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Kepler 6/2/23 MKT ASSESSMENT

Table of Contents
Customer Needs/Wants:...................................................................................................................2
Marketing Strategies..........................................................................................................................2
Customer Value Creation...................................................................................................................2
2. a. Advantages of Braliwa’s marketing to society:...............................................................................2
Economic Growth:.............................................................................................................................3
Consumer Awareness........................................................................................................................3
Product Innovation............................................................................................................................3
Social Responsibility..........................................................................................................................3
Disadvantages of Bralirwa's Marketing to Society.................................................................................3
Manipulative Tactics..........................................................................................................................3
Unhealthy Lifestyles:..........................................................................................................................3
Environmental Impact:......................................................................................................................3
Social Influence..................................................................................................................................3
Quality Concerns...............................................................................................................................4
Pricing Strategies...............................................................................................................................4
Advertising Ethics..............................................................................................................................4
Lack of Transparency.........................................................................................................................4
Environmental Impact.......................................................................................................................4
4. a. SWOT analysis of Bralirwa's marketing:.........................................................................................4
Strong Brand Identity.........................................................................................................................4
Extensive Distribution Network.........................................................................................................4
Product Portfolio:..............................................................................................................................5
Market Leader...................................................................................................................................5
Limited Geographic Research............................................................................................................5
Dependence on External Factors.......................................................................................................5
Limited Product Differentiation.........................................................................................................5
Perception Challenges:......................................................................................................................5
Growing Beverage Market.................................................................................................................5
Market Expansion..............................................................................................................................5
Health and Wellness Trends...............................................................................................................5
Digital Marketing and E-commerce....................................................................................................5
Intense Competition..........................................................................................................................6
Changing Consumer Preferences.......................................................................................................6
Regulatory Environment....................................................................................................................6
Economic Instability...........................................................................................................................6
 Economic Factors.......................................................................................................................6
 Competitive Landscape..............................................................................................................6
 Changing Consumer Preferences...............................................................................................6
Here there are some potential strategies that businesses in the beverage industry have pursued
 Innovation and Product Development:......................................................................................6
 Market Expansion......................................................................................................................7
 Digital Transformation...............................................................................................................7
d. If I were among the decision-makers at Bralirwa, I would recommend the following strategies to
sustain the business and maintain its market share:.............................................................................7
 Customer-Centric Approach.......................................................................................................7
 Brand Differentiation and Positioning........................................................................................7
 Sustainable Practices.................................................................................................................7
Societal Factors..................................................................................................................................8
Psychological Factors.........................................................................................................................8
Need Recognition..............................................................................................................................9
Information Search............................................................................................................................9
Evaluation of Alternatives..................................................................................................................9
Purchase Decision:.............................................................................................................................9
Post-Purchase Evaluation...................................................................................................................9

Bralirwa is a leading beverage company in Rwanda, specializing in both alcoholic and non-
alcoholic beverages. With a mission to refresh and delight consumers, Bralirwa provides
high-quality beverages that cater to diverse preferences and lifestyles. They strive to be a
responsible and sustainable company, contributing to the well-being of Rwandan society.
Bralirwa's vision is to be the preferred beverage company in Rwanda, known for exceptional
brands, innovative products, and a strong commitment to social and environmental
responsibility. Their target customers encompass both male and female adults of legal
drinking age, as well as younger adults and the emerging Gen Z market. Bralirwa offers a
portfolio of brands that include Primus, a popular beer celebrating Rwandan heritage; Mützig,
a brand for bold and innovative individuals; Heineken, a premium international beer for
sophisticated tastes; and Amstel, a distinct premium beer brand. They also provide non-
alcoholic drinks like soft drinks and bottled water to cater to those who prefer non-alcoholic
options. Through their diverse offerings, Bralirwa aims to meet customer preferences, while
upholding responsibility, sustainability, and community engagement.

A simple and clear diagram that illustrates how this Bralirwa should create value for
customers through marketing. Customer Needs/Wants, Marketing Strategies, and Customer
Value Creation.

Customer Needs/Wants: This component represents the needs and wants of Bralirwa's
target customers. It can include factors such as quality, convenience, price, taste preferences,
brand reputation, and any other elements that are important to the customers in the beverage

Marketing Strategies: This component outlines the various marketing strategies

implemented by Bralirwa to fulfil customer needs/wants. These strategies can include product
development, pricing, distribution channels, promotional activities, and branding initiatives.

Customer Value Creation: This component demonstrates how Bralirwa's marketing

strategies create value for customers.
It showcases the positive outcomes or benefits that customer derive from engaging with the
company's products or services. These value-creating aspects can include superior product
quality, competitive pricing, easy accessibility, effective marketing communication, brand
loyalty programs, and overall customer satisfaction.

The diagram highlights the crucial role of marketing in Bralirwa's value-creation process for

By identifying and understanding customer needs/wants, our organization can develop

effective marketing strategies that align with these requirements. The implementation of these
strategies leads to the creation of customer value, ultimately resulting in increased customer
satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term business success.

2. a. Advantages of Braliwa’s marketing to society:

Economic Growth: Effective marketing by Bralirwa can contribute to the overall economic
growth of society by generating employment opportunities, supporting the local supply chain,
and driving business activities in the beverage industry.

Consumer Awareness: Through marketing efforts, we can educate and inform consumers
about its products, their features, and their benefits. This helps consumers make informed
choices and enhances their overall shopping experience.

Product Innovation: Marketing encourages us to invest in research and development,

leading to product innovation and the introduction of new and improved beverage options for

Social Responsibility: Marketing can be used by Bralirwa to promote and support social
responsibility initiatives, such as sustainable sourcing, environmental conservation, and
community development programs, which positively impact society.

Disadvantages of Bralirwa's marketing to society:

Manipulative Tactics: There is a potential for Bralirwa, like any other company, to employ
manipulative tactics in marketing, such as misleading advertisements, false claims, or
aggressive sales techniques. This can mislead consumers and undermine their trust.
Unhealthy Lifestyles: If Bralirwa predominantly promotes unhealthy or excessive
consumption of its products, it may contribute to societal issues like obesity, alcohol abuse,
or other health-related concerns.

Environmental Impact: Marketing activities, especially those involving packaging and

promotion, can generate waste and hurt the environment if not managed responsibly.

Social Influence: Bralirwa's marketing can influence societal values, preferences, and
behaviours. If not handled responsibly, it may contribute to the promotion of materialism,
conspicuous consumption, or unhealthy social norms.

Bralirwa needs to balance its marketing practices by adhering to ethical standards, promoting
responsible consumption, and considering the long-term societal implications of its strategies.

c. Bralirwa may face several criticisms regarding how it serves its

customers and conducts its marketing processes. Some potential
criticisms include:

Quality Concerns: Customers may criticize Bralirwa if they perceive a decline in the quality
of its products over time. This could include issues such as changes in taste, inconsistent
product standards, or subpar packaging.

Pricing Strategies: Customers may criticize Bralirwa if they perceive its pricing strategies as
unfair or unaffordable. This could occur if prices are significantly higher compared to
competitors offering similar products, or if there are sudden price increases without adequate

Advertising Ethics: Bralirwa may face criticism if its marketing campaigns are deemed
unethical or deceptive. This could involve misleading claims, false advertising, or targeting
vulnerable populations, which can erode customer trust and damage the company's

Lack of Transparency: If Bralirwa is perceived as lacking transparency in its marketing

processes, customers may criticize the company for not providing clear and accurate
information about its products, ingredients, sourcing practices, or production methods.

Environmental Impact: In an era of increased environmental awareness, customers may

criticize Bralirwa if its marketing processes are perceived as environmentally irresponsible.
This could include excessive packaging, failure to promote recycling, or disregarding
sustainable sourcing and production practices.

4. a. SWOT analysis of Bralirwa's marketing:

Strong Brand Identity: Bralirwa has established a strong brand presence in the beverage
industry, which can help differentiate its products from competitors and build customer

Extensive Distribution Network: Bralirwa possesses a well-established distribution

network that enables its products to reach a wide customer base efficiently.

Product Portfolio: The company offers a diverse range of beverages, allowing Bralirwa to
cater to different consumer preferences and target various market segments.

Market Leader: Bralirwa holds a significant market share in its operating region, giving it a
competitive advantage and the ability to influence market trends.


Limited Geographic Research: Bralirwa's operations are primarily focused on a specific

region, which limits its potential customer base and opportunities for expansion in other

Dependence on External Factors: Fluctuations in raw material prices, regulatory changes,

or economic conditions can impact Bralirwa's marketing strategies and profitability.

Limited Product Differentiation: Some of Bralirwa's products may face challenges in

standing out from competitors, especially if they lack unique features or fail to meet changing
consumer demands.

Perception Challenges: Negative perceptions or criticisms regarding certain aspects of

Bralirwa's marketing practices can affect brand reputation and customer trust.

Growing Beverage Market: The beverage industry continues to expand, presenting
opportunities for Bralirwa to capitalize on the increasing demand for diverse beverage

Market Expansion: Bralirwa can explore opportunities to expand its geographic reach and
enter new markets, leveraging its existing strengths and market expertise.

Health and Wellness Trends: The rising consumer focus on health and wellness provides
Bralirwa with opportunities to develop and promote healthier beverage alternatives to cater to
changing consumer preferences.

Digital Marketing and E-commerce: Embracing digital marketing strategies and e-

commerce platforms can enhance Bralirwa's reach, engage with customers directly, and
facilitate convenient product access.

Intense Competition: Bralirwa faces competition from both local and international beverage
companies, which can impact market share and profitability.

Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifts in consumer preferences towards healthier

options, sustainability, or premium products can pose challenges for Bralirwa if it fails to
adapt and meet evolving demands.

Regulatory Environment: Changes in regulations related to advertising, labelling, or

production standards can impact Bralirwa's marketing strategies and necessitate costly
compliance measures.

Economic Instability: Economic downturns or fluctuations in consumer purchasing power

can influence consumer spending on non-essential items like beverages, affecting Bralirwa's

c. According to Barrington (2021), The BCG matrix and GE approach help

assess Bralirwa's market growth by categorizing product portfolios into quadrants,
identifying growth engines, strategic decisions, and limited growth potential.

 Economic Factors: Economic conditions influence consumer behaviour; Bralirwa's

marketing strategies may adapt to shifting consumer preferences.
 Competitive Landscape: Competitive environment influences marketing strategies;
Bralirwa must develop unique offerings, differentiate, enhance customer service, and
 Changing Consumer Preferences evolve, impacting Bralirwa's marketing strategies,
including healthier beverage options and sustainability efforts.

Here there are some potential strategies that businesses in the

beverage industry have pursued include:

 Innovation and Product Development: Bralirwa could invest in research and

development to introduce new products that align with changing consumer
preferences, such as low-sugar or functional beverages. This strategy allows the
company to cater to evolving consumer demands and gain a competitive edge.

 Market Expansion: Exploring new markets, both geographically and

demographically, can help Bralirwa sustain its business and increase its market share.
This could involve entering untapped regions, targeting specific customer segments,
or expanding distribution channels to reach a wider audience.

 Digital Transformation: Digital technologies improve Bralirwa's marketing,

customer engagement, and efficiency.

d. If I were among the decision-makers at Bralirwa, I would

recommend the following strategies to sustain the business and
maintain its market share:

 Customer-Centric Approach: Continuously focus on understanding customer needs

and preferences through market research, feedback collection, and data analysis.
 Brand Differentiation and Positioning: Invest in building a strong brand identity
that stands out in the competitive market.

 Sustainable Practices: Demonstrate a commitment to sustainability by implementing

environmentally friendly initiatives throughout the value chain.

To assess the industry of operation and the potential impact on Bralirwa's business, we can
analyze Porter's Five Forces framework. This analysis will provide valuable insights into the
risks and opportunities that Bralirwa may face in the Kenyan market.

Competitive Landscape: The competitive landscape in Kenya's beverage industry is likely to

be diverse and intense. Bralirwa will encounter competition from both local and international
players. Major competitors may include established beverage companies, local breweries,
international beer brands, soft drink manufacturers, and bottled water companies. To succeed,
Bralirwa needs to evaluate factors such as market share, brand recognition, product quality,
and customer loyalty compared to its competitors. Differentiation, effective marketing
strategies, and strong distribution networks will be crucial in gaining a competitive edge.

Supplier Power: Supplier power refers to the influence suppliers have over companies in
terms of pricing, quality, and availability of inputs. In Bralirwa's case, key suppliers include
raw material providers such as malt, hops, water, packaging materials, and ingredients for
non-alcoholic beverages. To assess supplier power in Kenya, Bralirwa needs to consider
factors like the number of alternative suppliers, their bargaining power, and the ability to
negotiate favorable terms and prices. Building strong relationships with suppliers and
exploring local sourcing options could mitigate potential risks and strengthen Bralirwa's
supply chain.

Buyer Power: Buyer power refers to the influence customers have on companies in terms of
pricing, product choice, and brand loyalty. In Kenya's beverage market, Bralirwa's market
position will be influenced by factors such as customer preferences, brand perception, pricing
strategies, and the availability of alternative beverage options. Understanding the local
consumer behavior, preferences, and effectively addressing their needs will be crucial for
Bralirwa to maintain a strong market position. Building brand loyalty, providing unique value
propositions, and offering competitive pricing will be essential in managing buyer power.
Threat of New Entrants: The threat of new entrants relates to the possibility of new
competitors entering the Kenyan beverage market. Bralirwa's market position can be
impacted by barriers to entry, such as brand recognition, distribution networks, economies of
scale, and regulatory requirements. To mitigate the threat of new entrants, Bralirwa can
leverage its existing relationships with suppliers and distributors, build a strong brand equity,
and foster customer loyalty. Additionally, maintaining high product standards, investing in
marketing campaigns, and developing strategic partnerships with local businesses can act as
barriers to entry for potential competitors.

Threat of Substitute Products: The threat of substitute products refers to the availability of
alternative beverages that can satisfy similar consumer needs. In Kenya's beverage market,
Bralirwa's market position will be affected by factors such as the availability and
attractiveness of substitute products, pricing differentials, and consumer preferences.
Bralirwa needs to continuously innovate, diversify its product offerings, and stay updated
with consumer trends to effectively address the threat of substitute products. Developing
unique flavors, healthier beverage options, and implementing effective marketing and
communication strategies can help Bralirwa differentiate itself from substitutes.

5. a. As a beverage producer in Rwanda, the product I want to offer is Beverage services

alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

b. Personal Factors: Personal factors include individual characteristics that influence buying
decisions. For Bralirwa, understanding personal factors such as age, income level, lifestyle,
and preferences is crucial. For example, younger consumers might prefer energy drinks or
flavoured beverages, while health-conscious individuals may seek low-sugar or natural
options. By tailoring product offerings to different consumer segments based on personal
factors, Bralirwa can better meet their specific needs and preferences.

Societal Factors: Societal factors encompass the influence of social groups, cultural norms,
and reference groups on consumer behaviour. Bralirwa must consider the cultural context of
Rwanda and the preferences of its target market. For instance, if Rwandan consumers have a
strong preference for traditional or local flavours, Bralirwa can develop products that
incorporate these elements. Additionally, societal trends such as a growing interest in
sustainability and ethical sourcing can shape consumer behaviour. By aligning its marketing
and products with societal values, Bralirwa can attract and retain customers.
Psychological Factors: Psychological factors delve into the internal processes that drive
consumer behaviour. Bralirwa needs to understand psychological factors such as perception,
motivation, attitudes, and beliefs. For example, effective branding and marketing campaigns
that evoke positive emotions can influence consumers' perception of Bralirwa's products. By
understanding consumer motivations, such as the desire for refreshment, relaxation, or
socializing, Bralirwa can create targeted marketing messages that resonate with customers.

c. My business requires low involvement because it acquire low price and also it does not
require more research is all about the need and thirst you have to buy a beverage.

d. In my daily buying decisions, I typically follow the steps of the buying process , which includes
the following stages:

Need Recognition: I identify a need or desire for a particular product or service, such as
feeling thirsty and wanting a refreshing beverage.

Information Search: I gather information about available options by checking product labels,
reading online reviews, or seeking recommendations from friends or family.

Evaluation of Alternatives: I compare different products based on factors like taste, price,
quality, and brand reputation. This evaluation helps me narrow down my choices.

Purchase Decision: After weighing the pros and cons, I make a decision and select the product
that best meets my needs and preferences. For example, I may choose a specific brand of
sparkling water based on its flavour options and positive reviews.

Post-Purchase Evaluation: After consuming the product, I evaluate whether it met my

expectations in terms of taste, quality, and overall satisfaction. Positive experiences can lead
to repeat purchases and brand loyalty.

Bralirwa employs a combination of B2B and B2C marketing

On the B2B side, Bralirwa engages in marketing activities targeted at businesses such as
retailers, bars, hotels, and restaurants. This involves building relationships with wholesalers,
distributors, and other key players in the industry. B2B marketing efforts include promotions,
trade shows, partnerships, and direct sales to businesses.
On the B2C front, Bralirwa focuses on reaching and engaging individual consumers. They
run advertising campaigns through various channels such as television, radio, print media,
online platforms, and social media to create brand awareness and promote their products
directly to consumers. They also use targeted marketing tactics to appeal to specific consumer
segments and build brand loyalty.

Pros of B2B Marketing for Bralirwa:

Strong Distribution Channels: B2B marketing allows Bralirwa to establish and maintain
strong relationships with wholesalers, distributors, and retailers. This can help ensure the
widespread availability of their beverages in the market and increase sales.

Large Volume Sales: B2B marketing often involves selling products in bulk quantities to
businesses. This can result in higher volume sales for Bralirwa, leading to increased revenue
and profitability.

Long-Term Partnerships: By engaging in B2B marketing, Bralirwa has the opportunity to

establish long-term partnerships with key players in the industry. This can provide stability,
brand visibility, and potential for growth in the market.

Cons of B2B Marketing for Bralirwa:

Limited Direct Consumer Reach: B2B marketing primarily focuses on selling to businesses
rather than individual consumers. This means Bralirwa may have limited direct interaction
with end consumers, potentially making it challenging to build strong brand recognition and
loyalty among individual customers.

Reliance on Intermediaries: B2B marketing involves relying on intermediaries such as

wholesalers and distributors to reach the end consumer. This introduces an additional layer of
complexity and potential challenges in terms of maintaining consistent branding and
customer experience.

Pros of B2C Marketing for Bralirwa:

Direct Consumer Engagement: B2C marketing allows Bralirwa to directly engage with
individual consumers, build brand awareness, and establish emotional connections with their
target audience. This can help create a loyal customer base and drive repeat purchases.

Brand Differentiation: Through B2C marketing efforts, Bralirwa can differentiate its
beverages from competitors by highlighting unique features, quality, taste, or brand values.
This can help create a distinct position in the market and attract consumers who resonate with
their brand identity.

Tailored Marketing Messages: B2C marketing enables Bralirwa to customize marketing

messages and campaigns to specific consumer segments. They can utilize demographic,
psychographic, and behavioural data to create targeted advertisements, promotions, and
product offerings, increasing the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Cons of B2C Marketing for Bralirwa:

Higher Marketing Costs: B2C marketing often requires significant investments in advertising,
media channels, and consumer research to effectively reach and engage individual
consumers. This can result in higher marketing costs for Bralirwa compared to B2B

Competitive Consumer Market: In the B2C market, Bralirwa competes with other beverage
companies targeting the same consumer base. This means they need to continuously innovate,
differentiate their products, and maintain competitive pricing to attract and retain customers.

Bralirwa Limited Rwanda (2022), mentioned that the beer market in Rwanda
remained highly competitive, with consumer spending power still being a constraint. This
indicates the need for Bralirwa to differentiate its brands and attract consumers despite
market competition

Brand Marketing Strategies: Bralirwa implemented specific marketing strategies for each
of its brands. For example, Mützig focused on a "Live Bold-Never Stop Starting" campaign
centred around music to appeal to bold and innovative individuals. Primus aimed to mitigate
price increases and position itself as a brand worth paying more for, leveraging activities like
sponsoring the National Football League. Heineken focused on premiumization, partnering
with DJs and creating memorable experiences for consumers, such as sending them to the
Trophy Tour experience. Amstel aimed to differentiate itself from Heineken, implementing a
new brand identity, organizing concerts, and sponsoring the Tour du Rwanda cycling
Financial Performance: Bralirwa reported positive financial performance, including volume
growth, revenue increase driven by volume and responsible pricing, strong operating profit
growth, and improved earnings per share. These financial results indicate some level of
success in their marketing and business strategies.

It's crucial for Bralirwa to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of its marketing strategies,
monitor customer feedback, and adapt its approach based on changing market conditions and
consumer preferences.


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Barrington, R. (2021, November 8). The impact of micro and macro environment factors on

marketing. Oxford College of Marketing Blog.


Kernez, R. (2023, January 4). What is SWOT analysis in marketing? Entrepreneur.


Just a moment... (n.d.). Just a moment...


(n.d.). Repository Home.


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