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Children’s ministry Report – Operation Christmas Child

Date : 14-04-2023

Samaritan purse presents ,Operation Christmas Child – The Greatest Journey Program . This program

Is geared towards giving children ages 2-14yrs a gift box and teaching them about the Greater Gift

, the gift of Jesus Christ . Along with the box comes 12 lessons , teaching the children about the love

Of God and the sacrifice of Jesus for us all . This program is specifically geared for children who have

never heard the gospel , to win them , disciple them and send them out , just as our Jesus Model.

This program was previously done at Church on The Rock , however the lessons were not taught

the way they were supposed to . This time the committee requested a team leader , teachers and

volunteers to assist in the program . Sis Cindy was appointed team leader and a selection of teachers

was made to assist her where needed .

The program began with the distribution ,two events were held , the first one was held on the 9 th of

March 88 children showed up and the second event was held on 16 th of March 32 children showed

up . The lessons have begun online with less than half the children attending . We hope that as we go

forward more children will be encouraged to log on .

The program continues till all 12 are completed and there is a graduation to be held at the end of

the program. Anyone willing to contribute towards the graduation or would like information

concerning the program can see sis Cindy .

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