Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 2009

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Outcome of esophageal atresia beyond childhood

Article  in  Seminars in Pediatric Surgery · March 2009

DOI: 10.1053/j.sempedsurg.2008.10.010 · Source: PubMed


102 1,854

3 authors:

Risto J Rintala Saara J Sistonen

Helsinki University Central Hospital University of Helsinki


Mikko P Pakarinen
Helsinki University Central Hospital


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Seminars in Pediatric Surgery (2009) 18, 50-56

Outcome of esophageal atresia beyond childhood

R. J. Rintala, MD, PhD, S. Sistonen, M. P. Pakarinen

From the Department of Paediatric Surgery, Children’s Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.

KEYWORDS Survivors of esophageal atresia are reaching their adulthood in large numbers for the first time enabling
Esophageal atresia; assessment of true long-term outcome among this group of patients. This review summarizes the current
Esophageal knowledge on the subject focusing on late symptoms and complications, esophageal pathology and
dysmotility; pulmonary function. Relationships between esophageal dysmotility, gastroesophageal reflux, esoph-
Esophagitis; agitis and epithelial metaplastic changes including esophageal cancer are outlined. In addition to
Gastresophageal pertinent literature, institutional experience, and follow-up of patients with esophageal atresia for more
reflux; than 60 years is included.
Long-term outcome; © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

The overall survival rate of patients with esophageal and may ignore the fact that OA patients have had abnormal
atresia (OA) has increased significantly during the last de- esophageal function from birth and may not experience
cades, and today exceeds 90% of all patients.1 Today, prac- functional aberrations as symptoms at all.
tically all patients without concomitant severe malforma- This review tries to summarize the outcome of OA be-
tions survive, and the very high mortality of very low birth yond childhood. The focus will be in late esophageal and
weight patients and patients with severe cardiac malforma- pulmonary function, late surgical complications, and com-
tion has decreased significantly. Many surviving patients, plications such as persistent gastroesophageal reflux that
however, continue having functional problems, especially may predispose to later malignancy. In addition to data from
from their gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system after literature, preliminary results of institutional late follow-up
the initial postoperative period.2 The overall impact of these of nearly 100 adult survivors following OA repair are used
problems on the long-term outcome of OA patients is not in this communication.
fully understood. Moreover, it is unclear what impact post-
natal postoperative, usually relatively long hospitalization
time, and repeated anesthesias for anastomotic dilations in
many patients may have on later psychosocial well-being of Late clinical symptoms
the patients.
Dysphagia is one of the most common symptoms that OA
There are a limited number of reports concerning long-
patients in all age groups suffer from. It is likely that
term outcome of patients with OA. The eventual quality of
dysphagia is associated with innate esophageal dysmotility
life appears to be good in most adults.3,4 This assumption is
based on some recent studies that have evaluated late se- that is associated with OA.5,6 The role of surgical dissection
and anastomosis in the development of dysphagia is unclear
quelae of OA mainly by validated questionnaires. These
but may be significant. Most patients with dysphagia have
questionnaires fail to detect subtle functional differences
no anastomotic strictures, although these have to be ruled
out in patients with significant symptoms. Dysphagia is
Address reprint requests and correspondence: R. J. Rintala, MD,
PhD, Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Children’s Hospital, University of
commonly associated with food impaction requiring endos-
Helsinki, P O Box 281, FIN-00029 HUS, Finland. copy during childhood; the peak incidence is between 1 to
E-mail: 5 years.7 Food impaction requiring surgical measures is

1055-8586/$ -see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Rintala, Sistonen, and Pakarinen Esophageal Atresia Outcomes 51

much less common in adults despite persistence of dyspha- In our own adult review, the overall incidence of scoliosis
gia. The reported incidences of dysphagia are between 10% was around 50%. Moreover, vertebral anomalies were com-
and 60%.8,9 This variance is caused by definition of dys- mon, occurring most commonly in the cervical spine (over
phagia. If mild symptoms, such as the need to drink fluids to one-third of the patients had cervical vertebral anomalies).
facilitate swallowing of meals and occasional swallowing Scoliosis that is associated with thoracotomy is usually mild
problems, are included, almost two-thirds of adult patients and does not cause symptoms. In patients with vertebral
can be considered to have dysphagia.9,10 In our institutional anomalies, scoliosis may become symptomatic, and some
review, more that 80% of adults with OA had to use exces- patients require spinal surgery to correct the defect and stop
sive liquids during eating or restrict their diet to foods that its progression.
are less prone to get stuck in the esophagus.
Regurgitation and other symptoms suggesting gastro-
esophageal reflux (GER) are more or less as common as
dysphagia. The reported incidences of reflux symptoms in
Late complications of esophageal
preadolescent children and adults are between 27% and anastomosis
75%.8,10-13 However, reflux symptoms are also common in Esophageal stricture is a common early sequel following
the general population. Some authors have found that the repair of OA. Need for dilation of the strictured anastomosis
incidence of reflux symptoms in adults with repaired OA is has been reported in recent large series to occur in up to
only marginally more frequent than in the general popula- 80% of the patients.20-22 Strictures are more common in
tion and the difference is not statistically different.14 On the patients with a long-gap atresia.2,23 Anastomotic technique
other hand, it is likely that patients with repaired OA have also plays a role; patients with one layer end-to-end anas-
had reflux from birth and may not recognize milder symp- tomosis have less frequently strictures than those who have
toms as pathologic. Either way, it appears that subjective had end-to-side anastomosis or sleeve anastomosis.7 Pa-
symptoms of reflux are often mild enough not to interfere tients who have undergone staged repair have usually had
with daily life. long-gap atresia and, therefore, a high incidence of anasto-
Chest wall deformities occur in a significant number of motic strictures. Persistent strictures are usually associated
patients with repaired OA.15 Typical findings include with GER, and the management of GER is an essential part
scapular winging, anterior chest wall deformity, and sco- of treatment of recalcitrant esophageal strictures.23,24 Late
liosis. All of these can be caused by surgical complica- esophageal strictures are, on the other hand, very uncom-
tion, scoliosis also by congenital vertebral anomies. The mon; esophageal dilatations are rarely required in older
incidence of scapular winging has been reported to be children and adults (Biller). Late strictures are invariably
around 20%.16 The incidence of scapular winging could associated with severe GER.
be diminished by careful preservation of long thoracic Recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula occurs on average in
nerve during thoracotomy. Thoracotomy and especially 8% to 10% of OA patients. The typical age of presentation
multiple thoracotomies are the leading cause for chest is 2 to 18 months after primary repair.2,7 Recurrent fistula is
wall asymmetry in OA patients. Damage to the innerva- more common in patients with initial end-to-side anastomo-
tion of serratus anterior muscle may contribute to the sis.7 Recurrent fistula is best diagnosed by tracheobroncho-
chest wall deformity. The incidence of chest wall asym- scopy or cineradiographic esophagography with the patient
metry has been reported to be as high as 25%.15,17,18 In prone. Late presentation of recurrent fistula is possible.
our adult series, the overall incidence of secondary de- Typical symptoms of late-presenting fistula include recur-
formities following neonatal right thoracotomy was high: rent pneumonias and pulmonary infections. Cough or chok-
over 75% of patients had shoulder height differences, ing associated with meals is less common symptoms in
one-fifth had limited motion of right upper extremity, and older patients. During the last 15 years, three adolescent and
14% had asymmetric thoracic wall. In addition to chest adult patients have been treated for late-presenting recurrent
wall asymmetry, female patients may develop significant tracheoesophageal fistula in our institution. In two patients,
breast asymmetry that may require later plastic surgical the fistula was closed endoscopically by laser coagulation of
repair.17,18 Chest wall deformities are less common in the mucous lining of the fistula accompanied by fibrin glue
patients who have undergone only one thoracotomy and injection; in one patient, operative closure of the fistula was
no rib resection. At this time, it is still unclear whether required following unsuccessful attempts of endoscopic
chest wall deformities can be avoided if esophageal re- therapy.
pair is performed by mini-invasive thoracoscopic ap-
proach. Esophageal motility
Scoliosis may occur after thoracotomy for OA but is
more common and more severe in patients with associated Various abnormalities of esophageal motor function have
vertebral anomalies. The incidence of scoliosis in patients been repeatedly demonstrated among long-term survivors of
with no vertebral abnormalities has been reported to be OA.5,6,8,25 Three separate studies of esophageal manometry
between 14% and 47% in those with vertebral anomalies.19 (46 individuals total) 7 to 31 years after repair of OA
52 Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, Vol 18, No 1, February 2009

Table 1 Incidence of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and histologically proven esophagitis and Barrett’s esophagus in
long-term endoscopic follow-up studies

Reference Age of patients (years) GER symptoms (%) Esophagitis (%) Barrett (%)
Biller, et al 22 to 31 9/12 4/12 1/12
Krug, et al11 18 to 26 13/39 9/17 2/17
Deurloo, et al12 28 to 45 15/40 19/21 1/21
Deurloo, et al4 10 to 26 23/86 30/40 0/40
Sistonen, et al31 25 to 57 17/50 10/50 1/50
Taylor, et al13 20 to 48 63/83 36/62 7/62
Combined 10 to 57 140/310 (45) 108/202 (53) 12/202 (6)

uniformly showed nearly completely uncoordinated esoph- is not confined to the esophagus. Delayed gastric emptying
ageal peristaltic activity.6,8,25 The contraction amplitudes of and altered gastric peristaltic activity occurred in 4 (36%)
the entire esophagus were markedly lower when compared and 5 (45%) of 11 OA patients between 12 and 23 years of
with healthy adults, and the distal esophageal contraction age, further predisposing to GER.26
amplitudes remained markedly hypotonic (below 30 mm In summary, based on the current knowledge, the unco-
Hg) in 58% to 100% of patients.6,8,25 Aperistalsis at the site ordinated esophageal peristaltic activity together with low
of the anastomosis is also a constant finding.5,6 Interest- amplitude of the distal esophageal contractions are the main
ingly, despite defective motor activity of the esophageal long-term defects in esophageal motility following repair of
body, the swallowing-induced relaxation of the lower OA. These motility defects result very likely from develop-
esophageal sphincter (LES) appears to occur normally in mental neural defects affecting both proximal pouch and
majority of patients.6,8,25 The nearly complete lack of pro- distal fistula.27,28 Because most individuals demonstrate ap-
pulsive esophageal contractions and decreased pressure of propriate (stationary) LES function, permanently defective
contractions means that, in individuals with repaired EA, esophageal acid clearance capacity appears to be the major
the esophagus empties essentially by gravity. The above- factor contributing to development of GER in adults with
mentioned findings convincingly explain the frequent oc- repaired OA. Further investigations and larger patient series
currence of dysphagia after repair of OA. are needed to clarify the relationships between different
Weak or missing contractions of the distal esophagus components of impaired esophageal motility, GER, esoph-
have been shown to associate with a severe impairment of agitis, and epithelial metaplasia. All the studies above in-
esophageal acid clearing capacity and GER in children and cluded only patients amenable for primary anastomosis.
adults with repaired OA.5,8,25 How the weak esophageal Thus, defects of esophageal motility may prove to be even
contractile activity associate with development of esophagi- more severe in patients with repaired EA without fistula.
tis and epithelial metaplasia remains inadequately explored.
In the setting of disorganized propulsive activity combined Gastroesophageal reflux
with weak contractile activity, ineffective esophageal acid
clearance capacity is perfectly understandable following Long-standing GER is associated with considerable mor-
repair of OA. However, decreased distal esophageal con- bidity, resulting in chronic esophageal inflammation and
traction amplitude is not associated with GER in all patients, contributing to recurrent pulmonary infections and abnor-
suggesting that other factors are also important in the de- malities of pulmonary function in a significant number of
velopment of GER after OA repair.6 In addition to powerful patients.2 Moreover, GER is associated with development
coordinated esophageal peristaltic activity that clears the of columnar metaplasia that may undergo dysplastic chan-
esophagus from refluxed gastric contents, appropriate func- ges and give rise to esophageal adenocarcinoma through a
tion of the LES is essential to prevent GER. LES pressures metaplasia– dysplasia– carcinoma sequence.29,30
were determined with stationary manometry in 24 OA pa- As outlined in Table 1, classic GER symptoms, including
tients at the age of 7 to 31 years.6,25 Only 3 (13%) patients heartburn, retrosternal pain, or regurgitation, are reported by
had hypotonic LES (!10 mm Hg). A short abdominal 27% to 75% of older children and adults with repaired
length of the LES was observed in 2 of 12 patients.6 How- OA.10-13,31 The 45% mean incidence of GER symptoms in
ever, all 3 patients with a hypotonic LES also demonstrated these six studies may represent an over estimation of the
pH-monitoring verified GER and biopsy-proven esophagitis true incidence at least among patients who underwent pri-
or Barrett’s esophagus.6,25 Although long-term ambulatory mary esophageal anastomosis. In all six studies, a group of
manometric data on inappropriate LES relaxations (unre- volunteers of the initial study population was interviewed
lated to swallowing) after OA repair are missing, they most favoring selection bias toward symptomatic individuals. It
likely play a significant role in the pathogenesis of GER, is also difficult to reliably differentiate dysphagia derived
also among individuals with repaired OA. In patients with symptoms from those caused by GER while a poor corre-
repaired OA, dysmotility of the upper gastrointestinal tract lation has been described between subjective symptoms and
Rintala, Sistonen, and Pakarinen Esophageal Atresia Outcomes 53

actual presence of GER and its complications following OA follow-up endoscopy together with Ph-metry is performed
repair.32 Therefore, symptoms alone are not sufficient for at the of 1 year, and follow-up endoscopies are continued to
reliable detection of GER among patients with repaired OA. puberty. Evaluation of the histological follow-up data re-
Routine screening for GER using Ph-monitoring 3 vealed several important aspects concerning the natural his-
months after esophageal reconstruction in 128 infants iden- tory of the GER in children with repaired OA. Mild eso-
tified 53 patients (41%) with GER.33 The incidence figures phagitis characterized by basal membrane hyperplasia
of GER as defined by Ph-monitoring and/or histological occurred in 30 of 79 (38%) children with mean endoscopic
esophagitis remain at the level of 45% to 50% up to 10 years follow-up of 10 years.40 In only 4 of 33 children with mild
after primary repair of OA.34 Several investigators have esophagitis or normal histology in their first biopsy sample
conducted esophageal Ph-monitoring to a group of long- did esophageal histology progress to more severe esophagi-
term survivors of OA extending to early adulthood.5,8,25,35 tis characterized by inflammatory cell infiltrate or erosions
The combined mean GER rate of these studies, including a or to metaplasia. Ann additional 13% of the children had
total of 84 patients, was 40% and it varied between 17% and moderate to severe esophagitis that developed in most by
67%. Differences in the patient selection criteria and small the age of 3 to 6 years. Moreover, after the age of 5 years,
number of patients studied most likely contributed to the no new cases of histological esophagitis or pathological
relatively large variation of the results. Nevertheless, the Ph-monitoring were detected.34 Most children with patho-
rate of GER as detected by pathologic Ph-monitoring is high logical Ph-monitoring developed complicated GER as de-
among infants and adults with repaired OA, suggesting that fined by histological esophagitis or the need for antireflux
GER develops early and continues to adulthood. This is procedure after median follow-up of 5 years.41 Finally,
further supported by the fact that the incidence of GER resolving of OA-associated GER or esophagitis was excep-
symptoms in adult populations with repaired OA are at the tional.34,40,41 Longitudinal follow-up studies extending to
same level with the GER rate obtained from studies using adulthood are needed to confirm these findings.
pH-monitoring in different age groups. As discussed above, the present data suggest that devel-
Surgical antireflux procedures have been commonly used opment of GER and esophagitis are an early and possibly
to control GER unresponsive to medical treatment among permanent phenomena after repair of OA. Taken into ac-
patients with OA.36-38 Although different types of antireflux count the permanent nature of the esophageal motility de-
procedures effectively control GER early after operation, fects associated with OA and their crucial role in the patho-
their impact on long-term outcome of OA regarding GER genesis of GER, this would not be unexpected. However, it
and its complications is questionable due to high recurrence
should be emphasized that presence of GER is not neces-
rates irrespective of the antireflux procedure used.36-38
sarily associated with esophagitis.8
Epithelial metaplasia and cancer
An attempt to define the prevalence and natural history of
esophagitis among patients with repaired OA is important Columnar metaplasia in the esophagus is a preneoplastic
concerning long-term outcomes of OA. Although it remains lesion, which arises as a result of GER.29 Columnar esoph-
unclear whether esophagitis as itself is a preneoplastic con- ageal epithelium is a pathological condition characterized
dition, it is strongly associated with GER, which is the by a phenotypic change from stratified squamous to a co-
causal factor of columnar metaplasia in the esophagus.29 lumnar epithelium.42 Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus de-
Table 1 displays rates of biopsy-proven esophagitis in velops in the columnar lined esophagus. It is still unclear
long-term follow-up studies among patients with repaired whether the presence of intestinal metaplasia (Barrett) is
EA who underwent histological examination of the esoph- needed for preneoplastic potential.29 The high incidence of
agus.10-13,31 The mean incidence of esophagitis in these 6 GER among individuals with repaired OA has raised a
reports was 53%, and the majority of patients were between concern about increased risk of cancer.
20 and 40 years old. In 3 of the 6 studies, less than half of Table 1 displays frequency of histologically verified Bar-
the recruited patients volunteered to histological examina- rett’s esophagus among patients with repaired OA. In these
tion of the esophagus, suggesting that proportionally more studies, Barrett’s esophagus (intestinal metaplasia) was de-
symptomatic patients were examined. Thus, the true inci- fined as columnar epithelium with goblet cells. Of the total
dence of esophagitis among adults with repaired OA may be 202 histologically examined patients, 12 (6%) had intestinal
somewhat lower. Our preliminary findings among nearly metaplasia. This figure is about 4-fold higher than the inci-
100 adult OA patients suggest that the incidence of esoph- dence of Barrett (1.6%) in normal population.43 In light of
agitis is around 25%. Taken together, there is clear evidence increased incidence of symptomatic GER and esophagitis
that the incidence of esophagitis among adults with repaired among adults with repaired OA, the finding of increased
esophageal atresia is markedly more common than in the incidence of Barrett’s esophagus is perfectly understand-
general population.39 able. The risk of developing adenocarcinoma in patients
The practice in our institution has been to perform rou- with Barrett’s esophagus has been estimated to be 0.5% per
tine endoscopic follow-up on all children with OA. The first year.38
54 Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, Vol 18, No 1, February 2009

repaired OA. Restrictive ventilatory defects have been

Table 2 Reported cases of esophageal cancer after repair
of esophageal atresia found in 20% to 49% of the patients, obstructive ventilation
defect in 12% to 54%, and normal lung function in 23% to
Reference Age (years) Histology 48% of patients.9,50 Overall, most of the reported pulmo-
LaQuaglia, et al 44 Squamous cell carcinoma nary function defects have been mild, and most patients
Adzick, et al45 20 Adenocarcinoma have reported normal exercise tolerance with no or little
Deurloo, et al46 38 Squamous cell carcinoma limitations in normal life.
Pultrum, et al47 22 Adenocarcinoma Tracheomalacia, a typical association of OA with prox-
Alfrao, et al48 46 Adenocarcinoma
Taylor, et al13 44 Squamous cell carcinoma imal fistula, is clinically significant in less than 20% of the
patients.51 Tracheomalacia tends to improve with age. The
typical manifestation of tracheomalacia is barking and
brassy cough, which occurs nearly universally in OA pa-
In addition to the increased incidence of intestinal meta- tients. The typical coughing pattern may persist through
plasia, there appears to be high incidence of gastric meta- adulthood.9 Wheezing is an another respiratory symptom
plasia after OA repair. Gastric metaplasia may be present that is associated with tracheomalacia. Also, occasional
already several years after esophageal reconstruction.32 bouts of wheezing commonly occur in adults. The high
During mean endoscopic follow-up of 10 years, esophageal incidence of cough and wheezing in adults suggests that
gastric metaplasia was found in 13 of 79 (16%) children.40 some degree of tracheomalacia may persist. However, there
Gastric metaplasia is also commonly found in adults with are no reports on tracheobronchial endoscopy in adults
repaired EA.31 Clinical significance of gastric metaplasia patients with OA.
remains unclear.29 However, our preliminary findings sug-
gest that, among adults with repaired EA, the most severe
defects of esophageal motility are found in those with gas-
tric or intestinal metaplasia. Long-term outcome of esophageal
To date, 6 cases of esophageal cancer have been repor- replacement
ted.13,44-48 Age of the patients and histology of cancer are
shown in Table 2. All 3 patients with adenocarcinoma had There are a wide variety of esophageal replacement tech-
history of significant GER.45,47,48 We recently published a niques that have been used to bridge long-gap defects or
population-based, long-term follow-up for cancer among repair failed primary anastomosis. Typical techniques in-
individuals with repaired EA.49 With this complete fol- clude colonic interposition, gastric transposition, gastric
low-up of 502 patients extending to over 50 years, we found tube interposition, and, recently, pedicled or free jejunal
no cases of esophageal cancer; which means that the risk for interposition. All these techniques have their proponents,
esophageal cancer after repair of EA is less than 500-fold but prospective controlled studies regarding long-term func-
that of the normal population. Further follow-up studies in tion and outcome are completely lacking.
patients with EA are warranted to elucidate the risk factors Long-term functional outcome following colon interpo-
for development of intestinal metaplasia and esophageal sition in OA patients appear acceptable in most cases. More
cancer as well as the need for endoscopic surveillance. than half of the patients are asymptomatic as adults.52-54
Typical late symptoms include symptomatic reflux to co-
lonic graft, colonic redundancy causing swallowing prob-
Pulmonary function lems, and food impactions. Redundancy causing dysphagia,
chest pain, and pneumonia is a typical complication of
Persistent pulmonary dysfunction after repair of OA is com- colonic interposition that may develop slowly. It may re-
mon in both children and adults. A significant percentage of quire redo-surgery.55 It is unclear whether there is a risk of
adult patients have persisting respiratory symptoms.9 Typ- malignant degeneration in the colonic mucosa that is ex-
ical symptoms include wheezing, recurrent episodes of posed to gastric acid. In our institutional series of colon
bronchitis, daily cough, and episodes of pneumonia. The interpositions, we have found gastric metaplasia and chro-
symptomatic adults have also been more likely to have mosomal aneuploidism in some patients after a follow-up of
respiratory problems in childhood. Symptoms of GER do more than 20 years.
not appear to be associated with persisting respiratory Gastric transposition is not a new operation for esopha-
symptoms.9 This suggests that adult respiratory symptoms geal replacement in OA patients but has gained increasing
are secondary to permanent airway and lung damage from popularity since the 1980s.56 Gastric transposition is a rel-
repeated and early childhood incidents. atively simple operation and is associated with fewer severe
Pulmonary function testing has shown variable results. complications than colonic replacement.57,58 In the long
Although a number of publications have shown normal term, overall function has been considered good or excellent
pulmonary function values, low values are also com- in 90% of the patients in terms of absence of swallowing
mon.2,9,10 Recognized patterns of ventilatory abnormalities difficulties or other gastrointestinal symptoms. Most pa-
have been identified in a proportion adult patients with tients, however, need to eat frequently small meals.56,58 The
Rintala, Sistonen, and Pakarinen Esophageal Atresia Outcomes 55

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