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1. Check scene safety

Rationale: To ensure that surrounding is safe thus prevent more casualties
2. Check victim's responsiveness
a. Pedia- *Tap shoulders * “Hey! Hey! Are you all right?”
b. Infant- stimulate foot (kilitiin)

Rationale: We do not perform CPR to conscious patient

3. Open the airway
Do the head tilt -chin lift maneuver (straightens airway)
Rationale: To allow free flow air during CPR and rescue breaths
4. Determine if the victim is breathing and has a pulse
a. Pedia
Breathing- Padaanin hand from nose-mouth/ place palm on chest
Pulse- Carotid artery on your side of the victim’s neck
b. Infant
Breathing- Padaanin hand from nose-mouth/ place palm on chest
Pulse- Brachial artery on inside of the victim’s upper arm
Rationale: Indication that their heart is not working properly and need CPR
5. Call for help
“Help! Help! I have a victim here who is not breathing and no pulse, you with
a blue shirt, call 911”
Rationale: Because we must not leave the patient
6. Send for AED
“You with a Violet skirt, look for an AED and immediately send it back
Rationale: Because we do not leave patient
Note: Start CPR while waiting for AED
7. Start CPR
a. Pedia
- 2 inches deep
- 2 hands on lower half of the breastbone
- 30 CC (5 cycles)
- After 1 cycle, Head tilt and chin lift, pinch nose observe chest rise & fall then;
- 2 rescue breaths in mouth
a. Infant
- 1.5 inches deep
- 2 fingers on lower half of the breastbone
- 30 CC (5 cycles)
- After 1 cycle, Head tilt and chin lift, pinch nose observe chest rise & fall then;
- 2 rescue breaths in mouth & nose after 1 cycle
Rationale: To keep oxygen flowing in and out of the lungs
Note: Do not interrupt compressions by more than 10 seconds
8. Use AED
- Open
- Turn On
- Dry chest if wet
- Remove med patches
- Open Pads
- Check for pacemaker
- Apply pads
 Pedia- 1st : upper right chest above the breast; 2nd: lower left chest below
the arm
 Infant- 1st : front of the chest; 2nd: to the back
- Ensure proper wire attachment
- Move away (to not alter heart rhythm reading)
- If message states “Shock”:
“I am clear, You are clear, Everybody clear (Press and hold the
flashing shock button until the shock is delivered) Shock!”
Rationale: To analyze the heart rhythm and deliver an electric shock thus restore
the heart rhythm to normal
9. Do the recovery position
Rationale: To keep their airway clear and open

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