Chapter 3 - Results and Discussion

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Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

This chapter shows the discussion of data gathered that includes tabulation and analysis

with the corresponding understanding of the respondents regarding the factors and challenges

that affect their clinical skills performances.

Respondents’ Profile

Table 1 presents the profile of the respondents according to their demographics in terms

of their age, sex, civil status, monthly family income, and RLE grade, including the category, the

corresponding number of respondents (f), and percentage equivalent (%) of each profile bracket.

Table 1
Profile of the Respondents
n = 191

Demographic Category Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

19-29 years old 191 100
Total 191 100
Male 34 18
Female 157 82
Total 191 100
Civil Status
Single 189 98
Single Parent 1 1
Married/Cohabitant 1 1
Total 191 100
Monthly Family Income
Less than Php9,100 45 24
Php 9,101 to Php 18,200 61 32
Php 18,201 to Php 36,400 59 31
Php 36,401 to Php 63,700 13 7
Php 63,701 to Php 109,200 10 5
Php 109,201 to Php 182,000 3 2
Total 191 100
Previous RLE Grade
94-96 6 3
91-93 43 23
89-90 55 29
86-88 61 32
83-85 22 12
80-82 4 2
77-79 0 0
75-76 0 0
Total 191 100

Age. It could be seen in the table that 100% of the respondents were composed of 19-29

years old. This finding shows that all the respondents are young adults and indicates that they are

only beginning to prepare themselves to become more mature and effective. According to


According to Advocates of Youth (2023), young adults understand relativism which mean the
truth can differ based on cultural and historical context as such their level of thinking is
influenced by various factors, ranging from social inequality to cultures of individualism. Hence,
young adults move into adult roles , may learn a trade, work and pursue higher education; fully
understand abstract concepts and be aware of consequences and personal limitations. Identify
career goals andprepare to achieve them.

Sex. As shown in the table, majority of the respondents, 157 (82%) are females and 34

(18%) constitute the males. This implies that most of the nursing students in the school are

females. This finding is supported by ________________________.

It could be seen in table that majority, 62 (89.9%) are females. This implies that most of NCII
caregiving graduates are female. This finding was supported by the Mutschler (2023) of Family
Caregiving Alliance as stated in their article, women provide the majority of informal care to
spouses, parents, parents-in-laws, friend and neighbors, and they play many roles while
caregiving- hands-on health provider, care manager, friend, companion, surrogate decision-
maker and advocate. Likewise, TESDA records show that a total of 7,813 Filipinos have
acquired their Caregiving NC II from January 1 to November 18 2021. 6,381 of them are female
and 1,432 are male (TESDA, 2021).

Civil Status.
Monthly Family Income.
RLE Grade.
Part II. Common Factors and Challenges Affecting the Clinical Skills Performance

The common factors and challenges affecting the clinical skills performance of the

students were discussed on the succeeding tables. This includes the corresponding descriptive

equivalent and interpretation of each factors and challenges.

The below Table 2 presents the twelve (12) factors affecting the clinical skills

performance of BSN 3 students of UCU.

Table 2
Common factors affecting the clinical skills performance
as perceived by the selected BSN students
n = 191

1. Unavailability of teaching and learning materials 3.54 PA MA
2. Ineffective of teaching methodology and experience 3.19 N N
3. Lack of supervision from instructors. 2.95 N N
4. Poor time management 3.48 PA MA
5. Lack of Sleep 4.07 PA MA
6. Students negative personality traits 3.34 N N
7. Unsupportive friends and family 2.91 N N
8. High family expectations 3.66 PA MA
9. Personal relationship problems (divorced parents, break-up) 2.87 N N
10. Ineffective student-Instructor relationship 2.97 N N
11. Limited hands-on practice to clinical area 3.69 PA MA
12. High number of students in a single group. 3.20 N N
Average Weighted Mean 3.32 N N
Weighted Mean (WM) Equivalent Response (ER) Interpretation (INT)
4.20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Major Affect (MA)
3.40 - 4.19 Partially Agree (PA) Moderately Affect (ModA)
2.60 -3.39 Neutral (N) Neutral (N)
1.80 - 2.59 Disagree (D) Minor Affect (MinA)
1.00 - 1.79 Strongly Disagree (SD) No Affect (NA)
It is observed that lack of sleep was rated the highest with 4.07 rating, followed by the

limited hands-on practice (3.69), high family expectation (3.66), unavailability of teaching and

learning materials (3.54), and poor time management (3.48). These five (5) factors signify

partial agreement and has major affect on the clinical skills performance of the students.

Further, Table 3 presents the twelve (12) perceived challenges affecting the clinical skills

performance of the BSN 3 students of the UCU.

Table 3
Perceived challenges affecting the clinical skills performance
as perceived by the selected BSN students
n = 191

1. Insufficient experience of nursing instructor 2.96 N N
2. Unsupportive learning environment 3.19 N N
3. Lack of access to direct experience 3.40 PA MA
4. Unsupportive friends and family. 2.88 N N
5. Personal relationship problems 3.26 N N
6. Stress or Burnout 4.08 PA MA
7. Lack of self-confidence 3.76 PA MA
8. Non-standard form of evaluation 3.16 N N
9. Stressful psycho-social environment 3.53 PA MA
10. Non-standardized caring principles 3.16 N N
11. Lack of Student-Instructor communication 3.18 N N
12. Too many students in a single group. 3.09 N N
Average Weighted Mean 3.30 N N
Weighted Mean (WM) Equivalent Response (ER) Interpretation (INT)
4.20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Major Affect (MA)
3.40 - 4.19 Partially Agree (PA) Moderately Affect (ModA)
2.60 -3.39 Neutral (N) Neutral (N)
1.80 - 2.59 Disagree (D) Minor Affect (MinA)
1.00 - 1.79 Strongly Disagree (SD) No Affect (NA)

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