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AGE GROUP Iphone Oppo Realme Redmi Samsung Others Grand Total

15-18 12 15 17 26 9 11 90
19-22 31 41 76 61 50 60 319
23-26 13 13 18 10 11 8 73
27-30 2 1 1 1 5
Grand Total 58 70 111 98 70 80 487

AGE GROUP Iphone Oppo Realme Redmi Samsung Others Grand Total
15-18 10.718686 12.93634 20.513347023 18.11088 12.93634 14.784394251 90
19-22 37.991786 45.85216 72.708418891 64.19302 45.85216 52.402464066 319
23-26 8.6940452 10.49281 16.638603696 14.68994 10.49281 11.991786448 73
27-30 0.5954825 0.718686 1.1396303901 1.00616 0.718686 0.8213552361 5
Grand Total 58 70 111 98 70 80 487

p= 0.195019 0.195019

Brand Better Outl Camera Qua

Price PerformanOthers Grand Total
Iphone 6 19 3 29 1 58
Oppo 3 22 16 20 9 70
Others 2 14 15 33 16 80
Realme 10 19 12 60 10 111
Redmi 5 18 20 37 18 98
Samsung 2 14 13 33 8 70
Grand Total 28 106 79 212 62 487

Brand Better Outl Camera Qua

Price PerformanOthers Grand Total
Iphone 3.3347023 12.62423 9.40862423 25.24846 7.383984 58
Oppo 4.0246407 15.23614 11.35523614 30.47228 8.911704 70
Others 4.5995893 17.41273 12.977412731 34.82546 10.1848 80
Realme 6.3819302 24.16016 18.006160164 48.32033 14.13142 111
Redmi 5.6344969 21.3306 15.897330595 42.66119 12.47639 98
Samsung 4.0246407 15.23614 11.35523614 30.47228 8.911704 70
Grand Total 28 106 79 212 62 487

p= 0.000776

Row Labels Iphone Oppo Others Realme Redmi Samsung Grand Total
Iphone 42 28 26 49 36 25 206
Oneplus 8 23 13 27 27 24 122
Others 9 22 13 4 48
Redmi 1 7 7 20 35
Samsung 8 9 12 15 11 21 76
Grand Total 58 70 80 111 98 70 487

Row Labels Iphone Oppo Others Realme Redmi Samsung Grand Total
Iphone 24.533881 29.60986 33.839835729 46.95277 41.4538 29.609856263 206
Oneplus 14.529774 17.53593 20.041067762 27.80698 24.55031 17.535934292 122
Others 5.7166324 6.899384 7.8850102669 10.94045 9.659138 6.8993839836 48
Redmi 4.1683778 5.030801 5.749486653 7.977413 7.043121 5.0308008214 35
Samsung 9.0513347 10.92402 12.484599589 17.32238 15.29363 10.924024641 76
Grand Total 58 70 80 111 98 70 487

p= 1.47979E-11
Row Labels Less than 1500015000-30000 30001-45000 45001 & Above Grand Total
Business 56 28 31 20 135
Others 134 44 15 21 214
Professional 3 13 4 5 25
Service 18 20 23 52 113
Grand Total 211 105 73 98 487

Row Labels Less than 1500015000-30000 30001-45000 45001 & Above Grand Total
Business 58.490759754 29.1067761807 20.23613963 27.1663244353 135
Others 92.718685832 46.1396303901 32.07802875 43.0636550308 214
Professional 10.831622177 5.39014373717 3.747433265 5.03080082136 25
Service 48.958932238 24.363449692 16.93839836 22.7392197125 113
Grand Total 211 105 73 98 487

p= 2.894E-22

Row Labels 1 to 2 years 2 to 3 years Less than 1 ye More than 3 yeaGrand Total
Iphone 17 8 18 15 58
Oppo 26 24 9 11 70
Others 30 15 20 15 80
Realme 31 33 20 27 111
Redmi 31 26 23 18 98
Samsung 21 16 18 15 70
Grand Total 156 122 108 101 487

Row Labels 1 to 2 years 2 to 3 years Less than 1 ye More than 3 yeaGrand Total
Iphone 18.579055441 14.5297741273 12.862423 12.0287474333 58
Oppo 22.422997947 17.5359342916 15.52361396 14.5174537988 70
Others 25.626283368 20.0410677618 17.7412731 16.59137577 80
Realme 35.556468172 27.8069815195 24.61601643 23.0205338809 111
Redmi 31.392197125 24.5503080082 21.73305955 20.3244353183 98
Samsung 22.422997947 17.5359342916 15.52361396 14.5174537988 70
Grand Total 156 122 108 101 487

p= 0.2123827399
Row Labels Below 100010001-20020001-30000 RsAbove 30000 Rs Grand Total
15000-30000 25 63 10 7 105
30001-45000 10 46 14 3 73
45001 & Above 16 53 14 15 98
Less than 15000 89 88 18 16 211
Grand Total 140 250 56 41 487

Row Labels Below 100010001-20020001-30000 RsAbove 30000 Rs Grand Total

15000-30000 30.1848 53.90144 12.0739219713 8.839835728953 105
30001-45000 20.98563 37.47433 8.39425051335 6.145790554415 73
45001 & Above 28.17248 50.30801 11.2689938398 8.250513347023 98
Less than 15000 60.65708 108.3162 24.2628336756 17.76386036961 211
Grand Total 140 250 56 41 487

p= 4.5744223E-07

Row Labels Camera Gaming Internet Browsi Social Networkin Grand Total
Iphone 22 6 19 11 58
Oppo 24 6 26 14 70
Others 20 14 28 18 80
Realme 35 19 35 22 111
Redmi 32 15 26 25 98
Samsung 16 9 31 14 70
Grand Total 149 69 165 104 487

Row Labels Camera Gaming Internet Browsi Social Networkin Grand Total
Iphone 17.74538 8.217659 19.6509240246 12.38603696099 58
Oppo 21.41684 9.917864 23.7166324435 14.94866529774 70
Others 24.47639 11.3347 27.1047227926 17.0841889117 80
Realme 33.96099 15.7269 37.6078028747 23.70431211499 111
Redmi 29.98357 13.88501 33.2032854209 20.92813141684 98
Samsung 21.41684 9.917864 23.7166324435 14.94866529774 70
Grand Total 149 69 165 104 487

p= 0.617207

Row Labels Very dissatDissatisfie Fair Satisfied Very Satisfied

Iphone 2 1 2 28 25
Oppo 3 2 19 28 18
Others 5 8 11 34 22
Realme 5 3 19 57 27
Redmi 2 3 22 51 20
Samsung 4 2 7 38 19
Grand Total 21 19 80 236 131

Row Labels Very dissatDissatisfie Fair Satisfied Very Satisfied

Iphone 2.501027 2.262834 9.52772073922 28.1067761807 15.60164271
Oppo 3.01848 2.731006 11.498973306 33.92197125257 18.82956879
Others 3.449692 3.12115 13.1416837782 38.76796714579 21.51950719
Realme 4.786448 4.330595 18.2340862423 53.79055441478 29.85831622
Redmi 4.225873 3.823409 16.0985626283 47.49075975359 26.3613963
Samsung 3.01848 2.731006 11.498973306 33.92197125257 18.82956879
Grand Total 21 19 80 236 131

p= 0.01225277316
Grand Total

Grand Total
AGE GROUIphone Oppo Realme Redmi Samsung Others Grand Total
15-18 12 15 17 26 9 11 90
19-22 31 41 76 61 50 60 319
23-26 13 13 18 10 11 8 73
27-30 2 1 0 1 0 1 5
Grand Tota 58 70 111 98 70 80 487

AGE GROUIphone Oppo Realme Redmi Samsung Others Grand Total

15-18 10.718686 12.936345 20.513347 18.110883 12.936345 14.784394 90
19-22 37.991786 45.852156 72.708419 64.193018 45.852156 52.402464 319
23-26 8.6940452 10.492813 16.638604 14.689938 10.492813 11.991786 73
27-30 0.5954825 0.7186858 1.1396304 1.0061602 0.7186858 0.8213552 5
Grand Tota 58 70 111 98 70 80 487

Brand Better Out Camera QuaPrice Performan Others Grand Total

Iphone 6 19 3 29 1 58
Oppo 3 22 16 20 9 70
Others 2 14 15 33 16 80
Realme 10 19 12 60 10 111 Brand Better Out
Redmi 5 18 20 37 18 98 Iphone 2.1302688
Samsung 2 14 13 33 8 70 Oppo 0.2608651
Grand Tota 28 106 79 212 62 487 Others 1.4692322
Realme 2.0511709
Redmi 0.0714503
Brand Better Out Camera QuaPrice Performan Others Grand Total Samsung 1.0185182
Iphone 3.3347023 12.62423 9.4086242 25.24846 7.3839836 58
Oppo 4.0246407 15.23614 11.355236 30.472279 8.9117043 70
Others 4.5995893 17.412731 12.977413 34.825462 10.184805 80
Realme 6.3819302 24.160164 18.00616 48.320329 14.131417 111
Redmi 5.6344969 21.330595 15.897331 42.661191 12.476386 98
Samsung 4.0246407 15.23614 11.355236 30.472279 8.9117043 70
Grand Tota 28 106 79 212 62 487

Row LabelsIphone Oppo Others Realme Redmi Samsung Grand Total

Iphone 42 28 26 49 36 25 206
Oneplus 8 23 13 27 27 24 122
Others 0 9 22 13 4 0 48
Redmi 0 1 7 7 20 0 35
Samsung 8 9 12 15 11 21 76 Row Labels
Grand Tota 58 70 80 111 98 70 487 Iphone
Row LabelsIphone Oppo Others Realme Redmi Samsung Grand Total Redmi
Iphone 24.533881 29.609856 33.839836 46.952772 41.453799 29.609856 206 Samsung
Oneplus 14.529774 17.535934 20.041068 27.806982 24.550308 17.535934 122
Others 5.7166324 6.899384 7.8850103 10.940452 9.6591376 6.899384 48
Redmi 4.1683778 5.0308008 5.7494867 7.9774127 7.0431211 5.0308008 35
Samsung 9.0513347 10.924025 12.4846 17.322382 15.293634 10.924025 76
Grand Tota 58 70 80 111 98 70 487

Row Labels1 to 2 years2 to 3 yearsLess than 1More than Grand Total

Iphone 17 8 18 15 58
Oppo 26 24 9 11 70
Others 30 15 20 15 80
Realme 31 33 20 27 111
Redmi 31 26 23 18 98
Samsung 21 16 18 15 70 Row Labels 1 to 2 year2 to 3 years
Grand Tota 156 122 108 101 487 Iphone 0.134206 2.9345226
Oppo 0.570617 2.3827727
Row Labels1 to 2 years2 to 3 yearsLess than 1More than Grand Total Others 0.746476 1.2680145
Iphone 18.579055 14.529774 12.862423 12.028747 58 Realme 0.583899 0.9698083
Oppo 22.422998 17.535934 15.523614 14.517454 70 Redmi 0.0049 0.0856041
Others 25.626283 20.041068 17.741273 16.591376 80 Samsung 0.090306 0.1345291
Realme 35.556468 27.806982 24.616016 23.020534 111
Redmi 31.392197 24.550308 21.73306 20.324435 98
Samsung 22.422998 17.535934 15.523614 14.517454 70 DF=15
Grand Tota 156 122 108 101 487

Row LabelsBelow 100010001-200020001-3000Above 3000Grand Total

15000-300 25 63 10 7 105
30001-450 10 46 14 3 73
45001 & A 16 53 14 15 98
Less than 89 88 18 16 211
Grand Tota 140 250 56 41 487 Row Labels Below 100010001-2000
15000-30000 0.890587 1.5358374
30001-45000 5.750793 1.9396477
Row LabelsBelow 100010001-200020001-3000Above 3000Grand Total 45001 & Abov 5.259365 0.144049
15000-30030.184805 53.901437 12.073922 8.8398357 105 Less than 1500 13.24364 3.8105914
30001-45020.985626 37.474333 8.3942505 6.1457906 73
45001 & A 28.172485 50.308008 11.268994 8.2505133 98
Less than 60.657084 108.31622 24.262834 17.76386 211 DF=9
Grand Tota 140 250 56 41 487

Row LabelsCamera Gaming Internet B Social NetwGrand Total

Iphone 22 6 19 11 58
Oppo 24 6 26 14 70
Others 20 14 28 18 80
Realme 35 19 35 22 111
Redmi 32 15 26 25 98 Row Labels Camera Gaming
Samsung 16 9 31 14 70 Iphone 1.020085 0.5984687
Grand Tota 149 69 165 104 487 Oppo 0.311565 1.5476781
Others 0.818668 0.6267312
Realme 0.031788 0.6812015
Row LabelsCamera Gaming Internet B Social NetwGrand Total Redmi 0.135607 0.0895356
Iphone 17.74538 8.2176591 19.650924 12.386037 58 Samsung 1.37005 0.0849452
Oppo 21.416838 9.9178645 23.716632 14.948665 70 Grand Total
Others 24.476386 11.334702 27.104723 17.084189 80
Realme 33.960986 15.726899 37.607803 23.704312 111 DF=15
Redmi 29.983573 13.88501 33.203285 20.928131 98
Samsung 21.416838 9.9178645 23.716632 14.948665 70
Grand Tota 149 69 165 104 487

Row LabelsVery dissatiDissatisfiedFair Satisfied Very SatisfiGrand Total

Iphone 2 1 2 28 25 58
Oppo 3 2 19 28 18 70
Others 5 8 11 34 22 80
Realme 5 3 19 57 27 111
Redmi 2 3 22 51 20 98
Samsung 4 2 7 38 19 70 Row LabelsVery dissati
Grand Tota 21 19 80 236 131 487 Iphone 0.1003699
Oppo 0.0001131
Row LabelsVery dissatiDissatisfiedFair Satisfied Very SatisfiGrand Total Others 0.6967158
Iphone 2.5010267 2.2628337 9.5277207 28.106776 15.601643 58 Realme 0.0095279
Oppo 3.0184805 2.7310062 11.498973 33.921971 18.829569 70 Redmi 1.1724227
Others 3.449692 3.1211499 13.141684 38.767967 21.519507 80 Samsung 0.3191608
Realme 4.7864476 4.3305955 18.234086 53.790554 29.858316 111
Redmi 4.2258727 3.8234086 16.098563 47.49076 26.361396 98
Samsung 3.0184805 2.7310062 11.498973 33.921971 18.829569 70
Grand Tota 21 19 80 236 131 487
AGE GROU Iphone Oppo Realme Redmi Samsung Others Grand Total
15-18 0.1531686 0.3292021 0.6017354 3.436506539645 1.1977735 0.9686998 6.687086
19-22 1.2867275 0.5134637 0.1490131 0.158823611323 0.3752192 1.1015236 3.5847708
23-26 2.1326375 0.5990754 0.1113916 1.497318884798 0.0245157 1.3287727 5.6937118
27-30 3.3127239 0.1101144 1.1396304 3.771529146E-05 0.7186858 0.0388552 5.3200475

DF=15 24.996

Camera QuaPrice Performan Others Grand Total

3.2200335 4.3651934 0.5574222 5.5194118 15.79232971733
3.0027164 1.8999016 3.5989639 0.0008748 8.763321913355
0.6688631 0.3152292 0.0956861 3.3202888 5.869299315882
1.1021157 2.0034233 2.8231332 1.2078481 9.187691101923
0.5200448 1.0587876 0.7512468 2.4454446 4.846974130112
0.1002906 0.2382379 0.2096782 0.0932711 1.659996044844

DF=20 31.41

Iphone Oppo Others Realme Redmi Samsung Grand Total

12.43445 0.0875262 1.816292 0.0892629 0.717519790357 0.7176926 15.862744
2.9345226 1.7025619 2.4737522 0.0234193 0.244436479274 2.3827727 9.7614651
5.7166324 0.6395626 25.267302 0.3877115 3.315600162036 6.899384 42.226193
4.1683778 3.2295763 0.2719867 0.1197551 23.83612406535 5.0308008 36.656621
0.1221151 0.3388743 0.0188101 0.3113577 1.20542289649 9.2937615 11.290342

DF=20 31.41

Less than 1More than Grand Total

2.0520782 0.7339369 5.8547434
2.7414711 0.8522487 6.5471095
0.2875694 0.1526381 2.4546977
0.8655993 0.6879141 3.1072212
0.073857 0.2658376 0.4301986
0.3950425 0.0160394 0.6359167


20001-3000Above 3000Grand Total

0.3562349 0.3829252 3.1655847
3.7435656 1.6102075 13.044213
0.661851 5.5215437 11.586809
1.6165913 0.1751423 18.84597

Internet B Social NetwGrand Total
0.0215614 0.1551019 1.7952169
0.2198359 0.0602038 2.1392823
0.0295713 0.0490928 1.5240632
0.1808304 0.122538 1.016358
1.5627165 0.7922405 2.5800994
2.236719 0.0602038 3.7519177


DissatisfiedFair Satisfied Very SatisfiGrand Total

0.7047575 5.9475483 0.0004056 5.6615269 12.41460818322
0.1956678 4.8930804 1.0338357 0.0365481 6.159245137095
7.6264131 0.3490275 0.5863993 0.0107286 9.269284294854
0.4088316 0.0321718 0.1914935 0.2736247 0.915649452411
0.1773291 2.1633585 0.2593087 1.5350994 5.307518496548
0.1956678 1.7602233 0.4902521 0.0015426 2.766846625614

DF=20 31.41

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