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En Route To Russia.

“There is nothing sadder for any scientifically minded

person committed to non- violence than the discovery
of this superiority/inferiority complex shared by all
Anglo-Saxons and its pure derivatives such as the
English venom can only be corrected by the violence of
wars !How sad?
How imminent ??”

” Mankind should hide its head in shame that it ever

developed something like those cluster bombs its
doctors nightmare inflicting Maximum pain !Maximum
terror and damages to the civilians !with minimum
military advantages !its just another pure evil from very
Evil Killer Race !
Nato can never win !its guaranteed by the red monk”
(Search----------Killer Race Parts 1-64)

“What this Ukrainian was telling me not unalike

situation to that case of Basra hotelier who sent his son
with bouquet of flowers to welcome the invading
British troops his saviour from saddam during the iraq
war (2003-2013)!only it ended up with English soldiers
torturing to death all three of them(Father !son!and
their bouquet of flowers ) then adding insult to injury
with typical Great British art and science of white
washing their crimes against humanity! ?! The case was
dismissed by mock trial in (London.)”
One Ukrainian communist told me how it was when he was just school
kid ?A German army column was passing outside his small townen
route to Russia.Most of our youth rushed to welcome them with flowers
or sweets as our Saviors From Stalinism !I was lucky my bicycle broke
down while crossing narrow farming canal because when I arrived at
the scene theGermans had already passed through leaving behind trail
of corpses of young people each hanging fromtelegraph pole! Some
were my own classmates some even had beneath their dangling feet the
very flowers they did bring to welcome(Our saviors from
Stalinism)Imagine My Shock ?To spread terror in the population the
Germans attached pre-printed posters to the dead’s warning in German
And Russian (Do not remove !this will be the fate of anyone who
disobey the Third Reich).After witnessing all of this I joined the
Communist Youth Resistance !Now Decades LaterI still get
Nightmaresof how can people do this to each other? Said he.This
UkrainianCommunist reminded me of My Own Nightmares when I
count the number of overseas students innocent kids who arrived in
England on Official scholarships to study ! Only to be (Sneakily)
Slowly but Surely Poisoned to death or to permanent disability by
Fascists English Circles (With Full Blessing And Collusion Of The
State)!Often for no better reason than (His Face Did Not Fit In)? ) Or
the said overseas student had been rather rude to sexual advances made
by an English State Homosexual ! ? If you donot believe all of this I
leave you with one single word (AZOV-2022).

That is Azov the (Anglo-Saxons) !

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