OVA BackerPreview

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this is a special preview edition of OVA for BACKERS ONLY!

Please do not share this pdf with anyone! Well, I guess your gaming
group would be okay. It would be difficult to play without showing them
the rules, right? Just remember, Miho’s watching!

This document is a work in progress. Some chapters and all artwork

have been removed for this preview pdf. You may find rules that work
differently than you have seen in the Player Books.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or errors to report, please visit

this webpage and fill out the form.

Thanks for Playing!

Creating a Character
Charged by your favorite anime and a little imagination, you’re probably more
than ready to start your own adventure. But before you can jump into the ac-
tion of the OVA Role-Playing Game, you need to write down a few things. So
grab a pencil and a sheet of paper, and let’s get cracking.

Step 0: Discussion
When creating a new character, it is gen-
Brett, a Game Master with a long-running
erally a good idea to talk with the Game
gaming group, invites Jade to join in his latest
Master – as well as your fellow Players –
OVA game. He tells her that it’s a fairly light-
before going on to the first step. You can
hearted setting open to any kind of character.
find out the rules the Game Master is
Jade has never played the OVA Role-Playing
using and get a general feel for the kind
Game before, so she asks the Game Master
of game being played. The Game Master
for assistance making her character. Brett is
can also help you throughout the process,
more than happy to oblige.
assisting you with understanding the
rules and any problems you might have.

Step 1: Concept
Creating a Character
Before you can delve into the actual me-
chanics of making a character, you will After some thought, Jade decides to play a
have to make some decisions on who your character similar to the heroines from popu-
character will be. A complete, detailed lar magical girl anime. Fukiko, with the help
biography isn’t necessary, but a general of her flying feline companion, Azyrus, emu-
idea will be helpful as you go through the lates her favorite shoujo comics and fights
process. Keep in mind that your character evil while trying to have a normal life. Al-
can be anyone you like. Don’t feel re- though she only has the basics of a character
stricted to certain archetypes or build- idea, Brett assures her this is plenty to start
ing a “combat-effective” character. The the process.
important thing is making the character
you want to play.

Step 2: The Abilities
Choosing Abilities will be among the most
important decisions you’ll make while
creating your character. That’s because Since Fukiko has the ability to transform,
Abilities reflect what your character can Brett suggests that Jade try to list some of
do. What is he good at? What special at- her natural abilities first. Keeping this in mind,
tribute or power does she have? Scan Jade gives Fukiko Knowledge: Shoujo Manga
through the list given in the Abilities and and Quick at +2, both fairly good rankings.
Weaknesses chapter and make a note of Since Fukiko is young, Jade decides she has
any Abilities that you think apply. For little other skills. She scribbles in “Compan-
each one that you write down, jot a num- ion: Azyrus” which the Game Master helps
ber ranging from +1 to +5 next to it. This her assign as +2. They can create his exact
number is your Level, representing the statistics later. Now it’s time to handle her
power or amount of skill you have in that Transformation Ability. Jade gives her Trans-
area. A Level of +1 in an Ability means formation at +4, an astounding Level to help
the character is above-average, while a +5 make up for her shortcomings. At this Level,
would represent an uncanny, super-heroic Jade can give Fukiko an additional 8 Levels’
level of Ability. worth of Abilities. Scanning the list, she gives
Your Level in most Abilities should be Fukiko Barrier +3, Combat Skill +2, and Heal
+1 (competent) or +2 (good). A Level of +3 is +2. She also gives her Attack at +2. Jade no-
considered masterful, and characters should tices that the Levels in her Transformation
have few of these. +4 is an incredible Level Abilities are one too many (9) for her Trans-
obtained only by a select few people in the formation +4, but Brett assures her this is
world. Characters are lucky to have one Abil- fine and to wait for the next step.
ity of this rank. A Level of +5 is extraordinarily
rare, a class reserved for completely awing,
supernatural abilities. Almost no character
should start with an Ability of this magnitude.

Step 3: The Weaknesses

Nobody’s perfect, and that includes your
character! All good characters have flaws Jade helps to define Fukiko’s character by
that make them unique, endearing, and giving her various personality flaws fitting
Creating a Character

believable. Theoretically, you could make a young girl. Besides Ageism at -2, Fukiko
a character without any Weaknesses at all, gets Crybaby at -1, only mildly annoying,
but that would be a very boring charac- and Easily Distracted, Frail, and Naive at
ter indeed. Take a look at the Weaknesses -2, all fairly significant flaws. Jade decides
list and write down any that apply to your that Fukiko needs something to transform
character. Next to it, write a number rang- and gives her Focus: Neko Transformation
ing from -1 to -3. A Level of -1 represents Locket at -2. Jade realizes on her own that
a moderate flaw or disability, while -2 is she can also give a flaw to her Transforma-
bad, regularly impacting your character’s tion to make up the extra Level. She writes
life in a negative way. A Level of -3 is plain down Bizarre Appearance: Cat Features
awful, wreaking havoc on your character’s at -1.
day to day activities and severely hamper-
ing their potential.

Step 4: Health and Endurance
Whether they like it or not, characters
are often faced with the possibility of in-
jury and exhaustion. For this reason, it is
important to know both your character’s
Health and Endurance. Health represents
your character’s toughness, the ability Because of her Frail Weakness, Jade reduces
to take hard knocks and keep going. En- Fukiko’s Health to 20. Without any other
durance is your vitality and energy, rep- Abilities and Weaknesses to modify it, her
resenting your ability to not tire or give Endurance remains the default 40.
up. Unless you take certain Abilities or
Weaknesses that affect these, both Health
and Endurance are assigned the number
40. Various actions and attacks can drain
from both of these totals, so leave room to
do some simple subtraction.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Okay, now that you have all the basics
down for your character, you’re ready
to go. You could join a game right now.
Jade spends some time and creates a detailed
However, you can, and should, go a little
biography for her character, including her

further. Think about appearance, like the
heroic origin, goals, and personality traits.
details of a character’s build and style.
She also adds a Shape Change Ability and
Make a background that explains the char-
applies attributes to her companion, Azyrus.
acter’s past and motivations. Tell exactly
Now she is completely ready for a game of
what the character is like to be around. In
OVA. What adventures await for Lovely Sav-
the long run, this information will make
ior Myu Myu?
your character deeper, and possibly open
up new avenues for you to role-play. To
organize this information, you might find
the form below useful.

background: Who is your character? Where does he come from? What is the story behind
Creating a Character
her? What does your character hope to obtain?
appearance: What does your character dress like? What is her build, hairstyle, and eye color?
personality: What does your character act like? How does he react to different situations?
Does she have any particular quirks or habits that make her distinctive?
possessions: Does the character have any item that she holds particularly dear? Are there
any important weapons or gadgets that are part of his profession?
powers: Does your character have any special talents? A distinct fighting style? Can she do
something most people cannot?
schticks: Are there any habits that set your character apart from everyone else? Does her hair
always blow dramatically in the wind, or does he always adhere to strict military code?

If you have trouble creating or describing
your character, or if you just want a little
more detail, you may want to try filling
out the following list. Of course, not all of
the entries may apply, and you may want
to add some of your own. All of the Sample
Characters have a similar list filled out for
Concept: A few words describing your
Age: How old your character is
Sex: Male or Female
Height: How tall your character is
Weight: How much your character weighs
Hair Color: Color of your character’s hair
Eye Color: Color of your character’s eyes
Occupation: How your character makes
a living
Hobbies: What your character likes to do
Fave Food: Your character’s favorite food
Allies: Your character’s best friends
Rival: Other characters you have a bone
to pick with (or vice versa)
Love interest(s): Who the character loves
Loved by: Who the character is loved by

Creating With Others

Creating a Character

While it’s not always possible, especially

when new people join an existing group,
it can be rewarding for Players to create
their characters together. You can explore
how characters know each other, develop
love – or hate – relationships, and other-
wise tie your characters together. Weak-
nesses like Guardian, Love Interest, and Ri-
val can all contribute to great interaction
during the game!

Limiting the Character Scaled Cost
These rules are meant to be extremely This third rule encourages Players to keep
flexible, allowing you to create any char- their characters in the middle ground
acter you would ever want to play without rather than the extremes by applying pro-
restrictions or hassles. Sometimes though, hibitive costs to high Levels in Abilities.
you might want limits – either to keep A Level 1 Ability costs one point, 2 costs
from making a character too good or to two, 3 costs four, 4 costs eight, and 5 costs
ensure similar levels of power among you an incredible fifteen points! Weaknesses
and your fellow players’ characters. To do apply the same costs as listed above, only
this, you and your Game Master must first they are subtracted from the total. The
decide on one of the following rules. Even Game Master can either set a ceiling to
if the GM has not mentioned it, make sure the number of Levels that can be spent,
to ask if any of these limitations are being like the Power Ceiling rule, or combine
used before making your character. Scaled Cost with the Base Zero rule.

Base Zero Combat Effectiveness

This rule is based on keeping your char- It is usually appropriate to apply the fol-
acter’s total of Abilities and Weaknesses lowing limitation on starting characters,
as close to zero as possible. Just add all regardless of what other rules that might
Ability bonuses and subtract all Weakness be used: A character’s Abilities should
penalties to see your Character Total. At never give a total of more than +5 to any
most, your character should not be above of the following: Attack Roll,
or below zero by more than five – or an- Defense Roll, or Damage
other number at the GM’s discretion. Multiplier.

Most of the sample characters in the OVA

Role-Playing Game favor the Base Zero rule,
including Fukiko created in this chapter.

Power Ceiling
With this rule, all characters start with
a number of Levels to distribute among Creating a Character
Abilities but may gain more equivalent to
the total Level of Weaknesses they take.
However, the total Level of Abilities can
never exceed a Power Ceiling set by the
Game Master. That is, if the GM gave each
character 5 Levels and a Power Ceiling of
15, you could choose 5 Levels of Abilities
and increase this with up to 10 Levels of
Weaknesses. Even if you take more Weak-
nesses, you can’t have more than 15 Levels
of Abilities.

Abilities & Weaknesses
It has been said that people are defined by what they do. If this is true, it might
help to know what you can—and can’t—do within the boundaries of the OVA
game. What follows is a list of the many attributes, both good and bad, that
you can assign your character. Under Abilities, you’ll find skills, talents, areas
of physical prowess, and even supernatural powers. Under Weaknesses, you’ll
find disabilities, undesirable quirks, and responsibilities, among other things
that can foul up your day.
But note that Weaknesses are not horrible things you never want your
character to possess. These Weaknesses may make things more difficult—
they are called weaknesses for a reason—but they will make your character
much more interesting…and real.
Even a Superman needs his Kryptonite.

Agile You are naturally adept at moving thick hide. For every Level you have in Ar-
your body skillfully. Your graceful move-
ments can impress others, as well as aid
mored, you may reduce the Damage Mul-
tiplier of any incoming attack by 1. If the
Abilities & Weaknesses
in a variety of derring-do. Add your Agile Damage Multiplier would be reduced to
dice to Attack rolls and while balancing, zero or below, reduce it to 1/2 instead.
dancing, performing aerial feats, or taking
on other activities that test your coordi- In situations where the Level in Armored
nation and grace. You may also add Agile far exceeds the Damage Multiplier, the
to Defense rolls when in cluttered or oth- Game Master may choose to nullify the
erwise difficult to navigate terrain. attack outright. Braun trying to brawl
with a giant robot is not prone to achieve
Armored Your body is guarded from any results, and it is well within the GM’s
potential harm. The exact form this takes right to make it ridiculously ineffective.
can be anything, whether it’s a combat
suit, a high-tech force field, or just a really

Art of Invisibility You have an un- Located at the end of this chapter, Perks
canny ability to move silently and blend grant your attacks special abilities that
into the shadows. You can add your Art they ordinarily would not have, like im-
of Invisibility dice when hiding, sneaking, proved accuracy or the ability to pierce
shadowing others, or at any time when tough armor. However, these benefits
remaining unnoticed is desirable. come at the cost of an Endurance expen-
diture. Next to each Perk is a number, and
Attack Sometimes, you have no choice this represents the additional Endurance
but to fight. Luckily, you are equipped to cost of your attack. To counteract this,
deal with that! Your Attack Ability repre- you may take Flaws. These will reduce the
sents your capacity to dish out damage to Endurance cost but also apply special hin-
adversaries, and each Level will increase drances to your attack. You can take any
your Damage Multiplier by 1. Whether combination of Perks and Flaws, but the
Attack represents an ancient martial arts Endurance cost for any attack may never
technique, a really big sword, or simply be reduced below zero.
your fists is completely up to you. And if
you like, it can remain as simple as that. Creating a suite of attacks may seem
However, Players hankering for a more daunting at first. Check out the various
detailed representation of their combat Sample Characters to get a feel for what
prowess can choose to create a suite of can be done, or simply leave your Attack
attacks. Each of these possesses the same Ability as a flat bonus. You can always
bonus to your Damage Multiplier, but you describe what makes your attacks unique
may modify them with a variety of Ability on the fly.
Perks and Flaws.

Creating Attacks in Detail

There are many ways to build an Attack in OVA. Let’s try making one for Raine,
the swordmaster, and his faithful weapon Kaze Satsujinsha.
You could simply leave this as a flat bonus. Selecting Attack +3 would mean
that Raine gets to increase his Damage Multiplier by 3. How you describe his
Attack is up to you, but it will not affect the mechanics of the fight in any way.
You can give more mechanical detail by selecting Perks and Flaws. Due to
Abilities & Weaknesses

its keen, mystical edge, the Armor-Piercing Perk would be a fine choice. It al-
lows Raine to ignore 2 Levels of the Armored Ability each time he strikes, but
it would also cost him 5 Endurance. You can compensate for this by taking the
Weapon Flaw, which reduces the Endurance cost by 5. Now he can use this
Attack freely. But if he loses his sword through the excitement of battle, or
outside of it, he can no longer use this Attack at all!
But Raine could still have other Attacks that grant +3 DX. That’s fine if you
want him to be a deadly force in any situation, but if you really want him to
be vulnerable without Kaze Satsujinsha, you may choose the Focus Weakness
and have Attack rely upon it instead. Without his sword, Raine would get no
DX bonus!
Whatever you decide to do, just remember the important thing is to have fun!

Barrier You have the ability to protect tial. Your manner, attitude, and appearance
yourself with a barrier of some kind. This make people acknowledge you and listen
could be a magical shield, an electronic de- to what you have to say. You are also es-
vice, or anything else that can protect you pecially good at making people see it “your
from harm. Instead of making a normal De- way.” You may add your Charismatic dice
fense roll in combat, you may roll your Bar- when trying to convince, distract, bribe, or
rier dice instead. In addition, if your oppo- in any way charm others to do what you
nent’s attack still connects, you may burn like.
Endurance to “buy off” Damage on a one-
for-one basis. With enough Endurance, you Combat Expert You have trained your-
can theoretically nullify any attack! Using self in an array of offensive tactics. With
barriers this way, brought up in a flash in this ability, you have the capacity to strike
the heat of battle, can certainly be effective, your opponent where it hurts, hit them
but when used preemptively, they are even hard, and look cool doing it. When making
more valuable. If you decide to maintain an Attack roll, add your Combat Expert dice.
a barrier, you may roll double your Barrier
dice. This preparedness comes at a cost,
This Ability covers the method of at-
however, as you may not perform any other
tacking in general, rather than any single
actions while doing so. If you modify this
weapon or fighting style. To specialize in
Ability with Perks and Flaws, the altered
a specific combat technique, choose it as
Endurance cost only affects activating the
a Knowledge instead.
Barrier. Additional Endurance spent to ne-
gate Damage remains one for one.

The Perk Effective allows Barrier to be

used somewhat offensively. Should any-
one try to attack without the Ranged
Perk, or otherwise enter the area protect-
ed by the Barrier, they will receive Dam-
age. In this case, Barrier is treated like an
Attack roll against zero, and damage is
calculated accordingly.

Beautiful You’ve got the look that oth-

Abilities & Weaknesses
ers would kill for, or at least kill to date.
Your general appearance is remarkable
enough to draw the attention of others,
especially at higher Levels. Through your
good looks, you may be able to excel in
jobs that require it, have an easier time
convincing others to do what you want,
and be sufficiently distracting when you
want to be. Whenever using your appear-
ance to help you in the task at hand, add
your Beautiful dice.
Charismatic You are incredibly influen-

Companion You have a loyal ally, faith- You may add your Cute dice whenever you
ful servant, or even a fuzzy friend that is wish to abuse your cuteness to get some-
always by your side. Whatever the form, thing you want, to persuade those you’ve
this is someone you can rely on. He or she angered from taking their aggression out
has a total of Abilities and Weaknesses on you (or anyone else), or simply to put
equivalent to your Level in Companion. on the charm.
However, this Companion can never be a
true hero in your story, and has a reduced Dexterous You are incredibly adroit
Health and Endurance total of 20 befit- with your hands, making you well adapt-
ting such a role. ed to all matters of delicate manipulation.
While this may be useful to certain illegal
Connected You have made a variety of appplications, you’ll put this skill to good
contacts that you can call upon for favors. use, right? Roll your Dexterous dice any
Perhaps they can get you goods normally time you are trying to perform sleight of
not in your reach, or get you in places you hand, pick pockets or locks, carefully rear-
could not normally get into. At Level 1, range wires or connections, or otherwise
you know a guy who knows a guy, and make fine interactions with your hands.
they might be able to get you a discount or
let you into a semi-private club. At Level 2, Endurance Reserve Through some
you have a friend who you can consistently item, you have an extra store of Endurance
rely on. You may have a supplier who can for your use. It could be an ancient magical
get you rare parts for your creations, an amulet, an electronic power pack, or any
informant who can give you news about object capable of storing energy. Although
a certain subject or organization, or a having this extra Endurance is useful, un-
skilled craftsman who can lend his talents. like real Endurance, it cannot be spent to
At Level 3, you know a variety of people receive Drama Dice or for stamina-related
in a small circle who can help you achieve tasks. It cannot be regained during combat,
what you need, or have a friend with a nor is it automatically restored between
wide breadth of uses. Though restricted to high-tension situations. Endurance for this
a particular field, you may have access to item can only be regained over a period of
all the previous examples at once. At Level time, through rest or recharging over a 24
4, you have a vast assortment of contacts hour period. Also, Endurance Reserve can-
who owe you favors or are otherwise will- not be used for damage taken in combat. If
Abilities & Weaknesses

ing to lend their talents. Though it may the character’s normal Health and Endur-
take time, you can always find someone to ance is reduced to zero, he or she still falls
help you with what you need. At Level 5, unconscious, regardless of the amount of
you are in with nearly everyone. No matter Endurance remaining in the item.
where you go, someone owes you some-
thing, and you can reasonably expect to Endurance Reserve is often linked to other
cash in on a favor in any situation. Abilities through Gear or the Focus Weak-
ness. In these cases, it may be logical for char-
Cute! You are every grandparent’s acters to only spend Endurance Reserve
dream come true. In addition to being an to power these Abilities. On the other hand,
easy target for cheek pinches, many find personal Endurance could represent luck,
it hard to be angry, mean, or in any way gumption, and squeezing out just a little bit
aggressive towards you. On the flip side, extra. Whatever you decide, be consistent.
you may also be hard to take seriously.

To determine the Endurance granted, re- Flight Whether by wings, supernatural
fer to the following chart: powers, or machine, you have the miracu-
lous ability to fly. While flying itself is not
E. RESERVE LEVEL BONUS an extraordinary action to you, you may
roll your Flight dice when racing others,
1 20 attempting daunting stunts, or otherwise
2 40 testing your abilities in the air.

3 60
By its nature, Flight allows combatants
4 80 to create a sizable distance from their
opponents, enough for Attacks to re-
5 120 quire the Ranged Perk. Conversely, it can
also eliminate any such distance. In any
given Combat Round, flying characters
Evasive You have learned that getting
can choose to be far away or not, but
out of the way of danger is a useful skill
never both. A character could not use an
indeed. You may add your Evasive dice to
Attack without Ranged and decide to
Defense rolls, or any time you try to out-
be far enough away to require Ranged
maneuver or block punches, stabs, energy
of others in the same Round. Any other
blasts, pillars of flame, massive explosions,
characters with Flight can always be
heat-seeking missiles, or anything else in-
within range.
tent on doing you bodily harm.

Famous Through valor, fortune, or just Gear You have equipped yourself with
being at the right place at the right time, an item (or a collection of related items)
you’ve become easily recognizable and are that augments your own talents and af-
thought of fondly by people you may nev- finities. It may be a power suit built to
er have met. At Level 1, a few people know increase your natural strength and tough-
your name and might give you a hearty ness, a magical sword that imbues you
handshake and humor small requests. At with mystical power, or a replacement
Level 2, you are recognized in your field, arm featuring an array of special effects.
and those familiar with your work or his- While you may consistently have access
tory will be thrilled to meet you. At Level to this gear, you are not required to use
3, you are well-known in many venues and
can often cash in on your fame for a favor,
it all the time. Nor is its availability guar-
anteed, as it may also be lost, broken, or
Abilities & Weaknesses
accomodations, or other perk. At Level taken from you.
4, you are world-famous with countless For every Level that you have in Gear,
adoring fans. You can expect the prover- you may spend that number of Levels
bial carpet rolled out for you wherever to craft it from other Abilities. You may
you go, and are treated to luxuries, favors, also choose Weaknesses to increase the
and amenities befitting your status; Level number of Levels available to your gear.
5, you are a legend. Meeting you in per- Any Abilities and Weaknesses granted by
son is an unparalelled honor, and people this equipment are cumulative with your
will cater to your every need and want in character’s own, mitigating or exaggerat-
hopes of being blessed with your presence ing any natural advantages and faults.
a moment longer.

Hammerspace A strange fluke in the Heal You have the remarkable skill to
anime universe, hammerspace is a curious heal others from the worst injuries. You
dimension where items of any size can be may have some special power, divine in-
placed and recalled at will. (The name fluence, or just a really big box of bandag-
harkens to a classic anime tendency for es. Simply roll your Heal dice; the result
females to put away impossibly large ham- is the amount of Health recovered. This
mers and mallets to use when angered.) task takes significant concentration to do,
Only items that are relatively common and generally cannot be done in Com-
and of liftable weight can be “pulled” from bat or when your attention is otherwise
hammerspace. You could pull a rose, a diverted. If others safeguard and protect
canvas and easel, or maybe even a gun, but your efforts, you can complete the action
you could not retrieve one of the legend- in a Round. However, if you make any
ary swords of Masamune, a magic cure for other rolls, even a Defense roll, the effort
any disease, or a 1985 Chevrolet Camaro is aborted, and you must try again. If a full
(unless you also had sufficient amounts of round passes without intervention, you
the Strength Ability to pull it off.) succeed and the appropriate Health is re-
gained. Characters knocked unconscious
When you wish to pull an item, roll your can be brought around through restoring
Hammerspace dice and compare it to the their Health above zero. Only so much
appropriate difficulty. If you succeed, you can be done for any injury in a given day,
now have the desired item in your pos- and an amount of time determined by the
session. If you fail, you cannot find the Game Master must pass before any single
object, it won’t work, or you pull a com- character may be healed again.
pletely different (and usually quite useless)
item altogether. For example, if you were
The Effective Perk may be applied to
being attacked by an irate ninja assassin…
Heal to multiply the amount of Health
regained. So a roll of 10 would now heal
COMPLEXITY MODIFIER 20 points of Health, or more if the Perk
Not Very Useful 2 is taken multiple times. Other Perks, like
(Rubber Ducky) Area Effect, and Flaws, like Self-Only can
also be applied.
Theoretically Handy 4
(Dinner Plate)
Abilities & Weaknesses

Heightened Sense One of your five

Sort of Appropriate 6
senses excels beyond the norm. You may
(Wood Practice Sword)
have the nose of a bloodhound, eyes that
Just What You Need! 8 can see the smallest detail near or far, or
(Saber) maybe just an unparalleled palate. You can
add your Heightened Sense dice whenever
Very Useful 10
(Automatic Rifle) you try to notice, differentiate, scrutinize
or otherwise excel at something with this
Incredibly Useful 12 sense.
(Rocket Launcher)
Amazingly Apropos 15 Illusionist You are capable of tricking
(Death Ray) those around you into believing some-
thing exists that is not actually there.
Perhaps you are a skilled magician able

to pull elaborate tricks from your hat, Incorporeal Form You can “phase
or you can truly harness some power to out” of the physical world and pass
cloud the minds of others with fictitious through solid objects as if they were air.
imagery. When attempting to pass off an While you are incorporeal, no one can
illusion as real, roll your Illusionist dice. touch or attack you, but likewise, you can-
The result becomes the Difficulty Num- not do the same to them. All your belong-
ber others must beat, with Abilities like ings are assumed to become incorporeal
Perceptive and Sixth Sense, in order to see as well. While entering this state is not an
through your illusions. Depending on the astounding feat for you, increased Levels
complexity of your phantasm, you may in Incorporeal Form improve your control
receive a Bonus or Penalty to your efforts. over the power. Roll your Incorporeal Form
In Combat, you may roll your Incorporeal
COMPLEXITY MODIFIER Form dice instead of a normal Defense.
Your Incorporeal Form dice may also be
Easy +1
added to Defense rolls in cluttered or oth-
Moderate 0 erwise difficult terrain.

Challenging -1 Intimidating You know how to scare,

Difficult -2 bully, and overpower others through
sheer presence. You may add your In-
Very Difficult -3 timidating dice whenever trying to force
someone to do something you want or to
cause fear.

Abilities & Weaknesses

Intuitive While not necessarily well- attempts produce nothing useful, or
learned or book-smart, you are certainly something that will break (or explode)
clever. You figure out things easily and later on. New characters may start play
pick up on small nuances others might with one or more inventions of useful-
miss. When you are trying to solve a non- ness equal to their Ability in Inventor. For
academic problem, crack riddles, discern example, a character with +3 in Invention
the true motives of others, put the pieces may have a Very Useful invention to start.
together, or otherwise rely on your per-
sonal insight, roll your Intuitive dice.
Although characters can theoretically
have as many inventions as they want, it
Inventor You have a natural talent
is unlikely that they will be able to keep up
with creating machines and gadgets to
with more than one or two. Excess inven-
serve a myriad of purposes. However, at-
tions are probably stored away in garages
tempts to build these things are not au-
or maybe scrapped for parts. However,
tomatically successful. You must roll your
some characters might couple this Ability
Inventor dice (as well as any other Abilities
with Hammerspace or Walking Arsenal…
that apply, like Smart) and compare it to
the difficulty listed below appropriate to
the usefulness of your invention. Some Invisibility Now you see you, now you
inventions may also require special parts don’t! You have the ability to obscure your-
and long periods of time to build, at the self and your belongings from view. At-
Game Master’s discretion. tempts to spot, attack, or otherwise inter-
act with you suffer a Penalty equal to your
COMPLEXITY MODIFIER Level in Invisibility. At Level 1, you are not
truly invisible, just more difficult to notice,
Not Very Useful 2 whether by a mind trick or some form of
(Turbo Toothbrush) camouflage. At Level 2, you are even harder
Theoretically Handy 4 to see. Perhaps you transform into a shad-
(Super Glue) ow, or special gear bends the light around
you. At Level 3, you can become completely
Sort of Appropriate 6
invisible. However, others may still be able
(Glider, +1)
to discern your presence through sound or
Just What You Need! 8 smell, or through interactions with the en-
Abilities & Weaknesses

(Tank, +2) vironment, like footprints in the sand. At

Level 4, you become invisible to other sens-
Very Useful 10
(Airship, +3) es as well, including smell and hearing. At
Level 5, you are completely undetectable,
Incredibly Impressive 12 and do not even affect the surrounding en-
(Super Weapon, +4) vironment—unless you want to.
Amazingly Amazing 15
(Dimension Gate, +5) Some Abilities, like Heightened Sense, Per-
ceptive, and Sixth Sense, can help negate
the Penalty Invisibility provides. Likewise,
These inventions may also mimic other
environmental clues can aid in detection.
Abilities and Weaknesses. Compare the
Simply reduce the Penalty by an amount
total (Abilities minus Weaknesses) to the
equal to the appropriate Ability or Bonus.
table to discover their usefulness. Failed

Iron-Willed You have a will of iron, Lucky Lady Luck is on your side. Good
always remaining reliable under pressure things continually happen to you, and
and true to your values and loyalties. You somehow even the worst of situations
can add your Iron-Willed dice when resist- have a good side to them. (For example,
ing mind control, curses, temptation, fear, if your house were blown up, you would
or anything that tests your conviction and discover a natural oil well under it.) The
mental stamina. higher your Level in Lucky, the more of-
ten it has an effect and to greater results.
Knowledge You have an interest or In addition to your natural luckiness, you
training in a particular area. This could also get a number of free Drama Dice
range anywhere from Programming and equal to your Level in Lucky. These free
Cooking to Japanese Literature and Italian dice are replenished only between adven-
Opera. When your Knowledge applies to tures or at the Game Master’s discretion.
the task at hand, add your Knowledge dice.
Magic, Arcane You have been gifted
with the confounding ability to use magic
If you have limited your character with
or another similar mystical force. You can
the Base Zero, Power Ceiling, or Scaled
harness this energy to reproduce the ef-
Cost rules, you are encouraged to make
fect of any Ability for yourself or others.
Knowledge cost half of what it normally
In order to do so, you must spend Endur-
would. If left with a fraction, round up.
ance. The exact amount varies according
to your Level in Arcane Magic and that of
Life Support You can survive in an en- the Ability you wish to mimic. Keep in
vironment that is normally uninhabitable. mind this is in addition to any costs
At Level 1, you can hold your breath or the Ability may already possess.
withstand other hazards for an extended
time. At Level 2, you can live in another
environment that humans normally can-
not, such as underwater or in extreme
heat or cold. You are also not affected by
environmental changes, like pressure, in
this environment. At Level 3, you can live
in multiple environments, even space.
However, certain environments may re-
main harmful to you at the Game Master’s
Abilities & Weaknesses
discretion. At Level 4, you are completely
independent from your surroundings and
unaffected by almost all environmental
conditions. At Level 5, you require noth-
ing to live. No energy source, no air, no
rest. You are completely self-sufficient.

If this Ability is given to a Vehicle, it also

grants its effects to all occupants. If you
find Level 5 hard to justify in this way, treat
passengers as if they had Level 4 instead.

ness this power to bewitch objects and
people, or in other words, cast Weak-
LV 1 2 3 4 5 nesses equal to your Level in Witchcraft.
Although Weaknesses still may not exceed
1 20 30 40 50 60
-3, additional Levels in Witchcraft affect
2 10 20 30 40 50 the “strength” of the curse. In the likely
scenario that the target wishes to resist
3 5 10 20 30 40 the magic, they make a roll against your
Witchcraft dice. Abilities like Iron-Willed
4 2 5 10 20 30
and Unnatural Resistance can affect this
5 0 2 5 10 20 roll, but so can the appropriate Weak-
Once successful, a curse may only be
For the spell to take effect, you must suc- removed in one of two ways. The origi-
cessfully cast it. For Abilities less than or nal caster may relinquish the curse – and
equal to your Level in Arcane Magic this is must in order to regain the spent Endur-
achieved automatically. For Abilities with ance – or another with a Witchcraft Abil-
greater Levels, you must roll your Arcane ity equal in Level to the original caster can
Magic dice, along with other appropri- dispel it. While Arcane Magic may be used
ate Abilities like Smart, and compare it to alleviate some of a curse’s effects, it
to a Difficulty Number. This number is 2 cannot provide a permanent cure. At the
+ double the Level of the desired Ability. Game Master’s discretion, items may be
If failed, the spell does not work, or does required to add or remove certain curses.
not work as intended. Endurance spent to
cast the spell is lost regardless, but any En- Minions Whether by charisma, fear, or
durance required by the mimicked Ability mind-control, you have the ability to call
itself is not spent. upon a sizable troupe of allies. For each
All effects take place immediately Level you have in Minions, you may sum-
and last as long as the character deems mon twice that many reinforcements.
necessary. However, Endurance spent to Each of these allies has a Health and En-
cast any spell may not be regained until durance of 10, and when their Abilities
its effects are relinquished. In combat, and Weaknesses are combined, they can-
it counts as an action to cast a spell, but not have a sum of Levels greater than +1.
Abilities & Weaknesses

does not to keep it in effect. Players may

wish to list their favorite spells before the At the Player’s option, Minions may be
game to keep from halting play. “combined” in order to increase their
power. For instance, a character with +2
Abilities like Attack are cast on one’s self, in Minions could instead summon 2 flun-
and then used on another. If you tried to kies with 20 base Health and Endurance,
cast Attack itself on another person, you and +2 in Abilities.
would be giving them the Ability, not tar-
geting them with it!
Passion There is a particular thing in
life that drives you, so much that you feel
Magic, Witchcraft You have dabbled yourself become more competent and
into the mysterious realm of witchcraft powerful when in its presence. This can
or some other dark energy. You can har- be a particular thing (race cars, classical

music) or an emotion (love, cowardice). important group whose influence is felt by
When in a situation that applies to your many; Level 4, you are in control of a ma-
passion, you may add your Passion dice to jor organization and have many resources
all actions. at your disposal, as well as a significant
amount of influence; Level 5, your control
Perceptive You are in tune with the is unquestioned, your power is incredible,
world around you and spot things that and you hold influence over almost every-
most people fail to notice. You can add one.
your Perceptive dice to any attempts to
notice things out of the ordinary, detect Performer They like you, they really
changes in people or things, sense your like you! You are at home in front of an
surroundings, or search an area for an audience and are able to dazzle them with
item. While sight is an obvious applica- a diverse array of talents, from music and
tion, the Perceptive Ability is by no means singing, clever tricks and slight of hand,
limited to this sense alone. to acting and story-telling. Put simply,
you are naturally entertaining. When try-
Pilot You have a knack for piloting any ing to impress—or distract—an audience,
kind of machinery, no matter how strange lift the spirits of weary comrades, or get
or complicated. You may add your Pilot grumbling fuddy-duddies to lighten up,
dice when attempting drive cars, pilot roll your Performer dice.
planes, steer boats, or even control space
ships. If you want your character to be Psychic You have the mysterious abil-
able to pilot a single kind of vehicle, get ity to enter others’ minds and read their
the appropriate Knowledge Ability in- thoughts, or even change those thoughts
stead. and implant your own. Roll with your Psy-
chic (And Iron-Willed, if you have it) dice
versus your target’s Iron-Willed dice. You
While Pilot is usually all that is needed for
will also get a bonus or penalty, pend-
a given situation, sometimes it is pertinent
ing on how you try to affect your target’s
to consider the advantages and faults of
the vehicle being piloted. Simply add or
subtract any of the Vehicle’s own Abili-
ties and Weaknesses to the Piloting roll. COMPLEXITY MODIFIER
A Vehicle with Slow -2 would give a -2
Penalty to attempts to Pilot, while Quick Read Surface +1 Abilities & Weaknesses
+2 would provide a bonus. If trying to use Thoughts
any outfitted weaponry, Abilities like Agile Read Deep 0
and Weaknesses like Clumsy may apply Thoughts
instead of Quick and Slow.
Read Suppressed -1
Position of Power You are in a re-
Implant an Idea or -2
spected position that grants you power
Encourage an Action
and influence. At Level 1, your power is
limited and you only hold influence over Control Mind -3
a small group of people; Level 2, you con-
trol a small group and have minor influ-
ence over others; Level 3, you control an

Uses of Psychic Ability with a bonus may Resistance Your body is especially re-
be done casually and do not require the silient to a specific kind of damage, such
use of an action in combat or a significant as fire, electricity, or chi, or an attack to a
amount of concentration. Psychic abili- specific area of your body. At Level 1, for
ties without a bonus or penalty require every five points of damage you receive,
the use of an action and a good deal of ignore one point. For each successive Lev-
concentration. All uses of Psychic with a el, reduce the damage taken by one. (Level
penalty require undivided attention. Con- 2 would be four points of damage, ignore
tact (and control) is lost with the target if one.) Level 5 would be 1 for 1, or essentially
you are distracted or focus your attention rendering you invulnerable to that source.
elsewhere. You may make no other ac-
tions, even Defense rolls, while perform-
Before calculating any reduction of Dam-
ing these powers.
age from Resistance, always make your
In addition to the uses above, you may
Defense roll, if it is possible to make one.
also talk to others telepathically. This does
This is the case even with other Abilities that
not require a roll or significant concentra-
replace the Defense roll, such as Barrier.
tion unless the target wants to resist your
Shape Change You can change your
Quick You are particularly fast and have appearance in various ways, whether
quick reflexes. You can add your Quick through magic or a really great costume
bonus to Defense rolls, dodging, running, and makeup kit. Each Level in this Abil-
driving, Initiative rolls, or anything else ity grants ways you can change yourself,
that challenges your speed and reflexes. but also includes changes possible in each
Level below it. At Level 1, you may change
your clothes instantaneously. At Level 2,
you may alter your age by up to ten years,
as well as make slight changes to eye, hair,
and skin color. At Level 3, you may change
your physical appearance to a moderate
extent, and can make drastic changes to
eye, hair, and skin color. You can even as-
sume the appearance of the opposite sex,
Abilities & Weaknesses

although you remain looking very “girlish”

for a boy or “boyish” for a girl. You can also
copy the appearance of those who already
look somewhat similar to you. At Level 4,
you can change your appearance drasti-
cally, able to assume the appearance of
nearly anyone, as long as they share the
same basic biological characteristics –
generally, another human. At Level 5, you
can assume the appearance of anyone or
anything, no matter how bizarre.

Sixth Sense You have a peculiar sense malevolent spirits will test your skills.
that few have, a kind of feeling that alerts When attempting to banish an unwilling
you when you, or someone important to spirit, you must roll your Spirit Medium
you, is in danger. It may be a true para- dice against their highest Ability—regard-
normal sense, a voice from beyond, or just less of what it may be. If you succeed,
a really good gut instinct. You may roll the spirit is banished to its realm, but if
your Sixth Sense dice to notice something you fail, the spirit may become angry,
“fishy” going on, in addition to attempts among other unpleasant things. You may
to notice ambushes, traps, foul omens, summon a spirit in much the same way.
and other unforeseen dangers. However, even a failed roll may result in
the appearance of a given spirit, but the
Smart You have a significant helping in failure will likely result in anger, resent-
the brains department. You can roll your ment, or outright violence. Some spirits
Smart dice when recalling facts, design- may even feign servitude to get the upper
ing inventions, casting spells, decipher- hand on their would-be masters.
ing puzzles, passing that midterm, or
attempting anything else that might chal-
Powerful spirits may require weakening by
lenge your IQ.
combat before it is possible to banish them.
A trained Spirit Medium will be able to dis-
Spirit Medium You have a deep knowl-
cern when this is the case.
edge of the spirit world and how to in-
teract with it. You can talk with various
spirits, as well as summon, banish, and
perhaps gain favor from them—with or
without extravagant ceremonies. Benign
spirits may come and go without much
headache, but angry, reclusive, or

Abilities & Weaknesses

Strong You have a lot of raw physi-
cal power at your disposal. You can add Heavy items are usually good candidates
your Strong dice when lifting, breaking, for several perks and flaws, like Awkward,
climbing, or any other action that tests Mighty Blow, or even Ranged, Strength-
your natural strength. Strong also acts as Powered if a character decides to throw
a bonus to your Damage Multiplier when it. Use common sense, and remember it is
fighting bare-handed, striking with weap- better to leave a few out than slow down
ons, or otherwise attacking with your the game detailing a one-time use Attack
strength. to the nth degree.
What follows is a list of suggested
difficulties for heavy lifting. The specific Teleport Need to get somewhere? In
examples in parenthesis are written to ap- a blink of an eye, you’re there. Of course,
ply to a typical human, and would not be you may have more difficulty teleporting
appropriate for towering mecha and other long distances. Below is a quick table of
things of scale. Note also that these Dif- Difficulty Numbers for different distanc-
ficulty Numbers imply actually lifting and es. You must roll your Teleport dice versus
carrying the object around. If the inten- this number. If you fail, nothing happens
tion is to just lift the object a few inches or you end up somewhere other than you
off the ground for a short period of time, intended—possibly ten feet in the air or in
the difficulty might be a little lower. another country entirely.


Like a Feather! Within Sight 2

(Trivial Appliance)
Out of Sight 4
No Big Deal
4 Across the City 6
(Cumbersome Crate)
Takes Some Grunting Across the Country 8
(Another Person)
Across the Continent 10
Wow, That’s Heavy!
8 Around the World 12
Oh My Back! Out of This World 15
Abilities & Weaknesses

Awe-Inspiring You may also use Teleport as a defense in
(Telephone Pole) combat. Instead of a normal Defense, roll
Impossibly Heavy your Teleport dice. If your roll exceeds that
15 of your opponent’s attack, you teleport far
enough away to avoid the blow. If it does
not, your teleport fails to achieve the dis-
After picking up an item, the character tance necessary or does not happen soon
may attack with it. The Damage Multi- enough. Damage is calculated as if you
plier will vary from object to object, but a made a normal Defense roll.
number one-third the DN required to lift
it, rounded down, is appropriate. Telekinesis You have the curious abil-
ity to move objects with your mind. You

can use this power to lift items, push but- For every Level that you have in Trans-
tons, throw things, and more. Although formation, you may spend double that
no roll is required for small objects, you number of Levels in new and improved
are required to roll your Telekinesis dice Abilities. You may also choose Weakness-
to manipulate heavier objects, much like es to increase the number of Levels avail-
using the Strong Ability. In fact, the same able to you. Any Abilities and Weaknesses
difficulty table applies. You can also use gained through this transformation are
Telekinesis as an attack, where the Level in cumulative with your character’s own,
the Ability acts as a bonus to your Damage mitigating or exaggerating any natural
Multiplier. advantages and faults.
Besides manifesting new Abilities
Time Freeze Time is constant…or was and improving those you already possess,
until you came along. You have the abil- Transformation can also produce altera-
ity to slow or even freeze the flow of time. tions to your physical appearance. This
For each Level in Time Freeze, you gain an can be as drastic as becoming a ruthless
equivalent bonus in all tests of speed and beast or as simple as invoking a costume
quickness—or a penalty to those of your change. In many cases, transformed char-
opponents’. While this Ability requires acters are exempt from recognition. Un-
you to perform an action in Combat, you less you have revealed your “other” iden-
may offset the Multiple Actions penalty tity, or someone sees you transform, no
by an amount equal to your Level in Time one will recognize you, regardless of any
Freeze. seemingly obvious similarities.

Tough Simply put, you’re made of

tougher stuff. You gain a bonus to Health
equivalent to the following table:


1 10

2 20

3 30

4 40 Abilities & Weaknesses

5 60

You can also add your Tough dice when

forced to endure and resist pain.

Transformation You have the incredi-

ble ability to change into a more powerful
form. How you choose to transform and
the exact length of this transformation is
up to you.

The ability to transform is instanta- Vehicle (Mecha) Give your feet a break
neous—regardless of how much time you a while and go cruising in your very own
spend describing its flashy effects—but vehicle. This Ability can represent many
not something that can be done willy- things, from a motorcycle or sports car
nilly. There’s no hard and fast rules, but to a giant robotic mecha or fighter space-
generally a transformation must be the- craft. Your Level in Vehicle may be an ab-
matically appropriate, and can only be stract representation of its overall useful-
done one or two times over the course of ness, or it can be used to create a vehicle
an adventure. with specific Abilities. For every Level
that you have in Vehicle, you may spend
While it’s theoretically possible to achieve double that number of Levels to “build” it
higher than a +5 Bonus or less than a –3 from other Abilities. You may also choose
Penalty through Transformation, you may Weaknesses to increase the number of
want to consider lowering your gained Levels available to craft your machine.
Abilities or Weaknesses, or at least discuss- Abilities and Weaknesses are not cumula-
ing the effects with your Game Master. tive with your character’s natural advan-
tages and faults.
Unique Ability If you cannot find an Your vehicle also has a separate Health
Ability in the rules to cover the power you and Endurance total, which its Damage
wish to have, discuss it with your Game received and Endurance draining Abili-
Master. Together, you can give your char- ties (should it have any) draw from. The
acter a Unique Ability appropriate to what same rules apply to both as normal with
you want. The Game Master will help you the following exception: Health and En-
decide the actual rules behind your Abil- durance are no longer linked. The vehicle
ity, as well as the appropriate Level. is destroyed or effectively incapacitated

Changing the Focus of the Game

As you’ve no doubt noticed, OVA has a lot of Abilities, ranging from magical
powers, to natural aptitudes, to trained skills. It’s a well-rounded package
that will suit most games of derring-do and adventure, and what elements it
misses can easily be squeezed in with Unique Ability.
But as written, OVA does place a focus on certain elements. For instance,
Abilities & Weaknesses

there are countless ways to individualize the way characters fight, but not so
much the way characters might, say, race a car. If your campaign is all about
street-racing, be it through Tokyo streets or on an intergalactic circuit, the
many combat Abilities and the singular simplification of Pilot is not ideal. But
there’s no reason it has to be that way!
You could easily take Attack, Combat Expert, Evasive, and the whole lot and
combine it into one Ability—just for those times when a driver might get into
fisticuffs with another. Likewise, Pilot can be split into Cornering, Overtaking,
and Stunts so each racer can have his or her own expertise.
This goes for the central element of any campaign. For a cooking competi-
tion, it’s totally conceivable to have a Chef Ability, or even separate ones for
Cooking, Baking, and Presentation. Find the balance that’s perfect for your story!

when Health is depleted, and Endurance- Vehicle. You may now alter its attributes
draining Abilities can never draw from at will as long as its basic description fits
Health. Like a normal character, both to- in with the kind of item you collect - es-
tals default to 40. Depending on the de- sentially, draw another gun or get another
sign of the vehicle, it may be difficult or vehicle from the hangar. You may not re-
impossible to attack the pilot without first trieve an item of an Ability Level greater
incapacitating it. Modifiers to strike the than your Walking Arsenal Ability or the
pilot (if this is indeed possible at all) are focused Ability, nor can you retrieve an
left up to the Game Master’s discretion. item that is substantially different from
the theme of your Walking Arsenal. You
Most characters are assumed to own or could not retrieve a sword if you specialize
have access to vehicles within their own in gun-like weapons…unless, of course,
income. Students would have bicycles; it’s a bayonet…
working adults, cars; and very rich folk,
personal jets. If the vehicle in question is Wealthy Your fat wallet is the envy
nothing special for the character, then it of all that gaze upon it. At Level 1, you
probably should not be listed as an Ability. are mildly wealthy and can afford to be
On the other hand, a specially modified or extravagant with fancy clothes and ex-
upgraded vehicle, or one that is intrinsic to pensive dinners; Level 2, you can afford
the character’s identity, would be appro- buying expensive items on a regular ba-
priate. Consult with your Game Master sis, including state-of-the-art electronic
if you have a question regarding this. setups and designer suits or gowns; Level
3, you can afford expensive cars, personal
servants, and other such luxuries; Level 4,
Vigorous You have an abundance of you live in a mansion, drive in limousines,
energy and the ability to persevere against own a vast collection of cars and personal
the effects of fatigue and tiring. You re- aircraft, and are easily the richest person
ceive a bonus to Endurance equivalent to around; Level 5, You can buy anything.
the following table: Anything.

VIGOROUS LEVEL BONUS If the Players and the Game Master prefer
it, purchasing—or already owning—items
1 10
can be treated like any other roll, with
2 20 Wealthy dice adding to that effort. Abilities & Weaknesses
3 30

4 40

5 60

Walking Arsenal You are a living

warehouse. Your enthusiasm for a certain
kind of item is so great that you own near-
ly every specimen of it. With the Walking
Arsenal Ability, you must pick another ap-
propriate Ability as its focus, like Attack or

Absent-Minded You have the darnedest Players who want their characters to be-
tendency to forget things at inopportune come stronger through Accidental Trans-
times. At Level 1, tasks you are supposed formation may want to buy appropriate
to do often slip your mind, such as attend- Abilities—or the Transformation Ability it-
ing important meetings or doing your self—and give them a Trigger of whatever
homework. At Level 2, you have trouble causes the Accidental Transformation.
recalling even recent conversations and
events, and even when you do remember, Ageism You are easily dismissed by oth-
the details often elude you. At Level 3, you ers as useless or a bother because of your
have the memory of a goldfish, making apparent age. At Level 1, you appear to be
the world a practical blank past 5 minutes a young teenager or over sixty years of age.
ago. You usually don’t remember anything You are not completely ignored, but you
very long, and sometimes get lost while are often forgotten or unwanted. At Level
you are speaking or forget what you are 2, you look like a child or quite elderly. No
doing while you’re doing it. one takes you seriously, and you find it
hard to gain respect from anyone. At Level
Accidental Transformation You 3, you appear to be a very small child or
have a most unusual condition, one that absolutely ancient. Respect is nearly im-
causes an inconvenient transformation possible to find, and the thought of having
when you come in contact with a certain you around is immediately thought of as
substance or experience a certain event. “babysitting.”
The transformation may wear off once
you escape its trigger, find its antidote, Characters with Abilities and Weaknesses
or after a length of time determined by like Position of Power and Infamous may
the Game Master. At Level 1, you gain not be appropriate candidates for Age-
one or two Levels of Weaknesses, or are ism. A respected elder of a community or
otherwise inconvenienced by this trans- the young heir to the crown are unlikely
formation. At Level 2, you gain 3 to 4 to deal with the same hardships as others
Levels of Weaknesses, or are otherwise of their age.
majorly inconvenienced. At Level 3, you
gain 5 Levels or more of Weaknesses, or Airhead Anybody home? The answer
Abilities & Weaknesses

are otherwise terribly inconvenienced. to this question is somewhat debatable in

Even completely losing control of your your case. You may not be stupid or naive
character is a possibility! In this case, the but come off as both through your sheer
Game Master controls your character un- ability at not understanding, misinter-
til the transformation has reverted itself. preting, or otherwise not retaining any-
You can always suggest things to the Game thing you are told. At Level 1, you some-
Master as a sort of inner voice, but your times miss the point of a conversation if
character may not listen! While it is pos- it gets too long or complicated, and subtle
sible to gain Abilities through this Weak- humor completely eludes you. At Level 2,
ness, your total gained Weaknesses must long-winded conversations go over your
exceed the gained Abilities by at least as head completely. You have a hard time
many Levels as described by your Level in following instructions, and only the most
Accidental Transformation. overt attempts at wit will successfully
be conveyed to you. At Level 3, you have

the attention span of a three-year-old, Awkward Size You are of curious stat-
but without the patience to sort building ure. You are either much smaller or much
blocks by color. Almost nothing can be larger than those around you. At Level 1,
successfully discussed with you, and you you sometimes find it hard to use items
totally miss the point of anything that’s and be in places meant for the typical hu-
not a plainly stated fact. Sometimes you man being, but you can still function in
won’t even get that. society. At Level 2, you cannot use many
items meant for normal people. Your size
Amnesia Due to a freak accident, also creates a great hindrance in navi-
strange illness, or simply some kind of gating your surroundings. You may be
foul play, you have lost your memory. At so large that you can only fit in the very
Level 1, the beginning of your illness was largest of buildings—if you can get in the
long ago, and you have many more recent doorway. Or you may be small enough
memories. However, you may still long that you have problems with things be-
to know your forgotten beginnings and ing built much higher and larger than you
the cause of your memory-loss. At Level are. Many minor obstacles may become
2, your amnesia is fairly recent. You have significant challenges. At Level 3, you may
had time to readjust to where you are, but be simply huge, and cannot use anything
much of your life is a blank slate. At Level meant for normal sized people, nor can
3, your amnesia is very recent, and you you really function in any normal sized
have almost no memories at all. You may environment without destroying pieces of
be completely lost and confused by your it regularly, like knocking over trees while
surroundings, and filled with a dire need walking through a park. On the other
to know who you are. hand, you may be positively tiny, unable
to get around this “big” world easily at all.
Arrogant You are the most important Every day items become “mountains” and
person to ever live…in your mind anyway. other insurmountable feats.
You believe in your own superiority to a
fault, and may offend others with your Although no other rules are implicit to
haughtiness, not to mention find your way Awkward Size, Players should consider
into rough situations. At Level 1, you think the possible effects of this trait on other
you are superior to most around you but facets of their character. An unusual size
respect a select few, and those “below” you may impact the ease in which a character
are treated with at least mild civility. At
Level 2, you are above almost everyone, and
dodges harm or the strength a character
possesses, and appropriate Abilities might
Abilities & Weaknesses
only a few are worthy “equals.” You often need to be selected.
treat those who are unworthy with hostil-
ity or a cold pompous attitude. At Level Mecha, giant machines, and monstrous
3, you are the sole reason for the world to creatures may find the human-sizes ex-
be, and you are quite annoyed by the fact amples inappropriate. In such cases, the
others do not see this. You treat everyone, description should be reinterpreted. A
regardless of who they are, as if they were very large space ship with Awkward Size
little better than the bubble gum stuck to -2 would have difficulty docking in normal
your shoe. When attempting matters of hangars, for instance.
diplomacy, or otherwise performing tasks
that require you to keep your arrogance in
check, subtract your Arrogant dice.

Bizarre Appearance You have an ap- 1, you may come across as rude, and often
pearance that is markedly different from enough you are discourteous to others.
those around you. At Level 1, you have a At Level 2, you are seen as unmannered
few noticeable distinguishing features to the point of being blatantly offensive.
that, though odd, do not cause alarm or Some of your actions may be considered
hatred in others. You may even be able to crude or disgusting. At Level 3, you have
disguise your appearance with a little ef- no sense of proper behavior whatsoever.
fort. At Level 2, you have many traits that You do whatever pleases you and say
single you out. You may not be hideous, whatever you feel like, regardless of the
but your appearance may startle those social repercussions. Unsurprisingly, you
unfamilar with you or cause immediate must subtract your Boorish dice from any
distrust. You could never blend in as a tasks involving charisma, charm, or eti-
“normal” human being. At Level 3, you are quette.
a monster. Children get scared and run
from you, and others are greatly alarmed Clumsy You, put simply, are a klutz.
and try to avoid your company. Things tend to find their way out of your
grasp, you easily lose your balance, and
Boorish You do not really see the at best others describe your attempts at
point in good manners or, really, being anything that requires finesse of move-
particularly well-behaved at all. At Level ment as awkward. At Level 1, you may be
Abilities & Weaknesses

a bit butter fingered or accident-prone, tation, and you probably resent anyone
but you aren’t absolutely hopeless. You even telling you that you have a problem.
might even be able to move gracefully if You may be a hopeless drunk, a kleptoma-
you practiced enough. At Level 2, things niac, or someone otherwise saddled with
tend to get broken in your presence, and a compulsion so bad that it can seriously
any kind of beautiful or skilled movement harm your well-being.
is almost entirely outside of your ability.
At Level 3, you may as well be a bull in a Coward He who fights and runs away
china shop, with about as much grace. lives to fight another day. With just a little
When attempting feats of agility, wielding tweaking to simply “run away,” this is your
a weapon, catching or balancing objects, mantra. You are uneasy around danger
or facing other tasks that require your co- and usually the first to jet at the sign of
ordination, subtract your Clumsy penalty. trouble. At Level 1, you can hold your own
for a while, but as soon as the tide of any
Code of Conduct You have restricted situation turns against you, you are likely
your manner and actions by a defined to make a convenient exit. At Level 2, you
code. At Level 1, this code is simple, usu- are frightened by danger and try to avoid
ally containing only one major facet, such it whenever possible. You are not above
as honesty, gentlemanship, or a sense of hiding from time to time, and if forced
fairplay. At Level 2, your code may have to confront this danger, you will usu-
many rules, such as the edicts of a major ally run away at the first opportunity. At
organization, a code of chivalry, or a series Level 3, self-preservation is the word, and
of established traditions. On the other you avoid any kind of danger, no matter
hand, your code may be simplistic but how slight, with all your being. If forced
highly inhibiting. At Level 3, your Code of into a sticky situation, you will escape by
Conduct dictates every detail of your life, any means possible. It is not beyond you
like belonging to an organization sworn to divert attention to anyone around to
to secrecy, a secluded temple with a strict help your flight, even when such actions
moral code and elaborate rituals, or even can cause them serious harm. If by some
the Yakuza. bizarre chance you stick around, you are
usually too preoccupied with finding
Compulsion You have an intense need some shallow place to hide under to be of
to perform or do something, even when any use to anyone.
doing so could jeopardize your well-being.
At Level 1, you have a deep desire that’s Crybaby You are quite easily upset and
Abilities & Weaknesses
hard to keep in check, but has few con- have the annoying tendency to whine
sequences if you fail to do so. You may when things fail to go your way. At Level
always want to grab the last piece of su- 1, while you are not much more sensitive
shi or have to make a conscious effort to than the average person, you do cry eas-
resist stopping for a few hands when you ily and have a propensity to complain that
pass a card game. At Level 2, your problem may put others off. At Level 2, you cry of-
can adversely affect your life, and you can ten without significant cause. You want
only resist it with extreme difficulty. You the world to be exactly how you wish, and
may have an uncontrollable urge to hit on complain at length when it fails to meet
every girl or guy you meet or to gamble those expectations. At Level 3, you cry
your paycheck on a few rolls of the dice. profusely at even the lightest provocation,
At Level 3, you cannot resist this temp- and you refuse to do anything that doesn’t

directly fall under what you want to do. attempts to learn or figure out any scho-
Even when it does, you’ll usually find a lastic task is beyond you. Subtract your
reason to whine about it anyway. Dumb dice when attempting to learn new
information, solve a problem, articulate
Dependency You have a deeply in- your thoughts, put two and two together,
grained need for something, whether it is or otherwise perform a task involving aca-
a true addiction, like alcoholism, or some- demics or reasoning.
thing more psychological, like a lucky rab-
bit’s foot. If you are without the object of Easily Distracted If someone told
your dependency for too long—or at all, you, “Hey, look that way!” you would
perhaps—you receive a penalty to all ac- indeed look that way. You’re not neces-
tions equal to your Level in Dependency sarily gullible, but you are very easily
until you can once again have it. You may distracted by just about darned near any-
also become depressed or unwilling to thing. At Level 1, sounds, bright lights,
take action when bereft of this thing. voices, fakes used to distract you, and
other attention-getters easily attract your
Dull While we all can’t be Casanovas notice. You may be taken by these diver-
or charismatic speakers, your capacity to sions of interest, but will quickly refocus
bore and disengage any audience is exem- on the task at hand. At Level 2, you will
plary. At Level 1, you are not completely not only divert your attention, but you
dreadful, but dates tend to be awkward may spend significant time studying the
and uneventful, and any audience may object of distraction. At Level 3, not only
get your message but will rarely remem- will you divert from your current course
ber you for it. At Level 2, you drone on and of action, you will focus your efforts on
on and people are compulsively unrecep- studying this distraction. Even obvious
tive. Dates find excuses to leave the table, fakes like “Mount Fuji’s erupting behind
and audiences may find other diversions you!” would keep you looking for a sizable
and may miss your point. At Level 3, you chunk of time.
are impossibly boring. Dates fake mortal
injuries to escape your presence, and au- Emotionless You have somehow dead-
diences fall asleep in droves. Subtract your ened emotions, whether by forcefully sup-
Dull dice from any tasks involving your pressing these feelings or by never having
personality or likeability. them to begin with. At Level 1, you do
Abilities & Weaknesses

have feelings, but you rarely express them,

Dumb You are not known for your sharp and when you do, to a very limited extent.
wit or book smarts, and tasks requiring At Level 2, your emotions are buried so
either are difficult for you. At Level 1, deeply that you may not have recalled
you may not be the brightest bulb in the ever feeling anything, and only the most
box, but you are capable of understand- dramatic stimuli will elicit anger, fear,
ing most things if you put in the effort. At sadness or any other emotion from you.
Level 2, you speak simply, even the most At Level 3, you not only have no emotions,
basic calculations stress your neurons, but you also lack other human ideals, such
and any effort to absorb new knowledge as the concept of right and wrong, self-
or puzzle out a solution is a lengthy, ardu- lessness and selfishness, good and bad, or
ous process. At Level 3, you barely possess anything else beyond logical comprehen-
human intelligence. Your language is bro- sion and reaction to your surroundings.
ken, your ability to read questionable, and

Endurance Use – One of your Abilities
draws upon your inner strength. Each Focus vs. Other Abilities and Flaws
Level in Endurance Use causes the Ability The Focus Weakness, Abilities like Gear and
to drain Endurance each time it is used, Vehicle, and the Ability Flaws Requirement
or if it already has an Endurance cost, the and Weapon all achieve a similar end: Some
amount required is increased. Ability is not available without a certain
circumstance or possession. Which you
WEAKNESS LEVEL ENDURANCE choose depends largely on the effect you
want to achieve. Focus makes it possible to
-1 5
lose Abilities that are core to your being.
-2 10 Gear allows you to compartmentalize sev-
eral Abilities and even Weaknesses togeth-
-3 20 er for easy removal should it suit the situ-
ation. Requirement and Weapon provide a
reduction in Endurance and also can be ap-
Fear You have an unnatural fear of an plied selectively to certain Attacks without
everyday object or situation, such as spi- impacting your character’s overall damage
ders or heights, that limits your ability to output. All are fine choices—just remem-
function normally when confronted with ber you can never take them together! If
it. At Level 1, you are uncomfortable in the you choose Vehicle as an Ability, you cannot
presence of your Fear and will try to get take Focus: Vehicle as a Weakness.
away from it as soon as possible. At Level
2, you are genuinely scared and will do ev-
erything possible to get away. At Level 3, Frail You are more fragile than the av-
you are so terrified by the object of your erage person. Perhaps you’ve led a pam-
Fear that if you cannot run away from it pered life, unhardened by the toil of labor,
immediately, you will freeze, curl up in a or your health may be compromised by a
ball, or assume some other useless state. chronic illness. For each Level in Frail,
If you can actually manage to perform any subtract 10 from your Health.
actions, you receive a -3 Penalty.
Fussy You are very particular about ev-
Focus One or more of your Abilities re- erything, and are quite perturbed when
quire a special item to use. This may be a things are out of place or otherwise amiss.
focusing point for your spiritual energy, or
the item may actually generate the Ability
Your need for order can annoy others who
do not understand your exacting needs. At
Abilities & Weaknesses
itself. While this object is usually in your Level 1, you are very concerned for the ti-
possession, should it become lost, stolen, or diness of your own affairs, but can forgive
even broken, you can no longer use the Abil- the “failings” of those you know. You may
ity until it is recovered. At Level 1, you lose be seen as nagging but never overbearing,
a single Ability without your Focus, but you and you are only mildly annoyed if things
can get by without it. At Level 2, you may do not meet your standards. At Level 2, you
lose multiple Abilities, or lose one or two of want everything around you to be a certain
your core strengths. Not having your focus way and organized to the point of excess.
is a major burden. With Level 3, nearly all There is always some matter that needs at-
of your Abilities are lost, or you lose pow- tention, and if unable to convince others to
ers and skills that are vital to your existence. take care of it, you will often take it upon
You become a pale version of yourself yourself to remedy the situation. If forced

to leave things as they are, you may become after by some large organization, or may
uncomfortable or anxious. At Level 3, you simply be a convenient means to get to
are truly obsessive. Everything has its place, you. On the other hand, this person could
and it must be in it. If you see anything as be inherently self-destructive, constantly
out of order or wrong, you are drawn to getting into highly dangerous situations
remedy it immediately without any thought that require you to rescue them.
of repercussions for your timing. Your life is
dominated by trying to fix these problems Hatred You have a completely irratio-
while inventing more to attend to. If kept nal hate of something, and being in its
from doing so, you may become distraught presence may cause you to become angry
and unable to function reasonably. or even invoke violence. At Level 1, you
can curb your hatred. However, you will
Greedy You covet the good life, and avoid the object in question, or if a per-
no matter what you get, you always want son, might act cold or inhospitable. At
more. At Level 1, you value material pos- Level 2, you can hardly keep your distaste
sessions a little more than you should, and in check. You will want to harm or dispose
finding ways to increase your personal of the object in question, or if a person, be
wealth preoccupy your thoughts. At Level extremely harsh or even violent towards
2, you value things way too highly. Most them. At Level 3, you become engulfed in
of your time is spent attaining the latest rage. You must destroy or kill the thing of
object of your affections, and you are of- your hatred, and will risk everything to do
ten blind to good sense, willingly taking so. Little, if anything at all, will keep you
unreasonable risks to pad your wallet. At from carrying out your anger.
Level 3, you must have everything, and
someday it will all be yours. Nothing gets Impaired Sense One of your five senses
in your way, and the well-being of friends, fails to perform at full capacity. You may be
or even yourself, serve as little more than hard of hearing, struggling to understand
speed bumps towards your goal. the conversations around you, or have bad
vision that makes objects difficult to make
Guardian You have someone that you out. At Level 1, the sense is only mildly im-
must protect from harm as best you can. paired, but at Level 3, it is entirely, or at
This could be for personal reasons (be- least practically, useless. When attempt-
cause you love your sister dearly) or a spe- ing to use your Impaired Sense to discern,
Abilities & Weaknesses

cific duty (because you are a bodyguard). scrutinize, or perform something, subtract
At Level 1, the person you must protect is your Impaired Sense dice.
rarely in danger and certainly has no one
specific to be defended from. At Level 2, If you can easily mitigate your shortfalls,
the person is moderately well-known such as with corrective eyewear or some
and may get into trouble because of it, device, it is inappropriate to purchase
or they may have deep disagreements or this Weakness. Consider Dependency or
rivalries with another party, causing pos- a Special Weakness detailing your reli-
sible action or violence towards them. It ance on the object. Likewise, if you have
is also possible that they just manage to a supernatural Ability that lets you “see”
get into the darnedest of bad situations without seeing, like sonar or a finely tuned
that require your intervention. At Level 3, awareness, you should consider a Special
the person is a major celebrity who may Weakness that only covers its failings, like
be in constant danger, is actively sought an inability to read or discern colors.

Impulsive The old saying, “Look before Jittery Although not necessarily a cow-
you leap” never really penetrated your ard, you are easily startled or frightened
thoughts very far. You tend to jump into by sudden or unexpected occurrences.
situations without thinking through the At Level 1, unexpected sights, sounds,
possible consequences…or really thinking and feelings easily surprise you. You may
that much at all. At Level 1, even though flinch or make other sudden movements,
you are impulsive, you can be somewhat but the consequences are generally more
rational, especially if others are trying to embarrassing than dangerous. At Level
talk you out of whatever crazy stunt you 2, if you don’t see or hear it coming, it
are considering. At Level 2, you do not is likely to startle you quite badly. You
think about any course of action for long. may jump and yell in fright, or take up a
You easily get yourself into a mess, and combat posture in response. At Level 3,
only the direst of situations have a remote your world is a world of dangers lurking
possibility of making you think twice. At just out of sight. When startled, you may
Level 3, you think it, you do it. That simple. scream and run away or blindly attack the
source of your fright.
Infamous Your reputation precedes
you…in a very bad way. People may distrust Languorous You lack the energy and
you or even hate you, regardless of wheth- pep of most other people. You are easily
er your reputation is deserved. At Level 1, tired, and try to avoid strenuous activity.
your reputation is more gossip than a true For each Level in Languorous, subtract 10
stigma, though some people may still keep from your Endurance.
their distance from you. At Level 2, your
infamy is more renowned and may cause
fear, mistrust, or even disgust in those that
have heard of you. However, you might be
able to overcome their convictions through
your actions. At Level 3, your reputation is
known by nearly everyone, and they keep
their distance out of fear or hatred. Al-
though it might be possible to overcome
your reputation through your actions,
most will simply ignore what you do good
and only remember what you have—or at
least, are said to have—done.
Abilities & Weaknesses
Ineptitude No matter how hard you
try or how much you practice, you are just
really bad at a certain skill or craft. When
attempting to perform the object of your
ineptitude, subtract your Ineptitude dice.

Like with the Knowledge Ability, you are

encouraged to make Ineptitude worth half
its Level when using any limiting rules at
creation. If your total Levels end up a frac-
tion, round up.

Lecherous Although most have some Limited Uses One of your Abilities can
sort of desire for companionship, they only be used a limited number of times
can also keep their urges in check. Unfor- before ceasing to function. It could be
tunately for you, you can’t. At Level 1, you a magical power you can call on only so
are a sucker for naughty things and will often in a day, a piece of equipment with
make attempts to get a hold of them, as a limited number of charges, or simply a
well as sneak revealing peeks at attractive weapon with a finite number of bullets.
members of your desire when the oppor- At Level 1, you may only use this Abil-
tunity presents itself. At Level 2, you are a ity around ten times. At Level 2, you are
hopeless pervert, and regularly buy vari- limited to activating the Ability about five
ous naughty articles, take considerable times. At Level 3, the Ability may only be
risks to get revealing looks, and capital- performed once before being rendered
ize on any opportunity to glomp, goose, inoperable. The Ability may be reloaded
or otherwise handle desirable targets. At under certain circumstances, but gener-
Level 3, your sex hormones are completely ally requires a day of rest or an otherwise
out of control. You will fondle, stare at, or significant wait to be restored.
otherwise harass anyone you like. You
spend most of your free time patrolling Love Interest Ah, the beauty of
girl/guy hangouts in hopes of getting a love. Whether you like it or not, there is
look-see, and you often raid them for someone you hold a special place for in
“personal” articles. your heart, or vice versa. At Level 1, you
have a caring, mutual relationship with
someone. Although there are no special
complications, such a relationship still
requires a substantial commitment. On
the other hand, you may have an un-
wanted love interest that simply can’t
take a hint, insisting on being a constant
annoyance. At Level 2, you might have a
strong love for someone else, but sadly
it is unreturned. You may devote much
of your energy and time to this pointless
chase. If this is not the case, your love
Abilities & Weaknesses

life is at least somewhat complicated. At

Level 3, you may have any of the above
relationships, but the romance is for-
bidden or otherwise socially unaccept-
able. Your respective families may re-
fuse to allow you to be together, or you
might be of incompatible backgrounds.
In any case, your relationship is com-
plicated and difficult, if not impossible.

If you have three or more unwanted love

interests, you should consider taking the
Love Magnet Weakness at Level 2 or higher

Love Magnet Whether you like it or are so gullible and naive that you may very
not, you are one of the most romantically well believe anything! For example, “The
eligible guys or girls around. At Level 1, Malicron Corp. owns you,” or “Daisuke
many are attracted to you, and may hit likes Braun.”
on you from time to time, but few are in-
terested in a serious relationship. At Level Nosebleeder Due to bizarre anime
2, you often have a number of “groupies” medical law, your nose has the tendency
who fawn over you, as well as several other to bleed whenever you catch sight of
more serious (yet possibly unwanted) rela- the nude form—or at least a revealing
tionships that pop up regularly. At Level 3, glimpse—as well as when you have par-
you are a literal love magnet, and cannot ticularly naughty thoughts. At Level 1, you
go anywhere without being swarmed by a spawn a small trickle, which really causes
variety of paramours, many of whom have no harm except to reveal yourself to oth-
vowed their undying love for you. New se- ers. At Level 2, the nosebleed is more seri-
rious love interests may pop up daily! ous, but easily stopped if you follow the
correct medical procedure. This takes
Mute Whether by accident, ailment, a time, but if you choose to ignore it, you
poor grasp of the language, or just a lack receive a -2 Penalty to all actions. At Level
of intelligence, you have a compromised 3, you spout a near waterfall of blood and
capacity to speak. At Level 1, you can con- soon lose consciousness. The time for re-
vey your thoughts, but you do so with covery is left to the Game Master’s discre-
simplistic words and broken grammar. At tion.
Level 2, you are unable to speak at all, but
have the ability to convey what you mean
through pantomime and non-lingual vo-
calizations. Getting people to understand
you may take some work, but you usually
get the job done. At Level 3, you have no
concept of language at all, and can only
convey the most basic of messages.

Naive Most people are well aware of

the fact that the moon is made of rock,
but you are among the small number of
people that still believe it is made out of
Abilities & Weaknesses
cheese. In other words, you are rather
unknowledgeable about the nature of the
world, and you often believe things that
rational people would know as false. At
Level 1, you may fall for relatively small
tugs on the truth and gossip, like “The
Malicron Corp. plans on buying out a
small business,” or “Daisuke likes Karis.”
At Level 2, you may fall for some outra-
geous stories and flat-out lies, like “The
Malicron Corp. owns Soh-nii Electronics,”
or “Daisuke likes Natsuki.” At Level 3, you

Oblivious If it were a snake, it would Obsession You have an intense desire
have bitten you. You have difficulty no- to have or achieve something. Your life
ticing things out of place, picking up on revolves around this obsession, and you
subtle details, or otherwise being aware will go out of your way to succeed in get-
of your surroundings. At Level 1, while ting it. At Level 1, you feel the urge often,
you’re not completely checked out, things but your obsession does not monopolize
have to be fairly obvious to attract your your life. You may even turn down achiev-
attention. Searching for anything not left ing or obtaining your obsession if much
in plain sight is an arduous task, and it’s bigger things are at stake. At Level 2, the
easy for small details to change without obsession is terribly important to you,
calling your attention At Level 2, all but and you often push aside other interests
the most blatant elements escape your to better pursue it. You may even choose it
detection. Searches are an exercise in over things that would logically be much
futility, and obvious changes to your sur- more important. It would be a moral cri-
roundings, belongings, and even friends sis to choose between your obsession and
may go unnoticed. At Level 3, you are a friend, or maybe even your own life. At
completely unaware of anything around Level 3, your obsession is your sole reason
you. Things lost stay lost, your bedroom for existence. Nothing is comparable, and
could be completely redecorated—or nothing can stand in your way. You may
ransacked—without you being the wiser, even choose your obsession over things
and even the most drastic of changes in incredibly important to you, like friends
your friends fail to make an impression. and family, or your continued personal
When attempting to notice things out of well-being.
the ordinary, or notice anything period,
subtract your Oblivious dice. Overconfident Although a good help-
ing of self-confidence can be a good thing,
you went back for seconds. You have a
bloated sense of what you can accomplish
and your abilities in general. At Level 1,
you still have a (relatively) level head, but
you overstate your abilities enough to
get into situations you truly are not well-
equipped for. You don’t like to give up,
Abilities & Weaknesses

but you will eventually figure out when

you are outmatched. At Level 2, only the
largest obstacles are considered too big for
you to take on. You often jump into situ-
ations way out of your league and find it
hard to reconsider your course of action,
even when it is apparent you cannot han-
dle it. At Level 3, you think you can take
on the world…with one arm tied behind
your back. You will never concede that
any situation is too tough for you to han-
dle, and will be hard-pressed to ever give
up, whatever the circumstances may be.

Outcast You do not belong here, and Quirk You have a curious habit or tic
there are those eager to help you under- that may affect how others think about
stand this. You may have been ostracized you. At Level 1, the habit is odd but more
due to your actions or affiliations, or per- likely to be thought of as eccentric than
haps you were simply born into it. What- offensive. You may carry around a stuffed
ever the reason, there are those who would animal wherever you go, sing and rhyme
rather you be somewhere else…or not “be” constantly, or speak in an old-fashioned
at all. At Level 1, you are discriminated language. At Level 2, your idosyncracy
against by a small group, such as a club or may offend some people, but would be
clique of friends in high school. This group unlikely to incur violence or hatred. You
may be hostile towards you, and you can- may swear like a sailor, have no regard for
not participate in their activities. At Level people’s personal space, or think of per-
2, you are an outsider to a large group, such sonal hygiene as a suggestion instead of
as a major faction, class, or otherwise sub- a necessity. At Level 3, the habit is terribly
stantial body of people. Avoiding run-ins offensive, and may cause outright hatred
with them is problematic for you. At Level in others—even violence. You may kick
3, your presence is largely questioned by puppies for sport, wear accessories made
almost everyone around you. Discrimina- from the bones of your enemies, or openly
tion, distaste, and even outright violence is kill animals to provide you with bloody,
a daily part of your life. on-the-spot meals.

Pacifist A deep part of you does not Restricted Freedom Because of your
believe in the necessity of violence, and job, your birth, or some other reason, you
you try to avoid it whenever possible. At are limited in your capacity to do what
Level 1, you try to avoid confrontations, you want to do, when you want to do it.
but will fight if it really is the most logical At Level 1, you are only mildly inconve-
option. At Level 2, you will never attack nienced. You may have a job that requires
anyone except in self-defense, to keep you to put in for vacation time and other
someone you care about from coming to leaves, or you may have very protective
great harm, or when your very life is on parents that make it difficult to do things
the line. At Level 3, you will never raise a without explicit permission. At Level 2,
hand to anyone, no matter what happens. much of your life is dictated by your cir-
cumstances. You may have a job that re-
Poor Some people have all the money
they could ever want, and there are others
quires you to report in daily and get ap-
proval for future activities, or perhaps you
Abilities & Weaknesses
who have to fight tooth and nail to make are part of a powerful family that keeps
ends meet. Unfortunately, you are of the you close by and well-guarded. At Level
latter. At Level 1, you live in cramped, un- 3, every moment of your life is carefully
spectacular conditions and rarely have penciled in. Your job may have complete
money to spend on anything beyond control over your actions, or you might
your basic needs. At Level 2, you live in a be royalty, with every moment scheduled
run-down shack or other dwelling barely and your every move watched over by a
passable as a residence. You have no mon- plethora of guards.
ey and have to maintain multiple jobs to
make ends meet. At Level 3, you are dead Rival There is someone you feel the
broke and homeless. Even the most basic need to best—or they feel the need to best
of purchases are beyond your reach. you. More than likely, it’s both. This ri-

valry could encompass anything: a simple secret passionately. Should it be revealed,
contest of skills, a competition for some- the secret would cause severe problems,
one’s affections, or even deadly duels! At such as the endangerment of yourself
Level 1, your rival is less skillful than you and others, the loss of your livelihood,
or has a significant disadvantage. At Level or perhaps even incarceration. At Level
2, your competition is just as capable as 3, your secret must be kept at all costs.
you are, or the playing field is otherwise Your feeling of this may be so strong that
equal. At Level 3, your rival possesses skills you would choose death over its discov-
well beyond your own or otherwise has a ery. You feel the revelation of your secret
significant advantage. would completely wreck your life.

Room for Two They say two’s com- Sensitivity Everyone gets at least a
pany, but you might disagree. Due to little annoyed when they’re teased, but
some bizarre happening or mishap, you you take it to an entirely new level. You
have another voice in your head that isn’t have a particular sore spot, be it your hair,
yours. Perhaps it is a mischievous spirit, wealth, muscle tone, chest size, or lack of
a cybernetic implant with artificial intel- any of the above, that you are incredibly
ligence, or maybe you’re just plain crazy. sensitive about. At Level 1, any insults or
At Level 1, this voice is supportive, maybe jeers to your sensitive area will immedi-
sometimes helpful. However, you will ately cause you to be very angry and hos-
probably be cajoled into a conversation tile to the offender. At Level 2, such ac-
with it, which will attract its fair share of tions will not only be met with hostility,
perplexed looks. At Level 2, the voice isn’t but you will make all attempts possible to
particularly helpful but is not exactly a get back at the offender, physically or oth-
hindrance either. The voice may be rude erwise, as soon as possible. At Level 3, you
and sarcastic, but eschews attacking you will hold a grudge against any offenders
personally…unless you really botch some- until the day you die, or failing that, hate
thing up. At Level 3, the voice is harmful their guts until something happens to
to your well-being, whether by being con- change your mind. Oh, and you will prob-
stantly abusive or coaxing you into per- ably attempt to cause serious harm to this
forming wrong or evil acts. The voice may person at every available opportunity, too.
be extremely persuasive, and you might
do things you will later regret. Servitude You are in the service of a
Abilities & Weaknesses

person or organization. As might be ex-

Secret There is something about your- pected, you are required to perform any
self that you wish to keep secret. You tasks and take any orders placed upon
could be a crime fighter by night, hiding you. This may be the nature of your oc-
your identity in order to keep friends and cupation, the result of a gambling debt,
family from harm. On the other hand, you or even a self-imposed service to some-
may have a dark past that would destroy one you admire or care about. At Level
your life as you know it if revealed. At Lev- 1, your servitude is mostly voluntary, and
el 1, you protect your secret, but should although you feel obligated to perform
it be discovered, there are few serious your duties, you can weasel out of them
consequences. These might involve mild when need be. At Level 2, you are devoted
embarrassment, an unwanted celebrity to your service and do your work as best
status, or other inconvenient social com- as you can. You may sacrifice your duties
plications. At Level 2, you conceal your if something very important to you comes

up, but you may have to face repercus- ocation to set you off. You may even resort
sions for “falling out of line” or feel strong to violence, if anyone is dumb enough to
pangs of guilt. At Level 3, your servitude keep antagonizing you. At Level 3, you are
is your life, and little, if anything, comes angered by the slightest discretion against
between you and your duties. You com- you, even if they were accidents. You may
ply with your tasks and orders without even view things that were not negative
question, and not doing so could result in to you at all as if they were, and you react
terrible consequences, or you may never accordingly with loud tantrums and bru-
forgive yourself for your disobedience. tal attacks.

Short Temper If you were dynamite, Shy You are uncomfortable dealing
you would have a frighteningly short fuse. with other people. You are slow to make
It doesn’t take much to get you angry, and friends, and generally make few of them.
you may lash out even when nothing has You are also easily embarrassed and find
really been done to you. At Level 1, you it difficult to act in public. At Level 1, you
tend to be irritable and easily annoyed. are a bit reclusive, preferring the company
You may grumble and yell at others, but of a select few friends. Though not exactly
you rarely get downright angry unless you anti-social, you tend to be quiet to those
are justifiably ticked off. At Level 2, you outside of your circle. At Level 2, you have
are prone to anger, and it takes little prov- a reputation for being shy. You are prob-

Abilities & Weaknesses

ably a social misfit or a reclusive book- some other trigger. At Level 1, you have an-
worm, more comfortable in your own other personality, but it is not a particularly
company than that of others. You only harmful one, nor is it drastically different
attend parties or other social gatherings from your own. Maybe you become a bit
if forced, and only have one or two close bolder, or your typical seriousness fades
friends. At Level 3, social interactions are into unusual good humor. While you may
the worst of tortures for you. You avoid do things you never would have, the reper-
contact whenever possible, just barely in- cussions are minor. At Level 2, you have
teracting enough to get by with your life. another personality that is distinctly differ-
ent from your own. You may take on a Don
Slow Swift you are not, and your over- Juan persona where you once were shy and
all quickness is underwhelming. You tend reclusive or become cowardly when you
to react to things after they have hap- once were brave and commanding. Oth-
pened, and the Turtle could take naps in ers will clearly see something is amiss, but
a race with you. When trying to do any- you are unlikely to do much to cause any
thing that requires a sizable helping of long-lasting problems in your life. At Level
speed, like running, piloting, getting out 3, however, your other self is particularly
of the way, or rolling Initiative in Combat, dangerous, maybe even evil. You may turn
subtract your Slow dice. on friends, become deceitful, or do other
particularly nasty things. You unfortunate-
Soft Spot There is something in this ly have no control of this persona, so you
world that you cannot help but enjoy far must take the consequences in full when-
too much. This could be anything: a good ever you revert to your normal self.
steak, motorcycles, liquor, or even stuffed
animals. At Level 1, you may be influenced Stubborn You’re not an unreasonable
by your Soft Spot, but you won’t intention- person – at least, not until anyone dis-
ally put yourself into harm’s way for it. At agrees with you. You hold steadfast to your
Level 2, you are heavily influenced by your ideals and take offense to anyone trying to
Soft Spot, and may be bribed into poor convince you that these ideals, or your ac-
decisions or coaxed into dangerous situ- tions based on them, are wrong. At Level
ations with it. At Level 3, you cannot re- 1, you are not beyond the realm of reason.
sist your Soft Spot, making it horribly easy If someone can provide a sufficient argu-
to take advantage of you. You will ignore ment, you may be willing to back down or
Abilities & Weaknesses

obvious dangers and put yourself at risk modify your train of thought. With Level
before allowing it to go to waste, escape 2, you are very stubborn, and will keep
your possession, or otherwise come to to your mindset unless provided with an
harm in any way. incredibly blunt and forceful reason to
change your mind. However, at Level 3,
Split Personality They say two heads almost nothing will change your mind.
are better than one. Unfortunately for If you believe something, you will likely
you, the old axiom fails to mention any- believe it to the day you die, even if your
thing about two minds. Or three, or four… stubbornness will cause harm to yourself
or ten. Through illness, a traumatizing and others.
incident, or some other means, you have
developed one or more distinct personal- Suppressed Power One or more of
ity besides your own. You may switch per- your Abilities does not normally work at
sonalities when stressed or confronted by full power. To work properly, the power

requires a special item, emotion, or event
that you normally do not have access to.
Unless you are in the presence of this
special thing, subtract your Level in Sup-
pressed Power from your Ability.

Trigger One or more of your Abilities

requires a special trigger to become func-
tional. This trigger might be an emotion,
a specific event, a potion, or even a can
of vegetables. Once this trigger has been
set off, you may use your Ability until the
trigger is gone or until the effect fades,
whichever is most appropriate. The Level
in this Weakness affects the rarity of the
trigger, with Level 1 being fairly accessible,
Level 2 being hard to come by, and Level 3
being exceedingly rare.

Unique Weakness If you cannot find a

Weakness in the rules to cover the disad-
vantage you wish to have, discuss it with
your Game Master. Together, you can give
your character a Unique Weakness appro-
priate to what you want. The Game Mas-
ter will help you decide the actual rules
behind your Weakness, as well as the ap-
propriate Level.

Unlucky Some people have all the luck.

No really, they must have all of it, because
you don’t have a lick. Whether by a fam-
ily curse, karma, or just bad luck, there’s
something about you that causes the
world’s misfortunes to gravitate in your di-
Abilities & Weaknesses
rection. At Level 1, you may be seen as ac-
cident-prone, and though you do get hurt
occasionally, it’s never too serious. While
at Level 2, you get hurt often enough that
it is exceptional. You are often used as a
guinea pig, trap-tester, human shield, or
other potentially dangerous occupation
without your consent. At Level 3, you are
constantly getting injured, participate un-
willingly in the previous occupations on a
chronic basis, and are a primary target in
combat for no plausible reason.

Vulnerability Your body is especial- Wanted Wanted alive, or maybe even
ly vulnerable to a specific attack, be it a dead! You have acquired the ire – or at
certain kind (fire, electricity, chi), or one least interest – of another person or or-
directed at a weak point. At Level 1, for ganization. They are actively hunting you,
every two points of Damage you receive and you are actively avoiding them. At
by this means, add an additional point. At Level 1, your hunter doesn’t intend to do
Level 2, you receive an additional point for you any harm, isn’t very persistent in the
every point of Damage. At Level 3, you re- search, or isn’t powerful enough to carry
ceive two additional points for each point out their threats when they find you. At
of Damage. Level 2, the hunter wants to give you a
little payback for something, take some-
thing from you, or is very capable of get-
ting what they want. At Level 3, the hunt-
er wants you severely punished, possibly
even killed, or wants to take something of
incredible significance to you and will do
anything, even kill you, to get it. Not only
may they be very capable of doing so, they
could have resources and powers that
greatly exceed your own!

Weak You have the muscle tone of a

cabbage leaf. You find it hard to lift heavy
objects, create significant force, or do any-
thing that involves feats of strength. Sub-
tract your Weak dice any time you intend
to use your muscle-power. Your Level in
Weak also subtracts from your Damage
Multiplier when attacking bare-handed,
as well as with clubs, swords, and other
melee weapons, or otherwise applying
your strength to an attack. However, your
Damage Multiplier may never be reduced
Abilities & Weaknesses

below 1, regardless of your Weak Penalty.

Weak-Willed You find it hard to resist

temptation or withstand pain. You are
easily influenced and commanded, as well
as unreliable under fire. Whenever the
fortitude of your will is at stake, subtract
your Weak-Willed dice.

Ability Perks and Flaws
Ability Perks and Flaws are special at- Accurate (+5) Your attack can hit op-
tributes that provide additional ways to ponents with greater ease than normal.
customize your Abilities and are listed as This could be a homing projectile, a strike
a subset of them. It’s sort of like applying so quick dodging is difficult, or simply a
Abilities and Weaknesses to the Ability blow with improved accuracy. This Perk
itself. can be taken multiple times; for each time
Perks improve your Abilities in some Accurate is taken, add one die to your At-
manner. They can make your Attacks tack roll.
more accurate, allow your Barrier to pro-
tect more people, or increase the effec- Area Effect (+10) Your Ability can af-
tiveness of your talent as a Healer. These fect multiple targets by spreading itself
advantages come at a cost, however. Next over a wide area. This could be a cone-
to each Perk, a number indicates the ad- shaped blast of energy, a circular explo-
dition of an Endurance cost. To use this sion, or a dense array of bolts. This Perk
Ability, you must spend the total of En- may be taken multiple times; for each
durance from any Perks it has—as well as time Area Effect is added to an Ability, you
any costs the Ability may have already. may target up to three relatively close in-
Flaws, on the other hand, encumber dividuals, as deemed by the Game Master.
your Abilities with disadvantages, like If this Ability is an Attack, those caught in
making them slower, more unwieldy, or the trajectory receive a one die Penalty to
otherwise less effective. But Flaws also their Defense roll for each time Area Effect
help offset any Endurance cost your Abil- is purchased. This represents the difficul-
ity may have acquired, as indicated by the ty to avoid an attack of such magnitude.
number next to their name. While the Abilities with this Perk can affect both al-
Endurance expenditure may be reduced lies and enemies, so be careful when ap-
to zero, it can never become a negative plying it!
For any Ability you feel can be further Armor Piercing (+5) Your Attack has
individualized through Perks and Flaws, the ability to bypass your opponent’s ar-
simply go through the list and assign those mor. Perhaps it is extremely sharp, hits
that fit your mental image. Some Abilities with incredible impact, does damage
mention the use of Perks and Flaws right
in their text, but they can be applied to
through non-physical means, or has some
other way of negating protection. This
Abilities & Weaknesses
others as well. Perks and Flaws that spe- Perk may be taken multiple times; for
cifically mention Attacks are usually best each time Armor Piercing is applied to an
used with the Attack Ability. As always, Ability, you may act as if your opponent’s
use common sense, and if you have any Armored Ability were two Levels less. If the
questions, confer with your Game Master. opponent’s Armored is reduced to zero, or
the opponent does not have Armored at
Many Perks and Flaws may be purchased all, nothing additional happens.
multiple times to increase their effect. If
possible, it will be mentioned in the text Barrier Buster (+5) Your Attack can
that accompanies it. Indicate this with x2, overwhelm an opponent’s use of the Barrier
x3, etc. as appropriate. Ability. It may pack an incredible whallop
or is specifically designed to take down

defensive shields. Whatever the case, the Continued Effect (+10) Your Ability
defender may still roll their Barrier dice as continues to affect its target after use.
they normally would. However, if the At- This can be represented as a burning or
tack roll ever bests the Barrier roll by any poisoning attack, or a magical aura that
amount, your opponent is not allowed to continues to heal. Until the effect is some-
spend additional Endurance to block the how neutralized, or a number of rounds
attack. In addition, the character is imme- equal to twice the Ability Level pass, this
diately stunned, regardless of the amount attack will continue dealing a fourth of
of Health lost. the original damage inflicted each round,
rounded up. If this perk is taken twice, in-
Blinding (+20) Your Ability has the crease the afflicted damage to half.
ability to hinder the vision of others. It
might be a dark, blinding substance over Defensive (+5) The best defense is a
the eyes, a brilliant flash, or some trick good offense, but a defensive offense
of the mind. Characters who are blinded is even better. Your attack, whether it’s
have a -3 Penalty to all vision-reliant ac- bashing with a huge shield, bouncing
tions until the effect wears off or is other- to and fro, or by some other means, im-
wise neutralized. The blindness wears off proves your Defense. This Perk may be
naturally in twice the Level of your Ability taken multiple times; for each time you
rounds. take Defensive, increase your Defense rolls
by one until your next turn.

Disarming (+10) Your Attack takes the

opponent off-guard and activates a Weak-
ness or Flaw, whether by literally disarm-
ing a weapon in their grasp or disarming
them emotionally. You only need to inflict
a quarter of your opponent’s total health
to inflict the Weakness/Flaw complication.
Or, if you choose, you may eschew dealing
damage at all and activate a Weakness or
Flaw automatically. You must still make a
successful Attack Roll for this Perk to take
Abilities & Weaknesses


Effective (+5) Your Ability is more ef-

fective than others of the same Level. This
Perk can be taken multiple times; for each
time it is taken, add one to your Damage
Multiplier when using this Ability.

Fatiguing (+0) Your Attack works as

normal, but instead of dealing damage to
Health, it takes away directly from your
opponent’s Endurance. If their Endurance
is zero, this attack will begin to take from

Impairing (+10) Your Attack hits them their limbs, the ability to freeze them in
where it hurts. Whether by striking pres- solid blocks of ice, or simply an electric
sure points, making use of devastating shock. If this attack ever deals half of an op-
weaponry, or simply whacking really hard, ponent’s total Health, it inflicts the special
you only need to inflict a quarter of your op- Paralyzed complication. The target not only
ponent’s total health to inflict the Impaired loses the ability to take actions but also the
complication. Or, if you choose, you may ability to defend, making further Attacks
eschew dealing damage at all and Impair au- compared to zero. The Paralyzed status can
tomatically. You must still make a successful only be removed in a number ways: The
Attack Roll for this Perk to take effect. original attacker receives a complication,
someone attacks the paralyzed character,
Multiple Targets (+10) Your Abil- or the paralyzed character breaks free of
ity may selectively affect multiple targets, the paralysis. During their turn, a paralyzed
whether by splitting apart, emitting nu- character may attempt to break free by
merous rays, or just jumping from one to rolling any dice that could logically apply to
another. This Perk may be taken multiple the effort against the original attack roll. If
times; for each time Multiple Targets is successful, the paralyzed character can act
taken, you may select up to one addition- normally on their next turn. This Perk may
al target for your Ability. The same attack be taken twice. If so, you only need to inflict
roll result is used for all targets, and this a quarter of your opponent’s total health, or
Perk does not allow the Ability to affect instead you may choose to do no damage
the same target twice. and inflict the Paralyzed complication au-
tomatically. You must still make a success-
Unlike the Area Effect Perk, targets do not ful Attack for this Perk to take effect.
have to be in close proximity to each other,
nor do you have to worry about affecting While Strong or Agile can be obvious Abil-
unintended targets. ities for breaking free, creative Players may
find other ways to nullify paralysis. An ally
No Gesture (+5) Normally, Abilities re- may be able to sever constricting tentacles
quire some sort of movement or gesture or melt an ice prison with a fiery attack.
to make work, whether it is just pointing A paralyzing shock may be overcome with
your hand, weaving an incantation, or ac- Iron-Willed. Players and Game Masters
tually dealing some physical blow. With should use common sense in any scenario.
this Perk, you require no movements at
all to perform the Ability. Ranged (+0) Your Ability can af-
Abilities & Weaknesses
fect targets at a range, allowing you to
Overwhelming (+10) Your Attack is take down opponents from great dis-
actually not one strike, but many in the tances or heights or otherwise affect
span of a second. These attacks come so far-away targets. However, your attack
quickly that opponents must spend their can no longer take advantage of any bo-
next action to even be eligible for a De- nuses from Strong, and may be blocked
fense roll. If they do not, the Attack is or prevented by intervening obstacles.
made against a Defense of zero.
To remedy the former, take the Ranged,
Paralyzing (+10) You can use your Ability Strength-Powered Perk instead. To ignore
to stop opponents in their tracks. You may things in your way, take the Strike-Through
have a long, whip-like weapon that entraps or Redirectable Perk.

Ranged, Strength-Powered (+5) Your tervening objects. As such, you may al-
Ability can now strike distant targets, as ways affect a target within range, regard-
with the Ranged Perk, and is subject less of what may lie between you.
to the same benefits and disadvantag-
es. However, you may now include any Stunning (+10) Your Attack has such
Strong bonuses your character can muster force behind it that it only needs to inflict
in your Damage Multiplier. By the same a quarter of your opponent’s total Health
token, any Weak Penalties will apply, and to cause the Stunned complication. Or,
this Perk is not recommended for charac- if you choose, you may eschew dealing
ters with that Weakness. damage at all and Stun automatically. You
must still make a successful Attack Roll
Reach (+5) Your Attack has extensive for this Perk to take effect.
reach that makes it difficult to engage you
in combat. Perhaps you wield a hefty pole- Unique Perk (+?) If you do not see a
arm, strike with immense claws, or you Perk here that reflects the one you want
just have one heck-of-a swing. The recipi- for your Ability, get together with your
ent of this attack, even if it misses, must Game Master. Together, you can create a
choose a -1 Penalty to either their Attack new Perk with the appropriate Endurance
or their Defense rolls until your next turn. cost.
This Perk may be taken multiple times;
for each time it is taken, increase the Pen- Vampire (+5) Your Attack is capable of
alty by one. replenishing your Health at the expense
of your enemy’s. It could be a magical ef-
Redirectable (+5) Even if your Attack fect, or perhaps you truly are a vampire
misses, by having this perk, you may still and suck the life out of them. This Perk
have a chance to hit your target. On your may be taken multiple times; for each
next turn, simply reroll your Attack dice time Vampire is applied, you may restore
to redirect the Attack, no additional En- a quarter of the Damage you inflict with
durance expenditure neccessary. How- this Attack, rounded up. Health may nev-
ever, if you ever take another action be- er be restored beyond its maximum this
sides a Defense roll, you lose control of way.
your Attack and no more redirections can
be made. You will also lose control if you Will Attack (+0) Your Attack is inher-
Abilities & Weaknesses

are hit, injured, or otherwise severely dis- ently different from others in that it is not
tracted. You may only have this Perk if you physical in form and affects your oppo-
also have the Ranged Perk. nent’s mind directly. Your Attack roll now
consists of your Ability dice. Your oppo-
By nature, the Redirectable Perk may also nent may only use Iron-Willed and simi-
allow attacks to avoid intervening obstruc- lar Abilities to defend. The Weak-Willed
tions and other difficulties that may have Weakness creates a penalty.
made other Attacks difficult or impossible.

Strike Through (+5) Your Ability is

unhampered by any obstacles that may
come in its path. This could be due to an
incorporeal nature of its effect or simply
an unparalleled capacity to permeate in-

Flaws Backlash (-5) Your Attack comes at the
cost of your own well-being, and you may
Activation (-10) Your Ability requires be injured through its use. This Flaw may
time to activate before each use. This be taken multiple times; for each time,
could be due to cocking, reloading, aim- you receive a quarter of the Damage you
ing, recharging, or one of many other inflict with the Attack, rounded up.
reasons. You must spend an entire round
to activate your Ability, but you may Break (-10) This Ability may only be
still make Defense rolls to any incom- used once you have exhausted either all
ing attacks. On your next turn (or any of your Health or all of your Endurance.
turn thereafter), you may use your Abil- Perhaps you need to build up rage to un-
ity as normal. Once the Ability is used, leash a fierce attack, or maybe you only
time must be spent to activate it again. feel empowered when the tide of battle
has turned against you.
Ammunition (-5) Your Ability may only
be activated a certain number of times be- Buildup (-5) You may not use your Abil-
fore it becomes useless. This could repre- ity right away but must wait for its power
sent bullets in a gun, charges in an electric to build up. It may be an energy weapon
baton, or a limited grant of power from a that requires charging, a martial arts move
divine entity. This Flaw may be taken mul- you have to “limber up” for, or just a need to
tiple times; if taken once, the Ability can have dramatic timing. This Perk may be tak-
be used around ten times. If taken twice, en multiple times; for each time Buildup is
around five times. If taken three times, this taken, you must wait a complete turn before
Ability may only be used once. While the using the Ability. No action is necessary (or
exact method of recharging this Ability is lost) to build up. Once the Ability has been
up to you, it is generally appropriate that used, the waiting period begins again.
it takes a full day, or at least extensive off-
time. If the character can simply reload the Cancel (-0 to -20) Your Ability does not
Ability with little effort, consider another work on a certain class of targets. If this
Flaw, like Activation, instead. is fairly rare, such as combatants made
entirely of metal, you receive -5 to the En-
Assisted (-15) This Ability requires an durance cost. If it’s incredibly common,
ally’s help to function. They might launch like humans, you can get up to -20. If the
you in the air for a devestating dive-attack,
or you might pool your energies together
Cancel is something that is ridiculously
uncommon, like hippopotamuses, you get
Abilities & Weaknesses
to power the Ability. In any case, those as- no subtraction to Endurance.
sisting you with this Ability lose their next
action, but they may spend up to half of Concentration (-20) This Ability re-
the Endurance cost of this Ability for you if quires a round of your undivided atten-
they choose. This Perk may be taken mul- tion to use. You must give up your action
tiple times; for each time it is taken, you and all Defense rolls until your next turn.
need an additional helping hand. If injured or severely distracted, the Ability
does not work and Endurance is expended
Familiarity and capability are assumed here. anyway. Otherwise, on your next turn you
Random strangers cannot assist you, nor may perform your Ability as normal. This
could your little sibling launch you into the Perk may be taken multiple times; each
air. Use common sense in any situation. increasing the turns required to prepare.

Delayed (-5) Regardless of your initia- No Damage (-20) Your Attack is not
tive, this Ability takes place last in the much of an attack at all. Regardless of
combat round. If the character using this how good of a result you receive on your
Ability receives a complication or is oth- Attack roll, you can never inflict any Dam-
erwise compromised before the end of the age. However, any other Perks and Com-
turn, the Ability does not work, and En- plications work as normal. You may not
durance is lost. Making Defense rolls, or combine this with the Ineffective Flaw.
even being hit, will not affect this Ability.
Open to Attack (-20) After complet-
Elaborate Gestures (-5) In order to ing your Ability, you may not make any
use this Ability, your entire body must be Defense rolls until your next turn. You
free to perform some incantation, dance, may be exhaustively spent, have tempo-
or ritual. You cannot be holding items, rarily exposed a critical weak point, or
pulling things, navigating terrain, or oth- otherwise thrown caution, and a proper
erwise occupying any part of your body defense, to the wind.
with another task.
Recoil (-10) This Ability packs enough
Feather Blow (-5) Your Attack is of of a punch to knock you off your feet.
such a nature that it cannot be used to in- When used, you immediately receive the
flict complications. There is no additional Stunned complication.
effect if the target loses half his or her to-
tal Health. Requirement (-5 to -20) Your Ability
may only be used if a certain condition
Ineffective (-5) This Ability is not as is met. If the requirement is easily ac-
effective as others of the same Level. This cessible (Must be Outside), it is worth -5
Flaw may be taken multiple times; for each Endurance, while an extremely rare and
time you take Ineffective, reduce your Dam- specific requirement (Must be the 12th day
age Multiplier by 1 when using this Ability. of the 4th month of the ancient Galbel-
If your Damage Multiplier would be re- zan calendar and a full blue moon) can be
duced to zero, reduce it to 1/2 instead. worth up to -20. Well, okay, perhaps not
that precise, but you get the idea.
Inaccurate (-5) Your Attack is particu-
larly inaccurate. Maybe you have little Self-Only (-5) This Ability may only be
Abilities & Weaknesses

control of it, or the Attack is simply im- used on yourself. It cannot be shared with
precise by nature. Regardless of the cause, others or otherwise targeted at other per-
you receive a -1 Penalty to your Attack roll. sons or objects. If an Ability is already only
This Flaw may be taken multiple times, usable in this way, then this Flaw should
increasing the Penalty by one each time not be taken.
it is applied.
Unique Flaw (-?) If you do not see a Flaw
Low Penetration (-5) Your Attack is here that reflects the one you want for your
unusually susceptible to armor. For each Ability, get together with your Game Mas-
time you take Low Penetration, treat your ter. Together, you can create a new Flaw
opponent’s Armored Ability as if it were with the appropriate Endurance cost.
two Levels higher, to a maximum of +5. If
the opponent does not have the Armored
Ability, there is no additional effect.

Unwieldy (-5) Your Ability is of a nature Affinities
that makes you unsteady after its use. It Affinities are a special kind of Perk that
may be an immense weapon, or perhaps can be applied to any Ability without an
you just become tipsy from exhaustion. additional Endurance cost. These affini-
This Flaw may be taken multiple times; for ties describe the source of the Ability’s
each time it is taken, you receive a -1 Penal- strength or the nature of its power. Your
ty to all Defense rolls until your next turn. ability may be a firey attack to roast your
enemies, a power focus of your spiritual
Weapon (-5) This attack is actually a energy from years of martial arts training,
weapon, be it a blade, a gun, or something or magic imbued with holy power. Just
in between. Should you lose it, have it taken write it down next to the Ability like any
from you, or find yourself disarmed during other Perk. Most of the time, an Affinity
a battle, you may no longer use this Attack. is a cosmetic choice, but there may come
a time when the exact type of power you
With any Flaw, “doubling up” with a char- wield can make a big difference. The Resis-
acter’s Weaknesses is prohibited. If your tance Ability and the Vulnerability Weak-
Attack is already affected by the Limited ness are just two cases where Affinity can
Uses Weakness, you cannot also apply the matter.
Ammunition Flaw. This goes for Focus/
Requirement, Gear/Weapon, and so on.

Abilities & Weaknesses

Taking Action
Okay! Now you have a living, breathing human—or some other kind of—being.
While playing OVA, your character will do many things. Most of the time, you
do these things simply by describing them aloud. But sometimes you want to do
something special, something with consequences for failure, or something where
the outcome is uncertain. Remember those dice mentioned earlier? They repre-
sent chance and dramatic tension, and what your character does is called an action.

Actions But what if your character is particularly
When you want to take an action, roll good at what he is trying to do? Or what
two dice and take the highest one. If they if the odds are stacked against her favor?
end up the same, add them together. This These things are represented by modi-
number represents how well you did. It’s fiers. Modifiers are added or subtracted
then compared to a Difficulty Number set from the number of dice you roll.
by the Game Master or to a roll made by
someone else. If you beat it, you succeed! Add dice when…
You have an Ability that aids what you
Aw man! After my rockin’ per- are trying to do. Add a number of dice
formance, all my devoted female equal to your Level in that Ability.
fans are storming the stage! With You have something working in your
my current...condition, I have to get out favor. This bonus is decided by the
of here, fast! If I could just reach that Game Master.
Taking Action

cable dangling from the rigging above, I Take away dice when…
could climb it and get out of here. I roll You have a Weakness that hampers
two dice, both coming up fives! They are what you are trying to do. Remove a
added together for a total of 10, which number of dice equal to your Level in
exceeds the Difficulty Number of 8 the that Weakness.
GM set for the task. I get out of dodge You have something working against
without a hitch! ...but the girls! Why me?! you. This penalty is decided by the
Game Master.

More dice are handled the same way. With Negative Dice
doubles, add them together and compare Going by the rules above, you may soon
the sum to any other number rolled. If the realize it’s possible to have fewer than
added dice are highest, use them. If not, one die to roll. Don’t panic; all is not lost!
use the other highest die. Triples, qua- When dice are reduced this low, you roll
druples, and so on are all added together. Negative Dice instead. At zero, roll two dice
and take the lowest. For each number be-
If only I could discover the truth low zero, roll an additional die and again
about Miho’s origins…I could take the lowest. Duplicate dice are never
better protect her! I know it has added together when rolling this way.
something to do with Malicron, so I could
try hacking into their computer network. Rainy season is in full force and
That won’t be easy! They have some of Ja- the sun hasn’t shown for days!
pan’s most thorough security-measures, Because of my Dependency: Sun-
making the task Nigh Impossible with light (-3), I’m not feeling my best. But I
a DN of 15. But with my bonuses from know Braun will love it if I try out this rec-
Smart (+3), Knowledge: Computers (+4), ipe I saw in a magazine! Oops, coupled
and my super-computer-powered lap- with my Ineptitude: Cooking (-2), I have a
top (+3), I get a whopping 12 dice to roll! -5 Penalty, so I roll five dice ( 13356 )
The results: 1122333455566. and take the lowest (1). Um...you think
Ignoring all but the fives, 15, I’m in! Page he minds if it’s really, really well done?
after page of secure data flashes in
front of me...What secrets await?
So now you know how to roll dice: how
many to roll and how to determine the
result. But what defines the line between
success and failure? There are two ways to
determine to the outcome of an action.

Opposed Rolls
When making an action against or in
competition with another character, op-
posed rolls are made. This means that both
Players, or a Player and the Game Master,
roll dice appropriate to their characters’
Abilities and compare them to determine
the highest result. The greatest roll wins.
Ties may result in neither character suc-
Taking Action

ceeding, temporary stalemates, or other

outcomes at the GM’s discretion.

Come on, Arasuni, get out of my

way! He thinks what I’m doing is
dumb, but I think he’s dumb! I’ll
overpower him through sheer will!

Karis’s plan of action is reckless.
I cannot, through inaction, allow Describing Actions
her to come to harm. Karis has Everyone plays their character a little
no Bonuses in her attempt to force me differently. While a few gestures can do
aside and rolls two dice ( 25, for a re- wonders, it’s not necessary to actually
sult of 5). I however have Strong (+4) on pantomime a character’s actions. Simply
my side (six dice, 123336, for a re- tell the Game Master and your fellow
sult of 9). Karis finally submits. She will players what you want your character
forgive me in time. Well, admittedly, the to do up until the point where the task
probability of that outcome is minute... actually succeeds or fails. Then roll the
dice. Your Game Master will take over
Difficulty Numbers from there, describing the final result of
Sometimes, you are not trying to best your attempt. Whether you say this as
another character but the world itself. It a quick first-person declaration (“I want
could be a stubborn door, a wide chasm, a to decipher the arcane writing”) or pres-
difficult to remember fact, or just a video ent a lengthier, third-person narrative
game. Since things like these make no “ef- (“Auren, blowing his breath with exas-
fort” against the character, the Game Mas- peration, agrees to translate the arcane
ter assigns them a Difficulty Number, in- writing.”) is ultimately up to you.
stead. This number is based on how hard Some groups are comfortable with
the task is to perform, and Players must the Player continuing the narrative after
meet or exceed this number to success- a successful action. There’s no wrong

fully complete the task. To aid the Game way to play, so discuss this and other
Master in this decision, what follows is ideas with your group!
a list of difficulties and the appropriate
number for each.

What It Means to Fail

DIFFICULTY DN No matter how much characters try, or
Easy 2 how badly they want it, they will eventual-
ly fail. But a bad roll does not always mean
Moderate 4 outright failure. Sometimes characters can
still succeed…just not as they intended!
Challenging 6

Difficult 8 Succeeding with Complications

When you fail a roll, your character may
Very Difficult 10 fail at their attempt outright or instead
Nigh Impossible 15 Succeed with Complications. Perhaps
Taking Action

something else goes wrong, or maybe one

of your character’s Weaknesses comes
A note to Game Masters: Take care not to into play. You might even gain a tempo-
make certain factors count twice. If you rary Weakness as consequence of your
give someone a bonus for hiding in the botched attempt. While characters can
dark, or raise the DN, you should not also fall short in a myriad of ways, there are
give another a penalty for searching in it. three major types of complications.

Situational Complications allow
characters to succeed, but something Drama Dice
else goes wrong outside of their direct Oh no! You just botched that roll, and
control. A character may hack into now you are in one heck of a mess.
and open an electronic lock only to set Or are you? If you feel success is vital-
off an alarm, while another character ly important, you may spend Endurance
may successfully evade capture only to to help improve your result. For every 5
come face to face with another foe. points you spend, you may roll one addi-
Impairing Complications result in a tional die, a Drama Die. These dice can be
character being impaired in some way. gained even after you have rolled!
This is much like a temporary Weak- But be careful, as Endurance spent in
ness, giving characters a Penalty to this way cannot be regained in the usual
further actions based on the task they manner. This drive to succeed at any cost
tried to complete. A character trying takes a piece of your character’s very soul,
to leap between between buildings and recovering that can only happen be-
may find themselves “Strained,” while tween adventures, or another lengthy
a character deep in negotiations may stretch of time determined by the GM.
become “Flustered.” Such Weaknesses
are usually -1 in severity, but further Free Drama Dice
failures may increase this Penalty. Throughout the game, the Game Master
How long an impairment lasts is left may reward you with “free” Drama Dice.
to Game Master discretion and logic, Maybe you came up with an inspiring
but generally they are removed in the idea, made everyone laugh, or otherwise
same instances characters can regain just made the experience better for the
lost Endurance. (See p. xx) group. Characters with the Lucky Ability
Weakness/Flaw Complications let a also get a number of free Drama Dice at
task be completed, but one of the char- the start of the adventure. Note these on
acter’s Weaknesses or Flaws come into your character sheet—or if you have plen-
play. If a character was using Abilities ty of dice, set a few aside—and mark them
with the Focus Weakness or Require- off when you decide to use them. If you
ment Flaw, that item may become want to reserve them, you can still burn
lost, broken, or out of commission. Endurance for Drama Dice even if you
Characters may fall into their negative still have free dice available. However, free
personality traits, like Short Tempered Drama Dice are lost when the adventure’s
or Crybaby, straining the patience of over, so don’t hold onto them too long!
those around them. Rivals or enemies
the character is Wanted by may arrive. Miracles
And so forth. In especially dramatic situations, where
success or failure can change the charac-
Taking Action

Some Abilities, like Inventor or Vehicle, ters’ lives, it is possible to have a miracle. By
imply a Focus even without the Focus expending 30 Endurance, a character may
Weakness, and can be prone to the same guarantee the success of a single action. If
Complications! the degree of success is important, as for an
attack, add six dice to your roll. Regardless
of the actual outcome, you succeed by at
least one. The Game Master may refuse a
miracle if the scenario is not appropriate.

When creating an extended action,
Special Considerations the Game Master must state a DN and
Taking action is as simple as that. Howev- the number of successful actions to com-
er, there are several special situations that plete the task. This can be accomplished
may change how actions are completed. by a single character, or it can be done by
multiple characters applying their own
Fuzzy Difficulty unique talents to the task, like computer
Tasks are not always a case of complete know-how, military training, or just blind
success or failure. You may be research- luck.
ing for every scrap of information you can Of course, extended actions are not al-
find, sewing together an outfit, or other- ways leisurely affairs. The GM may decide
wise performing an action where outright you must achieve that number of success-
failure isn’t likely. In these cases, the dice es before a specific number of failures. If
determine how well a task is completed. the task is failed too many times, the clock
The higher DN you meet, the better you may run out and the bad guys arrive, or
did. Meeting the lower difficulties means the ship simply becomes damaged beyond
achieving the bare minimum, finding triv- repair. Or you can suceed with complica-
ial information and insubstantial rumors, tions...and it just breaks down later at a
or creating an embarassingly patchwork, very inopportune time!
but theoretically wearable, ensemble.
Conversely, higher difficulties produce Hidden Rolls
better results, like uncovering obscure, The Game Master may occasionally make
useful facts or impressing your robo-girl- rolls on your behalf. Usually, this is for

friend with a stellar dress! casual, subconscious tasks, like noticing
something out of place in a room or an
ambush further ahead. Asking you, point
RESULT ROLL blank, to roll dice may give away that
Pathetic 2 there is something to find. On the other
hand, if the Game Master does ask you to
Passable 4 make such a roll, it might just be to keep
Good 6 you on your toes!

Great 8 Impossible Tasks

These rules encourage even unskilled
Amazing 10 characters to try a task when the odds are
Unmatched 15 against them. Rarely, but not often, char-
acters can still succeed by sheer luck when
logic dictates otherwise. However, there
Extended Actions are situations where characters without
Taking Action

Actions tend to be singular, quickly- the proper Abilities simply should not
handled affairs. You either achieve what be able to try. Characters without Flight
you hoped to do or you don’t. But other will never fly. Characters without medical
times, there are endeavors that cannot be training could not perform major surgery.
accomplished with a single roll. Repairing At the GM’s discretion, any task can be
a derelict space ship might require several considered impossible, and any attempts
rolls and multiple skillsets! Such an action to perform them will result in automatic
is an extended action. failure.

Taking Time Reversed Modifiers
Much of the time, characters are racing Generally, Abilities and Weaknesses are
the clock. The bomb has to be dismantled self-explanatory. Abilities are positive fac-
before it explodes, the chasm crossed be- tors that add to your ability to succeed and
fore the villains show up, and so on. But Weaknesses detract. But this is not always
sometimes, there simply is no rush. In the case. Weaknesses like Bizarre Appear-
situations where characters can try and ance can actually improve a character’s
retry a task at length with no repercus- ability to be Intimidating. Likewise, Cute
sions, it is possible for them to automati- can hamper that same effort. In such situ-
cally succeed. If a character wishes to take ations, simply subtract your Level in the
their time with a task, compare their total Ability or add your Level in the Weakness.
Bonus to this chart. They may automati-
cally succeed at the difficulty listed. Scale
The way things are defined in OVA are
relative. A Level of +3 being “excellent” is
relative to what it is being compared to.
Easy 0 While a world class athlete with Quick
+3 would be considered very fast for a
Moderate +1 human, the speed he can achieve would
Challenging +2 pale in comparison to vehicles like cars
and airplanes. In this way, it stands to
Difficult +3 reason what is excellent for a human be-
ing is not necessarily excellent for some-
Very Difficult +4
thing else.
Nigh Impossible +5 Normally such differences in scale can
be kept separate from each other, but situ-
ations will arise where a direct compari-
Teaming Up son must be made or conflict resolved.
They say two heads are better than one. To determine the effects of scale, one
When faced with difficult situations, must first decide in any situation who has
characters may choose to team up against the scale advantage.
a common obstacle. First a leader is cho-
sen for the task, most often someone Ah! My “foolproof ” plan of
with the most expertise in the matter. breaking into Metalix Head-
The leader then rolls as normal. However quarters isn’t turning out as I
each person wishing to aid in the task may planned! Worse, my “foolproof” escape
roll one additional die and contribute it to route isn’t doing much better! I’m being
the leader’s roll. Through teamwork, what chased not by guards, soldiers, or even
was a failed action now has the potential those creepy Men in Black, but a ginor-
Taking Action

to succeed! However, not all endeavors mous spider tank! Even that year of track
are appropriate for a team effort, and it is doesn’t change that the tank’s faster
ultimately up to the Game Master’s discre- than me, giving it the scale advantage!
tion what tasks characters may help each But if I duck into this sidestreet littered
other with. Generally, characters without with junk and dumpsters, I can weave
an appropriate Ability related to the task around them way better than it can,
at hand should not be able to contribute. giving me the scale advantage instead!

Whenever a given party has the scale ad-
If in a setting where this butting of heads
vantage, they may add a +5 Bonus to their
between disparate scales happens a lot,
Players and Game Masters may want to
create lists of obvious scale differences
The tank, despite having the from the standard human. Vehicles may
Slow (-1) Weakness, easily out- have scale differences for Quick or Ar-
paces my Quick (+2) because of mored, while super-powered alien mar-
its scale advantage. After accounting tial-artists may be a completely different
for Slow, the tank ends up with a +4 Bo- league from mere humans, and apply
nus and six dice to roll. scale advantages for Attack.
But after I duck into the sidestreet,
the tables are turned! With the scale
advantage, my bonus is +7, giving me
9 dice, compared to the tank’s lonely 1!
Mecha and Scale
An obvious place scale will come into
In situations where neither party has a play is handling one of anime’s most
clear advantage, do not apply a Bonus at iconic creations: mecha. These giant
all. robots can tower stories over PCs, and
it only makes sense that they have Abili-
ties that are equally awing. Or does it?
Through sheer luck and a little If you’re playing a sillier sort of game, or
bit of quit wits, I emerge un- basing your world on anime of that sort,

harmed from the side street into it’s not out of the question for skilled
a busy intersection. Cars and pedes- warriors to trash these same mechani-
trians are everywhere. Maybe being in cal behemoths with reckless abandon.
plain sight will deter my pursuer! But That’s part of the reason scale works on
no such luck. The tank careens out of a case-by-case basis. What is appropri-
the side street behind me! I continue to ate for one story is not necessarily ap-
duck and weave but the sheer density of propriate for another.
traffic slows me down. The tank, while But if you want at least a casually
it has no regard for the safety of any- realistic approach to mecha, you should
one, still needs time to roll over those consider Scale Advantages for Armored
pesky cars and things in its way. Neither and Strong. While you can scale At-
of us gets a clear scale advantage. tack, too, it seems that even in more
realistic anime, characters have a rea-
Scale and Unique Abilities sonable chance of surviving barrages
Some Abilities, like Tough, do not func- of mecha gunfire. Quick should be a
tion in a way that 5 dice can be added or dynamic consideration, on the side of
Taking Action

subtracted from them. For simplicity’s mecha in direct contests of speed but
sake, you should scale another Ability that favoring characters in Combat. Humans
achieves a similar purpose, like Armor, in- make puny targets, after all. If you have
stead. mecha facing off with even bigger op-
ponents – say, starships – Scale Advan-
tages should be similar.

Combat, Health, & Endurance
To the dismay of countless innocent bystanders, fights are all too common
in anime-flavored stories. Whether you are looking for a fight or not, you are
likely to find one. Various gangs and corporations are always at each other’s
throats, not to mention the many personal vendettas and rivalries. When you
add in volatile inventions, rips in time and space, and demons running amuck,
you have a perpetual battleground. Whenever a battle breaks out, gameplay is
separated into Rounds.

The Round
Most often when you are playing OVA, the The Game Master may split the game into
passage of time is not important. Waiting Rounds for reasons other than Combat.
for the bus at 3 o’clock can take as long as Characters may have to escape a trap be-

Combat, Health, & Endurance

saying so many words. However, in situa- fore time runs out, solve a puzzle before the
tions of excitement, danger, and suspense, opposition arrives, or handle other time-
the nature of time starts to matter. You sensitive issues. A Round always represents
need to know exactly how much you can time enough to perform one action.
accomplish—and how fast.
In these cases, time is split up into Initiative
dramatic units called Rounds. This is not At the beginning of the first Round, every-
specific segment of time. A Round may one involved in a given conflict rolls their
represent mere seconds between a furious Initiative.
exchange of blows. Or instead, it can en-
compass minutes of heroic dialogue, the Initiative is Two Dice
detailed exposition of evil plans, a lengthy + bonuses & abilities (Quick)
stalemate of wits, or other posturing. All – penalties & weaknesses (Slow)
a Round represents really is enough time
for everyone to perform an action. The Players and NPCs act from highest to low-
order in which characters can do so is de- est Initiative. Should two Initiatives tie, the
termined by initiative. character rolling the most dice goes first.

If the results are still tied, refer to the next Refooting
highest result. In the rare scenario that At the beginning of every future round,
even this results in a tie, take turns rolling any character may reroll their initiative in
a die until a winning number is produced. an attempt to improve it. However, they
must keep the new result, regardless of
whether it was higher or lower than be-
“Finally we play again, Warrior
of the Mist!”
I look up from my partially complete
origami crane to see Shou perching on a Going second is no fun at all! I’ll
nearby awning. “Oh, it’s you,” I say. show Raine who’s boss by trying
to improve my initative! I roll five
With an eerie silence to be expect- dice because of my +3 Quick: 11234!
ed from an assassin, he drops to the
ground below. Shou asks if I am ready …W-Wait! That’s even worse than be-
without words. fore! Aw man! I’m still stuck going last,
after all…
I draw my swords, simultaneously slicing
my unfinished crane in half. Always.
We both roll our initiative. I get 4 dice Your Turn
after applying my +2 Quick Bonus: Finally! Your initiative has come up, and
1226, a result of 6. Even though it’s time to make a move. This is your turn,
Shou has more dice, his result of 5 fails and at this point you may wonder what
to beat mine. I go first. exactly you can do. As stated before, you
may make one action every round, wheth-
er it is attacking, running away, helping a
fallen comrade, or making emergency re-
pairs on your mecha. Defense rolls, as de-
scribed later, do not count as actions, and
are instead considered free actions.
Combat, Health, & Endurance

Free Actions
While some things require concentration
and effort, making them thus worthy of
an action, many things are not. Attacking
with a weapon is an action, but drawing
that weapon is not. Performing a detailed
search of a dresser’s contents would re-
quire an action, or even several Rounds
of actions, but scanning a room quickly
would not. If any action can be performed
instantaneously, and has no room for fail-
ure, then it is probably a free action, and
will never take up a character’s action for
a given turn. The final determination of
what is considered an action is up to the
Game Master’s discretion.

Attack! Defend!
You’ve got your wits about you, your fists More than likely, you will want to evade
(or weapon) up, and your feet in an impos- or block your opponent’s attacks. As you
ing battle stance. Now what? After pick- saw above, this is accomplished through
ing a target, let loose with an Attack Roll. the Defense Roll.

Attack Roll is Two Dice Defense Roll is Two Dice

+ bonuses, abilities, & perks + bonuses, abilities, & perks
(Agile, Combat Expert, Accurate…) (Evasive, Quick, Defensive…)
– penalties, weaknesses, & flaws – penalties, weaknesses, & flaws
(Impaired, Clumsy, Inaccurate…) (Impaired, Slow, Unwieldy…)

This roll is treated like an opposed action, The act of defending itself covers any
with your result being compared to another method that avoids or blocks an incoming
made by your opponent, the Defense Roll. If attack. Whether you back-flip out of the
you exceed this roll, you hit. If you roll less way, fend off the blow with your shield,
than or tie the Defense Roll, you do not. or simply trip at the appropriate time is
completely up to you.
You should never add Abilities that in-
crease your Damage Multiplier, like At- Some Abilities, like Barrier and Teleport,
tack or Strong, to your Attack Roll. can modify your Defense Roll.

Exact distances are not important in OVA.
It is assumed that any character can close
the gap and properly face any opponent
within a Round. However, there are times
where this is not the case. Characters in

Combat, Health, & Endurance

flying vehicles, on top of buildings, or in
other far away places are simply not in
range. Unless the character has a conve-
nient way of getting to them, such distant
opponents can only be hit with Attacks
that have the Ranged Perk.

There is no need to tarry further.

I whisper the words “Raging
Thunder” across my cherished
blade before shouting out a resound-
ing “Slash!” in time with the practiced
movements of my sword. A wave of
crackling energy forks out in front of me.
My skill with a sword gives me seven
dice ( 2234566) for an admirable
result of 12. But is it enough?

Remember, unless explicitly stated other- Damage Multiplier is 1
wise, everyone always has the opportunity + abilities & perks
to make a Defense Roll, whether they have (Attack, Strong, Effective…)
already attacked, received a complication – weaknesses & flaws
(as described later on), or otherwise lost (Weak, Ineffective…)
their next action.

An opponent’s Armored Ability can re-

Ohhhh, is Raine gonna try to duce the DX of your Attack. Abilities and
singe my eyebrows with that Weaknesses like Resistance and Vulner-
little fork in the toaster attack? ability can modify your Damage, too.
We’ll see about that! He may be skilled Should any of these modifications reduce
with the sword, but I’m just as fast on your DX below 1, treat it as 1/2 instead.
my feet!
I get to roll 7 dice, too: 2334555.
Check out all those fives! With that 15 I Tch. A miss was most unfortu-
impressively somersault out of the way nate. Now, Shou has given me
of his little lightning bolt completely. an attack in turn with a result of
Too slow, Raine-chan! Now It’s my turn! 10. I’m not quite as evasive as the an-
noyingly chipper ninja, and my 6 dice
( 123446 ) result only in 8.
If the old saying “The best defense is a Shou’s DX is 3 (1 + 2 from his Attack Abil-
good offense” reflects your combat style, ity). Since the difference between our
you may consider Countering instead of rolls is 2, I take six points of damage to
your normal Defense Roll. Countering is my Health. Barely a scratch.
a tricky business, with both great possible
risk and reward. When you do so, you Combat Complications
actually make a new attack of your own. If characters should take half or more of
The highest attack roll is the only attack their maximum Health in a single attack,
to have any effect, and it is compared to they receive a Combat Complication. This
Combat, Health, & Endurance

a Defense Roll of zero! This allows you to represents the overwhelming nature of
make an extremely effective attack, but it the blow and puts characters in a position
can also get you seriously injured. You can of disadvantage. A complication can mean
describe the maneuver as overpowering many things, but it usually falls under one
the other attack, redirecting it, dodging it of these three types.
deftly and returning fire, or simply man-
aging to strike before the opponent can. Stunned characters are knocked off
In addition to the previous risks, when guard by the force of the attack. They
Countering you also lose your next action. may be knocked down, flung into a
nearby wall, or simply dazed. Regard-
Damage less of exact circumstances, the charac-
Once a successful hit is landed on an op- ter loses their next action. If a character
ponent, Damage is calculated. For every is already losing his or her next action
point your Attack roll exceeds your oppo- through another Stunned Complication,
nent’s Defense roll, you deal your Damage Ability, or condition, there is no addi-
Multiplier (or DX). The total is then sub- tional effect.
tracted from your opponent’s Health.

Impaired characters are debilitated by For simplicity’s sake, characters knocked
the attack. The offense may inflict a crip- into an object deal Damage equivalent to
pling injury, rattle the character’s ability the Attack that Stunned them. Also, even if
to think clearly, or otherwise reduce the an item’s Health is not depleted, it may still
ability to fight. Characters who are Im- show signs of wear or become unusable.
paired receive a -1 Penalty to all actions
for the duration of the combat. Further Health & Endurance
attacks may add additional Impairments, Health will gradually wear down over the
and the effects may last after the battle at course of a fight as you take a few hard
the Game Master’s discretion. knocks. Your Endurance, on the other
Weakness/Flaw Complications cause hand, is reduced by actions you take. Feats
characters to succumb to one of their of stamina and many attacks carry with
Weaknesses or Ability Flaws. A character them an Endurance cost to use.
with Focus or Requirement may be dis- If you run out of Health, the battle is
armed or have a key item broken. Short- not over yet! Through sheer force of will,
Tempered characters may become en- you can keep on fighting. Further Dam-
raged and have poor judgment. And so on. age will take away from your Endurance
instead, but you now receive a -1 penalty
Some Perks allow an Attack to only re- to all actions, much like the Impaired
quire inflicting a quarter of a character’s Complication. Likewise, if you use up all
Health to cause a Complication, like Stun- your Endurance, further expenditures will
ning. The Flaw Feather Blow, on the other deduct from Health, and you’ll incur this
hand, makes it impossible altogether. same -1 penalty. Once both Health and
Endurance are gone, your ability to con-
Damaging Other Things tribute to the fight is over. You may fall
Whether your battle involves sparring unconscious, or tire to the point that you
martial artists or giant robots duking it give in. In any case, it’s up to your friends
out, there’s bound to be some collateral to continue the fight from here!
damage. Missed attacks will often hit some-
Even when a character is forced to use

Combat, Health, & Endurance

thing, and Stunned characters can collide
helplessly into the environs. Or you may their Endurance to absorb Damage, Com-
want to intentionally take out surround- plications are still calculated with total
ing objects, like locked doors or just stuff Health, never total Endurance.
in the way. Such things can be hand-waved
or given Difficulty Numbers, but if you Recovering
prefer to keep track of exactly how much Once in any combat, you may choose to let
damage an object can sustain before being your character recover instead of taking an ac-
destroyed, reference this chart: tion that Round. This maneuver immediately
replenishes 10 Endurance, not to exceed the
STURDINESS HEALTH character’s maximum. The actual action the
character performs is up to you, whether it’s
Flimsy (Cheap Furniture) 10
focusing ones energy, quoting axioms from
Typical (Solid Wall) 20 an old mentor, or simply having a second
wind. Once a character has taken advantage
Sturdy 40 of recovering, they may not do so again until
Reinforced (Armored Car) 80 this combat has ended.

Other Combat Actions Sometimes, the well-being of another is
While the rules presented above for at- more important to you than your own.
tacking and defending will cover most Risking life and limb, you can help a char-
conflicts, what follows is a short list of acter who has failed his or her Defense
other options that combatants may find roll. By forfeiting your next action, you
useful. may make a Defense Roll against the at-
tack as if it were made against you—and
Acting Multiple Times take any damage received as well.
Normally, you are limited to making one
action in a given Round, but by taking a Mark
Penalty to your rolls you can make two— Any successful strike in combat that would
or more! This Penalty is equivalent to the ordinarily damage an opponent may be
total number of actions being made, and turned into a Mark, a non-damaging but
it is applied to all actions until your next potentially embarrassing attack. At the
turn. While Defense Rolls do not count to attacker’s discretion, a mark can represent
this total, since they’re free actions after a taunting slap, a shot-off hat, or even a
all, they still receive the same Penalty. carved letter in clothing. This technique is
useful when you do not want to harm the
You may not compensate for a lost action
opponent or, adversely, want to enrage the
with this Penalty. If you have lost an ac-
foe into a state of carelessness.
tion due to the Stunned Complication or
an Ability Flaw like Concentration, you Run for Cover
cannot act until your next turn.
In certain situations, characters may take
advantage of their surroundings in order
Don’t Hurt Me! to better protect themselves. While fast
By forfeiting your next action and devot- and furious close-range encounters will
ing all your energies to avoid getting hurt, make much cover impractical, shoot-
you may double the number of dice in outs between distant combatants, fights
your Defense Roll. through narrow passageways, and other
Combat, Health, & Endurance

endeavors make having something to hide

If you have already lost your next action behind very useful. Characters taking ad-
due to being Stunned or an Ability Flaw, vantage of cover may add a Bonus to their
you may not double your Defense Roll. Defense rolls. However, this cover may
also impede your efforts to strike back.
Kamikaze Strike The size of these Modifiers is dependent
By forgoing all Defense Rolls until your on the quality of the cover.
next turn, you may double the number
of dice in your Attack Roll. Though this is COVER MODIFIER
surely a fearsome strike, without a defense
½ Your Size/Shoddy +1/0
roll, all attacks directed at the character
will be compared to zero. Around Your Size +2/-1
If you have already lost the privilage of Bigger than You +3/-2
Defense Rolls this Round, such as through
the Open to Attack Flaw, you may not Much Larger Impossible
perform a Kamikaze Strike.

As mentioned, characters fighting in close Wrestling
proximity can likely navigate around cov- Instead of making an attack on your
er. Enemies may simply destroy it as well. turn, you may indicate that you intend to
grapple with your opponent. Any success-
Submission Attack ful attack roll immediately entwines you
If any attack deals enough damage to reduce together in a grab, entangle, chokehold,
both Health and Endurance to zero, the or some other inhibiting move. While no
striking character may instead opt to make damage is dealt this turn, on future turns,
a Submission Attack. This move puts the op- you and your opponent may only attack
ponent in a very undesirable position, such each other. Instead of an action, grappled
as a sharp blade to the throat or anything opponents may state that they are trying
else that guarantees a measure of obedi- to break free. Contested rolls (with Abili-
ence. This technique is useful to gain infor- ties like Strong or Evasive) are made, and
mation out of an opponent, obtain a hos- success means the hold is broken.
tage, or just cruelly play around with other
combatants. However, it may be possible for If you want to truly stop someone in
characters held by a Submission Attack to their tracks, you should make an Attack
turn the tables, pending on circumstances with the Paralyzing Perk instead.
and ultimately the GM’s discretion.

While sometimes combatants will an- Changing How Combat Works
nounce themselves honorably to each OVA makes a few assumptions about
other, there are times where getting the the kind of story you’re telling—that
jump on your opponents is more advanta- it’s one prone to flashy bouts between
geous. If you ever come upon your oppo- good and evil and probably an explosion
nent unaware, whether through chance or or two. But that’s not the only kind. If
deliberate sneaking attempts—with Abili- your game is about high-school ro-
ties like Quick and Art of Invisibility—you mance or adjusting to life a rural town,
blow-to-blow accounts of fighting sim-

Combat, Health, & Endurance

may initiate a fight and be the exclusive
party to attack in the first Round! ply aren’t necessary. You just need to
While they cannot act, surprised char- know if the bully stuffs you in the lock-
acters can still perform free actions like er, or how that tussle with the peevish
Defense Rolls. However, they receive a cat went.
Penalty to all actions during the first round Treat it as an opposed roll instead.
equivalent to their state of awareness: Simply roll all dice you think will apply to
the fight (even Tough and Frail), and your
Alert and ready (-1) Characters are opponent does the same. The winner is
probably armed and, though caught the winner and gets his or her way.
off guard, on the lookout for trouble. On the other hand, if you want
Casual (-2) Characters are fully ac- combat to be a darker, grittier affair,
tive but not expecting danger. you can cut down on the default Health
Unaware (-3) Characters may be rest- and Endurance (even by half). Not only
ing, asleep, or deeply invested in a task. will each blow smart that much more,
complications will be easier to inflict—
Once the surprise Round ends, combat is and receive.
conducted as normal.

Other Ways to Get Hurt
As in real life, there are many ways to get Permanent Structure +4
hurt besides being party to an outright Weaker Object -1
fight. This is especially true in many anime
settings, where potential harm can lurk around every Tougher Object +1 to +3
Other Modifiers -1 to +3
Crashing, Colliding, & Ramming
Should a vehicle come abruptly into con- Characters will always receive half this
tact with another object—whether by damage from the trauma of the impact.
accident or an intentional ramming ma-
neuver—it will receive damage based on Hey, Look! I was minding my
a variety of factors. Much like if they were own business, riding my motor-
attacked, characters must make a Defense cycle like always, all right? Okay,
Roll versus the appropriate DN. Include maybe I ran that red light back there, but
Quick, Pilot, and any other Abilities that this cop is crazy! You think he might give
logically apply. If the collision has come me a ticket or something, but no! This guy
about due to a roll the character has al- pulls out the biggest gun I’ve ever seen
ready failed, use that result instead. and opens fire! I try to jet the heck out
of here, but since I’m being shot at and
SPEED OF IMPACT DN all, I may have oversteered a little. Now
Sunday Driving 2 my bike is skidding out of control! My
unimpressive roll of 3 will have to do for
Rolling Along 4 this crash. I was going pretty darn fast,
so the DN is 8. A difference of 5. Ouch!
Brisk Clip 6
Thankfully I didn’t run into anything
Speed Demon 8 in particular, so the DX of 1 does little
more than scrape up my paint job (5 x 1,
Combat, Health, & Endurance

Breakneck 10
5 Damage) and maybe a boo-boo on my
What Were You Thinking? 15 elbow (5 x ½, rounded to 3). But even
so, it’d take me a bit to get this bike go-
ing again, and where do I go to get away
If two vehicles collide head on, consider from this nut? I think I might better
what their combined speed would be. Like- hoof it instead, so I dive into a narrow
wise, if they are going the same direction, passage between these two buildings...
only consider the difference between speeds.

Even if the character succeeds at this De- Falling

fense Roll, the collision is not averted; the Falling from great heights is a danger all
vehicle simply escapes with no more than too real for the adventurous—and even
superficial damage. the not so adventurous. This is handled
After this roll, the character’s vehicle much like crashing, you even use the same
receives Damage. The Damage Multi- DX table, but there’s no vehicle to protect
plier is determined by a variety of factors. you from Damage, and what you hit is
Compare to the following chart, adding almost always a +4 DX Permanent Struc-
bonuses and penalties to a DX of one. ture, the ground. For Damage, compare a

roll of Agile and other applicable Ability Gag Damage
dice to a Difficulty Number below. Multi- Often in anime, characters possess a
ply that by the fall’s DX. remarkable ability to survive dreadful
injuries for the sake of a laugh. You can
DISTANCE FALLEN DN just role-play such situations out, but if
Missed a Step 2 you want to give them more mechani-
cal significance, characters can take Gag
A Good Jump 4 Damage. Gag Damage works as Damage
always does. Calcuate it the same way and
Challenging Drop 6 even inflict complications as appropri-
Difficult to Manage 8 ate. However, this Damage, and any ef-
fects from it, wear off in a short amount
That’s a Long Way Down... 10 of time: a few minutes of story-time or a
few rounds in combat. Even if a character
Nobody Could Survive That! 15
receives enough Gag Damage, or enough
combined Gag and normal Damage, to re-
Due to the inescapable anime law that one duce Health and Endurance to zero, the
can jump many times one’s own height, incapacitation is short-lived.
you can allow characters to hop about as
they please and only resort to falling Dam- Game Masters can use Gag Damage to
age for accidents or extreme drops. represent any sort of short-lived injury.

Combat, Health, & Endurance

Similarly to combat, the game is split
Draining Endurance into Rounds whenever a character contin-
Like Health, there are reasons outside of ues an activity over time. Each round, oth-
combat that can drain your Endurance. ers have time to complete one action. The
Many trials will test your fortitude as op- exact amount of time that passes is in-
posed to your raw toughness. Even a hulk- constant, and ultimately up to the Game
ing warrior can succumb to these dangers! Master’s discretion. Each round, after the
first, the character loses Endurance. How
Tests of Stamina quickly this happens depends on the ini-
Endurance is a measure of your vitality tial difficulty of the task.
and energy, and as such, is vitally impor-
tant for any extended mode of action, DIFFICULTY ENDURANCE
whether it involves holding up a collaps- Easy 5
ing ceiling, running a marathon, or simply
remaining perfectly still. Challenging 10
Initially, none of these activities re-
quire any use of Endurance. But as time Difficult 20
passes, fatigue sets in. The weight be-
comes too much, the race too hard, or the Once Endurance reaches zero, the character
urge to sneeze too much to ignore. must abruptly give up. The ceiling falls in as
the character steps away, the racer pauses
for a catch of breath, and hiding is forsaken
in favor of regaining feeling in numb limbs.

Pressing On
Sometimes, carrying on is more impor-
tant than one’s well-being. By successfully
making a Willpower roll against a Chal-
lenging (6) Difficulty Number, a character
may press on. Further Endurance is now
Combat, Health, & Endurance

subtracted from Health. Should this be

exhausted, characters fall unconscious.
The character remains inside as the build-
ing collapses, crumples in a heap as racers
run past and over, or makes a big scene
fainting into plain view.

Drowning, Suffocation, & Other Dangers

In some cases, a character cannot press on
even if they want to. A character can only
hold their breath for so long or resist the
effects of smoke or dangerous gasses so
much. Should you find yourself trapped,
forced, or stuck underwater, in a giant
gelatinous mass, a sleep-inducing fog, or
some other space with compromised air,
you run the risk of succumbing to it.

Like with other tests of stamina, how A Healer’s Aid Those trained in the
fast you lose Endurance is determined by Heal Ability can provide the most ef-
how difficult the task (in this case, breath- ficient recovery of Health when true
ing) is, and uses the same chart. rest is not obtainable. See the Heal
However, whenever Endurance runs Ability for details on how it works.
out, the character immediately falls un- Short Respite If no other method
conscious. Characters cannot press on. is available to you, you can still recover
Generally, characters will never die from some from your injuries. By finding a
drowning or suffocating but may be incon- significant chunk of rest, a few hours
venienced in a major way. Washing ashore in story-time at least, you can gain
in an isolated place, being out of action back Health. Simply roll two dice, and
for the rest of the adventure, or catching your Vigorous dice should you have
a cold when you eventually make it out of it, and add the result to your Health.
the mess are just a few of the possibilities. Once you have recovered Health in
this way, you may not do so again until
If a character does not spend longer than a the next day.
Round without air, you should not bother
noting its Endurance cost. Quick repeated Recovering Endurance
dives underwater, darts into a smoke-filed Unlike Health, Endurance is fairly easy to
room, and other short tasks should not af- recover. All that is needed is a short pe-
fect a character’s Endurance. riod of rest, around 30 minutes to an hour
in the story, and all Endurance is regained.
If you are consistently thrown from
Healing and Rest one dire situation to the next, then this
With so many things out there to cause opportunity is not available. However,
pain, one might lose hope surviving at all. like in combat, you may spend an action
Luckily, there are many ways to recover to “recover” 10 Endurance. This may not
from the injuries and ills suffered during repeated for a significant amount of time,
the course of adventures. at the GM’s discretion.

Combat, Health, & Endurance

Recovering Health Injuries and the Story
Health can be restored in several ways. While the abstract totals of Health can be
reduced, restored, and otherwise altered
Between Adventures All Health is with abandon, there are times when in-
automatically regained after an adven- juries become more integral to the story.
ture has ended. If you can make it to Should Players and the Game Master wish
the end of the story, there is little to it, certain conditions may only be healed
worry about besides glorying in victory as the story permits. Broken limbs, near-
or grousing in defeat. mortal wounds, mysterious illnesses, and
A Good Night’s Sleep Due to the other woes may only be resolved through
amazing physics of cinematic story- time—or adventures of their own!
telling, almost all injuries can be cured
with a full night’s rest. Other long
pauses in a game’s narrative can also
provide the opportunity to recover lost
Health. Such things are at the discre-
tion of the Game Master.


Appearance Personality

Other Notes


Combat Stats
roll dx end

roll dx end
Character Record

roll dx end

roll dx end

defense health endurance tv


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