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February 20, 2023 Town of Camden, Oneida County, NY Town Board Special Meeting

Town Board Meeting Minutes

The Town of Camden Town Board Special Meeting of February 20, 2023 was called to order at 6:00pm
by Acting Supervisor Charles Keil. Board Members present: Councilmen John Gerber, Corey Mutch
and James Johnson. Also present: Town Clerk – Allyson Snow, Planning Board Member – Daniel
On a motion made by James Johnson and seconded by Corey Mutch the Board entered executive
session at 6:02pm.

On a motion made by John Gerber and seconded by James Johnson with the balance of the Board in
agreeance the Board invited Town Clerk – Allyson Snow and Planning Board Member – Daniel Christmas
to join.

On a motion made by John Gerber and seconded by Charles Keil the Board adjourned executive session
at 7:33pm.

As a result of executive session, the following decisions were made.

On a motion made by John Gerber and seconded by James Johnson with the balance of the Board in
agreeance the Board approved the Town Highway Department vacation benefits package as follows:

 2 weeks on initial hire

 3 weeks after 10 years of service
 4 weeks after 20 years of service
 5 weeks after 30 years of service

Maximum of 1 week rollover at end of year, and maxed rollover at 5 weeks.

On a motion made by James Johnson and seconded by John Gerber the Board approved the Highway
Posting Notice and directed the Clerk to post legal notice in the local newspaper and online website.

With no further business to discuss the Special Town Board meeting held on Monday February 20 th was
adjourned at 7:34pm on a motion made by John Gerber and seconded by James Johnson.

Respectfully submitted:

Allyson Snow, Town Clerk

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Town of Camden Town Board Meeting – February 20, 2023

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