Honorary Council Democrats Prepare Check Anas Urban Ing Rum and Fullfil Call KPK

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Timur Abimanyu,SH.


Honorary Council Democrats Prepare Check Anas Urbaningrum and Fulfill Call KPK

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Honorary Board indicated it is willing to call the Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum if you have gone through the examination as witnesses by the KPK. Before calling posted to Anas, DK Democrats will analyze news related to scheduled inspection by the Commission today. "Just (Anas Urbaningrum) the legal process just yet," Everett Eernest DK ujaranggota Mangindaan, after attending a hearing as Minister for Administrative Reform II together with the Commission at Parliament House on Thursday (22 / 9). Today KPK chairman called Anas Urbaningrum Democrats for questioning as a witness in the bribery case Pensions SEA Games Athletes who make the ex-cadre of Democrats, M Nazaruddin as a suspect. Anas and Nazaruddin been known to have a company together, PT Nusantara and PT Anugerah State Crown. Mangindaan asserts that in addition to Anas, DK Democrats have memintai clarification of cadres who stuck with Nazaruddin problematic. They are Angelina Sondakh, Mirwan, Saan Mustopa, and Jhonny Allen Marbun. "What was called the Commission, all have been called DK, an important process hukumknya kept walking," he added. Anas Urbaningrum Fulfill Call KPK. Jakarta (ANTARA) - DPP Chairman of the Democratic Party, Anas Urbaningrum, Thursday KPK summons for questioning on the alleged corruption Solar Power Generation project at the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration. "I just do duty as good citizens," said Anas briefly when entering the KPK building in Jakarta, Thursday (22 / 9). Anas went to the KPK at 11:00 am wearing a white shirt. Anas Urbaningrum name mentioned by the former treasurer of the Democratic Party, Muhammad Anas Nazaruddin that served as one of the leaders of PT Anugerah Archipelago. Nazaruddin stated Anas has served as one of the leaders at PT Anugerah Nusantara, a subsidiary of the Group Permai Manpower bidding on the project. In cases of alleged corruption PLTS project which cost Rp8, 9 billion that the commission has set Timas Ginting and Neneng Sri Wahyuni as a suspect. Neneng is still at large was the wife of Nazaruddin, while Timas been detained by KPK. Nazaruddin arrested in Colombia by Colombian police after the Indonesian Police Headquarters (Police Headquarters) issued a letter or a document called "red notice". Based on the red notice, then Nazaruddin expressed as an international fugitive, wanted by the police so that members of the International Police or nterpol. Former members of the MPR / DPR is then taken home by a joint team consisting of, among others, the Commission, and Attorney General Police Headquarters.Nazaruddin then detained at the Mobile Brigade headquarters in Kelapa Dua, Bogor. Nazaruddin also allegedly involved in the construction of housing projects in Jakabaring SEA Games athletes, Palembang estimated project value of almost reach Rp00 billion.


Commission should act even harder, so that no impression be in the realm of gray, given Ginting and Neneng Sri Wahyuni as a suspect and Nazaruddin, other witnesses such as Anas, M andi engilena and be appointed as the defendant. Please note that the crime of corruption as a crime can dikatagori corporations with threats of punishment at least a life sentence, if Indonesia wants the country to completely eradicate corruption which owns the punishment a deterrent to the perpetrators.


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