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Framework Modules:
The project is divided into 3 modules:

1. Smart contract of the project

2. Certificate submission and verification
3. Frontend

Smart contract of the project:

The Smart Contract Development module is a crucial component of the Certificate verification project,
which aims to provide a platform for individuals and companies to store their certificates safely and securely.
This module covers the development of a secure and efficient smart contract using the Rust programming
language for the Certificate verification system.
The Certificate verification project aims to leverage the benefits of smart contracts to create a system
that can safely store and verify certificates. This is where the Smart Contract Development module comes into
play. The module covers the development of smart contracts using the Rust programming language, which is
known for its reliability, performance, and security.
Certificate submission and verification:

The certificate submission process will start with the administrator enrolling the student and giving the
details of the certificate like the name of the course, the timeline of the course, the student id etc. Then the
platform will generate a unique id using blockchain. Then the certificate cannot be tampered with or changed by
anyone. The platform will also provide an option for companies to send out access requests for certificates of the
students. Which they can accept or reject. If they accept, the company can look in the certificate.


The Frontend Part of the Project module covers the development of the frontend of the Certificate
platform using React.js and angular. The frontend provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the platform,
including the submission and verification of ideas, the display of digital certificates, and the interface for sending
and accepting request access on the platform.

The frontend can also provide an interface for giving out and verification of certificates on blockchain-based
platform. The interface can display the certificates for the students that are enrolled by the school/college. The
school administrator can give out certificates using the same platform. The company can then send an access
request for the students, which the students can accept or reject.

By using React.js for the frontend, the certificate platform can provide a modern and responsive web application
that is easy to use and visually appealing. The frontend works in tandem with the other modules of the platform,
providing a seamless user experience and ensuring the security and immutability of the certificates.

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