Celda de Fuel

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Ashok K.

Vijh Electrochemical Principles Involved

Hydro-Quebec Institute of Research
Varennes, P.Q., Canada
in a Fuel Cell

The electrochemical energy converter, e.g., a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell. In this fuel cell, the
popularly known as “fuel cell/’ is an interesting modern process that results in the production of electricity is
modification of the primary cell (e.g., Leclanche cell) exactly the converse of the electrolysis of water. In the
and it has had wide application in space exploration. electrolysis of water, we force the decomposition of
Fuel cells were an important source of auxiliary power water into hydrogen and oxygen by supplying electrical
in the Gemini and Apollo spacecrafts. The fuel cell energy to the system, i.e., by passage of current. Since
is also being studied very carefully for possible use for a electrolysis of water into gaseous hydrogen and oxygen
type of electric automobile to partially or possibly com- proceeds by a transfer of electrons from the OH- to the
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pletely replace the gasoline engine in order to minimize H+ to form H2 and 02 as the electric current is forced
air pollution and noise. through the solution, it is logical to assume that the
A fuel cell is thus related to the two major problems process, i.e., the combination of gaseous hydro-
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of today, namely, conquest of space and elimination of gen and oxygen should result in the reverse transfer of
air pollution. electrons. This is indeed observed. Hence the com-
The purpose of this article is to present an elementary bination of gaseous hydrogen and oxygen to produce
discussion of the electrochemical principles involved in water may also be carried out in an electrochemical cell
the operation of a fuel cell. and energy released may be tapped as the useful electri-
Importance of fuel cells, and the scientific and tech- cal energy. The device that accomplishes this is called
nological problems involved in it, may be indicated by a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell.
stating that the development of the fuel cell is one of In its simplest form (see the figure), it consists of a
the three major areas of energy research today, namely container holding a suitable electrolyte solution (e.g.,
Direct conversion of fuel to electrical energy (viz. fuel cell) sulfuric acid, potassium hydroxide) and two inert elec-
Direct conversion of solar energy to electrical energy trodes, the anode (A) and the cathode (C). Gaseous
Direct conversion of nuclear energy to atomic energy hydrogen is admitted at the anode and gaseous oxygen
is admitted at the cathode. On joining the anode and
Definition of a Fuel Cell cathode externally by means of a conducting wire, the
The term “fuel cell” usually refers to a family of current flows in the circuit, which may be made to do
devices used for generating electricity electrochemically. useful work, e.g., to light an electric bulb. The elec-
In this sense, a fuel cell is very similar to the conven- trochemical reactions involved at the two electrodes are
tional batteries. There are important differences, how- as follows
ever. Firstly, a fuel cell is similar to a primary battery Anode + H2 Anode + 2H+ + 2e~ (1)
in that it consumes the chemical substances fed into it. Cathode + V202 + H20 + 2e~ Cathode + 20H~ (2)
On the other hand, the fuel cell differs from a primary
H2 + V202 — H20 (3)
battery in that it is not discarded after the chemical
reactants put in it initially have been consumed. In- If we combine the cathodic and anodic half cell re-
stead, some more chemicals are fed into it to produce
more electricity and the process can be made continu-
ous. A fuel cell hence is a continuous-feed primary
battery which will, ideally, go on producing electricity
as long as suitable reactants are being fed into it. The
other major requirement is the continuous removal of 2e 2e
products (wastes) which are produced as a result of
electrochemical reactions within the fuel cells.
The similarity between a primary battery and a fuel
cell may be illustrated by comparing the Leclanche
cell with the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell: in the former,
the zinc provides the electrons for the outside circuit,
while in the latter it is the hydrogen gas (fuel); again,
in the former, the manganese dioxide accepts the elec-
trons from the outside circuit, whereas in the latter,
the oxygen gas is the electron acceptor.
Fuel Cells: Electrochemical Principles
To illustrate the electrochemical principles in- A diagramatic representation of reactions involved in a simple hydrogen-
volved in a fuel cell is to discuss the simplest example, oxygen fuel cell, after Gregory (7 6).

680 / Journal of Chemical Education

actions, we obtain the total fuel cell reaction, namely, from its reversible potential. In terms of fuel cell
reaction (3). This reaction is simply the combination terminology, this polarization amounts to a power loss.
of gaseous hydrogen and oxygen to produce water and In other words, in the absence of a good electrocatalyst,
is accompanied by release of electrical energy. The the fuel cell provides lesser amounts of useful power out-
anode and cathode in the fuel cell (Fig. 1) will assume, put since a part of the power is “wasted” on driving
as a result of reaction (3), a difference of potential de- reactions (1) and (2) at significant rates. The theoreti-
rived from the free energy change of the overall reaction cal aspects of polarization at the metal-solution inter-
(3). Both the intensity (reversible potential, 1E, in face and its relation to the rates of electrode reactions
volts V) and the quantity (faradays, F, or coulombs, have been discussed in previous recent articles (1, 2)
C) of the total cell output are contained in the molar and will not be dealt with here. Other elementary
free energy, AG, of the overall cell reaction (3). This (3, 4) or advanced accounts {5-8) of these matters are
may be represented as also available in the literature.
From the foregoing introduction and Figure 1, it is
AG =
-nFE =
-E X I X t =
VC (4) obvious that the four most important parts of a fuel cell
e.g., a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell, are as follows
Here, n is the number of electrons per molecule of the
anodic fuel (hydrogen is the present example; hence n Anodic electrocatalyst
is two) that is being oxidized and I is the average cur- Cathodic electrocatalyst
rent in amperes derived for t seconds. The total quan- Anodic fuel, e.g., for the electron producing reaction (1)
Cathodic fuel, e.g., for the electron consuming reaction (2)
tity of electricity (/ X t C) derived from such a fuel

cell (Fig. 1) is proportional to the weight of chemicals As regards the question of a good anodic electro-
consumed. One Faraday or 26.8 A-hr/g-equivalent catalyst, platinum and related metals are more or less
weight of the fuel is the electricity released assuming satisfactory. On grounds of high cost and limited
complete oxidation and absence of a variety of possible world supply, however, these metals must be excluded
power losses. The nature of some of these power losses as attractive electrocatalysts for fuel cells meant to
will be outlined in the following discussion. compete with other power sources (e.g., internal com-
It is important to note in above reactions (l)-(3) that bustion engines, hydroelectric power, etc.) for a variety
anode and cathode are not consumed in the respective of terrestrial uses. For very restricted uses (e.g.,
anodic oxidation (reaction (1)) and cathodic reduction supplying power to remote regions, military uses, etc.),
(reaction (2)), What, then, is the function of these fuel cells employing very small quantities of platinum
electrodes? The first and the most obvious function of metals are within the realm of commercial possibility.
these electrodes is that they act as source (anode) or The situation for the case of cathodic electrocatalysts
sink (cathode) of electrons in the electrochemical reac- is less encouraging. Even though platinum metals are
tions involved in the fuel cell. Since this function can one of the best available electrocatalysts for reduction
be performed by any good metallic conductor, it follows of oxygen (i.e., reaction (2)), the power losses are still
that several of the metals or graphite material should be excessive. Recently, it has been claimed that some
suitable as electrodes in the fuel cell. In actual prac-
phthalocyanines adsorbed on active charcoal and some
tice, it is observed, however, that among metals, plati- tungsten bronzes approach platinum in electrocatalytic
num and related metals like iridium, rhodium, etc.,
activity for reaction (2), i.e., reduction of oxygen gas to
are the only ones which act as suitable electrodes or as
hydroxyl ions. These claims have yet to be corrobo-
suitable coating of electrodes in the fuel cells since they rated under rigorous conditions of experimentation.
are needed as catalytic agents. The electrodes in a The best claimed cathodic electrocatalysts to date are
fuel cell, as in all electrochemical reactions, act not only far from being excellent since polarization (i.e., power
as sources or as sinks of electrons, but also as specific
loss) involved is still of appreciable magnitude. There
catalysts for the two electrode reactions. Platinum is is urgent need, therefore, for discovering a good ca-
a good anode catalyst for reaction (1) in a fuel cell, be-
thodic electrocatalyst before fuel cells could become eco-
cause it provides a path of low activation energy for
nomically competitive sources of power. It is also clear
reaction (1) to occur, and the rate of reaction will be that some cheaper anodic electrocatalysts approaching
higher in the presence of platinum than without it. If platinum metals in their activity would be very desir-
platinum is replaced by a noncatalytic metal, reaction able.
(1) would still occur; however, the activation energy for Regarding fuel for the anodic reaction (1), hydrogen
reaction (1) on a non-catalytic metal will be very high
gas is, of course, very attractive from the point of view
and the rate will be very low. Since heterogeneous of ease of electrochemical oxidation. Because of
catalysis in electrode reactions is accompanied by hazard and high cost (at site) involved in the use of
charge transfer at the metal-electrolyte interface (e.g., hydrogen gas, substitute sources of electrochemically
in reaction (1)), platinum, which has been chosen as an available hydrogen are being explored, e.g., methanol,
anodic catalyst in our example here, is called an electro-
hydrazine, hydrocarbons, etc. For example, the elec-
catalyst. An important requirement, therefore, for a trons released in the anodic reaction (1) could also be
suitable electrode in a fuel cell is that it behave as a
obtained, instead, by reactions of the type
good electrocatalyst for the particular electrode reaction
to be carried out on it. If one performs reaction (1), Anode + C2H2 + 4H20 -> 2C02 + 10H~ + lOe" (5)
for example, on a poor electrocatalyst, the charge trans-
fer in reaction (1) will assume significant rates only if it In other words, electrons may be released by oxida-
is driven by a high field at the metal-solution interface. tion of hydrogen-containing compounds. This ap-
Application of such a field results in electrode polariza- proach has achieved some success even though an ideal
tion, i.e., the applied field forces the electrode away fuel which meets all the scientific, technological, and

Volume 47, Number 10, October 1970 / 681

economic requirements for a commercially attractive possible fuel thus indicating that some fuel cells offer
fuel cell has yet to be found. the possibility of achieving simultaneously two impor-
The various requirements desired in a commercially tant goals, namely producing electricity and fighting
attractive anodic fuel, briefly enumerated, are: low water pollution. The role of these living organisms in
cost at the site of fuel consumption; ease of electro- the production of electricity may take one of the follow-
chemical oxidation; high energy density (i.e., available ing forms
electrons in a reaction of type (5) above) per unit weight
1) The bacteria may be used for breaking complex organic mat-
of the fuel; adequate world reserves; ease of handling ter contained, e.g., in sewage or cellulose into simpler organic
and transportation; lack of hazard and toxicity; chemi- molecules (e.g., hydrogen sulfide, methane) that show electro-
cal stability in a wide range of temperature, etc. It is chemical activity as anode fuels in conventional fuel cells.
believed that an ideal fuel cell would be a device which This type of bacterial decomposition is indeed frequently found in
accepts conventional fuels such as coal, crude oil, or 2) Some living organisms can convert complex organic wastes
gasoline as anodic fuels. These fuels, when oxidized into oxygen which may then be used at the cathode of a fuel cell.
directly, have very low electrochemical activity, how- This particular phenomenon will have only limited application,
ever. To circumvent this problem, these fuels are however, since oxygen is already easily and cheaply available from
the atmosphere.
sometimes first decomposed by a chemical-thermal
3) Enzymes produced by some bacteria may act as catalysts or
treatment in a “reformer,” to yield hydrogen or hydro- promotors for anodic oxidation of organic fuels.
gen containing low molecular weight hydrocarbons,
which are then fed to a fuel cell. This procedure is Until now, the biochemical fuel cells (9-11) are no-
called indirect oxidation of these fuels. This, however, where near the stage of commercial feasibility. The
is not an entirely satisfactory procedure since it raises possibilities, however, are enormous. For example,
the cost of energy production by fuel cells and intro- it has been suggested that biochemical fuel cells may
duces other problems, e.g., catalyst poisoning by traces provide the possibility of converting the entire Black
of CO present in the gases produced by the reformer Sea into a gigantic fuel cell. At the bottom of Black

(9-11). It may be mentioned here that a great deal of Sea, Disulfovibrio bacteria obtain oxygen from sulfates
electrochemical research effort has been devoted in re- in water and in the process create large amounts of hy-
cent years to the problem of elucidation of the mecha- drogen sulfide which can, of course, be used as an
nisms of anodic oxidation of organic compounds (12-15) anodic fuel. Sewage ponds in every community may
with a view to understanding the nature of interfacial be converted into huge fuel cells. These rather specu-
lative possibilities have already been demonstrated to
problems involved in the oxidation of fuels.
The final problem involved in a fuel cell is that of a be valid at the test tube level. At the present time, the
suitable cathodic fuel (reaction (2) in the foregoing commercial exploitation of biochemical fuel cells is
discussion) and the solution is rather straightforward prohibited by, among other factors, the rather low con-
for the case of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell. The oxygen centrations of the electroactive materials produced by
which is contained in air, after suitable purification, is the bacterial decomposition. Notwithstanding the
lack of present commercial feasibility of biochemical
quite acceptable as a cathodic fuel. This is the source fuel cells, the intellectual fascination of the problems
of oxygen in the present commercially used “air cell.”
In applications where storage space and weight of a fuel involved cannot be disputed.
are paramount considerations, pure oxygen in liquefied
form is to be preferred, e.g., in the space missions in the
USA. Acknowledgment
The author is indebted to the reviewer of this paper
Other Types of Fuel Cells for several suggestions for improvement of the manu-
The preceding discussion of fuel cells was centered
around hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell. However, there are
Literature Cited
several other types of fuel cells (9-11) which essentially
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(2) Parsons, R., J. Chem. Educ., 45, 390 (1968).
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Vol. 4.
(13) Gileadi, E., “Electrosorption,” Plenum Press, New York, 1966.
One such cell that has been studied for electrical auto use is (14) Vijh, A. K., and Conway, B. E., Chem. Rev., 67, 623 (1967); J. Phys.
the sodium (anode)-sulfur (cathode) cell; another that has re- Chem., 71, 3637, 3655 (1967).
(15) Conway, B. E., in “Progress in Reaction Kinetics,” (Editor: Porter,
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