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Women and Training -1-

Exercise and training in women.

Part I. Influence of gender on exercise and training responses


Roy J. Shephard


Faculty of Physical Education & Health


Dept. of Public Health Sciences,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.

Correspondence to: Professor Roy J. Shephard,

PO Box 521, 41390 Dryden Rd., Brackendale, BC V0N 1H0.

Phone: 604-898-5527 Fax: 604-898-5724 E-mail:

Women and Training -2-


Exercise and training responses in women are briefly reviewed. Part I of the paper considers the

influence of gender on such responses. The average woman has a smaller inherent aerobic power and

less muscular strength than a man. Such gender differences reflect not only socio-cultural influences, but

also differences in physical size, body composition and hormonal milieu. Nevertheless, physical abilities

show a wide range of normality in both sexes, and the best-trained women can out-perform sedentary

men. The handicap of the average woman is offset in part by a lighter body mass, and a tendency to

metabolize fat rather than carbohydrate during exercise. The pattern of training response is generally

similar in women and men, although a lack of anabolic hormones may limit increase of muscle bulk in

the female. A low initial level of fitness, may enhance the scope for training in some women, but it also

limits the intensity of conditioning that is tolerated. Nevertheless, women seem less vulnerable than men

to both exercise-induced sudden death and overtraining. Part II of the review considers the influence of

the menstrual cycle upon exercise and training responses, and exercise responses during pregnancy.

Physical activity programmes for young women should always take account of possible pregnancy.

Potential dangers to the foetus include an excessive rise of core body temperature, a decrease of maternal

blood sugar, and foetal hypoxia. Nevertheless, regular moderate exercise generally has a favourable

impact upon pregnancy outcomes.

La réponse des femmes à l’exercise et le conditionnement physique est passée brièvement en revue. La

première partie de cette critique examine l’influence de sexe sur ces réponses. La puissance aerobie et la

force musculaire d’une femme typique semblent plus faible que les valeurs comparable d’un homme, non

seulement à cause des influences socio-culturelles, mais aussi par conséquent de quelques différences de

grandeur, composition corporelle, et milieu humorale. Néanmoins, l’écart de normalité est important

pour chaque sexe, et les femmes bien conditionnées peuvent atteindre un niveau de performance

dépassant cela d’un homme sédentaire. Le désavantage feminin est normalement atténué par un poids

corporel léger et une tendance de remplacer le métabolisme de hydrate de carbone par les lipids pendant

l’activité physique de longue durée. La réponse à l’entrainement physique semble comparable entres les

hommes et les femmes, sauf qu’une manque des anabolisants peut limiter la synthèse de protéine chez la

femme. Un niveau bas de conditionnement physique peut augmenter la possibilité d’entrainement de

quelques femmes, tout en reduisant l’intensité d’effort tolérée. Cependant, les femmes généralement

semblent moins suceptibles aux catastrophes cardiaques et quelques autres problêmes de surentrainement.

La deuxième partie de cette revue examine l’influence des règles et d’une grossesse sur les réponses à

l’activité physique et l’entrainement. La programmation d’entrainement doivent toujours considérer la

possibilité d’une grossesse parmi les femmes jeunes. Les dangers prinicipales comprisent une élévation

excessive de la température corporelle, une hypoglycémie maternelle, et une hypoxie foetale.

Cependant, la pratique d’une activité physique modérée normalement peut influencer l’aboutissement

d’une grossesse d’un façon bénéfique.

Key Words/Mots-Clés

Sex differences Différences sexuales

Socio-cultural issues Facteurs socio-culturelles

Biological differences Différences biologiques

Physical activity L’activité physique

Conditioning Conditionnement physique

Menstruation Menstruation

Pregnancy Grossesse

Employment standards Mesures d’employabilité

Women and Training -4-


Current knowledge of the physiological and biochemical responses to exercise and training is

based largely on responses of young adult males. Given the ever-increasing involvement of

women in both sport and active occupational roles, there is an urgent need to evaluate the extent

of gender differences in exercise and training responses. In particular, clear recommendations

are needed to guide training at various stages of pregnancy. The first part of the present review

notes key issues to be considered when comparing exercise and training responses between

women and men. It also summarizes the nature of the more important and better established

gender differences in exercise and training responses, pointing out some practical implications

for exercise testing, athletic performance, the setting of employment standards, the prescription

of a physical training regimen, and motivation to continued physical activity. The second part of

the review considers the influence of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy on exercise and training


Issues in comparing exercise and training responses in men and women.

The existence and magnitude of inherent physiological and biochemical differences between

males and females are extremely controversial and emotionally charged issues, with important

practical implications, particularly when setting employment standards in traditional male


Social and cultural influences. Some investigators have argued that much if not all of the

commonly described gender differences in body composition, physiological characteristics,

athletic and occupational performance reflect parallel gender differences in opportunities to

practice and encouragement to pursue physical activity and sport from an early age ( Fasting and

Tangen , 1980; Ferris, 1980; Harris, 1980; Graydon, 1987). Those espousing this viewpoint draw

attention to the shrinking gap between male and female records in many types of athletic

competition (Wells, 1985). They further suggest that the currently popular range of athletic

events favours male dominance, and they argue that the time may not be too distant when

women will outperform men in a number of types of competition. For example, a tendency to

metabolize fat rather than carbohydrates gives women a significant advantage in the latter stages

of both ultra-long distance races and sustained military operations (Speechly et al., 1996;

Tarnopolsky, 1999). In one comparison, the running speed over a 90 km distance was 171

m/min in women and 155 m/min in men (Speechly et al., 1996). Certainly, it is important to

recognize that in many types of sporting activities the best trained females out-perform all but

the best trained males, and their performance greatly exceeds that of sedentary or moderately-

trained males. Equally, in physically demanding occupations, a very well-trained woman may

have a functional capacity that matches or exceeds that of her male peers.

Fundamental gender differences in physical characteristics. Realists point to fundamental

gender differences in body form and dimensions, with their almost body inevitable impact upon

physical performance.

The typical female carries a substantially greater burden of fat than her male counterpart.

This offers a significant disadvantage when performing most types of physical activity except

long distance swimming (a situation where the additional body fat increases buoyancy and

protects the individual against an excessive rate of cooling). Part of the greater fat content of the

female could reflect lesser opportunities for physical activity, and indeed a fair part of the

usually anticipated gender difference in fat storage disappears in response to prolonged

involvement in endurance running (Wilmore et al. , 1977). Nevertheless, there are residual

differences in the amount and distribution of stored fat even between top female and male

international-class athletes. Moreover, perhaps as a safeguard against the metabolic demands of

a potential pregnancy, reserves of body fat seem more resistant to the metabolic demands of

exercise in women than in men (Murray et al. , 1986; Hardman et al. , 1992; Cortright, 1999;

Westerterp, 1999), so that it is more difficult to correct obesity in women than in men.
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Size is another important gender-linked difference. Women are, on average, some 0.1 m

shorter than men, and this difference has a substantial impact upon a variety of physical abilities.

For example, an individual’s peak muscle force is approximately proportional to the third power

of her or his stature, so that a woman who is 0.1 metres shorter than her male counterpart

inevitably tends to a 20% disadvantage in peak strength. In many practical industrial tasks such

as the lifting of heavy objects, the female handicap of inherently weaker musculature is

compounded by a low centre of gravity of the body and less leverage than in a typical man.

Problems of interpreting mean data. Occupational standards of functional capacity have

commonly been based on the respective mean values for men and women. However, a focus on

average gender differences in body dimensions and resulting physical abilities ignores the large

within-sex differences in these same characteristics. Thus, in practice the weakest males at any

given age are not as strong as the strongest women, and well-trained female athletes often

resemble sedentary or even athletic males more closely than their female peers.

If indeed it is important to exclude individuals with inadequate physical or physiological

characteristics from a certain type of employment on grounds of poor job performance or safety,

considerations of equity demand that such exclusions be based on an objective testing of the

individual rather than on physiologic norms which reflect often out-dated group averages. Some

progress has been made in the development of performance-related field tests that can assess

aptitude for various physically-demanding occupations, but unfortunately many of the currently

available procedures still lack the reliability and validity needed to make an appropriate

classification of individual workers (Shephard, 1990).

Methods of data standardization. Lack of agreement on appropriate methods of standardizing

data in order to allow for size effects is a problem when discussing gender differences in

exercise response.

Men are generally some 0.1 m taller and 15-20 kg heavier than women. However, there

is little consensus whether data such as maximal oxygen intake and peak muscle forces should be

expressed in absolute terms, per unit of height2, per height3, per kg of body mass, or per kg of

lean mass (Drinkwater, 1984). In many industrial tasks, much of the total work must be

performed external to the individual. The demand is based on absolute rather than relative

criteria. Classification of functional capacity must then be based on absolute strength and

absolute aerobic power. The choice of such units inevitably places shorter subjects at a

disadvantage, and indeed some exponents of employment equity have criticized absolute

performance criteria on this basis. However, in many athletic events, the main physical task is to

displace body mass, and in these circumstances, data are best related to total body mass. Such

relative values still place women at a disadvantage relative to men, since a higher proportion of

the total body mass is fat rather than active muscle in female subjects. One author has

questioned whether even the expression of aerobic power per kg of lean mass would allow

adequate gender matching, because of the influence of other intervening gender-related

differences such as haemoglobin level (Drinkwater , 1984). In the case of muscular performance,

many measurements examine torque (the product of muscle force and the length of the lever

arm) rather than force per se, so that limb length also becomes as important a determinant of

score as the local muscle bulk.

Despite the difficulties in initial matching of sexes for fitness, such matching is an

important preliminary step when comparing exercise responses and assessing the relative

effectiveness of training programmes in men and women. For example, it is well known that a

person's level of fitness influences the rate of sweat production at any given core temperature,

and thus the tolerance of exercise in a hot environment. Thus, if we wish to examine whether

exercising women sweat more than their male peers, the two subject groups must be matched for

their initial level of fitness, and exercised at a comparable fraction of their respective maximal

oxygen intakes. Likewise, a person’s initial physical fitness is the prime determinant of response

to an aerobic training regimen (Shephard, 1968) . Some authors have chosen to equate the

training status of their subjects on the basis of maximal oxygen intake per kg of body mass.
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However, both in sedentary adults and in well-trained international athletes, the average aerobic

power is some 20% less in women than in men (Shephard, 2000a). Thus, those who adopt this

tactic tend to compare the responses of fit women with those of unfit men.

Another possible option is to examine the “best” athletes of each sex, but this comparison

is again somewhat biased, since current female competitors are generally drawn from a smaller

pool of interested individuals than are their male peers. At the other extreme, we can compare

individuals of both sexes who are currently sedentary, but again it remains arguable that women

are at a disadvantage because socio-cultural factors have restricted their leisure physical activity

from an early age, making them more sedentary than sedentary men. Other options are to

compare individuals who are undertaking an equivalent weekly volume of training (Costill et al.,

1979; Sparling, 1980), or to match subjects using a combination of physical activity history and

measurements of aerobic power (Cureton, 1981). In terms of aerobic power, the best approach at

present seems to match subjects per kg of lean mass (Drinkwater , 1984; Tarnopolsky, 1999). But

plainly we will not have a definitive answer to questions regarding the extent of biological

differences in physical abilities between women and men until lifetime opportunities for physical

activity have been equalized for the general population of both sexes.

Gender-related morphological differences and their consequences

Cardiac and skeletal musculature. With the specific exception of the sex organs, girls and

boys show only minor differences in physical characteristics through to the age of puberty. The

hormonal differentiation of puberty causes a substantial increase of body fat in females, whereas

in males the dominant change is an increase in muscle bulk.

At maturity, androgen secretion induces the development of a substantially larger muscle

mass and greater cardiac dimensions in the male than in the female, even after allowance for

gender differences in average stature. Early investigators suggested that there were no consistent

sex differences in the relative proportions of slow and fast twitch muscle fibres ( Costill et al.,

1976; Prince et al., 1977), but more recent reports have indicated that- particularly in the vastus

lateralis muscle- women have fewer type II fibres and a smaller type II/type I fibre area ratio

than men (Sale et al., 1987; Simoneau and Bouchard, 1989; Miller et al., 1993). The female

musculature is thus appropriate to prolonged rather than very intense physical activity. The

gender differences in muscle fibre type have other important implications for muscle function, as

discussed below.

Body fat content. Some of the accumulation of fat in the female is culturally imposed, and

indeed the percentage of body fat found in a “typical” woman has diminished as society has

sanctioned the adoption of a more active lifestyle. Nevertheless, because of phylogenetic

considerations related to the energy needs of pregnancy and lactation, the minimum quantity of

essential fat associated with good health is substantially larger in a woman than in a man

(probably 10-12% rather than 3% of body mass) (Katch et al. , 1980; Murray et al. , 1986; Wilmore

et al., 1992; Tarnopolsky, 1999).

Skeletal structures. The mature female has a smaller thorax, a larger abdomen, a broader and

shallower pelvis, shorter legs, and a lower relative centre of gravity than the male. The bones

are also smaller and lighter in structure (Komi, 1980), making them more vulnerable to fracture

(Jones et al., 1993; Ross and Woodward, 1994; Kelly and Bradway, 1997). The smaller

proportion of bone tissue reduces the average density of the lean body compartment (a key

figure in the simple, two-compartment hydrostatic determination of body fat).

The morphometric differences seen between the average male and the average female

have a number of biomechanical consequences. The broader hips and a marginally lower centre

of gravity tend to give greater stability to the female, facilitating activities that require balance

(especially gymnastic performance); on the other hand, they reduce a woman’s ability to lift

objects and handicap performance in athletic events such as high-jumping. Women's shoulders

tend to be narrower than those of men, with a greater slope, and the upper arms hang less

vertically. However, the concept of an increased carrying angle at the elbows, and resulting

problems in throwing has been challenged as a poorly documented fallacy ( Beals, 1976). Any
Women and Training -10-

gender differences in throwing ability are attributable rather to a combination of less practice of

the requisite skills, a shorter lever arm and lesser arm strength in the typical female. A greater

angulation of the lower limbs, with an inward slope of the thighs toward the knees affects gait

patterns and the mechanical efficiency of movement, possibly increasing the woman's likelihood

of developing problems of patella tracking during running (Hunter-Griffin, 1988). The shorter

limb length of a woman also tends to limit stride frequency and thus peak running speeds

(Hoffman, 1972). Gender differences of joint angles and leverage affect scores in isometric tests

of muscle strength (Sale, 1999).

Estimating desirable body mass. Because current society places an excessive emphasis upon

the physical appearance of females, many women present for training with a suboptimal body

mass, and some participants in events that are judged partly on physical appearance (such as

gymnastics and figure skating) actively seek a suboptimal body mass. It is thus useful to

estimate the minimal desirable body mass of a female competitor. Katch and Katch ( Katch and

Katch , 1988) have suggested that this can be calculated as Mass (kg) = 1.11 (Height, m) x

(D/33.5)2, where D is the sum (in cm) of twelve diameters (biacromial, chest, bi-iliac,

bitrochanteric, R + L knees, R + L ankles, R + L elbows, and R + L wrists).

Gender-related differences in physiological responses to exercise

The commonly encountered gender differences in physiological responses to exercise stem

partly from culturally imposed differences in habitual physical activity and underlying

morphological differences, as discussed above. Nevertheless, there are also some inherent

physiological differences in the exercise responses of the two sexes, particularly during adult


Maximal aerobic power. Prior to puberty, gender-related differences in maximal oxygen

intake are small (Shephard, 1981), and seem attributable almost entirely to socio-cultural factors.

The gender discrepancy in aerobic power widens at puberty. Given that absolute values for

cardiac volume, blood volume and peak oxygen transport are all power functions of body size

(Von Döbeln, 1966; Shephard et al. , 1980), the greater height of the average man could account for

at least 30% of his ultimate advantage in aerobic power. A second important factor is a gender

difference in blood haemoglobin concentration (typically 13.8 g/dL in a woman, but 15.6 g/dL

in a man). The lower haemoglobin levels of the female apparently arise from a combination of

menstruation-related iron losses (Scott and Pritchard , 1967), lower blood levels of androgenic

steroids and in some cases deliberate dietary restriction. For every litre of blood that is pumped

by the heart, a typical man can carry to the working tissues a 13% greater quantity of oxygen

than a female subject. Finally, because the skeletal muscles of a woman are smaller than those

of a man, they tend to contract at a larger fraction of their maximal voluntary force; thus, at any

given absolute work rate the vascular impedance limiting cardiac ejection is greater in the female

than in the male (Kay and Shephard , 1969), with a corresponding limitation of peak cardiac output.

The absolute aerobic power as measured on a treadmill or cycle ergometer is commonly

at least 30-40% smaller in a woman than in a man of similar age, although differences decrease

after the female menopause. Gender differences in peak oxygen transport during aerobic arm

exercise are of at least a similar order (Shephard et al., 1988); indeed, because the gender

difference in muscle strength is greater for the arms than for the legs, men tend to have a larger

advantage of peak oxygen intake when exercise involves primarily the upper limbs.

During many types of athletic activity, the substantial physiological disadvantage of the

average woman is offset by a lighter body mass. She thus performs a smaller total amount of

mechanical work than a man when competing in any event that involves a displacement of body

mass. If maximal oxygen intake values are expressed per kg of body mass, the gender

discrepancy narrows to less than 20% in young adults. Nevertheless, claims that the residual

discrepancy reflects no more than socially conditioned differences in habitual physical activity

seem unwarranted. If statistics are examined for highly trained young endurance athletes, the
Women and Training -12-

highest reported values are 94 for a male competitor, but only 77 for

the best female athlete, a discrepancy of some 18 percent (Drinkwater , 1984) .

Peak oxygen transport is closely related to muscle mass, and gender differences in

aerobic power are smallest if data are expressed per kg of lean tissue mass (Cureton, 1981;

Drinkwater , 1984). Such a calculation eliminates the penalty associated with the larger fraction of

essential body fat in a woman. If data for aerobic power are expressed per kg of lean tissue, the

gap between young men and women may be as small as 5% (Cureton, 1981). However, the

practical significance of oxygen transport per kg of lean mass is unclear, whether the observer is

evaluating athletic or industrial performance. The performance of external work and weight-

supported tasks demands a certain level of absolute aerobic power, and tasks where body weight

must be displaced require a specific oxygen transport per kg of total body mass. Thus,

depending on the type of activity to be performed, the aerobic power of male and female

subjects is best compared either in absolute units or per kg of total body mass.

By the normal age of retirement, the difference in hormonal milieu between the sexes has

greatly narrowed, and perhaps for this reason there is little difference of relative aerobic power

between typical representatives of the two sexes at this stage of life (Shephard, 1994).

A further issue influencing the relative performance of men and women is the

mechanical efficiency of movement. There have been suggestions that the economy of running

and cycling is 4-7% poorer in women than in men (Dengel et al., 1989; Daniels and Daniels,

1992; Miura et al., 1997). However, in this area, the socio-cultural argument remains strong.

Mechanical efficiency can be improved by practice, and it remains unclear how far any current

gender discrepancy reflects differences in technical skill rather than biomechanical constraints

imposed by differences in limb length and leverage.

Anaerobic power and capacity. The anaerobic power of a subject determines the ability to

undertake short sprints and jumping movements. It reflects mainly the magnitude of local stores

of phosphagen in the active muscles, and the potential to mobilize these reserves of energy

quickly. Because women are less muscular than men (they have only about 70% of the fibre

area for both fast and slow twitch muscle fibres), a substantial disadvantage of anaerobic power

might be envisaged in women, even if the phosphagen stores per unit volume of muscle were

independent of gender.

Tests of absolute muscle power such as the work performed during a brief bout of all-out

cycle ergometry (the Wingate test) and peak lactate readings both suggest that the average

woman attains only 68-73% of male values for anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity ( Karlsson

and Jacobs, 1980). However, because the gender difference in body mass is of a similar

magnitude, much if not all of the apparent female disadvantage disappears in anaerobic tasks that

are performed against body mass (for example, jumping, or the Margaria staircase sprint) ( Wells,

1985; Haymes, 1988).

The intensity of endurance effort where a significant accumulation of lactate begins (the

ventilatory threshold) apparently corresponds to a similar fraction of maximal oxygen intake in

women as in men (Berg and Keul, 1980). The peak blood lactate concentrations reached during

all-out effort reflect the ratio of muscle mass to plasma volume. Partly for this reason, women

usually reach peak lactate values that are some 20% lower than in men (Karlsson et al. , 1980);

nevertheless, the discrepancy is much smaller in well-trained athletes, suggesting that socio-

cultural differences may also be involved(Berg et al. , 1980). The repayment of “oxygen deficit”

following a period of vigorous exercise is also smaller in women than in men ( Shephard et al.,

1989), although this difference disappears if values are expressed per kg of body mass.

Muscle strength and endurance. The absolute muscle strength of a woman is typically only

60% of values seen in men (Nordgren, 1972; Wilmore, 1974; Komi, 1980; Wells, 1985; Heyward

et al., 1986). The main source of this gender difference seems the smaller size of the individual

muscle fibres in women, although females may also develop a smaller peak force per unit cross-

section of muscle, perhaps because a given cross-section contains greater proportions of

Women and Training -14-

intramuscular fat (Maughan et al., 1984; Kanehisa et al., 1994; Kanehisa et al., 1996) and

connective tissue (Miller et al., 1993) than in a man.

Gender-related differences in strength become much smaller if values are expressed per

kg of total body mass, and they are further reduced if data are expressed per unit of lean body

mass. For some types of athletic performance, strength per unit of total body mass may be

relevant, but from the standpoint of occupation, absolute strength is usually the critical variable

(Sale, 1999).

Gender differences in strength are smaller for the legs than for the arms (Sale, 1999).

Female values come closest to the male level in the case of the hip flexors and extensors, and the

discrepancies are larger for the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, and forearms ( Wilmore,

1974). Peak values for leg extension and quadriceps force become almost independent of

gender when expressed per kg of body mass (Komi, 1980). Although women are able to increase

their muscle strength by training (below), they show little of the increase in muscle bulk

characteristic of male subjects who have engaged in a similar training regimen ( Brown and

Wilmore , 1974; Oyster, 1979).

Perhaps the most striking gender difference in muscle characteristics is in the time

required to develop peak force. Largely because of a lower absolute strength, a woman takes

longer than a man to reach a given absolute muscle force (Häkkinen, 1993; Behm and Sale,

1994). Opinions still differ on the rates of development of relative force in men and women,

although a slower rate might be anticipated in females because they generally have a smaller

proportion of type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibres. In one study, women took almost twice as long

as men to reach 70% of their peak force (Komi, 1980), but other investigators have reported a

similar or even a more rapid development of relative force in women (Morris et al., 1983; Bell

and Jacobs, 1986; Häkkinen, 1993).

For reasons that are not yet completely understood, the gender difference in muscle

strength is smaller for eccentric and larger for concentric contractions (Seger and Thorstensson,

1994). Women seem to store elastic energy in the stretched muscles more readily than men

(Aura and Komi, 1986).

Absolute muscular endurance is greater in men than in women, but women can match or

exceed men in their ability to sustain contractions at a given proportion of their maximal force

(Maughan et al., 1986; West et al., 1995).

Coordination and motor performance. It is generally accepted that women have greater

flexibility (FitnessCanada. , 1983) and better fine motor skills than men, although once again the

possible contribution of cultural factors has been raised. For example, the female advantage in

fine motor skills may result from differences in play patterns which are imposed from early

childhood (Greendorfer and Brundage , 1987). Other factors potentially contributing to better

coordination in the female are a lower centre of gravity and a shorter average limb length.

Reaction times of the female are generally similar to those of male peers, but because of

shorter limb lengths and less powerful muscles, movement times are substantially slower in

women than in men (Wright and Shephard , 1978; Yandell and Spirduso, 1981). Since task

performance depends on a combination of reaction time and movement time, women tend to

respond more slowly to such tasks as the braking of a motor vehicle.

Metabolic function. Women have a lower resting metabolic rate than men, reflecting sex

differences in overall body size and composition (Westerterp, 1999). Women also seem better

able to match their total energy expenditures to food intake, preserving body composition in the

face of an energy deficit.

On the other hand, women seem unable to boost intramuscular stores of glycogen as men

do (Tarnopolsky et al., 1995; Ruby, 1999; Tarnopolsky, 1999), although this may be partly

because they fail to optimize their patterns of carbohydrate intake (Tanaka et al., 1995). One

recent study noted that if men and women were each given appropriate carbohydrate or

carbohydrate-protein supplements following glycogen depletion, the rate of glycogen resynthesis

was similar in the two sexes (Tarnopolsky et al., 1997).

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Inability to boost glycogen stores might be a handicap when performing prolonged

endurance activity, but in practice any disadvantage of the women is offset by a greater tendency

to metabolize lipids (Tarnopolsky et al., 1997). Thus, women tend to show a lower respiratory

gas exchange ratio at any given relative intensity of submaximal exercise (Jansson, 1986;

Tarnopolsky et al., 1990; Tarnopolsky et al., 1995), although there have been suggestions that

these differences disappear if the intensity of exercise is high (Froberg and Pedersen, 1984), or

the subjects are well-trained (Costill et al., 1979; Friedmann and Kindermann, 1989). The

reliance of women upon lipids leads to a sparing of available carbohydrate stores as a bout of

physical activity continues (Nygaard, 1986; Tarnopolsky et al., 1990). During two hours of

exercise at 40% of aerobic power, the respective fractions of total energy derived from fat were

51% in women and 44% in men (Horton et al., 1998). Experimental studies in male rats have

shown that the administration of oestradiol increases muscle lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity,

while reducing LPL activity in adipose tissue; thus, plasma triacylglycerol-derived fatty acids

are distributed towards working muscle (Ellis et al., 1994), with a sparing of glycogen and an

increase in endurance performance (Kendrick and Ellis, 1991; Rooney et al., 1993). Likewise, if

oestradiol is administered to amenorrhoeic females, there is a decrease of gluconeogenesis

during moderate intensity exercise (Ruby et al., 1997). Women catabolize less protein than men

when they are exercising, but nevertheless they may be at a greater risk of developing a negative

nitrogen balance because of a poor total energy intake (Phillips, 1999).

Women appear to be more susceptible than men to the lipid mobilizing action of

caffeine. This drug acts by antagonizing adenosine receptors. It is as yet unclear whether

women have more adenosine receptors on their adipocytes, or whether these receptors are more

critical in inhibiting the process of lipolysis in women (Graham and McLean, 1999).

Hormonal differences. The most obvious gender difference is in the secretion of sex

hormones. As already noted, oestrogens have a substantial influence on patterns of metabolic

activity, both at rest and during exercise. They are thought to encourage subcutaneous fat

deposition (Tarnopolsky and Cortright, 1999), and to modify appetite either by a direct action on

the satiety centres in the brain or by modifying levels of circulating fat. Oestrogens also

stimulate insulin production, increasing liver glycogen stores, decreasing hepatic

gluconeogenesis, improving glucose tolerance (Costrini and Kalkhoff, 1971; Matute and

Kalkhoff, 1973), and augmenting catecholamine-stimulated lipolysis in fat cells (Hansen et al.,


In contrast, progesterone stimulates fat accumulation, also by modifying the action of

adipocyte lipases (Kim and Kalkhoff, 1975).

There is also some evidence of gender differences in cortisol secretion in response to

heavy exercise. One investigation found that following a marathon run, cortisol levels were

increased in male but not in female runners (Keizer et al., 1989).

Androgens have a marked anabolic action, and are important to the increase of muscle

bulk during training. They increase the synthesis and decrease the breakdown of protein; muscle

cells, in particular, carry a substantial number of androgen receptors (Kanaley et al., 1992).

Androgens also decrease adiposity (Hervey and Hutchinson, 1973), stimulating the production of

growth hormone, and thus insulin-dependent growth factor-1 (Blizzard et al., 1989). Male

testosterone secretion depends on an adequate energy intake, and as with oestrogens and

progesterone in women, secretion can drop if heavy training induces a negative energy balance

(Prior, 1992). However, given an adequate diet, both endurance (Keizer et al., 1989) and

resistance (Häkkinen et al., 1988) training augment basal testosterone levels.

During exercise, catecholamine levels tend to rise to higher levels in men than in women,

perhaps in part because men have a greater muscle efferent activity (Sanchez et al., 1980), and in

part because the typical male at present pursues many sports in a more competitive spirit. It is

also possible that oestrogens exert a suppressant action on catecholamine production (Ettinger,

1999). Since catecholamine secretion is one factor that can precipitate sudden death during

exercise, this has implications for the safety of sport, physical activity and heavy industrial work;
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women seem much less vulnerable to exercise-induced sudden death than are men (Romo,

1972). Plasma glycerol levels during exercise remain similar in men and women, suggesting

that women may be more sensitive to the lipolytic action of catecholamines (Horton et al.,


Gender differences in thyroid hormone secretion may contribute to differences in muscle

fibre type distribution between the two sexes (Larsson and Yu, 1997). Females also have higher

plasma leptin concentrations than males, even when data are matched for body fat content;

moreover, leptin levels fall with endurance training in women, but not in men (Hickey et al.,


Finally, the mononuclear cell secretion of the inflammation-promoting cytokine

interleukin-1 is greater in women than in men (Lynch et al., 1994). These observations need to

be interpreted in the light of the trend for less oxidative stress and exercise-induced muscle

damage in women (below).

Immunological factors Excessive physical effort can lead to a temporary suppression of

immune function, with a corresponding increase in the risk of upper respiratory infections. To

the extent that women perform any given task at a larger fraction of aerobic power or peak

isometric strength than men, they may be more vulnerable to adverse immune responses. On the

other hand, there have been suggestions that one factor contributing to the exercise-induced

suppression of immune function is a depletion of carbohydrate reserves, with subsequent

metabolism of the branch-chained amino acids which are important to leucocyte function. Thus,

a lesser tendency to carbohydrate and protein metabolism may protect the female immune

system during periods of very prolonged activity.

Empirical data on this important issue are as yet very limited. Some find no gender-

related differences in immune responses to exercise (Barriga et al., 1993), but others point to

discrepancies between the sexes (DeLanne et al., 1960; Röcker et al., 1978; Schouten et al.,

1988; Ferry et al., 1994). Further information is urgently awaited.


Responses to environmental stress. The tolerance of extremes of heat and cold has

importance in the context of both sport and certain types of industrial work. A number of

investigators have compared male and female responses to extremes of environmental

temperature. Suggestions that women have a higher thermal set-point (Shapiro et al., 1980)

have been clouded by differences of initial fitness between male and female subjects, which in

themselves influence heat tolerance. If indeed women have a higher skin temperature, as would

be the case with a higher set-point, this might protect them against heat gain from the

surrounding environment under very hot conditions.

Because they have a greater thickness of subcutaneous fat, women have some advantage

over men in activities that involve severe cold exposure, such as distance swimming ( Pugh et al. ,

1960; Wyndham et al. , 1964) or exercise under cold and wet conditions. However, the female

advantage is less than might at first appear, since women also have a larger surface area/body

mass ratio (Kollias et al. , 1974), and a lower peak rate of heat production (Graham, 1983).

Moreover, the body derives some of its insulation in a cold environment from poorly perfused

muscle rather than from superficial fat, and in this respect the male has an advantage over the

female (Sloan and Keatinge , 1973). Women apparently seem less able than men to generate heat

through non-shivering thermogenic mechanisms such as the catecholamine-stimulated

breakdown of depot fat (Shephard, 1993); possibly, this helps to conserve fat reserves for the

needs of reproduction and lactation, as discussed above. Women thus begin to shiver at a higher

core temperature than men (Cunningham et al. , 1978), and this can have an adverse effect on their

performance of skilled motor tasks in a cold environment.

Many of the gender-related differences which have been noted in the cold operate in the

opposite sense during exposure to hot and humid conditions. The greater surface area/body mass

ratio gives the woman an advantage over a man in a hot environment (except as noted below,

under conditions where heat is being gained from the environment). Nevertheless, the rise of

core temperature may still be greater in a woman than in a man during what is generally the
Women and Training -20-

critical occupational criterion, the ability to perform a given absolute quantity of work, since the

extent of body heating depends on the relative intensity of exercise (expressed as a percentage of

maximal aerobic power).

There is a substantial interaction between an individual’s level of aerobic fitness and his

or her tolerance of a hot environment. Unfortunately, most of the available studies have had

difficulties in matching men and women for aerobic fitness, and until effective matching has

been achieved, it seems premature to discuss gender-related differences in the rate of sweat

production or other indices of heat tolerance. Some recent studies suggest that at any given

fraction of an individual's aerobic power, the severity of heat stress is rather similar for men and

for women (Avellini et al., 1980; Wells, 1980).

In desert conditions, where the environment is hotter than skin temperature, the woman is

at a disadvantage; she gains more heat than a man for a given exposure because she has a

larger relative body surface area. If male subjects exercise at a higher absolute rate than females

under hot and dry conditions, they tend to produce more sweat than the women ( Horstman and

Christensen , 1982). However, sweating is more efficient in the female, because a larger

proportion of the secreted sweat is evaporated (Avellini et al., 1980). Moreover, training and/or

acclimation increase sweat production in women as in men, and indeed if the two sexes are

matched in terms of aerobic power, the advantage of men in hot, dry conditions does not seem to

persist once heat acclimation has been completed (Frye and Kamon, 1981).

Training responses.

There is as yet only limited information on the adaptive responses of women to a training

programme. In most cases, the magnitude of the immediate response seems to be independent of

gender (Wells, 1991; Plowman and Smith, 1997), but the time course and limits of trainability of

women remain unclear. Gender-related difference in training response could arise because of

biological factors, differences in initial level of fitness and patterns of training, and differences

in attitudes towards training.


Biological factors. Specific issues affecting the training of women include dimensional

constraints, the ability to induce muscle hypertrophy despite low levels of androgens, the greater

stability of depot fat in females, and possible gender-differences in the risks of overtraining.

Cardiac dimensions and blood volumes tend to vary as the third power of body size, thus

limiting the ability of women to match the aerobic power of men despite vigorous training. This

constraint is compounded by a low haemoglobin concentration (due to the combined effects of

menstrual blood loss and low levels of anabolic steroids).

Despite androgen levels that are much lower than in men, studies of elite athletes suggest

that the female cardiovascular system responds to endurance training in the same qualitative

fashion as a male subject. A well-designed conditioning programme yields substantial increases

in aerobic power, oxygen pulse, peak ventilatory volume and submaximal work performance

(Drinkwater, 1984). The typical gain in aerobic power (7 to 37%) covers a similar range to the

response seen in men, varying with the individual’s initial level of fitness (Knowlton et al.,

1978). Indeed, when men and women train together, the percentage change in aerobic power is

identical for the two sexes (Eddy et al., 1977), although because they usually begin from a

lower initial level, the absolute gain tends to be smaller in the women. There are also increases

of left ventricular cavity size and left ventricular mass in women as in men (Pollak et al., 1987;

Douglas et al., 1988; Douglas and O'Toole, 1992; Pellicia et al., 1996). Suggestions that women

increase their stroke volume without augmenting their maximal arterio-venous oxygen

difference are incorrect, and have been traced to the adoption of lower relative intensities of

training in the studies concerned (Cunningham et al., 1979). As in men, women show a close

correlation between development of their aerobic power and an increase in the number of

capillaries per muscle fibre (Saltin et al., 1977). Aerobic training also increases the mechanical

efficiency of running much as it does in male subjects (Pate et al., 1987). However, one study

found larger decreases of body mass and smaller increments of maximal respiratory volume in

women than in men (Burke, 1977).

Women and Training -22-

Aerobic training should apparently be prescribed at a similar relative intensity in women

as in men. In both sexes, the usual choice for the training of the average individual is at or

below the lactate threshold, which lies in the range 72-88% of aerobic power for cycling and 80-

85% of aerobic power in running (Kohrt et al., 1989; O'Toole et al., 1989).

Despite gender differences in initial skeletal muscle strength, some reports have

suggested that women and men respond to resistance training by similar gains in strength and

muscle cross-sectional area (Wilmore, 1974; Weltman et al., 1978; Cureton et al., 1988; Tesch,

1992). Others have inferred from cross-sectional comparisons that men can induce hypertrophy

more easily than women, with the male subjects placing a particular emphasis on the

development of type II, fast twitch fibres; in women, in contrast, the two fibre types show a

similar degree of hypertrophy (Alway et al., 1989; Bell and Jacobs, 1990). High intensity

training also increases the extent of intracellular lipid deposits more in men than in women

(Howald et al., 1985).

There have been fewer studies of metabolic adaptations to training in women than in

men; however, increases of in vitro catecholamine-stimulated adipose cell lipolysis (Mauriege et

al., 1997) and lactate concentration at any given intensity of effort (Friedmann et al., 1989)

suggest that glycogen-sparing adaptations occur in women much as in men. However, in at least

one study, the women showed a decrease in RER, whereas the men did not; this could imply that

adaptations are greater in the women than in men (Friedlander et al., 1998), although in this

particular investigation the women also showed a much larger gain in aerobic power than the

men. Another possible gender difference in training response is in the pattern of sympathetic

nervous system adaptation; whereas highly trained men show a greater capacity for epinephrine

secretion than their untrained peers at a given work rate (Kjaer and Galbo, 1988), the women

studied by Friedlander and associates showed no difference in epinephrine levels and

significantly reduced norepinephrine levels following a period of training (Friedlander et al.,


Heavy training decreases gonadotropin-releasing hormone pulsatility in women (Rogol et

al., 1992). Resistance training also lowers serum cortisol in men but not in women (Staron et

al., 1994). The resulting increase in the testosterone/cortisol ratio may favour anabolism in the

male (Häkkinen et al., 1988). Little is known about the relative rates of training-induced protein

synthesis in women and in men; because of the action of androgens, faster synthesis might be

anticipated in men, but on the other hand females seem better able to protect themselves against

the muscle wasting associated with aging (Nuutila et al., 1995) and trauma (Yang and Birkhahn,


Training patterns. The average woman tends to have a lower initial level of fitness than her

male counterpart, increasing scope for a training response, but also influencing the intensity of

training that can be tolerated in the early stages of conditioning. More athletic women often

follow similar training patterns to men, and there is usually little difference of “tapering”

patterns between male and female competitors (O'Toole, 2000). Training volumes (distance x

pace) tend to be smaller in women than in men (Sparling et al., 1987). Despite this difference,

and usually the attainment of a lower peak aerobic power by the women, endurance performance

often shows little gender difference. This may be in part because there is a training ceiling,

beyond which additional conditioning is of little benefit (Speechly et al., 1996; O'Toole, 2000).

In one recent study, women had better perceptions of their primary school physical

education programme than did the men (Trudeau et al., 1999), and those women who had

received a daily physical education programme as a child were more likely than their male peers

to exceed the activity level of their peers (Trudeau et al., 1998); however, a positive effect of

daily physical education on adult abstinence from cigarettes was seen only in men (Trudeau et

al., 1999). Evaluation of responses to an employee fitness programme also showed a reduction

of cigarette addiction in the men but not in the women (Shephard et al., 1982). The reasons

governing participation in conditioning programmes commonly differ between men and women

(Sidney et al., 1983; Godin and Shephard, 1990). Men are often attracted by competition, fast
Women and Training -24-

movement and even physical danger, whereas women are more inclined to view a training

programme as a source of social contact, a means of improving physical appearance, and in

older individuals of improving health (Sidney et al., 1983).

Safety of heavy exercise and training. The risk of cardiovascular emergencies increases with

intensity of effort, being exacerbated by excitement and aging. However, as discussed above,

the risk of sudden, exercise-induced death seems much lower in women than in men (Romo,

1972). Possible reasons for this include a lesser tendency to atherosclerosis in women, a lesser

tendency to continue exercising in the face of extreme fatigue, a lesser secretion of

catecholamines, and possible specific antagonistic effects of oestrogens on catecholamines (see


In both men and women, the risk of musculo-skeletal injury is much greater than the risk

of a cardiovascular emergency. Musculo-skeletal problems arise simply from the volume of

training. Despite weaker muscles and bones, difficulties seem less prevalent in women than in

men, perhaps in part because they are less liable to undertake an excessive volume of training,

and in part because oestrogens possess anti-oxidant and membrane stabilizing properties (Tiidus,

1995; Clarkson and Sayer, 1999). In consequence, both skeletal and cardiac muscle are less

susceptible to injury in women than in men (Subbiah et al., 1993; Tiidus, 1995; Clarkson et al.,

1999; Tiidus, 1999). Because of a weaker bone structure, the risk of stress fractures is also

greater in women than in men (Kelly et al., 1997).

(Part II of this review describes the influence of the menstrual cycle and of pregnancy on the

responses to exercise and training. It also lists references. It will appear in the next issue of the

Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology)

Exercise and training in women.
Part II. Influence of menstrual cycle and of pregnancy
on exercise responses


Roy J. Shephard


Faculty of Physical Education & Health


Dept. of Public Health Sciences,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.

Correspondence to: Professor Roy J. Shephard,

PO Box 521, 41390 Dryden Rd., Brackendale, BC V0N 1H0.

Phone: 604-898-5527 Fax: 604-898-5724 E-mail:

Women and Training -26-

This part of the review considers the impact of the menstrual cycle and of pregnancy

upon exercise performance, together with the implications of continued, regular exercise for the

developing fetus. Specific issues that are covered changes in physical performance over the

menstrual cycle, the impact of training on the menstrual cycle, a need for awareness of potential

pregnancy, alterations in fitness, performance, circulatory, respiratory and metabolic function

during pregnancy, potential hazards to the fetus from hyperthermia and hypoxia, a recommended

physical activity programme for the pregnant woman, and the impact of continued exercise upon

pregnancy outcomes.

Physical performance and menstruation

The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is associated with a substantial increase in resting

body temperature (about 0.5oC). This inevitably reduces the safe margin for heat accumulation

when working in a hot environment. However, it seems to have remarkably little impact upon

physiological responses to submaximal exercise, even when such activity is performed in the

heat (Horvath and Drinkwater , 1982). The extent of any impact of menstrual cycle phase upon

athletic performance is still vigorously debated (Nicklas et al., 1989; Dibrezzo et al., 1991;

Lebrun et al., 1995).

The ovarian hormones have a major effect upon substrate utilization. The influence of

oestradiol was discussed in Part I of this review. High blood levels of progesterone that develop

during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle lower circulating levels of free fatty acids,

influencing the RER and decreasing the ability to sustain blood glucose (Bonen et al., 1983;

Lavoie, 1986; Hackney et al., 1994).

There is an associated increase in the ventilatory response to a given intensity of exercise

during the luteal phase, with implications for such measures as the “talk-test” of training

intensity; however, the increase in ventilation does not appear to influence the overall maximal

oxygen intake (Schoene et al., 1981). It remains possible that a larger fraction of the oxygen

intake is consumed by the chest muscles during the luteal phase, leaving less oxygen available

for the muscles that are performing external work.

Water retention during the pre-menstrual phase of the cycle may lead to a small increase

of body mass; in theory, this would cause a small increase in the oxygen cost of activities that

involve a displacement of body mass. Intra-ocular pressure may also rise during the pre-

menstrual phase, and this could be sufficient to impair activities requiring a high level of visual

acuity (Dalton and Williams , 1976). Possible treatments such as fluid restriction and the

administration of diuretics or small doses of progesterone during the latter part of the menstrual

cycle need to be adopted cautiously, with competent medical advice and a full awareness of

potential risks. Simple reaction times are unaffected by premenstrual changes, but one report

has noted a small decrease in hand steadiness (Zimmerman and Parlee , 1973).

A number of athletes manipulate the timing of menstruation to avoid its coincidence with

major competition, but many others maintain a full schedule of training and competition through

all phases of the menstrual cycle. A heavy menstrual flow may sometimes impose practical

problems of personal hygiene for a day or so, but there is now a strong consensus that physical

performance shows remarkably little change over the course of a normal menstrual cycle. The

performance of events requiring strength may even show a small improvement during the

premenstrual phase, although at this stage there may be a minor deterioration in the performance

of activities requiring intense concentration or cooperation with other players. It is plainly

impossible to conduct double-blind observations on physical performance over the menstrual

cycle, and it is thus unclear how far any reported changes are a psychological response to

socially conditioned expectations rather than a consequence of underlying physiological and

biochemical phenomena.

Impact of training on menstrual function

Women and Training -28-

A number of reports have suggested that moderate exercise is helpful in relieving

dysmenorrhoea, possibly by altering the balance of prostaglandins (Anderson, 1979) or improving

overall mood state.

Participation in gymnastics, figure skating and prolonged endurance events is frequently

associated with delayed menarche. The affected individual is often dissatisfied with her current

body image. In such instances, the intake of food energy is inadequate relative to metabolic

needs, and the percentage of body fat is very low (Frisch et al. , 1980; Rippon et al., 1988).

However, many coaches deliberately select late maturers in activities that are judged by physical

appearance and favour the petite competitor (Malina et al. , 1978), and this is a further factor

contributing to a late average age of menarche among participants. In a few unfortunate

instances, "doping" procedures may even have been used to delay normal maturation in top

Olympic contestants.

The onset of irregular menstruation and the development of a temporary amenorrhoea are

common concomitants of heavy training, particularly when such training is associated with the

psychological stress of intense competition, and development of a negative energy or nitrogen

balance. It has been argued (Prior, 1992) that parallel events such as a suppression of sperm

production can be seen in male endurance competitors, and that the entire phenomenon is a

normal reproductive response to a relative shortage of food supply. Normal menstruation is

resumed when training is moderated or the intake of food is increased. A weakening of bone

structure is one possible negative consequence of exercise-induced menstrual disturbances.

Women who have never had regular menstrual cycles show, on average, an acute 17% deficit of

bone density relative to their normally menstruating peers. It has yet to be determined how

readily a normal bone density can be restored once such individuals halt intensive training

(Drinkwater et al. , 1990), and normal menstruation returns. Musculo-skeletal injuries are certainly

more common in athletes with disturbed menstruation, although it is hard to separate out the

mechanical effects of exposure to intense and prolonged training from the consequences of a

lesser secretion of oestrogens in the affected individuals.

If the menstrual cycle of a woman who is training becomes irregular, the physician

should first rule out causes other than exercise (including pregnancy!). If an exercise-induced

energy deficit is responsible, a normal menstrual cycle can usually be restored by a combination

of counselling, a 10% reduction of training volume, and an increase of food intake sufficient to

induce a modest (2 kg) increase of body mass. If anovulation or amenorrhoea persist for longer

than 3-6 months, medroxyprogesterone can be administered 14 days monthly, and calcium

intake should also be increased to the level recommended for menopausal women (1500


Awareness of potential pregnancy

Young women who are training on a regular basis may not recognize that they are

pregnant for several weeks, and as noted above, pregnancy can be confused with a training-

induced amenorrhoea. In view of the susceptibility of the foetus to injury in the early stages of

pregnancy, it is important that all training programmes for fertile women be compatible with a

safe pregnancy. Most authorities now agree that it is beneficial to continue moderate physical

activity throughout pregnancy, although in the later stages of gestation it is plainly advisable to

avoid contact sports and activities where there is a risk of falling and thus provoking an abortion.

Fitness, performance and pregnancy

As body mass increases during pregnancy, there is a progressive decrease of performance

capacity in all types of weight-bearing exercise, because more energy is required to move an

increased body mass (Artal et al., 1989) . Since the increase of weight is due to fat, placenta

and foetal tissue, the aerobic power per kg of body mass decreases progressively as pregnancy

advances. Changes in absolute aerobic power (expressed in l.min -1) are more variable (Clapp and

Capeless, 1990; Lotgering et al., 1991; Wolfe and Mottola, 1993). Much depends on

pregnancy-related changes in the individual’s patterns of habitual physical activity. Sedentary

Women and Training -30-

women may choose to become more active, or may increase their level of physical fitness simply

because they are carrying a greater total body mass (Webb et al., 1994). In contrast, very well-

conditioned women may decide to reduce their training schedules.

During pregnancy, the metabolic reserve available for exercise is diminished by (i) an

increase in resting heart rate, (ii) a blunting of the sympathetic system response to physical

activity (Bonen et al., 1992), with a decrease of maximal heart rate (Clapp, 1985), and (iii) an

increase in the rate of resting metabolism as pregnancy advances. The ventilatory threshold

remains unchanged (Wolfe et al., 1994; Lotgering et al., 1995), but several factors interact to

reduce the peak respiratory gas exchange ratio and peak lactate concentrations: a reduced ability

to metabolize carbohydrate, blunted liver glycogenolysis with a decrease in carbohydrate

availability, dilution of lactate in the expanded plasma volume, and foetal metabolism of lactate

(Clapp et al. , 1987; McMurray et al., 1988; Lotgering et al., 1991; Wolfe et al. , 1994) .

Circulatory changes during pregnancy

The circulatory changes associated with pregnancy include an increase of stroke volume

and cardiac output, both at rest and in submaximal exercise (Guzman and Caplan, 1970; Sady et

al., 1990; Pivarnik et al., 1991). The increase of blood volume may improve physical ability

during the first few months of pregnancy, although this advantage is later offset by a significant

increase of body mass. There is a dilatation of all four cardiac chambers, an increase in aortic

diameter, an enlargement of the venous capacity vessels, a dilatation of arteriolar resistance

vessels (Duvekot et al., 1993), a 40-50% increase of blood volume (Lund and Donovan, 1967)

and a 10-15 beat/min increase of heart rate during submaximal exercise (Clapp, 1985). This last

change can compromise heart-rate based predictions of aerobic fitness and training intensity. In

the late stages of pregnancy, the foetus may shift to a position where maternal venous return is

compromised, particularly if physical activity is performed while lying supine.

The endocrine effects of pregnancy often mask the enhancement of resting

parasympathetic activity that is induced by light training (Wolfe, 2000). However, reductions

of heart rate during submaximal exercise can still be demonstrated in response to more vigorous

training. The pregnancy-induced increase of blood volume and left ventricular mass may also be

enough to mask similar responses to moderate training.

Changes in respiratory function during pregnancy

Elevation of the diaphragm by the developing foetus reduces the residual lung volume,

expiratory reserve and total lung volume (Ratigan, 1983). These changes, together with the

effects of increased circulating progesterone, increase respiratory sensitivity (Wolfe et al.,

1998) . The resting respiratory minute volume is increased, from perhaps 6 l.min -1 to 9 l.min-1

(Moore et al., 1987), and the dyspnoea threshold is commonly reduced (Field et al., 1991).

Hyperventilation also augments arterial oxygen pressure at the expense of an excessive

elimination of carbon dioxide. The latter is compensated by an increased excretion of

bicarbonate (Hytten, 1968; Blechner, 1993). In the late stages of pregnancy, the increase of

body size and mass, plus a restriction of abdominal breathing make vigorous exercise quite


Metabolic changes during pregnancy

The foetus is dependent on glucose as its energy source, and it is thus important to ensure

that a heavy and sustained bout of maternal exercise does not induce hypoglycemia. There is

some evidence that (perhaps as a means of protecting the foetus from hypoglycemia) pregnancy

reduces the ability of the mother to metabolize carbohydrate (Clapp et al. , 1987). If so, this could

limit the ability of the mother to perform anaerobic activities during pregnancy. The pancreatic

secretion of insulin is augmented during pregnancy, and adiposity tends to increase during the

first trimester (Hollingsworth, 1985). Circulating placental hormones increase peripheral insulin

sensitivity, and this probably explains any increase in fat metabolism and sparing of

carbohydrate (Hollingsworth, 1985).

Moderate conditioning does not reverse the pregnancy-induced increase in body fat

stores (Greer and Wolfe, 1994). However, the usual metabolic effects of training (an increased
Women and Training -32-

fat utilization, with a reduced output of carbon dioxide and a decrease in respiratory quotient)

have been noted to persist in healthy pregnant women (Ohtake and Wolfe, 1998). The reduction

of carbon dioxide output tends to offset the respiratory hypersensitivity and low dyspnoea

threshold discussed above (Ohtake et al., 1998).

Thermal hazards to the foetus

Moderate physical activity has no adverse effect upon the foetus (Wolfe et al. , 1994).

However, there is some increase in the risk of teratogenic effects if exercise is pushed to a level

inducing significant hyperthermia (>38.9°C) during the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy

also reduces the thermal reserve, since the resting core body temperature is usually 0.5°C higher

than before pregnancy. The adverse consequences of an increased mass/surface area ratio, foetal

heat production and impaired circulation are countered by increased peripheral vasodilatation

and a reduction in the sweating threshold (Clapp, 1991). The thermal hazard of abnormal foetal

development has been shown directly in exercising animals, and a parallel risk has been inferred

in humans on the basis of adverse responses to the fevers induced by infectious diseases

(McKenzie , 1992).

Foetal hypoxia

Late in pregnancy, over-vigorous exercise may reduce placental perfusion, causing foetal

bradycardia. This is presumably a sign of temporary hypoxia, and the magnitude of the response

depends on the intensity of exercise that is performed (Lotgering et al., 1983) . Its impact upon

foetal development has yet to be decided (Carpenter et al. , 1988). Exercise-induced

haemoconcentration may compensate at least partially for any decrease of placental blood flow

during heavy physical activity (Lotgering et al. , 1984). Exercise also causes a compensatory

redistribution of blood flow from the uterine myometrium to the cotyledons, together with an

increase in foetal arterio-venous oxygen extraction (Wolfe et al. , 1994).

The exercise-induced slowing of foetal heart rate and respiratory rate conserve the

oxygen supply which is available to the foetus. The extent of hypoxic changes during vigorous

exercise is affected by gestational and maternal age and the muscle mass involved (Lotgering et

al., 1983) . The usual foetal reaction to maternal exercise is an increase in the baseline foetal

heart rate (Watson et al., 1991; Clapp et al., 1993), with a reduction in foetal heart rate reactivity

and breathing movements (Manders et al., 1997). Typically, a slowing of the foetal heart rate is

seen only with moderate to vigorous exercise, the incidence in light exercise being 10-15%.

Any bradycardia that does develop is transient, and is seen most clearly immediately following

the bout of activity (Carpenter et al. , 1988; Webb et al., 1994).

Recommended physical activity programme for pregnant women

During the early stages of pregnancy, light to moderate activity can be pursued safely,

provided a watch is kept for hyperthermia and hypoglycaemia. It may be necessary to change

the pattern of conditioning exercise in order to reduce the risk of falls (for example, cycle

ergometry becomes preferable to cycling on the street) and discomfort may be decreased if

uphill treadmill walking replaces running. Pregnancy is not an indication for embarking upon

intensive conditioning, and in general the quantity of exercise performed should not be increased

over previous levels during the first fourteen and the final twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Depending on the intensity of effort and resulting circulatory and thermal challenges, ordinary

pregnant women tolerate exercise sessions of up to 30 minutes duration, 4 times per week

(Brenner et al., 1991; Webb et al., 1994; Wolfe et al. , 1994; Ohtake et al., 1998), and tolerance is

probably greater in fitter individuals.

Swimming is a particularly suitable activity for the pregnant woman, given the support of

body mass and the easier control of core temperatures. As pregnancy advances, an increased

laxity of the mother’s ligaments may increase the risk of musculo-skeletal injuries (Berry et al. ,

1989). About a half of pregnant women elect to reduce their training schedules beyond the 28th

week of gestation. At this stage, it is often helpful to introduce weight-supported activities such

as swimming, aquabics and running in water (Leaf, 1989).

Women and Training -34-

The safety of any proposed activity programme is best assessed by use of the physical

activity readiness questionnaire for pregnancy (PAR MedX for pregnancy) developed jointly by

the Ontario Fitness Safety Standards Committee and the Canadian Society for Exercise

Physiology. Important contraindications to vigorous exercise include premature labour and/or

ruptured membranes, placental injury or dysfunction, an incompetent cervix, pregnancy induced

hypertension, pre-eclampsia or toxaemia, and intra-uterine growth retardation

(AmericanCollegeofObstetriciansandGynecologists, 1994;

CanadianSocietyforExercisePhysiology, 1996). Caution should be shown if there is a history of

spontaneous abortion or premature labour, and twin pregnancy also requires a more limited

schedule of physical activity. If maternal energy stores are initially low, care must be taken to

maintain energy balance (AmericanCollegeofObstetriciansandGynecologists, 1994;

CanadianSocietyforExercisePhysiology, 1996). Reasons to review activity patterns with a

physician include persistent uterine contractions, bleeding or loss of fluid from the vagina,

failure of normal foetal weight gain and signs suggestive of pre-eclampsia (swelling of the

extremities, headaches, dizziness, or disturbances of vision).

Because of the circulatory changes discussed above, the heart rate corresponding to the

target intensity of effort is reduced by 15-20 beats/min during pregnancy. It is thus helpful to

use ratings of perceived exertion in gauging an appropriate intensity of effort (Ohtake et al.,

1988; Pivarnik et al., 1991).

Effects of continued regular exercise on pregnancy outcomes

The effects of regular moderate exercise on the outcome of a pregnancy are in general

neutral or positive. It may speed the course of labour (Wong and McKenzie , 1987), and the long-

term condition of the mother is improved (Hall and Kaufmann, 1987).

The energy supply of the fetus is in general well protected against the added metabolic

demands of maternal exercise, although repeated bouts of very vigorous physical activity can

lead to some reduction of birth weight (Clapp and Dickstein , 1984). Prospective trials indicate no

significant effect of moderate conditioning on pregnancy outcomes (Wolfe, 2000). Small-scale

trials suggest favourable outcomes in women who continue to run or jog throughout pregnancy

(Zaharieva, 1972; Hutchinson et al., 1981; Lutter et al., 1984; Cohen et al., 1989). If more

strenuous exercise is pursued during pregnancy, birthweight may be increased (Hatch et al.,

1993), in part because of augmented placental growth (Clapp and Rizk, 1992). In contrast, very

strenuous exercise may reduce birthweight (Clapp et al. , 1984; Pivarnik, 1998); this seems due at

least in part to a reduction in foetal adiposity (Clapp et al., 1990).

The energy demands of regular exercise do not appear to impede lactation. Indeed,

cross-sectional comparisons suggest that relative to their sedentary peers, women who choose to

exercise regularly secrete larger volumes of milk with a higher energy content ( Lovelady et al. ,

1990). This benefit may reflect enhanced levels of serum prolactin, or a relief of post-partum

depression in the exercisers (Schelkun, 1991). Following delivery, body mass decreases by 5-7

kg, blood volume quickly returns to pre-pregnancy values (South-Paul et al., 1992), and with the

decrease in circulating levels of progesterone, respiratory sensitivity normalizes. Anaemia may

sometimes persist, and systemic vascular resistance, end-diastolic volume and stroke volume

remain elevated for up to 12 weeks (Capeless and Clapp, 1991).

Recumbent abdominal and pelvic floor exercises can be initiated soon after delivery,

along with deep breathing, static muscular contractions and light walking (FitnessOntario, 1983),

but intensive abdominal exercises should be deferred until abdominal muscle separation is

corrected. Individual tolerance provides the best guide to the progression of exercise. The

competitive performance of international athletes is sometimes enhanced following full recovery

from pregnancy. It has been suggested that the heavy circulatory demands of gestation offer the

equivalent of 9 months of rigorous conditioning (Klaus and Noack , 1971)!


More information is needed on gender differences in exercise and training responses, using well-

matched samples of men and women. Although some differences can be explained in terms of socio-
Women and Training -36-

cultural factors, there are also inherent biological factors (for instance, differences in physical size, body

composition and hormonal milieu) that give the average woman a smaller aerobic power and less

muscular strength than a man, even after rigorous training. Account must be taken of such differences in

setting occupational standards. Nevertheless, both sexes show a wide range of functional capacities, so

that the fittest women can out-perform many men both in sport and in physically demanding work. The

pattern of training response is generally similar in women and men; a lack of anabolic hormones may

limit the female response, but women also seem less vulnerable than men to both exercise-induced

sudden death and overtraining. Conditioning programmes for young women should take account of

possible pregnancy, with foetal hazards of an excessive rise in core body temperature, a decrease of

maternal blood sugar, and foetal hypoxia. However, regular moderate exercise appears to have a

favourable impact upon pregnancy outcomes.


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