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You use You lose

Drug abuse a drug is a substance which may have medicinal intoxicating performance
enhancing or other effects when taken or put into a human body or the body of another
animal and is not considered a food or exclusively a food i chose drugs that impact me a lot.
Its a sad fact that drugs are being abused among people not only in our country but also it
is practiced by others especially the teenagers in our generation maybe because the lack of
attention of parents to children or the friends were bad influence but i believe its not
excuse to be involved in such a situation like this prevention of drug abuse in schools. It is
the choice of an individual whether heshe will be influenced by or follow what others do to
make their lives miserable drug abuse is what i would consider a pretty severe problem we
have here in the Philippines.

There are many different types of drugs such as Marijuana, Cocaine, Ecstasy and Heroine to
just list a few these drugs are all fairly simple to produce teenage drug abuse teenagers use
drugs because they want to fit in no one wants to be the only one not participating no one
wants to be left out so sometimes they make bad decisions like taking drugs to cover-up
their insecurities because they want to escape or relax because they think it makes them
seem grown-up because they want to rebel sometimes people turn to drugs not so much
for themselves but to make a statement against someone else such as their families or
society in general.

Because they are curious adolescents are curious about having new experiences seeing
someone doing drugs makes them more curious to know how drugs will make them feel it
is important that kids are kept away from this type of environment because of the peer
pressure emotional pressure loneliness and depression raise emotional pressure and some
teens seek a chemical solution to this problem because they are bored often-bored-teen are
50 percent more likely than not often bored teens to smoke drink and use illegal drugs
teens who cant talk to their parents are more likely to feel isolated and use drugs. Because
they want attention ways to prevent drug abuse the reasons above should never be an
excuse to abuse ourselves while its practically impossible to prevent anyone and everyone
from using drugs there are things we can all do to avoid drug and alcohol abuse by sharing
this knowledge with those closest to you yourself may be able to prevent them from doing
drugs too good communication with all family members especially with our parents would
be one of the effective ways for us not to sort on taking drugs when it comes to dealing with
our problems.

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