13 - Stress Measures-Lesson3

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First Piola – Kirchoff Stress Tensor

• Consider a continuum B subjected to a deformation mapping χ

that results in the deformed configuration κ:

• df: force vector on an elementar area da with normal 𝐧 in the

deformed configuration;
• Suppose that the area element in the undeformed configuration
that corresponds to da is dA.

• The force df can be expressed in terms of a stress vector t times
the deformed area da as:

•𝐓𝐍 a stress vector over the area element dA with normal N

in the undeformed configuration such that it results in the same
total force:

Both stress vectors have the same direction but:
• the stress vector 𝐍 is measured per unit undeformed
• the stress vector 𝐧 is measured per unit deformed
As from Cauchy’s formula , where σ
is the Cauchy stress tensor,

• We introduce a stress tensor P called the first Piola –

Kirchoff stress tensor

• P : first Piola – Kirchoff stress tensor

• The first Piola – Kirchoff stress tensor is also defined

nominal stress tensor, or Lagrangian stress tensor, and
gives the current force per unit undeformed area.

• The tensor Cartesian component representation of P is given by:

• To derive the relation between first Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor

and the Cauchy stress tensor, it is important to recall the relation
between the area elements in the deformed and undeformed

• In general, the first Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor P is unsymmetric

even when the Cauchy stress tensor σ is symmetric.
Second Piola – Kirchoff Stress Tensor
• It is introduced as the stress tensor S associated with the
force d in the undeformed elemental area dA that
corresponds to the the force df on the deformed
elemental area da:

• The Second Piola – Kirchoff Stress tensor gives the transformed

current force per unit undeformed area.
• Similar to the condition , the force df on the
deformed elemental area da is related to the force d 𝓕 on the
undeformed elemental area dA:

• Similar to the condition , the force df on the
deformed elemental area da is related to the force d𝓕 on the
undeformed elemental area dA:

The second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor is related to the

first Piola – Kirchhoff stress tensor and Cauchy stress
tensor according to the equations:

• S is symmetric whenever σ is symmetric.
• Cartesian component representation of S is:

Psuedo stress vector

• The stress vector is associated with the second Piola –
Kirchoff stress tensor by:

• Consider a bar of cross‐sectional area A and length L.

• The initial configuration of the bar is such that its
longitudinal axis is along the axis. If the bar is
subjected to uniaxial tensile stress and deformation
that stretches the bar by an amount λ and rotates
it, without bending, by an angle θ, the deformation
mapping χ is given by:

• λ: stretch of the bar;
• μλ: volume change from undeformed configuration
to deformed configuration.

Determine the components of the first and second

Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensors.

• The components of the deformation gradient
tensor and its inverse are:

• Jacobian: J = λμ
• μ is the ratio of deformed to undeformed cross‐
sectional area.
• Unit vector normal to the undeformed cross‐
sectional area:

• Unit vector normal to the cross‐sectional area of

the deformed configuration is:

• The Cauchy stress tensor is:

while the associated stress vector is:

• The components of the Cauchy stress tensor are:

• The components of the first Piola – Kirchoff stress
tensor are:

• The first Piola – Kirchoff stress tensor and the
associated stress vector are:

• The components of the second Piola – Kirchoff
stress tensor are:

• The second Piola – Kirchoff stress tensor and the

associated stress vector are:

Equations of equilibrium
• Consider the stresses and body forces on an infinitesimal
parallelepiped element of a material body.

( ) dimensions of the stresses acting on an

infinitesimal parallelepiped element along coordinate lines
(𝑥 , 𝑥 , 𝑥 ).

• By Newton’s second law of motion, the sum of forces in 
the  ‐ direction will be zero if the body is in 
• The sum of all forces in the  ‐ direction is:

• Dividing throughout by :

• Newton’s second law of motion 𝑥 ‐ and 𝑥 ‐ directions:

• In index notation

• Invariant form

• Newton’s second law of motion simmetry of the stress tensor

Moments  21
• Consider the moment of all forces acting on the parallelepiped
about the 𝑥 ‐ axis:

• Dividing throughout by 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥 and taking the limit 𝑑𝑥 →

0 and 𝑑𝑥 → 0:

• For moments about the 𝑥 ‐ and 𝑥 ‐ axis:

• In terms of index notation:

• Given the following state of stress in a
kinematically infinitesimal deformation:

Determine the body force components for which the

stress field describes a state of static equilibrium.

• The body force components are:

• The body is in static equilibrium for the body force components:

• Determine whether the following stress field in a
kinematically infinitesimal deformation satisfies the
equations of equilibrium:

Stress field is in equilibrium in the absence of any body forces.


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