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The poem “A work of Artifice” is written by the American Poet Marge Piercy.

The poet analyzes various

themes in the poem including suppression of women and societal expectations during old times .In the
poem the poet comments on the role of women by using the metaphor of a bonsai tree. A bonsai tree
which could grow up to eighty feet tall is carefully whittled to a mere size nine inches to fit specific
aesthetic ideals. In the same way, women are conditioned by society to lead restricted lives. They are
made to believe that they are only meant for domestic and feminine roles.

The society is depicted by the metaphor of a gardener who stifles the growth of the bonsai (in this case
the metaphor for a women ) by pruning and confining the bonsai in an attractive pot under the pretext
of keeping it safe. The society expects the women to be grateful and feel indebted because the society
keeps them safe. The poet also addresses the notion of confinement and suppression of women. The
poet highlights at the beginning of the poem what could be the true potential of women and how they
are restricted from achieving it. The poet also mentions that a bonsai tree can only be destroyed when it
is struck by heavy lightning and thus we can conclude that she means to say that women are resilient
against difficult situations.

Women are made to believe that they are inferior to men from a very young age and that their self
worth depends on the approval of men in society. Through the use of belittling language the men in the
society are able to oppress women and croon their growth both physically and mentally. Women are
bound by the social customs which prevents them from flourishing and achieving their maximum

The poet also mentions that the aesthetic standards for women are continuously encouraged and
followed. The poet mentions the common belief in the society that women are desirable only when they
are delicate, pretty and domestic. Women are encouraged to spend their time to look attractive so that
they do not think about anything else like achieving their full potential.

Overall ,”A work of artifice conveys a subtle exploration of women’s roles and the impact of women’s
roles and the impact of social confinement .The poet encourages the readers to challenge and question
the constrains imposed by the society on women.

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