Descriptive Writing Coursework Second Draft - Ayaan

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Name: Ayaan KHAN

Centre number: MY024

Candidate number: 2042

Title- Jungle Course

Insects chirped along with the birds; those coos and quick howls bounce off the lush,
dense jungle, which spans as far as the eye can see. The sun takes its time in rising
above the faint horizon line, radiating its heavy orange and red streaks across the
pale sky as it does so. Minutes become hours, the cooing and howling still managing
to be noticeably audible. Dew drops drip from the damp leaves and into the grass.
Fountains and water features sprout from their hidden state where they hibernated
for the duration of the night, spraying vertically then splashing down repeatedly in
sequence, distorting the reflection of the greenery above which cast their reflections
like shadows.

A troop of monkeys stroll by, their coats of fur in a shady ginger hue, each strand of
fur pointing out distinctly. If one observes closely, you will spot the Alpha monkey
lording over his underlings and eyeing the humans who have dared to disturb his
domain with mean disdain. They ravage through litter in a metal bin, their attitude
complimenting their looks. The scraps that their tiny hands get a hold on are not
satisfactory, with this defeat they then retreat back to the safety of the expansive

Carved out at the edge of 130 million old rain forest extending all the way from Kuala
Lumpur to Genting and beyond, Templer Park, the jungle course serves to soften the
abruptness of the forest meeting concrete civilization.
There is one peculiar aberration on this majestic landscape of trees, the “Bukit
Tekun”. It's absurd height and presence cannot be missed no matter how hard you
try. This limestone rock can be compared with a snow capped mountain, except the
polar opposite. Picture a snow capped mountain and then replace the terrain with a
pole rocky surface, full of glistening minerals, then replace the snow caps with grassy
shrubs and trees. Visually it looks like a head that has been raised from the ground,
with a fade for a haircut, except the hair is the greenery that this rock harbours.
During the times of torrential downpour, when rain makes landfall on this rock, the
rock has been stripped of its dignity and sheds its sticken tears onto the carpet of
evergreen below. The peak sometimes stirs up commotion with the clouds, slicing
them when they pass.
Bukit Takun is the grand old Gandalf who towers over this green heavenly refuge of a
myriad of fauna and flora just minutes away from the hustle and bustle of Kuala
Lumpur. The misty morning sunrises are mesmerising and invigorating. It's a time
when one wishes that the earth may slow down its rotation, so that the mind can
soak in the magic for just a bit longer. It makes you forget easily how awfully close the
concrete jungle of Kuala Lumpur is.

Standing at some of the tee boxes at the edge of the Jungle, pay attention and one
can hear the music of water forcing its way over the rocks lapping at the base of
majestic trees. These are the streams and waterfalls which have been nurturing this
green heaven for millions of years.

As the magic of the misty morning fades away with the sun starting to exert its
influence the monitor lizards start making their way across the course towards the
number of lakes and streams which lay scattered in the landscape.

A grove of palm trees groove to the passing of the midday breeze.

Eagles glide by, taking refuge in one of the aged single trees that are much older than
the course itself. It is every being for himself. The monkey doesn’t help his fellow
monkey nor does the eagle, who is perched up high and has the better side of life,
share his earnings. Look keenly and nestled amongst the fruit trees you will find
tropical colourful birds, with the sun rays dancing dazzlingly against their bright coats,
the kind which only nature can produce. Contrasting yet everything blends with ease
in the landscape.
Below the trees the wild fowls peck away with wanton amongst the shrubs for their
breakfast. Large beautiful butterflies dance from one flower to another.
A little ant scurries along, its six miniature legs hauling its 3 piece body. It too has its
fair share of the courses’ resources. Rich in minerals is the soil, which such critters
thrive on. This doesn’t stop the processes of nature from taking

Stop at the edge of a lake and one will be able to see schools of colourful fish
clamouring at the edge, waiting to be thrown some crumbs by the humans who now
escape everyday to this sanctuary to play golf.

As the day goes along, the shadow of Bukit Tekun, the Limestone rock guardian,
starts to reflect in one of the bigger lakes on the course.

The sky starts to turn various hues of red, fiery orange and other unnamed colours
adding to the mystic of the place. The palace starts to become awfully quiet as the
fauna quietly retreats back into the safety of the thick forest.

As the night approaches, an eerie blanket of calm engulfs Templer park, which is
sometimes only broken by a shrill call of a monkey or another animal in trouble.

It is the time which brings back the rumoured stories that these tranquil forests still
have the wandering souls of soldiers who lost their life in these parts during world
war II.

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