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Skills Academy

Job Skills
Working in partnership with the Ipswich
Job Centre we are offering a new style
Job Skills Academy, offering flexible
coaching and mentoring to help make an
impact on your journey!
8 separate coaching sessions, you can
Pick and mix your own
You can do them all or a minimum of 4 to
package get certification of completion.
Get what YOU need.

About the Job Skills Academy

Job Skills
Perfect those skills, get the coaching that Starts 5th September 2023
you need, gain knowledge and 1 session per week, so not time consuming
understanding of expectations, this is NOT Held at the Job Centre in Ipswich,
a CV building course. Open to all under 25 years old

Social Skills
Work with mentors, in small groups develop
social skills and networking links to help
support you moving forwards.
Why Choose us
To help make those next steps and have some
Personal Achievement
To get out of the house and do something real
To complete the minimum 4 units, gain for you
valuable knowledge and understanding, Meet others in the same boat, learn from each
action planning and securing that next step others experiences.
for you!

Book in with your

job coach OR Register with

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