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Forward: OTC place

ST – F0(T)

Future: standardized contract

Future exchange place

Clearing house is intermediary calculating daily loss/profit base on daily settlement price (an average
of final futures trades of the day)

Margin balance rule: mark to market

Initial margin: value must be deposited and to be refill after margin call

Maintainance margin: happen margin call

Price limit rule: 7% 100 => 93 107, no more higher or lower trade

+ circuit breaker: short break time for people to relax when the market fluctuate heavily

+ open interest: hợp đồng mở, khối lượng hợp đồng còn lại tại 1 thời điểm nhất định

+ Physical/Cash settlement

+ highly regulated

+ Hedging or Speculator

+ f0: Future price F0: forward price

Long: f1(T) – f0(T) …… f2(T) – f1(T) …….. fT(T) – f0(T) = ST – f0(T)

If fT(T) # ST => arbitrage

t=0 t=1 t=T

V0(T) = 0

V1(T) = +1 => mark to market => V1(T) = 0

SWAP: OTC place

Over the counter derivative contract

A series of forward or future

Exchange series of cash flow: 1 pay variable series

2 pay variable series or fixed asset

1 2 3 4 5

+ fixed + fixed + fixed + fixed + fixed

-floating -floating -floating -floating -floating

If fixed > floating => 2 pay for 1

If fixed < floating => 1 pay for 2

+ Default risk lower than loan because the total value is divided to small parts each period

OPTION: OTC or exchange traded place

+ exercised early: American option

+ exercised at mature day: European option

+ Long call: limited loss – unlimited gain / Long put: limited loss – limited gain

+ Short call: limited gain – unlimited loss / Short put: limited loss – limited gain

 Forward/Future : tuyến tính # Option : ko tuyến tính

+ Payoff # Profit: Payoff = Profit (+/-) P0/C0

Forward commitment: Must act

Contigent claim: Can act or not

III – Derivative benefit

1. Risk allocation, transfer and management

2. Information discovery
3. Operational advantages
4. Market efficiency

IV – Derivative risk

1. Greater potential for speculative use

2. Lack of transperency
3. Basis risk
4. Liquidity risk
5. Counterparty credi risk
6. Destabilization and systematic risk

Long FRA: - fixed + floating

Short FRA: + fixed - floating

 Lãi suất thay đổi 1bps, value thay đổi $50

+ r and future positive relation => prefer future than Forward
+ r and future negative relation => prefer Forward than future
+ r and future no relation => future equal Forward

Short call => hedging: buy h*S0 > V0 = h*S0 – C0

If increase => V1 = h*S1+ - C1+

If decrease => V1 = h*S1- - C1-


T=0 : S0 = 50; u = 1.2; d = 0.8

=>. S1+ = 50* 1.25 = 62.5 => C1+ = Max(0;62.5-50) = 12.5

=>. S1- = 50* 0.8 = 40 => C1- = Max(0;40-50) = 0

=> h = (12.5)/(62.5 – 40) = 0.5555

C0 = hS0 + PV(-hS1- + c1-) = 0.5555* 50 + (-0.5555 * 40 + 0)/(1+0.07) = 7.009


T=0 : S0 = 50; u = 1.2; d = 0.8

=>. S1+ = 50* 1.25 = 62.5 => C1+ = Max(0;62.5-50) = 12.5

=>. S1- = 50* 0.8 = 40 => C1- = Max(0;40-50) = 0

=>. Pi = (1 + 0.07 – 0.8)/(1.25 – 0.8) = 0.6

=>. Expected value E(c1+) = pi * c1+ + (1-pi) * c1- =0.6*12.5 + (1-0.4)*0 = 7.5

=>. Present value C0 = E(c1+)/(1+r) = 7.5/1.07 = 7.009

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