Day 1

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04 7:59 PM
Narrative Report: NVSU Charter Anniversary - Day 1

Date: March 20, 2023

Theme: "NVSU: Going Beyond Borders"

The first day of the NVSU Charter Anniversary celebrations began with great
enthusiasm and excitement as the university community and guests gathered to kick
off the week-long event. With the theme "NVSU: Going Beyond Borders," the day was
filled with various activities showcasing the university's commitment to
excellence, innovation, and inclusivity.

The day started early with the event "Diana Around the Town," held simultaneously
in Bambang and Bayombong. This event aimed to engage the local community and raise
awareness about the university's initiatives. Participants from NVSU, including
faculty, staff, and students, were divided into groups and assigned different tasks
such as community clean-up drives, tree planting activities, and educational
campaigns. Through this event, NVSU demonstrated its dedication to community
development and environmental sustainability.

Following the morning activities, a vibrant motorcade named "Salubungat" took

place, symbolizing the convergence of Bambang and Bayombong. Faculty and staff
members from both campuses gathered at the Batu Ferry to embark on the motorcade,
showcasing their unity and pride in being part of NVSU. The motorcade route was
adorned with colorful banners, displaying the anniversary theme and promoting
NVSU's achievements.

Later in the day, a Thanksgiving Service was held at the Bambang Campus Gymnasium.
The service was a moment of reflection and gratitude, where the NVSU community came
together to express their appreciation for the blessings received throughout the
university's journey. Prayers, hymns, and inspirational speeches uplifted the
spirits of everyone present and set a positive tone for the anniversary

The highlight of the day was the 19th NVSU Charter Anniversary Program, held in the
afternoon. Distinguished guests, including government officials, industry partners,
and alumni, were invited to join the event. The program showcased NVSU's
accomplishments over the years and highlighted the university's efforts in
advancing education, research, and community engagement. Inspiring speeches were
delivered by prominent personalities, emphasizing the significance of NVSU's
contributions beyond borders.

During the anniversary program, a symbolic ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the

official opening of the University Trade Fair 2023. The fair aimed to promote
entrepreneurship and showcase the innovative products and services developed by
NVSU students, faculty, and alumni. It provided a platform for networking,
collaboration, and business opportunities, further strengthening NVSU's ties with
the local community and industry partners. Additionally, a book launching ceremony
took place, celebrating the publication of scholarly works and research outputs by
NVSU's academic community.

To conclude the day's events, a fellowship lunch and celebration of the 2023
National Women's Month were organized. This gathering aimed to recognize and honor
the achievements of women in various fields and their invaluable contributions to
society. It was an opportunity to foster inclusivity and equality within the NVSU

Overall, the first day of the NVSU Charter Anniversary celebrations was a
resounding success, showcasing the university's commitment to excellence, community
engagement, and inclusivity. The day's activities set a positive and inspiring tone
for the remainder of the week, as NVSU continued to go beyond borders in its
pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and service to society.

Narrative Report for the Charter Anniversary with the theme "NVSU: Going Beyond
Second Day: March 21, 2023
Event: Recognition of Benefactors, Faculty, Staff, and Retirees
Venue: Bambang Campus Gymnasium

The second day of the NVSU Charter Anniversary celebration with the theme "NVSU:
Going Beyond Borders" was held on March 21, 2023. The day was marked by two
significant events: the Recognition of Benefactors, Faculty, Staff, and Retirees,
and the Saludo sa Retirado (Retirees Day). These events were held at the Bambang
Campus Gymnasium, which served as a venue for honoring the contributions and
achievements of various individuals who have made a significant impact on the
growth and development of NVSU.

Recognition of Benefactors, Faculty, Staff, and Retirees:

The day's program began with the Recognition of Benefactors, Faculty, Staff, and
Retirees. This event aimed to acknowledge the valuable contributions and support
provided by various benefactors, as well as the dedication and hard work of the
faculty, staff, and retirees who have played crucial roles in the success of NVSU.

The ceremony commenced with an opening remark by the university president,

expressing gratitude to the benefactors for their unwavering support and to the
faculty, staff, and retirees for their commitment and service. The president
emphasized how their collective efforts have propelled NVSU to transcend boundaries
and achieve new heights.

The recognition was done through the presentation of certificates of appreciation

and tokens of gratitude to the honorees. Each individual was called on stage, where
their achievements and contributions were highlighted, eliciting applause and
admiration from the audience. It was a moment of pride and honor as the NVSU
community came together to celebrate the exceptional individuals who have made a
significant difference in the university's journey.

Saludo sa Retirado (Retirees Day):

Following the Recognition of Benefactors, Faculty, Staff, and Retirees, the event
transitioned into the Saludo sa Retirado, a special day dedicated to honoring the
retirees of NVSU. This gathering provided an opportunity to express gratitude and
appreciation for the years of service rendered by the retirees.

The program featured heartfelt speeches and testimonials from colleagues and
friends of the retirees, highlighting their valuable contributions and reminiscing
about shared experiences. It was an emotional and nostalgic occasion as memories
were shared, and the retirees were recognized for their dedication, hard work, and
the positive impact they have made on the institution.

As a token of appreciation, each retiree was presented with a plaque and a

personalized gift, symbolizing NVSU's gratitude for their years of service and

The second day of the NVSU Charter Anniversary celebration with the theme "NVSU:
Going Beyond Borders" was a day of recognition and appreciation. The events held at
the Bambang Campus Gymnasium, including the Recognition of Benefactors, Faculty,
Staff, and Retirees, and the Saludo sa Retirado, provided a platform to honor and
acknowledge the invaluable contributions and achievements of individuals who have
played significant roles in the growth and success of NVSU. The ceremony served as
a testament to NVSU's commitment to recognize and celebrate the people who have
gone beyond borders to make a difference in the institution and the community it

Narrative Report
Charter Anniversary: NVSU: Going Beyond Borders
3rd Day: March 22, 2023

Event: Students' Day Activities (Barkada Fest 2023)

Venue: NVSU Campus

The third day of NVSU's Charter Anniversary celebration with the theme "NVSU: Going
Beyond Borders" commenced with a series of exciting and engaging activities for the
students. This day was dedicated to fostering camaraderie, showcasing talents, and
promoting social responsibility among the NVSU community. The highlight events of
the day were the Street Dance/Float Parade, Booth Competition, Blood Letting
Activity, and the International Public Lecture-Series 2.

The day began with the lively Street Dance/Float Parade. Students from different
colleges and organizations enthusiastically participated in the parade, showcasing
their creativity and unity. The floats were meticulously decorated, representing
various cultures and promoting the spirit of going beyond borders. The participants
grooved to infectious music, displaying their synchronized dance moves and vibrant
costumes. The parade captivated the attention of onlookers as it traversed through
the campus, spreading joy and excitement.

Simultaneously, the Booth Competition took place, transforming the campus into a
bustling fairground. Each college and organization set up innovative and visually
appealing booths, aiming to impress the judges and attract visitors. The booths
showcased various themes related to the concept of going beyond borders, such as
cultural diversity, global awareness, and international cooperation. Students
manned the booths with enthusiasm, engaging visitors with interactive activities,
informational displays, and mouthwatering delicacies. The competition not only
fostered friendly competition but also provided an opportunity for students to
share knowledge and celebrate the spirit of unity.

In alignment with the theme of going beyond borders, a Blood Letting Activity was
organized as part of the students' day activities. Recognizing the importance of
giving back to the community, NVSU collaborated with local health organizations to
facilitate a blood donation drive. Students, faculty, and staff eagerly lined up to
contribute to this noble cause. The event aimed to raise awareness about the need
for blood donation and encourage the NVSU community to make a positive impact
beyond the confines of the campus.

In the afternoon, the NVSU community eagerly attended the International Public
Lecture-Series 2. Esteemed speakers from various countries and fields of expertise
were invited to deliver lectures on topics relevant to the theme of going beyond
borders. The lecture series aimed to broaden the horizons of the students, exposing
them to diverse perspectives and encouraging them to think critically about global
issues. The speakers shared their experiences, insights, and expertise, inspiring
the audience to become proactive global citizens.

Overall, the 3rd day of NVSU's Charter Anniversary celebration with the theme
"NVSU: Going Beyond Borders" was a resounding success. The Students' Day
activities, including the Barkada Fest 2023, Street Dance/Float Parade, Booth
Competition, Blood Letting Activity, and the International Public Lecture-Series 2,
brought together the NVSU community in a spirit of unity, creativity, and social
responsibility. These events encouraged students to explore beyond their borders,
embrace diversity, and contribute meaningfully to the global society. The day's
activities left a lasting impression on the participants, reinforcing NVSU's
commitment to fostering holistic development and shaping future leaders who will
transcend boundaries and make a difference in the world.

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