiber lasers, as opposed to
sources can be used for free-space optical communications [9] their mid-IR counterparts, since FBGs can be first inscribed in
and for the cooling of atoms in fundamental metrology [10]. silicate glass fibers and then simply spliced to the active fluoride
Among the lanthanide ions that can be excited by blue glass fibers. It is important to emphasize that all cw visible fiber
laser radiation, the praseodymium trivalent ion (Pr3+ ) has lasers reported so far had their pump signals injected through
attracted the most attention, as it presents a strong absorption the use of free-space components and were thus not monolithic.
cross section around 442 nm and possesses several emission Actually, quasi-monolithic visible fiber lasers [i.e., involving
bands between 470 and 720 nm [11]. In 2013, Fujimoto et al. fiber-optic (FC) connectors] have been demonstrated in the
demonstrated watt-level multi-color visible laser emission past, but only for operation in the pulsed regime at low output
from a Pr3+ -doped fluoro-aluminate glass fiber pumped by powers [21,22].
two GaN single-mode laser diodes [12]. The active fiber was In this Letter, we report on a monolithic Pr3+ -doped fiber
then optimized to allow slightly higher pumping levels while laser using a second-order FBG. The laser generates 2.3 W of
maintaining single-mode emission [13,14]. This work led to power at 635.5 nm, the highest cw output power from a visible
the demonstration of the current record output power of 2 W at fiber laser reported to date. The laser signal is single-mode and
635 nm. has a FWHM bandwidth of less than 0.2 nm. Simulations show

0146-9592/21/102392-04 Journal © 2021 Optical Society of America

Letter Vol. 46, No. 10 / 15 May 2021 / Optics Letters 2393

Fig. 2. Picture of the fusion splice between the fluoride and the silica
Fig. 1. Experimental setup of the laser cavity. MM, multimode; fiber, denoted as S3 in Fig. 1.
HR-FBG, highly reflective fiber Bragg grating (R > 99 %); S1–S3,
fusion splice; RCPS, residual cladding pump stripper.
Table 1. Summary of the Losses in the Laser Cavity
that further power scaling to tens of watts is within reach based Origin Core Loss Clad Loss
on such rugged laser cavity design.
The schematic of the all-fiber laser is depicted in Fig. 1. Splice S1 N/A 2.5%
The cavity is made out of a 4-m-long Pr3+ -doped zirconium Splice S2 10% 2.5%
Splice S3 10% 5%
fluoride (ZrF4 ) fiber provided by Le Verre Fluoré (6000 ppm,
SiO2 5/125/180 µm 3 dB/m 0.02 dB/m
5.5/115 ∗ 125/180 µm, NAcore = 0.08, NAclad ∼ 0.57,
Pr3+ : ZrF4 0.2 dB/m 1.5 dB/m
λcutoff = 0.57 µm). A highly reflective FBG (HR-FBG) with
R > 99% is written in a home-built depressed-cladding pure
silica core fiber having a matching geometry (5/125 µm,
NAcore = 0.08), which is directly spliced to the active
Pr3+ : ZrF4 fiber (cf. Fig. 2). The FBG was written by fem-
tosecond inscription at 400 nm using the phase-mask technique
[23]. The phase-mask had a central period of 871.9 nm and
a chirp rate of 1.3 nm/cm, providing a second-order Bragg
reflection at 635.5 nm. The FBG was thermally annealed at
320◦ C for 5 min to eliminate photoinduced absorption losses
in the core. The fiber hosting the FBG had a pure silica core
to avoid the creation of germanium-related defects during the
FBG inscription [24]. On the distal end of the laser cavity,
Fig. 3. Emission properties of the active fiber. (a) Simplified energy
the Pr3+ : ZrF4 fiber was cleaved at a right angle to provide diagram of Pr3+ . (b) Output spectrum collected from 470 to 800 nm at
nearly 4% Fresnel reflection at the signal wavelength. A resid- the laser threshold.
ual cladding pump stripper (RCPS), made out of UV-cured
high-index polymer, was applied on 5 cm of uncoated fiber as
a mean to eliminate any residual pump power propagating in system of the splicer platform, is presented in Fig. 2. All of the
the cladding. At the front end, a 444 nm highly multimode stripped fiber sections (i.e., S1–S3 splices and HR-FBG) were
GaN diode (BWT K450FA5FG-20.00 W) delivers the pump recoated with a UV-cured low-index polymer and passively
signal through a standard multimode 105/125 µm (0.22 NA) cooled on a copper V-groove. The active fiber was also passively
silica fiber pigtail. The propagation losses of the pump signal cooled on an aluminum plate.
through the active double-clad fiber were found to be notably Figure 3(a) presents the energy levels of the Pr3+ ions in
high (≈1.5 dB/m), whereas the losses of the core are estimated fluoride glass alongside the main visible transitions. Due to
to be around 0.2 dB/m at the signal wavelength. As for the silica its high emission cross section around 635 nm, the transition
fiber hosting the FBG, it has low cladding losses (≈0.02 dB/m) P0 → 3 F2 is the most efficient in the visible [25]. Figure 3(b)
at the pump wavelength but significantly higher core propaga- shows the emission spectrum of the Pr3+ : ZrF4 laser cavity.
tion losses (≈3 dB/m) due to sensitive curvature losses resulting The data was collected with an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA)
from an unoptimized depressed-cladding design. Such losses (Yokogawa AQ6373B) with a resolution of 0.2 nm. From laser
significantly reduce the effective reflectivity of the HR-FBG, threshold to maximum output power, the amplitude of the
although the segment of this fiber inside the cavity was kept as amplified spontaneous emission remains more than 35 dB
short as possible. Table 1 summarizes the different causes of loss below the amplitude of the laser signal at 635.5 nm.
in the cavity. The transmission spectra of the HR-FBG alongside the laser
The fusion splice between the fluoride and silica fibers, emission spectrum at maximum output power is presented
denoted as S3 in Fig. 1, is a critical component of the all-fiber in Fig. 4(a). The FWHM bandwidth of the laser spectrum is
design presented. It was performed with a fiber splicer (Vytran 0.16 nm. From the laser threshold to the maximum output,
GPX-3000), using the technique described in [19,20]. The the central wavelength of the laser signal shifts by less than
splice’s transmission was actively monitored with a single-mode 0.02 nm, which demonstrates the high stability provided by the
637 nm laser diode and was estimated at 90%. To avoid destabi- HR-FBG.
lizing the diode with the HR-FBG, the fusion splice was done on Figure 4(b) presents the laser output power with respect to
a separate segment, which justifies the additional splice denoted the injected pump power obtained experimentally alongside the
as S2 in Fig. 1. A picture of splice S3, taken with the imaging results obtained from numerical simulations. A pump-limited
2394 Vol. 46, No. 10 / 15 May 2021 / Optics Letters Letter

Fig. 6. Stability curve of the laser operating at 2.0 W.

Fig. 4. (a) Transmission spectra of the HR-FBG and normalized

laser spectrum at maximum output power. The resolution of the OSA pump power in the cavity. Accordingly, we define an effective
is 0.02 nm. (b) Laser output power at 635.5 nm with respect to the pumping wavelength, λeff , in Eq. (1) as the normalized spectral
injected pump power around 444 nm. first moment of the overlap integral between the emission spec-
trum of the pump diode, P (λ), and the absorption cross section
of the Pr3+ ions, σabs (λ):
λP (λ)σabs (λ)dλ
λeff = R . (1)
P (λ)σabs (λ)dλ

This effective pumping wavelength is plotted in Fig. 5(b)

as a function of the injected pump power. Note that this effec-
tive wavelength closely follows the actual peak wavelength of
the diode and is only shifted by 0.15 nm. The corresponding
absorption coefficient, shown alongside the pump wavelength
in Fig. 5(b), was calculated from the relation α = NPr σabs 0,
where NPr = 1.16 × 1020 cm−3 is the Pr3+ doping density in
the fiber core, σabs is the absorption cross section at the effective
Fig. 5. Relation between pump power, pump wavelength, and pump wavelength, and 0 is the power filling factor, given by the
absorption of Pr3+ ions. (a) Overlap between the normalized absorp- ratio between the areas of the core and the cladding of the active
tion spectrum of Pr3+ ions and the normalized spectrum of the pump fiber for a cladding pumping scheme. At low pump power, 34%
at 1 and 18 W. The resolution of the OSA is 1 nm. (b) Pump wave-
of the launched pump power is absorbed by Pr3+ ions, and this
length and absorption coefficient of Pr3+ ions as a function of the
launched pump power.
fraction lowers to 27% at maximum pump power. This decrease
of the absorption coefficient was taken into account in modeling
our fiber laser and actually appears to be responsible for the
maximum of 2.3 W is obtained for a launched pump power roll-over of the experimental data shown on Fig. 4(b).
of 18.3 W. At low power, the corresponding slope efficiency Figure 6 presents the stability curve of the laser operating
is 14% with respect to the launched pump power, whereas at 2.0 W for over 100 min. The RMS variation is below 2%,
the laser threshold is close to 0.5 W. Very good agreement was demonstrating the long-term stability of the laser cavity.
actually found between numerical and experimental results Although a record stable cw output power was obtained,
based on a spectroscopic data set reported by Olivier et al. [25]. our fiber laser is far from optimized due to the high losses
Considering the coefficients of loss and absorption in the laser summarized in Table 1. First, the design of the home-made
cavity [see Fig. 5(b) for the absorption coefficient], the laser depressed-cladding pure silica core fiber could be improved. In
efficiency with respect to the absorbed pump power is 41%. fact, low-loss single-mode pure silica fibers are already commer-
The roll-over behavior of the laser output power observed in cially available, but only in a standard single-cladding geometry.
Fig. 4(b) is related to the red shift of the pump diode’s emission Alternatively, the HR-FBG could be inscribed directly in
wavelength with increasing power (or driving current). Indeed, the fluoride gain fiber [26], which would avoid the use of the
the absorption cross section of Pr3+ ions, reaching its maximal depressed-cladding fiber and the corresponding splices (S2
value around 442 nm, has a narrow bandwidth (≈10 nm) and S3). Another major limitation of our setup arises from
that makes the excitation wavelength critical for blue-pumped the abnormal propagation losses of the 444 nm pump signal
Pr3+ -doped fiber lasers [11,15]. Figure 5(a) illustrates this through the cladding of the Pr3+ : ZrF4 fiber. We believe that
phenomenon by showing the overlap between the absorption the main loss mechanism in the fiber originates from scattering
spectrum of Pr3+ ions and the pump emission spectrum at resulting from inhomogeneities either within the glass itself or at
two powers of operation. It is worth mentioning that in this the cladding interfaces. Clearly, any improvements in the fiber
work, the problem of the red shift is exacerbated by the high fabrication process aimed at reducing the pump propagation
pump losses in the active fiber, as total absorption of the pump losses would result in a significant increase in laser efficiency.
power cannot be reached, regardless of the cavity length. In Accordingly, we have performed numerical simulations to
order to quantify the effect of the pump’s red shift, the emission illustrate the performances expected from an optimized design.
spectrum of the pump diode was measured as a function of the Figure 7 presents the simulated laser output power at
driving current and, by extension, as a function of the injected 635.5 nm as a function of the pump propagation losses. Three
Letter Vol. 46, No. 10 / 15 May 2021 / Optics Letters 2395

Funding. Fonds de Recherche du Québec–Nature et Technologies

(114616, CO25665); Canada Foundation for Innovation (5180); Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (CG112389,

Disclosures. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Data Availability. Data underlying the results presented in this paper are
not publicly available at this time but may be obtained from the authors upon
reasonable request.

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